Journey Through the Marvel Universe Starting from the Zombie Universe

Chapter 290 Don’t allow imperfect things to be born

Bai Ye took the USB flash drive, smiled slightly, and said lightly: "I just discovered that clones also have thoughts."

These words made Walter feel a little surprised. He frowned slightly, not quite understanding the specific meaning of Bai Ye's words.

"Thinking?" he asked with some confusion. This statement seemed to be inconsistent with his previous understanding of clones.

In his understanding, human cloning is only based on genetic information and has no self-awareness or independent thinking.

At least that was the case before they walked out of the cloning cabin. As for what happened after they walked out, the laboratory had no experience in this area so far.

Seeing the doubts flashing in his men's eyes, Bai Ye explained with a smile: "Although they do not have the same human self-awareness as us, through my telepathy, I found that clones, to a certain extent, will show response to the external environment.”

"Maybe call it thinking."

These clones are not like real conscious individuals, and their inner emotional and cognitive states are not so solid, but like a soft piece of tofu.

The transparent part of the cloning cabin is slowly closed, gradually creating a peaceful atmosphere. As the cabin closed, a soft light enveloped the entire cabin.

He carefully reviewed every piece of data and adjusted the parameters of the cloning chamber to ensure the accuracy of the cloning process. These data are very complex, covering the clone's physical structure, neural network, emotional response and various physiological indicators.

“Also, we need to be proactive in order to better protect our world.”

A peaceful atmosphere gradually filled the sleeping cabin. The clones were gently wrapped in the dormant liquid, as if they were spending their time in a peaceful dreamland.

Walter mused, intrigued by this new perspective. He began to think about Bai Ye's words, and at the same time he was full of curiosity about the clone's potential cognition and way of thinking.

Walter nodded and took the USB flash drive, inserted it into a computer interface, and then started the cloning cabin's monitoring system.

A series of data and images appeared on the screen, including cloned human genetic samples, body parameters, various feedback and other information.

Time passed slowly, and the data on the screen gradually stabilized, showing that the cloning process was nearing its end. Walter continued to monitor every detail, making sure everything went according to plan.

The experiments and observations I have just conducted are only superficial explorations, and my understanding of the human clone's mind is still in its infancy.

Every time those lines jumped, the bald scientist's brow would frown slightly. While analyzing the data, he carefully adjusted the parameters to ensure the success of cloning.

"And these clones may become an effective force for us to some extent and may help us deal with these potential threats."

Bai Ye pondered for a moment, and then said seriously: "There is no need to slow down the progress, but we must proceed cautiously. We now need more force to protect ourselves."

The clone's eyes opened slightly, showing signs of life.

Bai Ye shook his head slightly, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes. He explained: "The thinking state of these clones is very fragile. I made some attempts, but I only lightly explored the outer layer of their brains and did not conduct in-depth research. "

He knew that failing once would not cause Bai Ye to punish him in any way, but he could not forgive his mistake.

"So." Bai Ye shrugged and handed the USB flash drive back to Walter's hand. He didn't know how to deal with the contents inside. "Storage the angel's data. Let's clone a person first and test his survival." ability."

After completing the adjustment work on the clone, Walter wiped the sweat from his forehead and felt a sense of satisfaction filling his heart.

"Huh, it's finally okay."

"The new clones will be very fragile and need to hibernate now. As I said before, the Jackals have no intention of letting the clones survive for a long time, but we are different."

But soon he seemed to remember something again, and gently pressed a series of buttons and control panels.

This work requires extremely high technology and expertise, and Walter, as a senior scientist, has demonstrated his outstanding talents.


The bald scientist suddenly asked with some confusion: "Force? Protect yourself? What do you mean?"

"All right."

"Have you done any further research and exploration into their behavior?" Walter asked Bai Ye.

Walter was deep in his work, his fingers tapping nimbly on the keyboard, constantly making fine adjustments.

Bai Ye gathered his thoughts and said in a serious tone: "I can't tell you more, but we are in a larger cosmic level event at the moment, and threats from the outer universe are already brewing, even if I We still can’t determine their purpose or movements.”

To be honest, doing this is not very in line with his wishes. Although continued research may have some unforeseen consequences, the military and various organizations in the past often accidentally created various monsters for superheroes to fight, but scientific progress There is always a price.

“Their mental and emotional states are so fragile that delving into them can be torture, and it’s not an easy task for me.”

Bai Ye continued to explain.

"After all. What do you call an imperfect angel?"

The liquid in the cloning cabin began to flow slowly, and the temperature, humidity and atmosphere were precisely controlled. On the screen, graphs and curves of genetic data fluctuate, showing the progress of the cloning process.

Raising his head, Walter looked at Bai Ye and explained, his eyes revealing anticipation and excitement.

After hearing these words, Walter still had an unclear expression. He touched his bald head, frowned slightly, and then asked: "Does that mean we have to slow down the research progress and wait for more data? "

This clone will become an important asset. I believe it will not only bring new breakthroughs to the wasteland scientific community, but may also play a key role at some point in the future.

Eventually, the fluid in the cloning chamber stops flowing, and a brand new clone appears inside. It looked almost identical to the previous clone, but contained the tweaks and improvements White Night had requested.

Bai Ye stared in the direction of the cloning cabin for a moment, and then turned to Walter. A smile of encouragement and approval appeared on his face:

"Walter, you have done an excellent job and it is very important to our research."

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