From time to time, I look at the thunder-like lines on the back of my hand, not to mention they are quite pretty.

Unlike the one on Harry's forehead, John's one looks scary but has an inexplicable sense of beauty.

When they reached the covered bridge, Hermione, who had been silent until now, spoke.

She first looked at John blankly, and then asked with hope: "John, where is the password note I gave you?"

John was stunned and thought for a while. When fighting Sirius, he used a fire spell to dry up the swamp, and the piece of paper turned into ashes.

So he said honestly: "It's gone. It was burned."


Hermione didn't expect this answer, she thought it was ridiculous.

After a long silence, she left without saying a word.

John didn't understand what this was doing, so he touched his chin and guessed: "Did she not let me feed the cat?"

Well, during this period, I still have to find Sirius Black, so I don't have enough time.

Turning away from the covered bridge, John bumped into Daphne.

The covered bridge could just be seen from this direction, and John wondered why she was here.

With a winner's smile on her face, Daphne was in a good mood and actually walked up to John and pulled up his sleeves.

“I learned how to make pineapple pizza and Chinese strawberry dumplings.”

She looked happy, and John took a breath after hearing the names of these dishes.

Is this what people can imagine?

Didn’t you say last time that you had studied cooking for two and a half years, and I actually liked you (smiling face)...

Why do you have to live with the fruit? You are going to be asked to get out of Italy and China.

Chapter 155 Aftereffects and Valentine’s Day

John still underestimated the cost of his touch taboo, he was growing hairy.

Yes, long hair.

The golden feathers first grew on his arms, and at first he thought they were attached accidentally.

After patting it but unable to get it off, he reached out and pulled it out again. The feather was pulled off and he grimaced in pain.

He was sure that this was true.

After a day, the feathers on his body proliferated rapidly.

John mixed a potion for himself, but it had no effect after drinking it.

He guessed that this was due to the infusion of huge magic power. The magic power flowed into the body through the wand and deformed.

Thinking that the core of his staff was a thunderbird feather, John felt bad.

"Am I going to turn into a bird?"

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, but fortunately this change was not without its benefits.

He discovered that he had the power to control the weather on a small scale. Just now, a bolt of lightning struck Malfoy at his feet, making him jump.

John lazily raised his eyelids and said calmly: "There are still two laps."

Malfoy, who was exhausted, looked at Neville, who had left a figure behind him, and his unwillingness to admit defeat emerged.

He gritted his teeth and dragged his tired legs to catch up, carrying a stone as big as a man's head, as if his spine would be broken at any time.

Heavy footsteps left two lines of marks on the edge of the black lake, and John looked at his hands.

The hands are much thinner than before. The slender fingers move slightly, and electric arcs shuttle through the fingertips.

"That's a good thing, right?" He muttered.

He himself wasn't sure whether this was good or bad.

With this ability, John is like a free magic blood.

It's just that the side effects are a bit too great, and John doesn't want to turn into a Thunderbird himself.

Lifting up his sleeves, he saw the golden bird feathers growing out from under his clothes.

Putting it down with an expressionless face, he also had two treatment methods in his mind.

One is Animagus transformation, using stronger transformation techniques to change the body again.

The other is to wait until the end of this semester and use the magic blood and magic rampage to flush it again.

No matter which one, all he needed was to wait.

After brushing off the Thunderbird Blood Pulse, you may lose this ability, but John doesn't want to look like a bird.

After all, not everyone has the courage to become a noseless person, right? Voldemort.

To tell a joke, if Voldemort made his nose a Horcrux, I would never be able to find it in my life.

Voldemort touched his nose. Oh, by the way, he had no nose.

Valentine's Day is here.

There was no Lockhart this time, and I finally didn’t have to worry about an ugly dwarf dressed as the Goddess of Cupid rushing over to hug my thighs and confess my love.

In the auditorium, some Slytherin people who were familiar with John whistled.

Recalling the events of the previous school year, the Slytherin wizards felt that they could do this.

Everyone seems to agree that this day is the day when John suffers.

Malfoy stood up excitedly and shouted: "If any of you want to deliver a message to John, I can deliver it for you."

His words caused a burst of laughter in the auditorium, and the Weasley twins whispered, as if they were discussing a joke that was not serious or serious on this day.

John thought this was just a casual comment, but in the end, a paper crane flew over from nowhere.

Landing impartially in front of John, Malfoy took the lead and blew the whistle.

