Compared with those dilapidated buildings that looked like they were from the last century, a beautiful and luxurious Gringotts seemed out of place.

"He's right."

Grimm stood in the middle of the road, looked around, and murmured to himself: "We need a change."

This is another discussion of the International Federation of Wizards.

On Christmas Day, Old Barty looked at his pocket watch.

"The things have been delivered by owl."

"Thank you, Pierce."

Pierce Thicknesse.

This is a lucky man.

He was controlled, thanks to the other party continuing to use his identity to imprison people.

When the Aurors found him, Pierce was still sleeping in the cellar with a bottle of old wine.

Attending this meeting with Old Batty shows that Old Batty also intends to cultivate him.

Piers hesitated and asked again and again: "Mr. Minister, you can obviously let your son enter the Ministry of Magic, why do you let him waste time?"

Hearing this question, Old Batty sighed.

"He'll be great at Silverhand."

Pierce hesitated to speak. He knew that the old Batty wanted to compensate Batty Jr.

It's a waste to have a good wizard growing flowers in the garden.

Barty Sr.'s debt to Barty Jr. prevented him from being tough in front of Barty Jr.

Even for this gift, he asked Pierce to send it.

He was supposed to be with his son in the Knocked Up Garden, but his duties as Minister of Magic required him to be here.

As a father, he was obsessed with the power in his hands. When this power was obtained, the responsibility and emptiness made him miss his family all the time.

"This will probably be the last parliament." Old Batty looked at the ministers from other countries in the venue.

"Germany wants to extradite Grindelwald, and the United States wants to get something from Grindelwald."

Old Barty saw that they were quarreling so much that it was time for the British Ministry of Magic to intervene.

It's like selling a face to Dumbledore.

But old Barty didn't say anything. He stared at the Polish Minister of Magic.

At this moment, the Polish Minister of Magic spoke.

"Gentlemen and ladies," the Polish Minister of Magic looked at the two quarreling ministers, "I think what we should discuss is not whether Grindelwald should stay or go, but how to quell this rumor that is panicking in Europe."

"It's very simple. When people are detained in the United States, we have the strictest security to reassure everyone."

"Fart, Grindelwald is related to the disappearance of our Minister of Magic, and I need him to explain."

The German representatives and the American representatives were about to quarrel again.

The Polish Minister of Magic raised his hand to stop their argument and looked towards the door.

Two Aurors appeared pressing down on Grindelwald, and Grindelwald knelt down and floated to the middle.

Grindelwald looked up at the Polish Minister of Magic.

"I've never been able to understand," said the Polish Minister of Magic, walking up the steps to the center.

"Why are we discussing where he is being held?"

"What he violated is our most sacred law."

"Why?" the Polish Minister of Magic looked around and asked, "are you turning a blind eye to this disaster?"

"When did criminals become a bargaining chip?"

The representatives of various countries were speechless, and the Polish Minister of Magic said: "Then let me tell you the truth."

"Another method you don't want to mention."

Grim came out and handed the wand to the Polish Minister of Magic, who held it up.

Representatives from various countries became excited.

"Inge, what are you going to do?"

"Put your wand down!"

"This is disrespect for the law!"

"He needs to go back to Germany and face trial!"


The Polish Minister of Magic raised his finger to signal everyone to be quiet.

"You are afraid, afraid of his followers, afraid of the other."

The wand pointed at Grindelwald, fear spread in Grindelwald's eyes, but he could not speak.

"In that case, let those who are not afraid come." The Polish Minister of Magic said calmly, "I will bear all this."

"Avada Kedavra"

Green light flashes.

The silence of death enveloped the hall.

Chapter 604 Inge’s crime, suspicion

"What are you doing?"

The German representative stared blankly at the fallen body. He stared at the Polish Minister of Magic and then roared: "What are you doing!"

"You used the Unforgivable Curse to take away a person's life in front of everyone!"

"This is an unforgivable crime!"

He loudly condemned the Polish Minister of Magic.

