Lord of the Witches

Chapter 588 Strong Emotions (5,000-character chapter!)

"It's the blood of the Hoynes monster. I want to have a lot of children every now and then, poor Mai..."

Tang Qi drove the two away, and was about to sigh, when he suddenly recalled the sweet and doting look on Macaulay's face when he looked at Alizee. He was obviously enjoying it, and he didn't feel pitiful at all, and he was in love How can the young boys and girls be pitiful?

Silently, Tang Qi looked at his desk. In addition to the "Book of Ladoya", there were also some report charts brought back by Macaulay. One of the more eye-catching ones is the list of extraordinary organizations that have established partnerships with the "Melada Special Education School" today.

Alizee's Kelster family is impressively among them.

Tang Qi glanced roughly, and automatically compared it with the list he had seen when he took office in his mind, and a look of admiration emerged.

Macaulay's work has been done exceptionally well. Not only has he successfully restored the cooperative network of the Esmeralda era, but he has also expanded on that basis.

"Although it can't be compared with large organizations like the Bureau of Investigation and World Tree, it should be able to see the back of the Bureau of the Castle, and it is completely worthy of the reputation of the Merada Special Education School today."

Tang Qi pinched the chart, watched the names of organizations come into view, and said calmly.

However, there was not much pride on his face, nor did he feel any safer because of it.

"The "allies" relationship on the mysterious side is not so reliable. Once a terrorist disaster strikes, most of the so-called cooperative organizations will not appear, and this chart will be no different from waste paper at that time."

"Compared with it, the contract is more reliable."

Thoughts flickered in my mind, and at the same time I recalled the many arrangements and results of the recent period.

While thinking about it, Tang Qi got up straight and came to the huge French window.

In stark contrast to the falling snow was the warm atmosphere pervading the entire Dragon Heart Fort at this time.

In Tang Qi's eyes, first of all, he saw the ice, snow and white mist, the cold lake surface, the casters and mysterious craftsmen shuttling in the whirlpool. , Complete the casting of "Goddess of Flame".

His original plan was to wait for the witches to return collectively, and then let the witches complete it.

But after anticipating possible changes in the future, Tang Qi chose a shortcut.

"With the breath of the green dragon and the full version of the 'Goddess of Fire', it is enough to resist most demigods."

While whispering, Tang Qi looked around Longxinbao again.

Wet fog, psychedelic forest, dark canyon, and weird shadows, among which some familiar and slightly strange figures flashed from time to time, such as the red-eyed crows of the black beech, and the mushroom man shouting the bugle as always.

The strange ones are some new "weirds".

Just like at this moment, Tang Qi saw a mountain not too far from Dragon Heart Fort, on a dark green boulder that seemed to be covered with moss, sitting a "stone giant", its limbs and head were very rough, Barely maintaining a human form.

But one of its faces was "sculpted" so realistically, it looked like a middle-aged man with a frowning face.

The top of the head is slightly bald.

Hanging down, with his hands paralyzed on his knees, he seemed to be very tired and was resting.

In the area beside it, a huge stone sword was floating, and densely packed circular symbols were engraved on the body of the sword, emitting a little red light.

Seeing the stone giant appear as "promised", Tang Qi couldn't help but smile.

The giant's name is "Decadence", and its head is very ancient and weird. According to it, it sneaked in before the witches settled in the "Secret Realm of Lake Island", just because of its personality. In the mountains not far from Dragon Heart Fort.

Without the assistance of "Black Beech", it would be difficult for Tang Qi to discover it.

Just yesterday, the decadent found by Tang Qi "voluntarily" signed a certain contract, and it got a job, the job of guarding Dragon Heart Castle.

As a reward, it was also allowed to occupy that mountain and contemplate life at sunrise and sunset.

Similar to "The Decadent", there are also the ones that are reflected in Tang Qi's eyes at this moment:

A big fish with long arms and long legs, it is walking comfortably in the forest full of mist, sticking out its big mouth from time to time, devouring sweet leaves, the moist mist condenses on the scales on its body surface into round water Beads, shining like a symphony of light, seem to reflect the entire starry sky.

An old man completely covered in a black robe, with only one head exposed, has a slender body that human beings cannot reach. Behind the old man, there was a mountain of bones.

