
He was a little taller than Daphne. He bent slightly closer to Daphne's white ears and asked in a low voice: "Did you make some food again?"

The hot air hits the cochlea, making it itch.

Daphne was so proud that she could hardly keep the blush on her face.

When John saw it, he was convinced.

It was indeed a new dish.

He looked clear, then gritted his teeth and said in embarrassment: "As long as it's not about fruit, everything is easy to talk about."

He was really afraid of things like strawberry mapo tofu and strawberry dumplings.

Can't you just let go of the fruit?

Daphne thought John liked to eat it, and immediately said in surprise: "How did you know I made chocolate Wellington steak today?"


Do you want to listen to what you are saying?

A steak and a chocolate.

You were able to put it together? ? ?

Chapter 156 Storm and Green Dragon

John ate a piece of Steak Wellington chocolate on Valentine's Day, and his whole body was numb.

I don’t know who taught Daphne how to cook this way. Others pay attention to balanced nutrition and complete color, flavor and flavor.

She's good at it. She doesn't care about the appearance, fragrance, and even nutrition.

Whoever eats steak with chocolate is already high in calories, but now it goes through the roof.

It was only because John had no sense of taste that he could chew it, and Heinrich couldn't help but look in admiration.

Incidentally, Heinrich also received chocolates.

There was a rare color on his pale face, and he opened the chocolate and took a bite.

Yeah, garlicky.

I heard that the Weasley twins were blocked in Gryffindor Tower later. If Professor McGonagall hadn't come, one of them would have gone to the school hospital.

Time passes day by day.

Sirius Black was hiding in hiding, and John even wondered if he was in the Forbidden Forest.

March 6th.

The sky is gray, winter is gone, and all dormant things are waiting for an order.

A depressing atmosphere spread in the castle, and the students didn't like the weather.

John was outside the castle, looking up at the sky. He knew that the time had come.

Taking his small bag, John headed to the Forbidden Forest.

Instead of searching for Sirius Black this time, they were waiting for a storm.

Affected by Thunderbird, John could feel that a huge rainstorm was brewing in the dark clouds.

He needs to get to the place where the mixed liquid is buried in advance.

After a year, the spider nest that had been burned by the fire was still barren of vegetation.

John was at the door of the spider nest, waiting for the arrival of the thunder.

I took out my pocket watch and took a look. After the hour hand turned 30°, the first drop of rain fell from the sky.

Heavy raindrops fell on the palm of my hand, and in the next second, heavy rain fell.

Water vapor cast a gray curtain over Hogwarts, and a flash of lightning flashed in the sky.


On the Jingzhe Day, all things revive.

When the time came, John rushed to where the mixed liquid was buried, turned over the soil, and a bottle of blood-red potion appeared in the soil.

He succeeded.

Picking up the bottle, John braved the storm and rushed to another chosen place as fast as he could.

Transformation requires a wide and safe place. Although there are many magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest, no one comes.

After arriving at the location, John blew hard into his palms, and the mist quickly spread out and covered the surrounding area.

Pointing the tip of the wand to his heart, John recited the spell he knew by heart.

"Amato, Animo, Animado, Animagus (AmatoAnimoAnimatoAnimagus)"

After reciting, drink the blood-red liquid in one gulp.

Intense pain swept through his body, and a second heartbeat sounded in his ears.

John couldn't help but bow down and put his hands on his knees. The pain traveled through his body, as if he was splitting bones and cleaning the marrow inside.

An extremely chaotic consciousness appeared in his mind. It rushed into his brain and was suppressed by John.

The first thing to change was the hands, with sharp claws protruding from the nails.

The school uniform on his body turned into scales, his pupils turned into vertical ones, and his fangs pierced his lips.

John's body was rising, and his heavy breathing was unlike anything he would make.

The clothes completely blended into my body, my back felt itchy, and something came out.

Spines sprouted out one after another, like bat-like wings.

The horns grew out, and the tail easily swept off the trees when it touched them.

In the fog, a pair of brown eyes opened.

John exhaled through his nose, and a flame appeared, startling him.

He was now a behemoth fifty feet tall, probably the largest of all Animagus.

