Gorgeous chandeliers hung from the high ceiling of the banquet hall. They were as bright as stars, making the atmosphere of the banquet warm and solemn.

The main body of the chandelier is made of exquisite brass, plated with golden luster, like a gem-like work of art. Each lamp arm is carved with fine patterns and curves, exuding an ancient and gorgeous atmosphere.

Crystal pendants hang around the lamp body. They are crystal clear, like tiny stars hanging in the night sky. Under the illumination of the light, the crystal pendant flashes with colorful light, creating a mysterious and dreamy atmosphere.

Star-Lord and Eagle Eye raised their wine glasses at the banquet, touching them lightly with a smile, and the crisp sound of the glasses echoed in the air. The stars were like water, and at the moment they toasted, their eyes met, as if they had traveled through the tunnel of time and returned to that long and bumpy time.

"Forty years, brother, it's such a long time." Eagle Eyes said with a smile, the amber liquid in the wine glass flashing under the light.

Star-Lord nodded, a flash of affection flashing in his eyes, "Yes, we have experienced too much in forty years."

The two people's eyes looked through the amber liquid in the wine glass, as if they could see the ups and downs and bitterness deep in each other's hearts.

Star-Lord tried to control his emotions and sobbed for a while, then took a deep breath and raised his head to look at Hawkeye. With slightly trembling lips, he struggled to say: "I also had a daughter before, but she was killed by members of the Universal Truth Church."

Star-Lord listened and felt Hawkeye's will. They are all people who have gone through too many hardships and face the dangers of the universe with tenacity.

The light penetrates the amber liquid in the cup and is refracted by tiny ripples, emitting a deep and charming brilliance. Star-Lord stared at this scene, immersed in the wonderful world of wine, and his thoughts went back to the past.

The amber liquid in the cup swayed slightly, as if there was a piece of drunken starlight swimming in it. He shook the wine glass gently, and the wine danced with it, forming a gorgeous melody.

Eagle Eye nodded, complex emotions surging in his eyes. Their conversation brought the past to mind, and forty years of vicissitudes converged into a drop of hot tears at this moment.

Star-Lord and Eagle Eye gently clinked their wine glasses together, and the crisp sound of the glasses echoed in the banquet hall. This simple yet ceremonial action is a tacit tribute to each other's tenacity and life journey.

Then, the two of them took a sip almost at the same time, the wine overflowed in their mouths, and the mellow taste filled their mouths, like a warm current that warmed their souls. At the moment when they finished drinking, they felt the fullness and joy of life.

"Star-Lord, I...I don't know what to say." Eagle Eye's voice also became sad. He looked deeply at Star-Lord and conveyed his silent condolences.

Star-Lord took a deep breath, his eyes flashed with the pain of the past, "It was a hard battle, and the darkness of the universe almost swallowed everything. But we cannot give in and let those crazy cultists destroy the entire universe."

In the cheerful banquet atmosphere, the conversation between Star-Lord and Eagle Eye became a unique scene in this victory banquet. Their tears are witnesses of the years and the truest portrayal of perseverance in life.

"And you, Clint?" Star-Lord asked curiously, "What have you experienced on Earth in the past forty years?"

Eagle Eye put down his wine glass, looked at Star-Lord, and suddenly smiled and said: "You know what? I have been struggling in the wasteland all these years, but my family has always been my most important pillar of support. I have a daughter who is now a teenager. ”

Star-Lord suppressed his emotions and tried his best to show a strong smile: "It doesn't matter, buddy, this is the past, and we are now celebrating the victory over Galactus. Let us cherish the happiness in front of us and toast to the future. "

The two wine glasses touched again, and the amber liquid swirled in the glass. Tears could not help but fall from their drunken eyes. They were a reflection of the years, persistence in life, and cherishment of friendship.

When Star-Lord heard this, his originally relaxed expression suddenly became tense, as if he was deeply touched by an indescribable feeling.

Eagle Eye noticed the change in Star-Lord and asked hurriedly: "What's wrong, Star-Lord? Is there anything that makes you feel sad?"

The wine slid down the throat and into the stomach, and a deep sense of satisfaction filled the whole body. Star-Lord and Hawkeye smiled at each other, their eyes revealing respect and understanding for each other.

At this point, Star-Lord's voice became low and vicissitudes of life, and his eyes were filled with deep regret and pain. He raised his hand to wipe the tears from his face, then raised his glass and looked at the ripples in the wine.

Eagle Eyes smiled softly, with a trace of bitterness flashing in his eyes, "In the wasteland of the earth, every day is a challenge to survive. The world there is no longer what we are familiar with, it has become desolate and cruel. But I Believe that we cannot give up, even in desperate moments.”

Star-Lord and Hawkeye simultaneously raised their glasses and raised them above their heads. The light shines through the wine glasses, reflecting the resolute faces of the two heroes. They are immersed in this brief and precious moment, where time stands still.


The two people's eyes met at the moment when they clinked glasses. At that moment, they seemed to convey many emotions that words could not express with their eyes. The amber liquid in the wine glass flows with vibration, as leisurely as a river in the starry sky.

Eagle Eyes listened silently, his eyes full of understanding. He knew that Quill's experience was not easy, and how cruel and tragic the alien war was.

Eagle Eye was so shocked that he couldn't believe his ears. In such a moment of celebration, I heard such sad events. A trace of compassion flashed in his eyes, understanding the pain in Star-Lord's heart.

"I have been fighting against the Church of Truth for many years on another planet."

"We are all warriors for survival, Clint." Star-Lord raised his glass, his tone full of respect, "For these forty years, we have been holding on and fighting for the peace of the universe."

The wine in the cup is like the stars in the sky, twinkling and telling a thousand words. Star-Lord felt the precipitation of time and the flow of life. This glass of wine became a container of time, carrying the joys and sorrows of his past.

"This cup is for our past struggles and for the future of the universe." Star-Lord said boldly.

This is not only a clinking of glasses between two people, but also a celebration of each other going through all kinds of hardships and facing the crisis of the universe together. No one knows what the future will bring.

At least now, at least for this moment, the Earth is safe, and they don't have to play superheroes for the time being.

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