Bai Ye watched quietly at the banquet, with a faint smile in his eyes. The heroes exchanged each other's past and struggles during the celebration, and the atmosphere of the banquet was warm and cheerful.

He raised his wine glass, toasted with everyone in celebration, and then took a sip of wine. The wine exuded a faint fragrance in his mouth, but his eyes gradually became deeper.

Intertwined with people's joyful laughter and blessings, Bai Ye's smile gradually faded. He raised the glass again, drank it down, and then placed the glass gently on the table.

Amid everyone's laughter, Bai Ye silently left the banquet hall and walked towards the laboratory.

Stepping into the laboratory, there are rows of neatly arranged green jars in front of you. Each jar is about two people high, and they are densely placed on one side of the laboratory. These transparent jars are filled with green liquid, like a pool of green dream.

Inside each jar is a sleeping clone, as if frozen in time in a dreamy green sea. The clone's body floats gently, its face is serene and calm, and a trace of life is gently pulsating in the green liquid.

The green liquid emits faint fluorescence, giving the entire laboratory a mysterious and peaceful atmosphere. These sleeping clones are like silent witnesses in the laboratory, silent and full of unknowns.

The robotic arm is precisely installed with an advanced power system, and the miniature thrusters and auxiliary devices are perfectly integrated into the armor.

Bai Ye stared at these golden-red armors quietly, determination flashing in his eyes.

Walter reported to Bai Ye in a capable and affirmative tone.

On the production line, the precise and busy mechanical work reaches its climax. Under the skillful control of the robotic arm, the metal parts were accurately assembled and welded, eventually forming one magnificent golden-red power armor after another.

These golden-red power armors are nearly three meters tall, majestic and mighty, and will be the overlords on the future battlefield. They are neatly arranged on the production line, like a mechanical army on standby, waiting for the moment to go into battle.

Pushing open the door, they arrived at the work area of ​​the MK40 production line amid the hum of machines. The place is busy and orderly, with engineers concentrating on operating various high-tech equipment and producing replica Iron Man suits one after another.

The armor parts of these power armors are as shiny as new, showing a dazzling metallic luster. Each armor plate is precision carved, exuding a futuristic design. Their structure is compact and sturdy, and their unparalleled combat effectiveness can be felt at a glance.

"Da da da"

"Walter, how long will it take for these clones to be awakened and put into the battlefield? We need to ensure that they are put into use in the shortest possible time." Bai Ye's voice was calm, and he obviously had a clear plan for the time arrangement of this army.

"Mr. Baiye, have a good night. The cultivation of these clones fused with mutant genes is going well. They are all in good health, and in their sleeping state, the gene fusion effect has also achieved the expected goals. They will maintain absolute control over your orders. loyalty."

"And they are deeply programmed on a psychological level to view you as the highest authority. This ensures that they will always follow your orders and remain loyal to you while performing their missions on the battlefield."

The bald scientist Walter walked into the laboratory, his eyes revealing a focused and sharp light. Walter's eyes scanned the rows of green cans, and he walked confidently into the white night.

Bai Ye stared at the rows of sleeping clones, with a hint of complicated emotions in his eyes.

These clones represent his experiments to expand his strength. Each one is silent in this green dream for the purpose of fighting.

The overall design not only pursues aesthetics, but also fully considers the practicality of combat, showing a strong sense of technological future.

He twisted the ring on his hand, and suddenly a dazzling bright light emerged, covering him and the golden-red power armor around him. In the brilliance of this strong light, Bai Ye's figure gradually disappeared, as if it had merged into the ocean of light.

The cultivation of this clone force will play a key role in the tranquility of the universe, and their absolute loyalty is a powerful trump card in the multiverse.

Bai Ye nodded slightly, expressing satisfaction with this technological method. The rapid cultivation and absolute loyalty of this clone army will make him a powerful aid in the upcoming multiverse battle royale.

The workers next to the production line stared at this scene in stunned silence and couldn't help but hold their breath. The golden-red power armor also shimmered in this strong light, as if witnessing a mysterious and transcendent moment.

Bai Ye nodded slightly, expressing satisfaction with Walter's work.

"These clones will be your right-hand assistants, absolutely loyal, and possess powerful abilities. We have set basic training and tasks for them. Once awakened, they will quickly join your service." Walter He explained, his eyes full of pride in his scientific research achievements.

Then, the two turned around and left the cloning laboratory, embarking on the road leading to another room.

Walter responded with a smile: "According to the current breeding situation, these clones can complete the dormant stage within a week, and then adapt to the battlefield environment through rapid training. They can be put into combat within two weeks at the fastest."

Bai Ye nodded, seemingly satisfied with this schedule. Then, he asked: "Can you explain in detail about their absolute loyalty? How is this loyalty ensured?"

The bald scientist continued to act, and explained with confidence: "The absolute loyalty of these clones stems from our design at the genetic level. We have integrated specific gene sequences to make them absolutely agree with your orders. "

The clones in the jar seem to be sleeping, but the fused mutant genes give them strength and adaptability beyond ordinary people.

He walked to the nearest jar and tapped the wall gently. The green liquid rippled, seeming to respond to Walter's presence.

Bai Ye and Walter stopped in front of the green jar and exchanged glances with each other, conveying a silent understanding in silence.

Now, it's time to meet the Spider Web Master. Presumably, after waiting for this time, he should have completed his work.

As the bright light gradually dissipated, the golden-red power armor on the production line appeared in front of them again, but Bai Ye was no longer where it was.

He seemed to merge into a certain dimensional space and disappeared without a trace, leaving behind a piece of tranquility and mystery.

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