I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 302 Night Walker, hunting time

It's half past three in the morning.

The whole city is still sleeping, and only the cleaning robots that operate 24 hours a day are still roaming around the city.

In the Hope Community in the South District of Star City.

A man wearing glasses, about 25 years old, was still awake at this time, lying in front of the desk, writing in a notebook by the light of the desk lamp.

During this period, he looked up at the screen from time to time, and then typed on the keyboard to search for information on related magic fields.

His name is Hu Boyuan, and he is not from a major in magic.

It was an accident that I entered the field of legal studies.

About four years ago, he graduated from an ordinary middle school with a slight score difference. Unfortunately, he was not admitted to the Galaxy University of his dreams.

There were only two choices before him.

Entering an ordinary university for further study, but you will not be able to get as many resources as students from well-known universities.

Even if you want to expand your research with many ideas, you have to spend your own money. The probability of entering a well-known research institute after graduation is extremely slim, unless you have made extraordinary achievements while studying.

Another option is to step into society and become a screw in human civilization.

Neither option was ideal in his mind.

Considering that his parents were older, choosing to continue studying would undoubtedly increase their burden, so Hu Boyuan finally gritted his teeth and chose to give up his studies. After being recommended by his middle school teacher, he joined a resource transportation company as a resource auditor.

The boring days day after day have long made him forget his former ideal.

Occasionally, in my dreams, I recall my vow to study for the rise of mankind when I was a student. Although I feel passionate, I still have to face reality when I wake up.

Reality is not a novel. He accepted the reality that he is just an ordinary person, and he is not the protagonist. He no longer expects to change the world, as long as he does what is in front of him.

He even thought that if he or she had a child in the future, he would train him or her well so that he or she could inherit his or her dream and continue on.

After resigning himself to mediocrity, he found that his inner restlessness had dissipated.

But he sincerely loves magic and magic, but this love is no longer radical.

He would watch the Jufa Concept Competition held by major research institutes every year, or the live discussions in the field of Jufa.

From the beginning, I actively studied and furthered my studies. Now, watching these live broadcasts is more like a kind of enjoyment.

Just like watching live sports competitions, watching live broadcasts in the field of jurisprudence every night has even become his meal.

Ordinary days like this will continue forever.

But four years ago, a seminar in the field of magic suddenly enlightened him.

The theme of that time was surprisingly not related to the professional knowledge of magic. The title was "From Nothing to Something".

At that seminar and exchange meeting, many well-known scholars in the field of cultivation talked about the process of scholars in the early development of the field of magic, from scratch to pioneering the path for human magic.

At that seminar, Hu Boyuan suddenly realized something.

In fact, the science of magic is not as far-reaching as one thinks, and miracles can also occur in the ordinary.

Since the development of magic law, many concepts are not all created by well-known scholars, but also come from ordinary scholars and even enthusiasts.

After watching that episode, a bold idea came to Hu Boyuan's mind.

Why don't you try it yourself?

When the seed of an idea is rooted in your heart, it begins to grow uncontrollably.

Finally Hu Boyuan took this step.

When he comes home from get off work every day, he will spend his time studying, trying to rekindle the extinguished fire in his heart.

Love is always the best teacher.

During his self-study, he found a group of like-minded partners on the Internet, and together they established a self-study group.

Like him, the friends in the group all love magic and law but are not from a major.

Whenever a novel concept appears in the field of jurisprudence, it will become a hot topic in the group.

The learning atmosphere in the group is strong. Whenever other group members encounter problems that they don't understand, they will brainstorm to help solve them.

The most glorious time in the group was when the concepts put forward through brainstorming were adopted by the jurisprudence department of Galaxy Academy and became part of the formulation of a new jurisprudence concept system.

This part of the content may be just an insignificant sentence in the system concept, but it also made the group cheer for several days.

Several offline gatherings in the group would make them feel extremely proud when they mentioned this matter.

Such a life makes Hu Boyuan feel very happy.

With a group of like-minded partners in life, coupled with the fulfilling life now, everything is perfect except love.

In the past four years, Hu Boyuan has become the number one figure in the group.

His growth is very rapid.

It only took him two years to go from being an ordinary member of the public in the beginning to often helping newcomers answer questions and becoming recognized as the best "veteran" in the group.

With the encouragement of the group members, Hu Boyuan finally took the step to enter the professional field.

In the past two years, Hu Boyuan has often participated in Shufa concept competitions held online and put forward many excellent suggestions and ideas, which left a deep impression on many people.

