I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 301: Be loyal to your ideals, why fear death?

Hupo Research Institute.


The sealed core area was in a mess, with rubble and broken metal fragments everywhere.

In just one hour, Feng Qi led a group of students to completely control the area.

The memory of the previous timeline made him very familiar with the structural layout of the Hupo Research Institute. This raid was so unexpected that even the subordinate battle groups stationed at the Hupo Research Institute were not aware of their actions.

The only resistance is the Night Shadow Clan.

But the Yeying Clan's demise is doomed.

After the battle, everyone gathered near the console.

Feng Qi, who had lost his blood source form, returned to his combat form. He was now standing in front of the dead members of the Yeying Clan, stretched out his gloved right hand, and began to outline a formation to absorb blood.

Using the gloves as a traction, the spiritual energy emerging from inside moved forward along his finger pointing, leaving a trail of spiritual energy.

When the trajectory of the qi and blood absorption spell was formed, masses of qi and blood emerged from the dead Yeying clansman, and continued to enter his body under the pull of the qi and blood absorption spell array.

This method of restoring vitality and blood is very troublesome compared to obtaining kills in the main timeline.

But Feng Qi is already very satisfied with the fact that he can borrow the talents of the main timeline at the expense of himself, and he doesn't expect anything else.

At the same time, he was now basically certain of one thing.

When he kills domain creatures on the sacrifice line, he obviously cannot completely erase the killed lives from the multidimensional time and space like he can in the main timeline.

The narrator once said that the ability to erase is related to the ability to absorb talents.

On the sacrifice line, he couldn't extract the natural ability by killing domain creatures, so there was no such thing as erasure.

As clouds of blood mist poured into the body, the blood color gradually appeared in the shriveled heart and began to beat slowly.

"Brother Qi, how should they deal with it?"

Hearing Lin Ran's cry, he turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a group of humans wearing tiger research uniforms standing by the wall not far from the control desk. They could not hide the fear in their eyes.

"Hold on!"

After taking the last mass of blood mist into his body, Feng Qi clenched his fist fiercely.

The special gloves immediately stopped spewing spiritual energy and entered a standby state.

Feng Qi walked into the room next to him at this moment.

In a flash of thought, he switched to human form.

Rich energy and blood immediately surged out from his heart and enveloped his whole body. Flesh and blood were rapidly generated as the blood mist spread. In the blink of an eye, he returned to his flesh and blood body.

He came to the closet in the room and stood in front of it. After taking out a brand new set of clothes, he immediately chose to put them on.

After walking out of the room, he walked straight to the room of the Yeying clan leader not far away.

Entering the room, the decoration in front of you can be described as extremely luxurious.

I saw that the walls of the room were covered with high-level spiritual stones of various attributes, arranged to form a spiritual lock array, and the entire room was filled with the substantial mist spiritual energy.

If an ordinary person who has never been exposed to cultivation science enters this room, he can feel the increase in physical strength by taking a deep breath.

In addition, the potted plants planted on the south side of the room are all the top spiritual plants that humans can obtain at this stage.

The ground is inlaid with precious gems of various colors, and mist of various colors shines under the light.

The furnishings on the bedside table are all top-notch resources, and even the liquid placed in the water dispenser in the north of the room is precious and rare spiritual spring.

These top-level resources are very scarce, and Hupo Research Institute usually has to use them sparingly when carrying out various researches. After all, the allocated share is limited, but it was wasted like this by the Yeying clan leader.

At this moment he came to the desk.

On the desk is a drawing of the concept of a super spell. In the center of the drawing is a ferocious eight-armed Shura. Each of Shura's arms holds a weapon of different shapes.

"Version 2.0" is printed on the upper right corner of the drawing.

Compared with other powerful clans' future plans and layouts, the Yeying clan's future plans are very simple and crude, and they want to use brute force to participate in the final racial struggle for hegemony.

The idea of ​​the Night Shadow Clan's super spell is also very simple.

They want to create a super spell that can connect the power of all people together.

The eight-armed Shura in the concept is huge and can accommodate all the Yeying clan members. At that time, different Yeying clan members will control different body parts of the eight-armed Shura to fight.

The most powerful among them is the weapon on each arm of the Eight-Armed Shura, which has different characteristics and is extremely lethal.

There are many problems that need to be solved to create this technique.

For example, a spell that allows people to communicate spiritually, or a fusion spell that prevents energy conflicts between people, etc.

Creating this super spell requires multiple links. To be more precise, the idea of ​​this super spell is a combination of multiple spells.

