I Am In Marvel

Chapter 692

“At that time, I was only about ten years old. Now, I’m almost dying.” Charles talked about his past, his eyes narrowed, and his face had a gentle expression.

“We are all old.” Assau laughed, standing straight and wearing a gentleman suit, but his dreadlocks were also white.

“It is estimated that Caesar is still the same.” Charles said with emotion, “Thinking about it, I have not seen him for 12 years, and I do n’t know what he is doing now.”

“Master, always on the high seat.” Assazo’s words were in awe of awe.

Charles ordered nodded, “Okay, you go to rest first, I’ll sit down and sleep.”

“Okay.” Asazu turned into a mass of red inflammation, which dissipated in the room instantly.

Charles continued to look at the window scenery in a daze, and after a while, the pace sounded again in the room behind him.

“Azazzo, why are you back …” Charles glanced sideways, suddenly shocked, his words stopped abruptly, and his squinting eyes widened suddenly, as if to see something incredible.

“Hey, Charles.” The young handsome blond youth raised his hand to say hello to him, as he had when he was young.

“Kay, Caesar.”

Charles entered the aged body, suddenly filled with the spirit and vitality of his youth, looked at Caesar excitedly, and then sighed and sneered, “I thought I couldn’t see you anymore until I died. . “

“Your days are still alive.” Caesar could see at a glance. Although Charles was old and lacking vitality, his spirit was close to God, and he could continue to survive even if he changed his body.

“With your mutant ability. I can teach you how to take someone else’s body and live forever.” Apocalypse came out from behind Caesar, a wrinkled smile on his face.

“Apocalypse.” Charles narrowed his pupils, looked cautiously at the old man behind Caesar, and grinned, “Forget it. It’s good enough to live this life.”

He thought, looking towards Caesar, “You came to me suddenly, not to see me specially.”

“What do you say.” Caesar glanced at him.

Charles said leisurely: “In the second female dormitory, in the single room on the third floor next to the right hand.”

“I still use you to say?” Caesar’s body moved, and he had disappeared into the room, leaving a sentence, “Apocalypse, help me to see Charles, this old bastard, I really like idea peeping.”

“Yes, master.” Apocalypse stared at Charles.

Charles smiled bitterly, “Where I have it, it’s all about my youth.”

Girls’ dormitory, the personal dormitory referred to by Charles.

The portal is closed, but the window is open, and bright moonlight and white snowflakes fall on the windowsill.

In the big pink bed, red long hair spread out like a flower on the bed, a beautiful woman lying quietly on it, just sleeping is a beautiful picture. She brows slightly wrinkle, a subtle but powerful spirit, unconsciously flooding the room.

Caesar’s movements are so fast that they are almost teleporting and appear in the room without warning.

The delicate sense of power against all outsiders, when facing him, fails to be silent as usual. Instead, close to him, rippling and flowing.

“didn’t expect, in addition to replacing the body, to see Carter Page during World War II, I still have to secretly see my apprentice.” Caesar laughed bitterly in his heart, when his eyes fell on the woman on the bed Eyes couldn’t be moved immediately.

Qin is wearing simple close-fitting pajamas. Because of the free spiritual protection, let alone creatures, even the cold air outside at night cannot get in, so she only covered a thin quilt, but did not completely cover her body, exposing curvaceous. Lithe and graceful body, but also a little Xu Chunguang.

Not seen for twelve years.

At that time, the shy Little Luoli, who didn’t stick to him, didn’t expect, and also became a long-skinned white lady.

Little Phoenix, finally grown up.

Caesar’s heart was more sighed. He came to the bed and sat down, pulled up the corner of the quilt and covered it gently.

Qin showed no signs of waking up, but after Caesar approached, she kept frowning slightly, soothing like never before, and falling asleep at ease.

Caesar looked at Qin like this for a long time. For a long time, he didn’t know how long it was before he suddenly stood up again.

It’s time to go.

Sooner or later, he is not here after all.

Caesar turned and was about to leave the girl’s bedroom. At this moment, a voice sounded suddenly, like a thunder blasting in his ear,

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

The snow outside at night is even greater at this time.

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