Many people even think that he is a big shot in the professional field of magic and law, pretending to be an online tourist and pretending to be a newbie.

Just recently, Hu Boyuan's fame has soared.

This is related to the recently popular concept "spiritual energy transformation" in the field of magic.

The proposer of the concept is a well-known scholar in the field of Galaxy Academy and Law.

After analyzing a large amount of information related to spiritual energy, he believed that if humans could master the free conversion of spiritual energy, it would greatly promote the development of spiritual cultivation.

For example, Reiki is the most basic energy substance in cultivation.

It can be converted into auras of various other attributes, such as fire-attributed auras, water-attributed auras, blood-attributed auras, etc.

Well-known scholars from Galaxy Academy thus proposed the concept of free conversion of spiritual energy, and brainstormed on the Internet to turn this concept into reality, so that human cultivation can move from a single conversion to a stage where attributes can be switched at will.

This concept caused quite a stir in the field of jurisprudence, and a large number of jurisprudence professional scholars participated in the improvement of the concept.

Hu Boyuan is one of them.

The four words "accumulate and make progress" can be applied to Hu Boyuan.

He has accumulated a lot of knowledge in this field through years of love and study, and many years of discussions with group members have accumulated a lot of novel concepts in his mind.

About three months ago, Hu Boyuan published the concept and subsequent improvement directions on the Internet.

The title of this article is "Aura Conversion - Analyzing the Feasibility of Attribute Conversion from the Arrangement and Combination of Aura Particles".

The full text totals more than 50,000 words.

The content of the article is about the basic settings, but the article also proposes many novel concepts.

Even among legal professionals, it is a very professional explanation.

Many of the ideas mentioned in this article confirm the feasibility of free switching of aura attributes, and several of the proposals have been confirmed to be feasible after testing by professional institutions.

After receiving evaluation reports from professional institutions, Hu Boyuan became an instant success in the field of jurisprudence.

There is a lot of discussion on the Internet about his true identity.

At the same time, major professional institutions are also curious about Hu Boyuan.

The major authoritative institutions are different from the Internet masses. They have the highest authority in the city and can easily retrieve Hu Boyuan's true identity information.

It's like Feng Qi retrieving identity information in the Star City Sanctuary.

Just enter the name and filter to get Hu Boyuan's detailed information.

Many research institutions in the field of magic also noticed Hu Boyuan.

After collecting his experience and past, they discovered this dusty pearl. Without any hesitation, major magic research institutions extended olive branches to Hu Boyuan.

Among them are the Galaxy Research Institute, the Tiger Soul Research Institute, and the magic departments of institutions in the field of professional cultivation.

This is undoubtedly an unexpected surprise for Hu Boyuan.

Especially the invitation from Galaxy Research Institute made him see the hope of realizing his dream, and the dream flame burned again.

This enthusiasm finally paid off.

Without any hesitation, he chose to accept the invitation from the Galaxy Research Institute.

But before leaving, Hu Boyuan decided to continue to improve the concept of "spiritual energy transformation" and invited the group members to participate and witness together.

He knew that all his friends shared his passion for magic.

Members of the group also congratulated Hu Boyuan on his successful invitation to join the Galaxy Research Institute.

He also inspired the members to continue working hard and hope that one day they can realize their dreams like him.

In the past two months, Hu Boyuan resigned from his job in an energy company and devoted himself wholeheartedly to perfecting the concept of spiritual energy conversion.

During this period, he revised the original paper again and improved the deficiencies.

His growth is visible to the naked eye.

Today is Hu Boyuan's last revision of his thesis. Next, he will go to the Galaxy Research Institute to officially become a researcher in the field of magic.

It was already 3:30 in the morning, and he was tirelessly sketching the trajectory of the spell in his notebook.

During this period, I would often look up and type on the keyboard to check information, or discuss conceptual issues with group members.

At this time, the group members were all still awake, assisting Hu Boyuan in perfecting his concepts and witnessing his final step from ordinary to professional.

The time came to four o'clock.

Hu Boyuan finally stopped writing, and then he entered the conceptual design drawings into the computer using professional software.

When the revised trajectory map and explanatory text were published in the group, the group members cheered.

[Brothers, go to bed early, thanks for accompanying us all the way! 】

After typing the last line, Hu Boyuan closed the screen and looked at the packed suitcase placed at the door of the room, with a smile on his face.

The dream I had when I was studying finally continued at this time.

In the future, he will continue this love and contribute to the perfection of human magic for the rest of his life.

