Slowly walking into the data center located far outside the laboratory, Walter gently passed by the neatly arranged large computer systems.

He walked steadily towards the data storage terminal with a sophisticated control panel. The system was designed to be compact and efficient, like a sophisticated console. The densely packed buttons and indicator lights in front of him formed a complex information network.

The bald scientist took a deep breath and walked to the console, started to operate the panel and entered the authorization code. A series of data streams and charts pop up on the display, as well as a wealth of encrypted information.

He searched quietly, and using the system's built-in search function, he began to search for information related to "angels". He continued to enter keywords and execute commands, and his eyes scanned the changes on the screen intently. Gradually, his brows wrinkled slightly, as if he had encountered some obstacles in his search.

It takes a little time to crack each piece of data, and it is also mixed with a lot of garbled and unidentified data, most of which comes from the Red Skull's database, but these are not the real reasons that make Walter feel irritated.

During his search, the complexity and conflicting nature of multiple villain databases gradually emerged. After all, the name "Angel" is not the only identifier in the gene pool, and there may be multiple names with different surnames.

These damn guys didn't distinguish between names and titles when entering data? !

The man in the photo has a handsome face, and his wings reflect a faint golden light in the sun, exuding a mysterious and charming aura. The delicacy and beauty of the feathers on it are incredible, as if this is a being from legend.

Walter held the USB drive in his hand and carefully walked towards the cloning cabin where Bai Ye was, but he did not disturb Bai Ye immediately. There seemed to be an aura of mystery and unusualness about the scene that he hesitated to break.

Walter took a deep breath, feeling a little regretful for his behavior, picked up the cup and took a sip of water to calm down a little, and then continued to search.

"This guy is so much like the guardians in mythology and the holy angels described in movies and TV shows."

The thought that passed through his cerebral cortex caused his fingers to pause for a moment, and then an impulse made him slap the console hard. This time it hit the control panel and made a dull sound.

After going through more than ten minutes of boring and tedious item-by-item comparison,

His heart was filled with anticipation and excitement. His fingers clicked rapidly on the keyboard to open this special file. The information displayed on the screen made him stunned.


As soon as he opened the door, he saw Bai Ye standing in front of a cloning cabin, stretching out a hand and pressing it against the transparent cloning cabin glass.

Walter's eyes lit up immediately, and he subconsciously reached out and hammered the table hard again.

Bai Ye stood in front of the cloning cabin, one hand pressed against the glass, as if he was establishing some kind of connection with the clones. His expression was thoughtful and engaged, as if he was engaged in some kind of inquiry or communication.

Walter stared at the photos on the screen, feeling a unique emotion in his heart. He muttered to himself, his face showing a hint of wonder and depth of thought.

But he soon realized his mission, because this information was for Bai Ye to ask, not for him to appreciate the 'angel' like those hillbillies back then.


After the export was completed, Walter quickly removed the USB flash drive from the computer and carefully kept this valuable data. He shut down his computer and hurriedly left the database center and hurried back to the laboratory.

Rejoicing, Walter immediately operated the computer and quickly stored these precious genetic data in a secure database, and backed it up to ensure the integrity and security of the information.

The text clearly showed a name - Warren Kenneth Worthington III.

In an instant, Walter took a deep breath, freed himself from his emotions, and pressed the keyboard to cause the computer to start decoding the message.

The process didn't last long this time. In less than half a minute, a line of small green words flashed lively on the screen: Gene sample has been stored.

This made the bald scientist feel deeply pressured and did not dare to interrupt at will.

This was the first time he had seen such high-definition images. Most of the previous image data were blurry versions that had been compressed many times. After all, few people would pay attention to an insignificant mutant.

As the chief scientist, he fully understands the importance of such precious information for human cloning.

In other words, hair loss.

Hanging next to the name is a photo that is too clear to look like it came from forty years ago. In this photo, there is a blond man with a pair of angel-like white wings on his back.

Walter felt relieved and understood that Bai Ye had now ended his exploration or communication, so he answered with a smile: "It was completed very smoothly. I successfully exported the genetic data about the angel and it has been saved in the USB flash drive. This is about him Some important information."

The hit caused a slight vibration in the console, which immediately made the mug placed on the table tremble. The water in the cup rippled and swayed slightly.

"Damn it."

Then he rubbed his hands together excitedly, facing the task that was about to be successfully completed on the screen, his eyes filled with joy and satisfaction.

"Oh, no wonder back then." He frowned slightly and touched his bald head with one hand, "At that time, even those who were deeply hostile to mutants were suspicious of them. "

Sure enough, genetic data about the mutant "Angel" is stored here.

But no matter where those samples came from, this news was a major discovery for him. He knew that these genetic data were of great significance to Bai Ye's research.

He was immersed in these emotions for a moment, as if time was suspended, and he was intoxicated by the imagination of that mysterious existence and the feeling of traveling back to the past.

After a few seconds, Bai Yefang withdrew his hand and turned his head to look at Walter, his eyes were clear and focused. He said calmly: "You are back? How was the mission accomplished?"

For this mutant with a pair of large wings, every time he goes on a mission with the X-Men, he will undoubtedly leave a large number of genetic samples in various operations.

He took out the USB flash drive in his hand and handed it to Bai Ye, indicating that the task was successfully completed. At the same time, he also looked forward to hearing Bai Ye's further instructions and plans for these data.

Looking at Bai Ye's outstretched hand, the bald scientist felt a little excited. He always knew that every move his boss made brought more possibilities to the world.

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