A skinny "elephant" with foreign objects on its back is a miniature fantasy jungle, protected by a glass cover, where there seem to be a large number of fluorescent elves.


These are powerful "weirds" that can be felt just by looking at them. They are the achievements of Tang Qi in the past few days.

As early as the first day of taking office, Tang Qi knew that he and the students were not the only residents of the secret realm.

Strictly speaking, witches are also latecomers.

Before the establishment of Dragonheart Fort, there were already many monsters similar to "decadents" in the secret territory. They were all orderly and good camps, and they usually hid in the mist. Deep exploration in foggy areas.

In fact, neither did Tang Qi.

The "weirds" he found were all hiding outside the Misty Mountains, close to the Dragon Heart Castle, but they would not be discovered until the traitor Black Beech appeared.

To solve the defense on land, Tang Qi originally needed to go to the bottom of Green Dragon Ridge Lake.

But now that a follower of Macaulay is doing it for him, he can be a little lazy.

Macaulay, who has fully accepted the power of the "Blood Angel Symbiosis", is infinitely approaching the "Legendary Level". With the stack of magic contracts signed by Tang Qi, I believe those weirdos at the bottom of the lake will be very willing to cooperate. .

Quickly calculated in his mind, after completing the arrangement, even if he is not in the school, he still has enough strength to protect himself.

Smiling with satisfaction, Tang Qi seemed to think of something, his face moved, concern appeared in his eyes, and he looked at a building not far away.

However, he didn't open the magic portal either. He just turned around and went down the third floor of the library tower. From the third floor, he would meet students, male and female, all wearing standard wizard robes, and asked Mr. Tang Qi, the principal, say hello.

Tang Qi also smiled and nodded in response. Occasionally, he would stop to answer some students who were asking for advice.

At such a time, it is extremely rare to see some pride in Tang Qi's eyes.

This is normal. Compared with when Tang Qi first took office, today's "Melada Special Education School" has undergone earth-shaking changes. This can be seen from the status of the students.

It is difficult to find panic, fear and confusion on the face of any student.

On the contrary, almost every student shows an extraordinary spiritual outlook, the vigor and enthusiasm that permeates the campus, even in the real world, those schools with good school spirit and great reputation cannot show it.

Even the "students" here are mostly abnormal people.

Along the way, Tang Qi answered a half-humanized boy's question about how to prepare the "secret medicine for cultivating magic", and answered a question about "spirituality" raised by a ghostly female student, and met the familiar little lion girl , helped her find a possible ancestor, and answered the question "Who is the most powerful person in Mihuang City" raised by a group of gossip-loving students...

When he walked through the complicated corridors and came to the "remedial room" in the upper area, more than half an hour had passed.

Treatment room!

The retro yellow portal is engraved with the unique symbols of the witches of Melada, wrapped in brass, full of tranquility.

A password was spit out, and the door opened.

In front of Tang Qi's eyes, an incomparably magical and incredible world immediately appeared.

The convalescent room, which was supposed to be an ordinary room, turned out to be a vast space whose boundaries were hard to see at a glance.

Here, extremely stable space magic is cast.

The rooms are a bit messy, but they are actually arranged in a certain order.

Each room is shining with different brilliance, using various means to create different environments, such as ice and snow, spring forest, starry night, white and sterile space... Anyone who comes here for the first time, They will all show horror and disbelief.

This place is actually one of the most special places in the entire Melada Special Education School.

Witch schools will receive "monster children" from the federation, or even outside the federation. Most of these children have troubles attached to them. They cannot directly obtain the status of "students". They usually need to go through sealing, adaptation, decontamination, etc. to normal Join the school.

If it is too serious and cannot be solved by conventional means, it can only be arranged to enter the "quarantine area".

Of course, that is necessary only for children who have reached the fifth level of danger.

Most monster children, although they will have trouble, have a hard time making it to level five.

It should be noted that from Esmeralda in charge of the school to Tang Qi in charge, there are only ten five-level danger sources accumulated.

Of course, everything has been solved by Tang Qi.

However, this does not mean that today's "convalescence room" has no hidden dangers. Although there were many cooperative organizations in witch schools in the past, and they also established channels to contain monster children, most of the witches' attention was still on the curse of their own blood. , the containment speed is not fast.

Until Tang Qi took office and brought the witch school to a new level.

