Journey Through the Marvel Universe Starting from the Zombie Universe

Chapter 233: Stark Group's bankruptcy is in progress

Stark Industries, Secretary's Office.

"Da da da da."

A yellow-haired woman with a ponytail was sitting at the desk. Her hair looked a little dry and her expression was gloomy and uneasy.

There was an ancient typewriter on the desk, and she was tapping the keys mechanically with her eyes wandering, occasionally falling on the window with the curtains closed.

The sun shone through the gaps in the curtains, reflecting on her listless face. The coffee on the table has become cold, and the coffee liquid at the bottom of the cup has formed a film.

The entire office was filled with dead silence, with only the clicking of the typewriter and the ticking of the clock repeating themselves, as if time had stood still in this corner.

"Are there rats? Don't knock over Tony's few gallons of liquor. That's his most precious thing now. Much more precious than his armor."

After walking through the corridor and pushing open the door of the room, what came into view was chaos. An unshaven man was leaning sleepily on the boss's chair, holding half a bottle of wine in his hand. His face was pale, and his features were submerged in exhaustion and drunkenness.

"Didi dididi——"

Tony grabbed the bottle nonchalantly, his lips covered with food residue, and he drank it without ceremony. A slight cough came from his throat, but he still didn't look at Pepper, turning a blind eye to her worries.

Pepper hesitated for a moment, then stood up, took out the typed resignation report, folded it into a neat document, held it in her hand and walked to her boss's office.

"Tony." Pepper tried to say something. "Your drinking problem."



"Don't forget that in order to save electricity, we have turned off most of the lighting systems in the basement."

When he came to the basement door, he suddenly smelled a faint odor, an unpleasant smell that immediately alerted his sense of smell. He frowned, feeling a little uneasy.

Little Pepper, who was about to leave, turned around and raised his eyebrows slightly, "I guess you either threw him next to the wine cabinet when you were getting the wine to drink, or you threw it when you went to the toilet to vomit. There”

Effective within two weeks from now on, I hereby solemnly propose to resign from my relevant positions in Stark International Enterprises

Happy's mouth twitched, "I'm afraid your 'I'll deal with it later' will be in a week. You said the same thing last time."

Happy hurriedly went over to support his boss and friend, and forced him back into the chair, "Just sit here, Tony. If I ask you to keep it in the basement now, you will get a bruise on your face."

Tony pressed his temples, still looking not quite awake. He tried to explain: "It means things in the basement might not be good, uh, maybe I should take a look, just in case."

Seeing this, Little Pepper had no choice but to swallow the rest of her words, unfolded the page of resignation report, found as much clean space on the table as possible, put it down and said:

Virginia Pepper Potts

Those close to her usually call her by her middle name, which is Pepper.

"Since you fell into the abyss of alcoholism, you have generally only appeared in these two places in the company."

"Tony, as long as you sign this, it will be over. The controlling stake in Stark International Enterprises and all patents have been sold." He piled the documents on the table and waited for Tony's response.

Then he rolled his eyes again and added: "And you got enough money to buy yourself a winery, which I guess is probably what you want to do now more than running a company and being Iron Man."

"What is this? Stalactites?" Happy said casually, and put his palm against it. However, the moment his palm touched it, those pillars seemed to have come to life and suddenly closed quickly.

Tony glanced at the stack of documents sleepily, then frowned and waved his hand, "Put them on Pepper's resignation report. I will deal with it later, Happy."

Happy's eyes widened, but everything happened so fast that he had no time to react.

"Hiccup! I'm fine." He burped and muttered, then suddenly remembered something and glanced around the office. "By the way, do you know where I put my armor?"


While talking, Happy danced and winked, trying his best to imitate the expression of his boss at that time. Then his face changed and he said angrily:

Happy frowned and pressed the pager, and asked with some confusion: "What does that mean?"

All that's left is the crunching sound of chewing.

"Then you completely forgot about it and went on a date with a case of old wine, leaving two employees trapped in the cafeteria for an entire night. I"

The office door was pushed open again, and a man walked in with a stack of documents in his hand.

"I'm going to see what's going on in the basement. Just stay here." He nodded to Pepper again, then opened the door and walked toward the dark stairwell.

"I'm leaving from here. Is there anything else you need me to do before I leave?"

Muttering, Happy slowly approached the marked door to the basement. He raised his hand and pushed open the door, revealing a curtain of darkness.

He stood up unsteadily, but was obviously disturbed by alcohol. His steps were unsteady, his body swayed, and he almost lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Tony shook his head, placed the bottle heavily on the table, and then rubbed his forehead, as if trying to dispel the alcohol haze.

"Last time I reminded you to remember to pay the electric bill, you told me, 'Don't worry, Happy, I'll take care of it.' Don't worry, Happy, even though Mr. Stark drinks alcohol every day, he is still very clear-headed." ! '"

Half of his body was cut and crushed mercilessly, with blood splattering everywhere. A bloodcurdling scream came from his mouth, but for that terrifying moment, his voice seemed lost in the darkness of the basement.

A sudden and intensive beeping sound suddenly sounded, interrupting the conversation. The three people immediately turned to look at a small pager on the table. The mechanical sound inside automatically broadcast emergency information:

"Intrusion...alarm! In the basement. Zhizhi transmission. Alarm"

After walking in, his eyes quickly adapted to the low-light environment, and then he froze on the spot.

After hearing these words, the man with the mustache muttered a few more words, but the words were messy and could not be heard clearly. His mind was still disturbed by alcohol, and his words showed a kind of confusion and chaos.

The table in front of him was messy, full of half-eaten food fragments and waste paper. Some documents were scattered on the floor, the lights in the room were dim, and a strong smell of alcohol filled the air, making people feel suffocated.

After more than ten seconds, she stopped her movements, took a deep breath, and looked at the resignation report.

In the darkness, several mottled pillars hung in the air, like stone pillars, showing a white and yellow color.


Half a minute later, the things began to float out of the darkness, revealing their true horrific nature.

It was not a pillar or a stalactite at all, but a huge, bloody mouth full of sharp teeth.

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