He stood up at this moment and walked towards the bathroom.

Standing in front of the sink, he washed his face and looked up at the mirror.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a sense of dizziness coming over him, and he couldn't help but stumble forward, almost hitting the mirror.

Holding on to the sink to steady himself, he raised his head with difficulty and found that his image in the mirror was distorted. His vision kept rotating, recovering, and then continuing to rotate.

After shaking his head, his vision did not return.

He even felt like he was about to suffocate.

There seemed to be a voice constantly whispering in his mind, trying to change his thoughts and consciousness.

He kept shaking his head, trying to get rid of this uncontrollable feeling.

But these actions were in vain. He felt increasingly dizzy and seemed to fall into coma at any time.

Just when he staggered and turned around to get the cell phone on the desk and call the emergency number, he suddenly saw a burly figure standing at the door.

It was covered in bandages, and the exposed skin was purple, not like a human being. Its eyes were like whirlpools, breathtaking, and several purple lines that were almost invisible to the naked eye appeared on its body and were spreading towards him. bondage.

This made Hu Boyuan realize that he might have encountered a creature beyond the domain.

Encountering this kind of monster that can freely walk out of the field, he narrowly escaped death, but he was not willing to die like this when his dream had just begun.

He tried to struggle and resist, but his body seemed to be frozen in place, unable to move.

"What a pity. You could have chosen Hupo Research Institute."

At this time, the purple-skinned weirdo smiled slightly and said mockingly.

After hearing this, Hu Boyuan obviously did not understand the meaning behind this sentence. He struggled to ask:

"Who are you?"

"Your future master, I have to say that you are very talented. If your concept of spiritual energy conversion can really succeed, it will undoubtedly fill an important part of the spiritual energy fusion in our family's super magic concept. How can we with a genius like you I am willing to let you go to the Galaxy Research Institute."

The purple-skinned weirdo replied unhurriedly, his expression looking unusually relaxed.

In his eyes, the frail Hu Boyuan was already a lamb waiting to be slaughtered and could not escape his control.

"Don't waste time, give up resistance and follow me."

After the purple-skinned weirdo finished speaking, his mental control suddenly strengthened, but Hu Boyuan still did not give up resistance and kept struggling.

Seeing this scene, the purple-skinned weirdo seemed to lose his patience and knocked Hu Boyuan unconscious with a wave of his hand, then carried him on his back.

Faced with Hu Boyuan, who was always unwilling to compromise, mind control obviously could not be completed in one go. It decided to take him back first and return to the mind control room before completing subsequent control.

Carrying Hu Boyuan on his back to the window that had been opened at some point, the purple-skinned weirdo glanced at the turning camera in the distance, waited for a moment and then jumped down.

After the body landed, most of the power was resolved.

After standing still, it walked towards a dark corner in the distance that was not illuminated by street lights.

It was obviously not the first time he had done the same thing, and everything seemed familiar.

After carrying Hu Boyuan for a hundred meters, the purple-skinned weirdo turned into a dark corner.

The figure was slowly floating in the air at this moment, but as soon as its feet left the ground, it felt a restraining force coming from all directions, holding it half a meter above the ground.

The purple-skinned weirdo was suddenly startled, and immediately turned his head to look at the darkness where the power struck.

He saw a pair of eyes staring directly at him in the darkness, and he could clearly see the dark green flames beating in these evil eyes, followed closely by a strong murderous intention.

"Who?" Facing the crisis, the purple-skinned weirdo asked immediately.

"It's not important. What's important is that you're going to die!"

After the words fell, the purple-skinned weirdo felt his hands light up, and Hu Boyuan, who was carrying him on his back, was lifted up by a mysterious force and floated into the darkness.

Faced with an uncontrollable situation, the purple-skinned weirdo immediately began to struggle violently.

But there is no way to break free from the shackles of telekinesis.

At this time, it heard a cell phone ringing from the darkness.

Then there was the sound of the phone picking up.

"Brother Qi, I've finished the second one. What's going on there?"

"It's just the fourth one... No, it's the fifth one!"

As soon as the words fell, it saw a fist burning with dark green flames rapidly enlarging in front of its eyes, and a strong wind blew against its face, making it unable to open its eyes.

In the end, the scene completely freezes and plunges into endless darkness.

(PS: There is an event in the book club to give away starting coins and fan titles. You can participate.)

Everyone, go to bed early, go to bed early and get up early so that you can be as handsome as the author, at least half as handsome!

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