That look seemed to be saying, look who sent the love letter to Lord Slytherin.

John looked up from side to side, happy to entertain the little snakes on this festival.

Opening the paper crane, Juan's beautiful handwriting was written in emerald green ink.

With the familiar handwriting, John recognized it as the same person from last year at a glance.

That love letter is still in John's drawer, hoping that his father will not find it.

This time I didn’t say that my eyes looked like salamanders and my hair looked like oiled silk.

Before Malfoy could come over, John put the letter away with a natural expression.

Seeing this, Malfoy had no choice but to sit back angrily. He looked in Harry's direction and raised his eyebrows, as if in provocation.

"Potter, your little lover last year didn't write you a code?"

Harry received the message and couldn't help but stare back.

What a little lover, that’s just a prank!

He was very angry, and his old mother Hermione smoothed his hair.

Yes, we are reconciled again.

Their feelings are like plasticine. Cut into several pieces and knead them together, and they can become a ball again.

Ron's eyes were as wide as bells, as if this could make the Malfoys fall off their feet.

The day Harry was captured by Snape was a dark day.

Snape wantonly slandered his father and even burned the Marauder's Map, but Professor Lupine stepped in to save himself and the map.

When Hermione returned to the common room, she brought Hagrid's letter.

Buckbeak lost the case.

That means it's going to be beheaded.

One bad thing happened one after another, and Hagrid burst into tears.

Malfoy happened to come back. He was tricked by Harry using the invisibility cloak, and he responded with vicious words.

Ron pulled out his wand and was about to cast a curse, but Malfoy was not to be outdone.

The two men faced off, but Harry persuaded them to let go.

He noticed that Goyle and Crabbe were already gearing up, and Slytherin was now well known for being aggressive.

If there was a fight, Ron would suffer.

Harry's intuition was very accurate and he saw the eagerness in Malfoy's eyes.

In the end, neither party cast any jinxes. Hermione was still thinking about something and didn't even realize it until she returned to the lounge.

On Valentine's Day, John successfully received a piece of chocolate laced with a love potion.

He received a lot of chocolates, and girls basically liked his chocolates.

Throwing the chocolate away casually, John had level 5 alchemy, and he could tell at a glance that something had been added to it.

A warning to the salivating Gower, he was really afraid that this stupid guy who dared to eat cakes of unknown origin would pick up the chocolate and eat it.

After losing his sense of taste, John lost interest in chocolate.

After all, the texture of chocolate is similar to that of wax. Chocolate without flavor is just a piece of black wax.

Not having the habit of eating wax, John put the collected chocolates into a drawer.

If your sense of taste recovers one day, you can try the craftsmanship of the little witch at Hogwarts.

After Tom was punished to stand, he became very honest, just like a dog withering away, which made John hate the iron.

"Love brains will never end well, bitch."

It can only be said that the little bitch was not very experienced in the world and was deceived by the big black dog.

John has three wands in total, one with a red oak thunderbird tail feather core, one with a cherry wood unicorn hair core, and a yew dragon heartstring wand.

The stick that was taken out was a unicorn hair stick. John said angrily: "Look at you, it's hard to find a three-legged golden toad, and four-legged dogs are everywhere. Why do you like an anima?" Gus!”

Being scolded, Tom's head drooped on his paws, his big eyes raised, with a look of grievance on his face.

John sighed helplessly when he saw it like this.

Fortunately, Sirius was met by himself. If it were any other wizard, he would still be injured even if he didn't move the killer.

Ignoring Tom's aggrieved expression, he was grounded and under Basil's care.

Basil, the snowy owl, was on the cabinet, staring at Tom. As long as he dared to go out, he could legally beat the dog.

In the lounge, some little witches were ready to make a move.

As soon as John walked in, his sleeve was pulled by a hand.

Turning around, I saw Daphne's beautiful face lifted up with a domineering and proud look, as if she was declaring her sovereignty.

Daphne had stayed in this state since she saw Hermione biting her lip and leaving.

Seeing this, some little witches who were ready to make a move couldn't help but retreat.

Pansy's eyes lit up, seeing that her best friend finally became brave.

She immediately stood up and looked around, as if saying who dares to touch my best friend.

Don't ask, Slytherin is a flower, Daphne Greengrass.

John saw the hesitant little witches, and then looked at Daphne's proud little expression.

He immediately trembled.

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