"Hmm! This tastes so delicious. You must have been working out to build muscles, buddy." Hank Pym chewed the things in his mouth happily, and the two tentacles on his forehead were almost touching Reached the roof of the basement.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he was teleported to the earth, fresh flesh and blood would be delivered to his mouth, satisfying his newly developed appetite.

When he ate the observer, he planned to make plans in advance this time and turn the entire multiverse into his hunting ground.

He couldn't be trapped in a lonely universe like last time. Thinking of this, Hank shuddered all over. Although his physiological system no longer had the ability to feel that feeling, he still subconsciously did so.

Without him, it would be extremely uncomfortable to endure hunger for decades.

And now there is another opportunity to devour it, and it cannot be easily missed.

Faced with the crisis, Tony, who had been swimming in the ocean of alcohol for many years, finally cheered up after drinking hard liquor, stood up unsteadily from the chair, and walked to Pepper's side.

Pepper slapped her forehead and closed her eyes in pain.

"Don't be anxious, just come one by one. Everyone has their share of coming into my mouth~"

"Now, let's go find your boss. Eat him first so no one will find me -"

And it is trying to stand up with a body that has lost most of its mass and has no balance. The power of the virus is still so effective even if it spans the entire universe.

Yes, literally half a man. In front of her, Happy Hogan, Tony Stark's number one dedicated employee, had somehow lost the left half of his body. At this time, his pale ribs and bright red organs were dragging outside.

"I can't do it. Is that one a giant? He looks a bit like Pym."

Little Pepper looked at the decadent look of the moustachioed man in front of her and couldn't help but sigh. Then her eyes moved as if she noticed something flashing on the wall screen, and she asked doubtfully: "Tony. Is that surveillance camera?"

"Stop Happy, what's wrong with him?!"

"Security, go and call the security, they have weapons!"

Hearing this, Tony shrank his neck and said, "Do you remember that I asked you before where my armor went?"

Then, he casually picked up the Stark Group employee closest to him and brought it to his mouth. When he swallowed it, blood spattered everywhere, staining the white ceiling red with blood.

When the two people in the office didn't know what to do, there was no longer a living person in the hall. All the employees present were either eaten to death or infected into zombies.

She almost couldn't believe her eyes. Was this a prank or a trick? Tony finally drank until he went completely crazy to scare his employees?

"Oh." Happy didn't answer her words, but drooped the corners of his mouth and rushed towards her with a bloody storm.

Pepper sorted out the messy pile of papers on the table. Although she was determined to resign from Stark Industries, looking at the messy things in front of her still made her suffer from an occupational disease.

"Mr. Hogan? Are you okay?"

"But I" the man with the mustache looked at the surveillance camera on the wall, his eyes full of confusion, "I'm so mentally weak right now that I can't stand at all... I really can't."

However, his eyes still glanced at the crack of the door secretly from time to time, waiting for his friend's figure to appear there.

Tony was still slumped in the chair, holding up the bottle in his hand, his expression confused and unstable. The effects of the alcohol were still evident, and his responses seemed nonchalant, as if he didn't care about Happy's situation.

Hank Pym's body was pressed so tightly against the wall that he could barely move and fell into a helpless state.

He shifted his gaze to the half of the corpse on the ground. Its muscle tissue hung on the bones like soaked leather. Happy's eyes had lost their luster, leaving only the deep whites of their eyes.

Maybe it's a good thing that Tony's company collapsed. After he joined the Avengers, his whole body became more and more stressed.

"Yeah, the surveillance in the company lobby can be a movie. Uh, what is that?" Tony took another sip of wine, glanced at the picture on the screen, and then his eyes widened.

It is true that the observer's machine is broken, but if he remembers correctly or this universe is not much different from his original universe, then Iron Man's company has the means to repair it.


An invisible force suddenly slapped the zombie giant who was giving a speech to a group of mutilated zombies against the wall, causing the latter to let out a dull groan. The wall cracked under his impact, as if it might collapse at any time.

In the lobby, a young female employee held a stack of documents in her arms. She swallowed and looked tentatively at the half-man walking out of the dark corridor.

People around him exclaimed, their eyes scanning the surroundings anxiously, looking for someone who could stop this crazy guy. Some shouted for help, while others tried to grab rocks or other objects to throw.

"Ah - help -" the woman's eyes widened and her mouth screamed. She tried to retreat, but the panic made her legs weak and she could not move quickly.

"This, this is simply a nightmare! Happy, and they are all going to die!" Pepper on the other end of the surveillance had a pale face, and shouted tremblingly to the man beside him, "You have to do something , stop those monsters!"

"Come on, you little guy, take me to the place where you guys usually stay." The tall zombie giant whispered, and he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth a little. He just said something about height. Double meaning.

And this caused the people who were already in panic to completely collapse and began to flee in all directions, but their only way out was blocked by the giant.

The latter was stunned when he heard this, and then hurriedly shouted: "But Iron Man can!"

Now that the company is going bankrupt, even if you don't mention the profits from the acquisitions, the money in Tony's own account is enough for him to drink for a lifetime.

"Maybe it was my booze that got him there? You know, those spirits I had stashed in the basement were the absolute best."

"If you can't do it, just let me do it. Don't tell me that your female secretary can't open your armor? I'll be the Iron Man you don't want to be!"

Suddenly, a zombie giant about three meters tall walked slowly out of the corridor with his waist lowered. He was wearing a red and blue tights, and his face was twisted with a terrifying smile that seemed to come from the depths of hell.

And what I have to do now is to find it quickly, before all the superheroes discover that there is a group of gourmets with unique tastes in the world!

"How come Happy has been gone for so long and hasn't come back yet? Do you have any clues?"

His body was extremely large, and as soon as he came out, the passage where everyone was standing was almost full, leaving people with no way to escape, and at the same time exuding a disgusting stench.

A figure slowly floated into the building from outside the door. The surrounding air distorted visibly under the pressure of his figure, pushing away the blood drops falling on the ceiling.

"I'm still thinking about whether it's too late, but for now." Bai Ye frowned and glanced at the blood-red severed limbs on the ground, then returned his gaze to the giant zombie and said:

"I'm a little late, but not entirely late."

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