Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1,156 Return

The conversation between Star-Lord and Lin Rui lasted for half an hour before it ended. In fact, Lin Rui had nothing to say to Star-Lord afterwards. However, Star-Lord always wanted to know more about Ego. However, although Lin Rui did not answer many questions, just the confirmation that Ego was his father was enough to make Star-Lord have a lot of thoughts.

As Lin Rui, who understands what Ego is and what his purpose is in coming to save Star-Lord. In order to make Star-Lord not to trust his father so easily, he tried his best to use tactful words in the conversation just now to portray an image of an irresponsible father to Ego, just to make Star-Lord not to be so close to him. Perhaps, because of Lin Rui's words just now, Star-Lord has developed a resentment towards Ego and will not leave with him.

"Jackson, I'll go back first. The Dawn needs urgent repairs. Rocket Raccoon probably can't handle it alone." After the chat, Star-Lord no longer had the previous eagerness and said to Lin Rui in front of him. .

"Well, you go back first. However, I think Mr. Stark and the others will be able to help." Lin Rui said with a smile when Star-Lord got up and left.

After hearing Lin Rui's words, Star-Lord paused in turning around, and then left with Gamora. After Star-Lord and Gamora left the cockpit, Peter, who had been standing next to Lin Rui, had eyes flashing thoughtfully.

"Jackson, um...Ego, is there something wrong?" Just when Lin Rui's eyes turned from the passage of the cockpit to the starry sky outside the glass, Peter suddenly asked.

Star-Lord and Lin Rui are not very close, but Peter has known Lin Rui for a long time, and he knows his magical friend quite well. From Lin Rui's conversation with Star-Lord just now, Peter decided that Lin Rui had something to hide, and the hidden part should be some things about Ego that were difficult to explain.

Lin Rui's expression did not change when he heard Peter's inquiry. Lin Rui was not surprised at all that Peter could hear the concealment in his conversation just now.

"Peter, how would you feel if I told you...that Egg...he's not actually human?"

Peter: "...?!"

Hearing Lin Rui's rhetorical question, Peter's eyes showed shock and confusion. What does it mean to not be a human being? That Egg is obviously an alien, but aliens are people too! Moreover, Egg doesn’t look like a very strange alien, so why can’t he be considered a human?

"Forget it, I won't tell you these things anymore. After this incident is over, Star-Lord still has to walk his own path. All I can do is remind him." Seeing Peter's surprised expression, Lin Rui shook his head He shook his head and said.


Lin Rui sat quietly on his chair and looked at the empty starry sky outside the cockpit. Different from the starry sky seen on the earth, in the universe, without the interference of the earth's atmosphere, the starry sky in front of Lin Rui is more real, and the feeling of being close before his eyes is more shocking.

"The universe... is an endless starry sky, waiting for us to explore..."

After a while, everyone who had left the cockpit came back one after another. Several members of the Guardians of the Galaxy have returned to the Dawn, and they will also drive the Dawn and the E-class aerospace battleship back to Earth. With the help of Tony, Dr. Banner and Hank the Beast, Rocket Raccoon repaired the Dawn to the point where it could carry out basic navigation within an hour.

Rocket Raccoon, a tech geek, was also surprised by the technology of these three science geniuses from Earth. In Rocket Raccoon's view, the three Tonys are all real geniuses. If they were in the universe, they would definitely achieve high achievements. After all, Tony was able to develop centuries-old technology in an environment like the Earth, and he would definitely be able to emit more light after leaving the Earth.

"How is your recovery? Can you open the space portal?" After everyone on the Earth side returned to the cockpit, Tony asked Lin Rui, who was still "appreciating" the starry sky.

After hearing Tony's words, Lin Rui, whose eyes reflected the countless stars outside, blinked and then turned around.

"Well, no problem, you all are ready."

After Lin Rui finished speaking, everyone else in the cockpit quickly found their respective positions and firmly fixed themselves on their seats. Everyone who has experienced a space portal knows how fast the E-class aerospace battleship will explode at that moment, so in order to reduce the discomfort, it is better to tie it up tightly.

"Star-Lord, are you ready? There may be only one chance." After everyone on the earth was ready, Lin Rui began to connect to the Dawn, which had flown behind the E-class aerospace battleship.

"Get ready. The engine level of the Dawn itself is higher than that of your spaceship. Although it is damaged, it can still keep up with you. Don't worry." After hearing Lin Rui's question, Star-Lord's answer was quickly transmitted come over.

"Okay, pay attention to synchronization." Lin Rui also trusted Star-Lord and his Dawn, so he responded and started to prepare.

Then, Lin Rui stood up from the chair. Although Lin Rui has become more proficient in using the Rubik's Cube, he is still not able to open a space portal in front of him while sitting in the cockpit. So, he still has to go out.

"I'm out." After quickly arming himself with the steel suit, Lin Rui looked at the people surrounding him and said hello.



A minute later, Lin Rui, who had put on the steel suit again, was already holding a Rubik's Cube and hovering in front of the E-class aerial battleship. Waves of slight spatial energy fluctuations surged outward from the Rubik's Cube. And Jarvis has already adjusted the status of the E-class aerospace battleship, and can burst through the space portal at the fastest speed at any time.

"The coordinates... position of the Earth..." Suspended in the universe, Lin Ruizai carefully determined the coordinates of the Earth's universe.

Then, Lin Rui threw the Rubik's Cube to the top with one throw of his right hand.


A few seconds later, amid a strong fluctuation of space energy, the E-class aerospace battleship and the Dawn turned into two rays of light of different colors and rushed into the space crack ahead. After both spacecraft rushed in, the space crack quickly narrowed and finally disappeared.

After the E-class aerospace battleship and the Dawn left the starry sky, only the small pure white oval spaceship belonging to Igo was left here. Because Star-Lord and the others were unable to detect the situation in the spacecraft, they believed that there were no other pilots in it, so they naturally abandoned it.

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