In Kahn's eyes, uneasiness and confusion are intertwined into a profound picture in the interplay of light and shadow. He leaned against the wall of the hall. The gorgeous decoration was like a piece of heavy history, making his figure feel even more lonely.

Above the head, the chandelier exudes soft light. The beam penetrates the gorgeous crystal and sprinkles on the floor of the hall, forming mottled light and shadow. Kahn looked a little tired in this light and shadow, his brows furrowed slightly, as if he was thinking about some deep and difficult questions.

On the gorgeous oil painting walls, ancient scenes and characters seem to be watching this confused man. The characters in the paintings are either heroic or profound, all telling heavy stories.

Bai Ye noticed the doubts and uneasiness in Kahn's eyes. He laughed and walked slowly to Kahn's side. In this magnificent hall, Bai Ye's smile looked deep and generous.

"Kahn, don't worry too much. You don't need to be directly involved in these affairs. Your task is to prepare here to become the successor of the Spider Web Master. I need a reliable person to guard this field, and you are the most suitable candidate. Your power will play a vital role in this process.”

"And I think this is what you crave. You like to stay away from fighting, right?"

Bai Ye's voice was full of comfort and trust.

The shadow of Master Spider stopped at the end of the corridor, and a door leading to another room came into view.

He wore an airtight metal helmet on his head, revealing only a pair of deep eyes. The device on the helmet flashed with strange runes, which seemed to be connected to the power of higher dimensions. The whole body exudes mysterious and powerful energy.

Kahn listened to Bai Ye's words, and confidence in the future gradually emerged in his eyes. Perhaps, he does not want to set foot in the whirlpool of the multiverse, but to protect the peace of the universe in this realm.

The Spider Web Master slowly crawled out of the mist, this time he looked bigger than before. His figure occupies almost half of the space in the hall, like a majestic tower. His body is covered with a metal exoskeleton, similar in shape to the mechanical spider, but much larger and more complex.

"Bai Ye, we have something to say. Please come with me." There was a calmness and thoughtfulness in his tone.

The moment he left, he gently closed the door, isolating the grand decoration of the hall from the outside world.

Bai Ye nodded slightly and followed the shadow of the spider web master through the hall and towards the long corridor on one side. The long corridor is lined with tall windows.

The spider web master nodded slightly, and he stretched out his hand to stir the spider web under his feet, mobilizing some kind of power. His voice came from the helmet, low and majestic:

"I have felt the disappearance of the breath of several universes far away from the edge. This is not a good sign. The balance of the universe has been broken, and this change is not a problem of a single universe, but multiple universes are implicated. "

The shadow waved his hand, and the door opened automatically, and the shadow disappeared.

The approach of this disaster aroused doubts and worries deep in his heart. According to his estimation, the time for diversity integration should not be so early, but the signs before him made him feel the urgency of the situation.

The Spider Web Master hung on the gorgeous ceiling, his figure like a dancing spider silk in the darkness. At this time, he whispered to Kahn: "Kahn, please leave first. Bai Ye and I need some independent time to talk. talk."

Through the window, you can see a starry sky composed of energy. The stars are dotted like countless tiny lights. It is obvious that this is no longer a normal space.

Bai Ye's eyes flashed with determination: "Is this a precursor to the so-called catastrophe?"

After the door was closed, the Spider Web Master's light flickered slightly, and a transparent shadow that was exactly like him appeared in front of Bai Ye.

Baiye walked into the door and saw a Roman-style hall inside, surrounded by fallen stone pillars and ruins of buildings, which seemed to be the remains of a ruins.

The top of the hall is obscured by a fragmented roof, and through the mottled light and shadow, one can see a corner of the starry sky.

This huge network is covered with complex runes, each of which exudes ancient and profound energy. The center of the web seemed to lead to an unknown dimension, shrouded in dense fog.

Spider Web Master nodded: "Yes, the clouds of catastrophe have risen in multiple universes. This kind of disaster is not a one-time event, but a catastrophe that spans the multiverse and affects the entire universe structure."

Then I thought about it, maybe there were some unknown factors or people behind the scenes that caused the acceleration of the collapse of the universe.

Yes, if he is the web master, that's fine.

He reached out and patted Kahn on the shoulder, conveying his confidence to the past successor. There was a trace of expectation in Bai Ye's eyes. He believed that Kahn could fulfill this important mission.

There is an extremely large net in the center, which is criss-crossed and connected to the mist in the sky. This net seems to be a giant net in the universe, with faint light flowing between the grids, exuding a mysterious atmosphere.

"I once sensed this crisis was coming, but it happened so fast that I couldn't stop it."

The spider web master's mechanical spider then swung a few times, like a tacit farewell. It whispered to Kahn: "Don't worry, Kahn. Your mission is crucial, and I will always pay attention to the trends in this field."

"Master Spider Web has given you enough power and knowledge. All you need to do is stick here and wait for the changes in the universe. In this process, you will not be alone because you have the support of this entire field." Bai Ye's tone Full of encouragement and care.

Bai Ye approached Master Spider Web, frowning slightly, and asked: "Master, what happened? What is the origin of this catastrophe?"

The Spider Web Master's voice came from deep inside his body, like a low voice echoing in the abyss of the universe: "Baiye, your arrival is not accidental. What we are facing is a catastrophe that is about to come, and you will be the turning point." The key to destiny.”

Bai Ye's eyes were attracted by the net in the center of the palace. He couldn't help but move forward and walked to the edge of the net.

Bai Ye fell silent, thoughts swirling in his mind.

He stretched out a huge arm and gently stroked the huge spider web, as if feeling the endless power contained in it.

Kahn was stunned for a moment, then looked at the Spider Web Master. He nodded slightly, drank the wine in his hand without hesitation, then turned and left.

He felt helpless and angry towards this unknown power.

Because that means that the previous petty fights are over, and now he will go head-to-head with those real ruthless characters.

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