The tall Auror said calmly: "We are not those idiots."


Lippi glanced at the Auror and said calmly: "What a coincidence. I mean, the timing of your surprise attack."

"Countries are following Grindelwald, but he is like a ghost that cannot be caught."

"We have our own intelligence." The tall Auror glanced at Lippi, "We are more willing to take action to make magic great."


"It's time for you to leave."

The tall Auror interrupted Lippi and asked again, staring at Lippi unkindly.

"Your companion is outside."

"ok, I get it."

Lippi nodded and walked out.

The Auror watched him leave before leaving.

The grand post-Grindelwald capture summit ended.

Their goals have disappeared, and there is no point in staying here.

Old Barty was walking in a gathering place for wizards in Poland, frowning at the economic depression around him.

"I thought I was in the ghetto," Pierce said in disbelief.

"The Muggle War affected this place." Old Barty said knowledgeablely, "Coupled with the subsequent corruption, this place has never been able to recover."

"It's hard to imagine." Pierce suddenly understood the Polish Minister of Magic.

An already bad situation was made worse by Grindelwald.

Lippi came over and Old Batty asked, "How's it going?"

"I used the Appearance Spell, and there was no change, except for one thing." Lippi whispered, "There is a scar on Grindelwald's finger."

"I see."

Old Barty looked back at the Aurors following him and said, "Let's leave."

In the Minister of Magic's office.

The tall Auror reported Lippi's matter to the Polish Minister of Magic.

"He might have discovered something."

The tall Auror said: "Do I need to deal with it?"

"Keep it first."

Gradually changing back to Grindelwald, Grindelwald came to the windmill painting to admire it.

"I don't understand, why here? This place is poor, corrupt, and weak." The tall Auror asked in confusion.

Grindelwald glanced at him and said meaningfully: "Joel taught me a truth. Only the strong are worthy of being followed. The smaller you are, the more you aspire to be taller."

"They are as low as dust, and I can make them great."

Grindelwald took out the Elder Wand and murmured to himself: "Survival of the fittest, survival of the strong."

"Strength comes first."

“I saw my own failure, so I chose another way.”

Looking at the windmill hanging on the wall, what was there originally was a copy of the Secrecy Act.

Grindelwald never changes, his goals remain the same.

Let wizards live openly and make magic great again.

But this time, he chose a different path.

A different path than before.

Survival of the fittest, the dedication of the few can awaken the majority.

"This time, I saw far enough, Joel."

The Hog's Head Tavern.

The three people stared at each other.

On each of the goat's ears is a star hanging like a swing.

"Wipe this place clean."

John glanced at the table and ordered very unceremoniously.

Aberforth paused for a moment and was about to get angry.

I saw Ariana poking the table with her finger. There was something on it, whether it was oil stains or someone's nose.

A tooth that flew out from the last fight and was embedded in a pillar also attracted Ariana.

Aberforth walked into the counter, took out the rag that had not been washed for an unknown period of time, and used a cleaning spell to reveal its original yellow color.

Of course, it is also possible that yellow is not the original color.

Aberforth came over and wiped the table diligently. After wiping, he was about to leave when John pointed to the stool again.

Aberforth, with a dark face, went over and wiped the stool carefully.

John touched it to confirm before sitting down.

"any drinks?"

"Is there butterbeer here?" John glanced at Ariana and said calmly, "Of course, I hope it's hot."

Aberforth did not retort, but walked into the room behind the counter and tinkered there for a while.

Two glasses of butterbeer were brought out, and the cups looked like they had just been taken out.

Chapter 605 Aberforth, Dumbledore’s gift

During this process, Ariana kept looking at Aberforth curiously.

Aberforth avoided her gaze and walked behind the counter.

John picked up the butterbeer and took a sip. Well, the temperature was just right.

It was just a sip, but John didn't drink any more.

In fact, it was the taste of butterbeer that made him not want to drink it.

Ariana picked it up and took a sip. John glanced at Aberforth, who didn't dare to come over, and said casually: "Yes, it's her."

Ariana looked over, wondering who John was talking to.

John said calmly: "Didn't he tell you that I have some talent in Legilimency?"

"This is nothing to be surprised about. Your mind is as clear as glass now."

"I thought he was going to tell you about it."

Everything in Aberforth's mind was revealed by John. Aberforth was silent for a while and asked: "How did you..."

He didn't remember it like Dumbledore did, and even Dumbledore only recalled the incident after he was close to death.

John shrugged, "It's better you don't know."

"I don't want Ariana to think that she is alone," John looked at Aberforth and said seriously, "You are his brother, and she has the right to know."

"Brother?" Ariana looked at Aberforth suspiciously.

What was once a very familiar title now belongs to John.

Aberforth asked, "Is she okay?"

"It's getting better," John stood up, took Ariana's hand and came to Aberforth, "Ariana Dumbledore Wick, this is her current name."

"This is good." Aberforth lowered his eyes, "It's better than being around us."

Aberforth's mind was in confusion.

From the moment he saw Ariana, he couldn't calm down, and the indifference he showed was just a disguise after his feelings reached their extreme.

"You were her favorite brother," John shook his head, "despite your failure."

Aberforth did not retort. He looked at John and said seriously: "I don't want you to let Ariana come back."

"He and I are both failed brothers. With Ariana by your side, I see her getting better."

Aberforth had been observing Ariana from the moment she walked through the door.

Ariana is now much more cheerful than before. She is under control, and the terrifying power is hidden in her body.

There is no safer place than with the Second King.

"I will not imprison her. She is free wherever she goes." John said lightly, "She will soar into the sky one day, and I will open all obstacles for her."

Aberforth took a deep breath and said in a voice trembling with gratitude: "Thank you."

John saved Ariana and was willing to let his incompetent brother meet, which was more tolerance than anything else.

"I'm willing to do something for you." He said this.

John shook his head and said; "I don't use my family as a bargaining chip."

He let go of Ariana's hand and said to her, "I think you'll like him, Aberforth Dumbledore."

Ariana reacted to that name.

She came out from behind John and looked at her brother.

She wanted to find the shadow of her brother, but failed.

But she smiled and said, "Like my great-grandfather, you showed me his paintings."

"I have more paintings that I haven't shown you." Aberforth said seriously, "Ariana."

He stretched out his hand, and Ariana hesitated for a moment before putting her hand on it.

The two headed for the door behind the counter. Ariana stopped and looked back at John, "Are you going to wait for me, brother?"

John smiled and said: "I will always be there."

Ariana was relieved and happily went in with Aberforth.

There, there are countless paintings that Aberforth left behind with guilt over the past century.

If not a wizard, he might be a painter in the Muggle world.

Ariana came out before the butterbeer went cold.

John took her to find Mrs. Wick.

Ariana waved to Aberforth as she reached the door.

"Goodbye, brother."

Aberforth waved goodbye.

Until the two figures disappeared completely, Aberforth sat down.

He couldn't come back to his senses for a long time, immersed in the joy of Ariana's resurrection.


He looked at the cold butterbeer.

He seemed to understand why that child could become the king respected by everyone.

"You don't need your family to be a bargaining chip. Wick is where you belong, Ariana."

Aberforth knew that he had lost.

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