From the concept on the drawing, it can be seen that the blue energy body covering the Yeying clan leader is not even the prototype of the "Eight-Armed Shura".

Feng Qi was not interested in this super technique.

At this moment, he reached out and picked up the tablet computer placed on the desk.

After waking up the screen, he entered a string of passwords.

After entering the interface, multiple options lists appear.

During the time when the Yeying clan infiltrated into the Hupo Research Institute, the entire clan developed rapidly and learned many things.

For example, planning for the future and recording important events.

At this point he pressed "Task List".

Immediately, relevant information emerged, which detailed the recent mission planning and arrangements of the Yeying Clan.

After filtering out the tasks that had been completed, he looked at the tasks being performed by the members of the Night Shadow Clan on the tablet.

After memorizing the above content in detail, he stepped out of the room of the Yeying clan leader.

After arriving at Lin Ran's position and standing still, Feng Qi cast his eyes on the crowd standing by the wall with expressions of fear on their faces.

The identities of these people are not domain creatures, but researchers and staff of the Hupo Research Institute.

Most of them are mentally controlled by the Night Shadow clan and cannot help themselves.

After all the members of the Night Shadow Tribe died in battle, the mental control connected to them was interrupted, and clarity returned to their eyes.

But there are exceptions.

Among them are human traitors like Director Liu who are willing to surrender to the Yeying Clan.

Without the intelligence from the previous timeline, he would obviously be helpless in the face of this situation, and he wouldn't even be able to tell who the human traitor is.

But luckily, his intelligence included a list of the Night Shadow clan's names for mind-controlling and enslaving humans.

In the last sacrifice line, when he was managing the Hupo Research Institute for his old fan, he asked Ye Laoer to get this list.

Maybe Ye Laoer didn't understand why he wanted this list.

But for Feng Qi, this list is of great significance.

Although he would definitely not need it in that timeline, he knew at that time that he would definitely need it in another time.

In every sacrifice line, he never considers the problem from the perspective of "me", but from the perspective of other subsequent timelines and the main timeline.

The list of traitor personnel comes in handy at this time.

Looking at the crowd standing by the wall, looking a little overwhelmed, he slowly said:

"Then I started to call the roll call, and when the name was called, they came up to me!"

"Yu Yuanzheng!"

Standing on the left side of the crowd, a man about 1.8 meters tall trembled, but he still obediently took a few steps forward and stood in front of him.

"Bao Gan, Jiang Wenxuan, Ji Shihuai..."

He read out more than ten names in a row, and the people whose names were read stood in front of him with worried expressions on their faces.

"Follow me." After saying that, Feng Qi turned and walked to the nearest room.

After more than ten people looked at each other, they still followed Feng Qi into the room.

When everyone entered the room, Feng Qi, who was standing in the room, waved his hand and closed the door with telekinesis.

Looking at the dozen human traitors standing in front of him, Feng Qi had already thought about how to deal with them.

But before taking action, he glanced at everyone present, and then asked softly:

"Do you regret betraying humanity?"

"We are just trying to survive. Without the Yeying clan, we can still rely on you. We know everything about the Hupo Research Institute, and we can use our knowledge to create value for you."

Someone immediately responded eagerly, trying to show their own value.

"It's a shame, I'm on the side of humanity."

Upon hearing this question, everyone suddenly realized what Feng Qi meant by asking, and their faces turned pale.

They originally thought that Feng Qi was another domain force that wanted to occupy the Hu Po Research Institute, and that the conflict with the Yeying Clan was also for profit.

Now that the Night Shadow Clan is extinct, they can still survive under their new masters.

But when they heard Feng Qi say that he was on the side of mankind, they suddenly understood what they were about to face.

What happened next was obvious.

"Is it wrong for us to want to live?" At this time, an old man with gray temples and wearing an old-fashioned tiger uniform asked with trembling lips.

Looking at the desire for survival in the old man's eyes, Feng Qi glanced at everyone present.

It can be seen that they all have the same idea as the old man.

At this moment he spoke softly:

"The fact that you can join Hupo Research Institute proves that you have been very good. Training you consumes a lot of resources from society. My teacher once told me that choosing to study is choosing to become a lantern bearer of human civilization to light up the path of the future of mankind. Instead of blowing out other people’s candles just to stay alive after you achieve something.”

"You ask me if it is wrong to want to live? Then I want to ask you, when you chose to betray humanity, did you ever think that the preferential treatment you enjoyed when you were studying was forfeited by ordinary people?"

