Bai Ye stared at the Spider Web Master, a trace of thought flashed in his eyes.

The Spider Web Master waved his hand gently, and the air seemed to freeze, and then, thousands of miniature pictures appeared in front of them.

In these pictures, various universes show completely different scenes.

A dark universe dominated by demons, with twisted and terrifying creatures floating in the sky. Sharp wailing sounds came from the ruins of the city, and the innocent creatures became ferocious and brutal under the control of the monsters.

In another universe, Ultron rises again, followed by various out-of-control mechanical creatures. The city was destroyed by giant metal creatures, and the endless ruins were reflected in the firelight.

Most of the universe is covered by a huge ocean, and there are inexplicable monsters living in groups underwater. Ships are sinking, cities are submerged, and there is less and less land for human survival.

The universe is covered by endless Zerg, and they sweep everything away like a tide. Cities and civilization were gone, only a huge nest composed of Zerg.

Bai Ye smiled slightly and stepped into the portal. His figure disappeared in the light, and the portal slowly closed behind him.

Bai Ye slowly opened his eyes and found that he was no longer in the domain of the previous spider web master. In its place was a desolate scene.

Master Spider Web's eyes flashed with deep regret, as if he had personally experienced all this pain.

The spider web master nodded slightly, waved his finger lightly, and a bright spider web pattern appeared in the air, gradually condensing into a shining portal. A blurry scene was reflected in the portal, which seemed to be in ruins, but the earth was still standing.

After saying that, Kahn took a sip of wine, as if toasting to the unknown road ahead.

As he inhales, his enhanced self-healing ability begins to operate, slowly counteracting this external infringement.


The Spider Web Master raised his head slightly and stared at Kahn. After a moment of silence, he nodded slowly:

"I believe that Bai Ye has a special power in him that can cross the curtain of the universe and touch the cobwebs of truth. His determination and wisdom may be able to guide us out of this dilemma."

He raised his hand and pointed to one of the images, which showed a hero trying to fight against the impending disaster. However, even powerful superheroes can't resist the invisible threat.

"Some cosmic crises could have been defeated by superheroes, but under the influence of this unknown force, they were defeated. This was not only a failure for them individually, but also the collapse of the entire cosmic order."

He took a deep breath, the hot air burning his skin with an uncomfortable burning sensation. This place covered by wasteland is filled with a thick poisonous gas or radiation, which makes people feel suffocated.

Bai Ye smiled, raised his hand and pointed at Master Spider, and said softly: "Master Spider, open a portal to the universe that was destroyed but the earth is still there. I want to find some clues myself, and maybe I can find out the truth of all this. ”

"Yeah, are you here?"

"Bai Ye, this is not the law of the universe itself, but an unknown force pushing all of this from behind the scenes. I speculate that an extremely powerful being is controlling the destruction of parallel universes, leading them to the abyss of destruction. "

Each image presents a vision of destruction, no matter the shape of the universe, there is no escape from the ravages of monsters, natural disasters, or other unexplained catastrophes. These scenes are the ultimate mockery of life, with the universe collapsing in an endless abyss and everything turning into nothingness in the face of ruthless power.

As he got closer, the remains of the high-rise buildings took on clearer outlines. The surface of the building was full of cracks, as if it had been torn apart by some huge force. The remaining fragments of the windows made a faint sound in the wind, like a lament for the prosperity of the past.

Kahn smiled slightly, a flash of approval flashing in his eyes. "Since you believe it, I will also have high hopes. Perhaps, with Bai Ye's efforts, we can find a way to prevent this series of cosmic doomsdays."

"They are the guardians of the universe, beings beyond ordinary people, but unknown forces have killed their hope in their most difficult moments. This is a bottomless conspiracy, an evil plan that spans the multiverse."

"Master Spider Web, do you really believe that Bai Ye can find the answer to all this?" Kahn asked, his voice was deep and magnetic, revealing a calm confidence.

The ruins of high-rise buildings stand looming in the distance. The wind blew with yellow sand and filled the air, forming a hazy layer of dust mist.

Not long after, he came to a crumbling tall building and looked up at the roof, trying to find any possible clues.

Spider Web Master explained in a deep voice. His voice was like an ancient echo, carrying the vicissitudes and depth of the universe.

Bai Ye looked around and saw some broken traffic signs and car skeletons, which were remnants of the once prosperous city. In the dead silence, there was only the slight friction between the sand grains as the breeze blew.

The heavy door shaft in the distance made a low creaking sound, and the door slowly opened, revealing a tall figure. Kahn was holding a glass of dark red wine, exuding a calmness and elegance in his steps.

He stepped into the domain of the Spider Web Master and stared at the Spider Web Master with burning eyes. The wine glass swayed gently in his hand, exuding the alluring aroma of wine.

The power of magic is out of control, and the universe is filled with endless strange magic storms. Huge magical rifts tore through the sky, leading the entire universe to chaos.

The yellow-brown sand spread to Bai Ye's feet, and the sand grains made a rustling sound when he stepped on it. The blazing sun hung high in the sky, casting a scorching light that made the entire wasteland seem to be on fire.

The Spider Web Master watched the portal disappear with a trace of worry in his eyes. He took a deep breath, secretly hoping that Bai Ye could find the key clues and solve the mystery of this series of cosmic disasters.

"This portal will take you through time and space to your destination, White Night. But please be careful, that universe has undergone tremendous changes, and unknown dangers may come at any time." Spider Web Master reminded.

Baiye went against the direction of the wind, stepping on the yellow sand, and walked towards the tall buildings in the distance. The wind and sand roared wantonly in front of him, carrying sand grains and hitting his face, but he did not pause, his eyes locked on the broken wall standing in the ruins in the distance.

Soon, he saw some remaining marks on the remaining walls of the tall building, which seemed to be the symbols of superheroes that once existed.

It looked like some kind of graffiti, like a capital A crossed out.

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