I Am In Marvel

Chapter 691


Looking at the two companions who were seriously injured, Aaron’s handsome face became very ugly, “You damn it!”

Following his inner anger, the flames on his right hand continued to burn and grow, so that the temperature in the bar gradually increased.

“Old bastard, you are also a mutant, please turn me into ashes completely!” Aaron growled, right hand pushed forward, and the flame turned into a burst of fire in his hand, moved towards still facing away from his apocalypse Boom.

“Too young.” Apocalypse shook the head, and still did not see any action from him. The flame was about half a meter away from his thin and short body, and was directly blocked by a protective cover, and then visible with naked eye. The speed goes out.

Well, one less! I like to ask everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan is the fastest to update.

“It’s impossible!” Aaron looked at the Apocalypse unbelievably, then moved his hands to condense a large flame and blast forward. Under the exclamation of John and Shirley, the big flame ball that was enough to burn down the bar was turned around by the apocalypse and directly squeezed with a dry hand, a little fire star splashed out of the fingers!

“This …” Aaron looked pale, possessing a powerful mutant ability such as fire control, and he was always proud of himself. At this time, facing the old elderly in front of him, he felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

Fuck, it’s one more missing! Zhai Shu Yuan, the latest chapter updated soon!

“Did I let you go?” Apocalypse reached out with a finger, and Aaron took a few steps, and his body was fixed, like a statue.

“Come here.” Apocalypse stretched out his hand, Aaron was pulled by a mysterious power, and the back of his neck was caught by Apocalypse, like a chicken.

“You, you …” Aaron’s teeth trembled as Ka Ka screamed, Zhang opened his mouth speechless, and his body was paralyzed. Too terrifying, there is no power to fight back, this mutant exists for the first time!

So far, he hasn’t figured out what mutant ability the old man is using now!

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().


This horrible existence is just a thug?

Aaron is skeptical of life. Looking at the young and decent Caesar, he can’t believe that he will fall into this situation.

Shirley didn’t even think about it. In her opinion, the three people who seemed to be powerful demons were in the hands of the old man next to Caesar, as vulnerable as a baby. This made her looked towards Caesar’s eyes, and the brighter and hotter she became, the more she did not engrave her love in her eyes.

John is unperturbed. Knowing Caesar’s identity, and guessing the former identity of the old man next to him, he knows that the brother really kicked on the iron plate this time-no, it should be kicked on a big mountain.

“I ask, you answer.” Caesar sipped his wine and looked at Aaron, “Are you a brother?”

“Yes, yes.” Aaron was a little bit dry, feeling that he could not answer well, or showing a slight disrespect, and the Apocalypse behind him would pinch his neck at any time.

Caesar looked at him in surprise, “When did the brother fall into this kind of Hooligan organization that collects protection fees?”

Brother Company was originally created by Magneto. It fights for the future of Mutant. The inner Mutant members are self-conceited and independent. They have been pressing the X-Men created by Charles to death. Didn’t expect now Members have come out to collect protection fees-this is more than a grade lower.

Aaron is silent and doesn’t know what to say.

“Sir, you don’t know.” John at the bar whispered softly: “Ten years ago, since the government introduced laws to recognize mutants and the public gradually accepted mutants, the brothers have basically disappeared, leaving only a few of them. Reorganized the current brother company. It is also the largest mutant gang in New York. “

“Oh, Eric isn’t even in Brother?” Caesar asked casually.

John nodded, “Yes. I heard he’s gone, and no one knows his whereabouts and whereabouts.”

Aaron stared at Caesar, and of course he knew who Eric was. That was one of the strongest mutants in the world who was the former president of the Brother company. But anyone would call him Magneto, only the young people now know him by name.

“Who is your current president?” Caesar continued to ask.

“It’s Angel.” Aaron’s words were respectful, but he was thinking about them, and he would let him go after hearing Angel’s name.

“Long Angel?” Caesar looked strange, looking towards Apocalypse. Remember that Angel was a former servant of the Apocalypse?

His servant’s servant?

Caesar drank the wine in the glass, looked at Aaron, and whispered, “I don’t care what the rules of the brother are now. In the future, I’m covered by Caesar. If you dare anyone to come here, I don’t mind letting The apocalypse passed and destroyed you. “

“Caesar, Apocalypse …” Hearing these two names, Aaron sucked in a breath of cold air, and his hair was tingling. He finally remembered that there were two people who had surpassed the ranks of mutants more than a decade ago, and they were taboos!

“This is ancient music, and the money for the bar damaged item.” Caesar put a few large denominations on the bar, got up, walked toward the door, “Go, Apocalypse.”

“Yes, Lord.” The apocalypse threw Aaron at will, and Aaron flew out, knocking over a wine table, and finally fiercely hit a wall on one side, his eyes rolling over in a coma.

Reluctantly watching Caesar and Apocalypse, Shirley looked towards the money on the table, looking at John aside, “Dad, this …”

“Take it away, the gentleman is not short of money,” John groaned. “In the future, brother won’t even bother us again.”

“Because the gentleman named Caesar?” Shirley held the dollar bill in her hands, feeling the remaining temperature in it, and asked blushing.

“Yes. His word is easier to use than anything.” John was filled with emotion.

After Kaia and Apocalypse left for a while, the wooden portal was pushed away again. The young man wearing silver sunglasses and the crazy woman with silver hair entered the bar lobby. It was the radiant eyes that came from the genius teen Academy. Kurt and Storm Woman Harley.

Both are teachers of the Mutant Academy and members of the X-Men.

“Here, what’s happening?” Scott asked, surprised, glancing at a messy bar and the members of the three brothers company that fell to the ground.

“You came a little late, and the matter here has been resolved.” Recognizing them, John responded with a smile.

“Who is it? It seems that the Fireman, Stoneman, and Hedgehog were easily solved.” Harry tightly knit, if the mutant not to be trifled with appears in New York, it will be troublesome.

“It’s Mr. Caesar.” John said with a smile.

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

John said again, “Superman, the god of mutant, Mr. Caesar!”

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