Bai Ye opened his eyes again and felt that he was standing on a vast wasteland. The ground beneath our feet was dry and pristine, and a gentle breeze ruffled the tips of the grass. In the distance, a magnificent castle stands on the plain, exuding an ancient and solemn atmosphere.

The castle appears to be undergoing a process of restoration and reconstruction. Craftsmen are busy moving between buildings, repairing damaged walls and renovating towers. The tapping of construction tools and the shouts of craftsmen intertwined to form a vibrant song of construction.

Some people in the wilderness were working in front of the surrounding huts, sowing crops and tending to livestock. This abandoned land seems to be being given new life, and the castle symbolizes the rebirth of hope and strength.

Bai Ye stood there quietly, watching the rising castle and the hard-working people. His presence didn't seem to attract much attention, as if he was integrated into this new land.

A fluttering flag flutters on a tall tower in the distance, with unique patterns painted on it. As Bai Ye approached the castle, he gradually felt the vitality and hope here. The interior of the castle is also glowing with new vitality. People are busy repairing and decorating, injecting new vitality into this once silent fortress.

He walked around the huge walls of the castle and entered. Walking on the stone paved paths, Bai Ye couldn't help but be full of curiosity about this mysterious and reconstructed place.

Finally, he reached the highest point of the castle and overlooked everything around him. In the distant plains, the once barren land is becoming green. Under the castle, people cooperate with each other to build this reawakened corner.

"Believe me, I won't hunt Spider Totem anymore."

Bai Ye stared at the wilderness in the distance, where the scenery presented a vast and desolate scene. In the middle of the yellow desert area stands an ancient castle eroded by wind and sand.

Bai Ye nodded slightly, his eyes calm.

Kahn smiled slightly, the light in his eyes twinkling. He showed no resentment about the past and seemed to have developed a profound understanding of the experience.

"The Spider Web Master did not elaborate. He only said that it was related to your plan, and also mentioned that it may involve a wider field." Kahn's expression revealed some troubles. He obviously still had no idea about the role he played. Don't fully understand.

Kahn pointed to the castle in the distance, his fingers crossed in the air, as if outlining the outline of the castle, and then explained: "There are also some servants who voluntarily stayed behind and are being commanded by me to repair the castle. They are loyal and loyal. Diligent, the current restoration project is progressing very smoothly and is expected to be completed soon. ”

"This is the right decision."

Bai Ye smiled, raised his eyebrows slightly, and then asked, "Oh? Does it have anything to do with me? What does it have to do with me?"

The man in the robe has a handsome face, long hair draped over his shoulders, and a deep meaning in his eyes. He seemed surprised and looking forward to Bai Ye's arrival, as if waiting for some important answer.

"Bai Ye, you are finally back." Kahn's voice contained a hint of complex emotions. His eyes swept over Bai Ye's body, trying to read the other person's heart.

Bai Ye nodded lightly. After all, those heirs had done nothing but murder, looting and smashing goods everywhere. Now it was only right to return the stolen pieces.

It seems that Spider Web Master has brought this older child to a mature level in the past few days, or maybe he used other methods?

"Master Spider Web has indeed done his duty and allowed you to return to this world in a short time." Bai Ye said calmly, his tone revealing calmness and thinking.

Bai Ye shook his head slightly and looked at Kahn with a deep look in his eyes: "You don't have to hurry to figure it out, time will reveal everything. And I hope you can use the power you gained from the Spider Web Master to benefit yourself. Find a better way with the world."

Bai Ye muttered "Kahn." and then squinted his eyes to examine the man in the robe. Although the face was relatively unfamiliar to him, he could immediately identify it as the only surviving member of the previous Successor family—Kahn.

The man in a robe walked towards him, a familiar smile on his face.

Under the sunlight, the tower of the castle revealed a golden brilliance, forming a sharp contrast with the surrounding wilderness. The land seemed to be revitalized by their efforts.

There was a hint of playfulness in his voice, and an unfathomable light shone in his eyes.

This young Karn was the former successor, the one he personally exiled to the Master of the Web. However, Kahn at this moment is obviously different from the past.

Kahn nodded and responded without hesitation: "Yes, I have found it, and this is also related to you."

"By the way, what about the fragments of other worlds before this world?" Bai Ye turned his eyes to Kahn and asked about the fate of the universe fragments.

Kahn smiled and invited Bai Ye into the castle and said: "If you are willing, the Spider Web Master is waiting deep in the castle. He is full of expectations for your arrival."

"Bai Ye, we are finally here." The man in the robe said, his voice solemn and magnetic.

Following Kahn's words, Bai Ye was able to outline in his mind the picture of those colorful cosmic fragments finding their homes again in their respective universes, and a glimmer of understanding flashed in his eyes.

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows slightly, curious about Kahn's changes. He knew what kind of training and revelation Kahn had received from the Master of the Web during this time, and this gave him a keen interest in the power Kahn had mastered.

"Very good, I hope you have found a new goal for yourself." Bai Ye looked at Kahn deeply, his eyes full of meaning.

In the central square of the castle, a figure in a gorgeous robe is directing the craftsmen in the construction. The leader's gaze paused for a moment over the castle, seeming to meet Bai Ye's gaze.

Kahn smiled slightly and explained: "Those fragments have been returned by the Spider Web Master to the universe where they originally existed. The Spider Web Master used his unique technical means to safely restore these fragments to the world where they belong, avoiding the need to damage this world. interference and disruption.”

Kahn's tone was calm, and his eyes revealed his expectations for the future.

"Bai Ye, I understand your choice, and I am grateful to you for giving me a new opportunity. During this time, I accepted the guidance of Master Spider Web and gained some special powers."

Bai Ye's eyes followed Kahn's gesture and landed on the castle, and the engineering scene in the distance gradually emerged. A group of servants were busy on the scaffolding hanging next to the tower, some were carrying bricks and stones, and some were carefully repairing the ancient castle walls. Their figures are like a tacit symphony orchestra, playing the melody of restoration together.

There was a hint of respect in his tone, and he seemed to have great respect for the Spider Web Master.

Bai Ye nodded and agreed happily: "Okay, I would like to meet Master Spider Web and learn about the results of his work."

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