The Polish Minister of Magic handed the wand to Grimm. Faced with all the accusations, he generously admitted: "Yes, I am guilty."

The German representative was shouting for someone to take him down, but they were stunned when they heard it.

"My crime is that I cannot see people suffering."

"My sin is my love for the land beneath my feet!"

"My crime is that I failed to kill this demon earlier and allowed my people to be attacked by him!"

The Polish Minister of Magic walked towards the door, "My crime is to stand up when everyone else is running away."

At the door, everyone from the Polish Ministry of Magic was standing there.

The Auror looked at the minister who had cast the Unforgivable Curse.

"My crime is that I want to change everything and create miracles for this unfair society." He came to an Auror, stretched out his hands, and said in a calm voice, "Arrest me, Auror."

The Auror took a deep breath, he couldn't.

"Auror, do your duty!" the Polish Minister of Magic shouted.

"No, I can't, Minister." The Auror dropped the wand in his hand.

The Polish Minister of Magic walked up to the other Auror and held out his hands.

"I believe you, Minister."

The Auror dropped his wand.

Then the third, fourth...

Representatives from various countries in the hall came out and saw the man surrounded by everyone.

Grim came out with the murder weapon and stood in front of the Polish Minister of Magic.

"I know you hate me, I brought trouble here," the Polish Minister of Magic said deeply, stretching out his hands, "Do what you should do."

As the Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Grimm represents justice in the Ministry of Magic.

At this moment, he made a shocking move.

He broke the wand that committed the crime and threw it aside, grabbed the hand of the Polish Minister of Magic, and said with a smile: "I cannot arrest heroes."

He came to a stop behind the Polish Minister of Magic.

On one side were representatives from various countries, and on the other were all members of the Polish Ministry of Magic.

As the shutter sounds.

On the one hand, they stand on a high ladder to divide their interests, and on the other hand, they unite under the class.

This scene quickly appeared in newspapers around the world.

Spread around the world at the fastest speed.

At that moment, the name of Inge Griffiths, the hero who killed the Dark Lord, spread throughout the wizarding world.

Some people denounced the Ministry of Magic for being cowardly, ignoring Grindelwald's guilt and only fearing the authority of another powerful wizard.

Some people feel pity for Poland that has not recovered for decades, while countless others praise Inge Griffith's courage.

He is a man who gives voice to the ancient magical society.

Old Barty looked deeply at the Polish Minister of Magic, and his intuition told him that this matter was not that simple.

He whispered to another member of the Ministry of Magic who was accompanying him; "Lippi, I need you to check on Grindelwald's body."

Rippy Korbel was the man who worked undercover for Voldemort and helped clear Barty Jr.'s name.

He is also a good friend of Tang Mi.

"Minister, this is..."

"Grindelwald will not die so easily."

Barty Sr. had used a compound potion to replace his own son, so he suspected that Grindelwald might do the same.

Lippi nodded upon hearing this, and while everyone's attention was still outside, he ran inside to check.

The dead Grindelwald, pale, Lippi examined.

"Specialis Revelio"

He pulled out his wand and cast the Revealing Charm to see.

The body remained unchanged, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw a scar appear on Grindelwald's finger.

He was stunned and was about to take a closer look.

"Please stay away from him," a tall Auror appeared in the hall and looked at Lippi.

Several more Aurors appeared around, all of them stared at Lippi with cold expressions.

Lippi noticed that these people's hands had already been placed on the wands.

Calculating the strength of the enemy and ourselves, Lippi raised his hands with a playful smile, "Don't get excited, I'm just curious."

"There's nothing to be curious about." The tall Auror sneered, "This is Grindelwald, isn't it?"

"That's Grindelwald." Lippi emphasized.

The tall Auror motioned for him to leave the body, and Lippi obeyed.

He stood aside and watched the two Aurors carrying the body. He pretended to be casual and asked: "I thought the Aurors were outside."

"Only those who don't believe in him will question him."

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