"I focus my resources on you because I hope that you, a group of elites, can lead mankind to rise, instead of letting you talk nonsense in front of righteousness. If you want to live, why don't you become an ordinary person at the beginning, so that you don't have to face it? A choice of surrender or death?”

"The human race building is about to collapse. As the mainstay, you not only don't have the firm belief to turn the tide, but you still talk to me about living. I'll fuck you!"

Hearing these words, the old man looked gloomy.

He opened his mouth, struggling to defend himself:

"I have hesitated, but I want to ask you, have you ever experienced a life-and-death decision? If you stood in front of death, would you be afraid and give in?"

Feng Qi couldn't help but laugh after hearing these words.

To others, death may be far away and only happens once in a lifetime.

And he had already experienced countless deaths.

Humble for the ideal, sink for the ideal, fight for the ideal... non-stop efforts for the ideal in different timelines.

Each death did not make him afraid of death.

The fire in my heart that strives for ideals is extinguished time and time again and reborn.

So, why fear death?

"There is nothing wrong with pursuing the extension of life, but we should not forget the determination that remains in our cultural memory, let alone human beings. What we see when we look up is the same starry sky."

The voice that said these words was very soft, but the determination was as heavy as a mountain.

The old man's expression flickered, and finally turned into a sigh:

"Let's do it."

Feng Qi did not hesitate. After switching his natural ability to "Evil Thoughts", his telekinesis power came out of his body and locked the necks of everyone in the room.

No matter how hard they struggled, his telekinesis tightened and he slowly lifted them up.

He will have no mercy in his heart for human traitors.

Ever since they decided to side with the domain forces, Feng Qi had already regarded them as aliens in his heart.

After a while, Feng Qi opened the door and walked out.

He looked at the Hu Po researchers and staff standing against the wall, and the murderous intent in his eyes disappeared.

These tiger soul members are different from human traitors.

None of them, who had been mentally controlled, chose to compromise.

Precisely because they are unwilling to compromise, the Night Shadow Clan can only choose ways to control them that may cause mental damage.

Arriving in front of the crowd, Feng Qi glanced at everyone present and began to explain what had just happened.

The Hupo Research Institute will definitely resume operations next.

These people are the next successors of the Hupo Research Institute, and among them are many senior Hupo personnel who have been mentally controlled.

In this battle line, Hupo Research Institute will also become a member of "Breaking Dawn".

After listening to his explanation, the Hupo members present gradually understood what happened.

They knew that they had been controlled by the Yeying clan, but they didn't know the origin of Feng Qi. Now that they understood the reason, their eyes gradually became firm.

Immediately, a senior executive from Hupo stood up and made suggestions on how to deal with the aftermath.

But Feng Qi seems that these suggestions are not yet ready for implementation.

Because the operation to clean up the Yeying tribe has not yet been truly completed.

The Yeying clan members in the core area of ​​​​Huso have indeed been killed, but some members of the Yeying clan are still on missions outside and have not returned to the core area of ​​​​Huso.

Therefore, the network in the core area must continue to be paralyzed to ensure that the outside Yeying tribe cannot contact the core area and discover clues.

If all the Yeying clan members who are out on missions are not killed, they may become a hidden danger in this operation.

The relevant information of the Hupo Research Institute will even be exposed in advance.

But this problem is not unsolvable.

After some discussions with the senior executives of Hu Po, Feng Qi, Lin Ran and others changed their clothes, and then left the core area accompanied by three senior executives of Hu Po.

Next, these three senior executives will control the situation at Hupo Research Institute and explain the network paralysis in the core area.

They will also go to deal with the aftermath while it is still dark.

Under the arrangement of Hu Po's senior management, they boarded different Hu Po special cars.

After the convoy left the Hupo Research Institute, they drove in different directions in Star City.

He has obtained the list of members of the Yeying Clan who are performing missions, and their locations during the mission have also been recorded on the Yeying Clan leader's tablet.

Now, except for Yang Xingxin, Yan Yue, Cai Guo, and Xu Hongyun who stayed in the core area, he will continue the mission separately from Lin Ran and others.

Next, will be the final hunting moment tonight!

The moonlight was hazy, and the vehicle moved steadily along the main road.

I am destined to have no sleep tonight.

Staring at the bright full moon through the car window, a smile appeared on Feng Qi's face.

After completing this cleanup operation, the Hupo Research Institute will return to human hands and become a firm support force for "Dawn".

Provide assistance for the advancement of this battle line.

Everyone go to bed early~

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