The dark green scales are like ink jade, and the wings are waving gently, and the wind blows away the fog in front of the eyes.

He turned into a dragon, although it was green, it looked black to the naked eye, not the green dragon native to Britain.

Judging from the size, it is at least as ruthless as the Hungarian Horntail.

Feeling a burning sensation in his throat that was about to burst out, John opened his mouth, and a huge fireball hit the ground. The rain fell down and evaporated into dense water vapor.

The eyes can see further, and with a blink of the lantern-sized eyes, one can clearly see places hundreds of meters away.

The rain pattered on the body, and the aloof dragon looked down at everything. The pressure of the dragon clan made the animal crawl and tremble.

After adjusting to the Animagus form for a while, John closed his eyes and imagined his original appearance.

The size begins to shrink and the scales gradually fade away.

When he opened his eyes again, John had returned to his human form.

The rain fell on him and he picked up the fallen wand.

John rolled up his sleeves, and the thunderbird feather on his left hand disappeared.

The good news is that the Thunderbird's ability to control the weather is still there.

John waved his wand lightly, and the lightning was pulled down and struck a tree.

The flames burned instantly and were extinguished by the rain soon.

“A blessing in disguise.”

With the corners of his mouth raised slightly, John used the transformation technique to conjure an umbrella.

Then a little more, the rain fell from the body.

Except for some moisture in his hair, John was back to his usual appearance.

Walking out of the Forbidden Forest in the rain, John saw the red-shirted players flying on the Quidditch pitch, not taking a break even in the heavy rain.

After he left, a black dog came running in a very embarrassed state, wet from the rain.

He stared at the place that seemed to have been crushed by some monster, with a hint of panic in his eyes.

"What kind of monster is so scary? The animals nearby were so scared that they collapsed to the ground."

Sirius didn't know what kind of terrifying monsters there were in the Forbidden Forest. Judging from their posture, at least it had to be a dragon to have such a deterrent effect.

There are many magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest, but there are no fire dragons.

He was deep in thought.

The showdown between Slytherin and Gryffindor will take place in April.

The two academy teams are now desperate. Gryffindor's training ended after Wood was struck by lightning.

In a panic, Wood was carried into the school hospital.

John met Harry, who was too anxious to see him.

The Weasley twins joked that Harry was a disaster in school, and Wood was a disaster on the court.

Something always happened to Wood every time he played.

None of these disasters can dispel Wood's love, it can only be said to be true love.

John stopped for a while, and the Quidditch pitch was quickly occupied by the Slytherin team.

Goyle and Crabbe were blocking the door like door gods to prevent others from entering. Young Master Malfoy, who was being trained in secret, walked in with a Firebolt in front of everyone.

The current team almost relies on Malfoy as the absolute core, and even Flint is not as good as Malfoy.

"John, remember to cheer us up."

John waved and left, squinting his eyes. This weather was suitable for him to have a lot of fun.

The Ministry of Magic is in trouble again.

Three Dementors were lost almost overnight, and even the Aurors couldn't find any clues.

They were going crazy, and Oz jumped up and cursed, putting the blame on Sirius.

John returned to the castle with the three dementors he captured.

After skillfully dismantling the dementors, the remaining soul was enough for John to heal his arm, and the ring turned completely black.

There was still a month until the competition, and Malfoy was obsessed with training and didn't perform well in class.

John, on the contrary, was as perfect as ever.

Professor Flitwick, who was so perfect in the Charms class, got excited and gave John 20 extra points.

Hermione seemed very tired, and John didn't see her during class in the morning.

This made Daphne even happier.

By the afternoon, John's divination class was in full swing.

Hermione, on the other hand, became very irritable and even became rude to a professor for the first time and gave up the Divination class.

John was a little surprised, this didn't seem to be Hermione's character.

Of course, Professor Trelawney hurt Hermione's heart when she said she had no talent.

This actually verified Professor Trelawney's prediction that someone would leave the classroom.

There are still four days until Easter, and John gets a bottle of soul potion on time every day.

By the time Easter came, John's hands were no longer shaking, but his fingers were a little clumsy.

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