With the spread of his titles of "Genius Polymath", "Evil God Buster", "Eastern Federation's Six New Stars" and his exaggerated achievements, the Federation's containment channels have entered a state of high-speed operation, and the transmission efficiency of monster children far exceeds that of Esmeralda. era.

In this way, it is normal for a new fifth-level danger source to appear.

Tang Qi came here at this time because Professor Eva just reported last night that a new "monster child" might be sent today, and after a rough assessment, the danger level is close to level five, and most importantly, there is more than one.

These thoughts appeared in his mind, and when he officially stepped into the recuperation room.


At the same moment, in this magical space, a room in the distance suddenly burst into light.

A passage was opened in the space, and several federal agents were led by "Lei" who was wearing a witch's robe and is now the person in charge of the reception desk. They jointly carried a huge glass box. Inside the box was a boy who seemed to be suffering from "obesity" .

His whole body was extremely swollen, and every pore in his body was secreting viscous, disgusting yellow pus. There was a dark, smooth gap in his belly, and above the gap, a faint light surged, as if a spinning The black hole is fixed above the boy's stomach.

A terrible scene happened in the next second.

In the black hole, there was a "Zhizhi" scream suddenly, but I saw a monster like a "flea" that had been magnified many times. It seemed to be sucked out by some irresistible force. Its huge eyes were full of is fear.

It tried to hook the black hole with several ferocious claws, but it was of no avail.

Accompanied by a "bang", its body exploded, and instantly turned into a mass of filthy flesh and blood. It followed the black hole and fell into the boy's belly along the gap with a thud.


Inside the glass box, the boy screamed violently, and then his body swelled crazily visible to the naked eye. First, a large number of cracks appeared in the skin, spurting out pus, and then healed. In an instant, his body filled the entire glass box, and the huge pressure The box that was obviously a "strange object" began to make a rattling sound.

"Quick, he's about to lose control. Once the 'giant containment box' is broken, according to estimates, his current real size may directly crush this place."

The leading middle-aged agent almost roared.

Before the witches who solved the "trouble" appeared, the agents were even more panicked.

Almost just a second later, a passage next to them also broke open.

Under the guidance of another reception witch, several big men of the witcher, they used a huge cross, rattan and a dozen iron nails that were obviously strange objects, and nailed a girl to the wood in an extremely "cruel" manner. Come in.

As soon as the girl appeared, the shrill laughter that caused the soul to fall into chaos immediately resounded.

Her body grew wantonly and became extremely charming. On the purple skin, bumps emerged, forming a large number of symbols that could release pollution, and her head was trembling crazily, ignoring the structure of the human body, in the "Ka Ka Ka Ka " Twisting in the sound.

With each turn, her face becomes rotten and hideous.

In the sharp laughter, the language that obviously came from a foreign land was transformed into Federal language, which was heard by everyone.

"No one can stop... the great Miriska... Miriska is coming here..."

Hearing the horrible scream and the tainted scream, two groups of different fragments of information exploded almost in no particular order in Tang Qi's mind.

"Extraordinary creature: a gluttonous person, a human being who awakened the ancient bloodline of the 'gluttony', and at the same time opened the bloodline, unintentionally cast the bloodline ability 'eating black hole', which will automatically capture suitable exotic creatures for it... because He can't stop, he's about to lose control."

"Information Fragment 1: The real body size of a glutton will skyrocket with eating, and it will be accompanied by terrible pollution."

"Information Fragment 2: The strange object 'Giant Containment Box' has reached its limit and is about to break."


"Extraordinary creature: demon host, a human being parasitized by a high-level demon from a foreign land. Without external help, she can't resist the erosion of the demon named 'Milliska' at all. She is about to lose control completely."

"Information Fragment 1: Once Miliska successfully seizes the body, she will probably open an entrance and summon other demons to descend."


Tang Qi looked at the fragments of information that exploded in his mind and felt the extremely dangerous situation, but he didn't take action immediately, but waited quietly for something.

Almost immediately, he suddenly looked towards another broken passage.

But this time, what came out of it was not a new source of danger, but some familiar figures.

"Let's do it!"

When Noah at the front opened his mouth, an incredible sense of tranquility filled the white room, and the boy's screams and wailing immediately eased. Behind Noah, Xue Yi stepped forward, and her white palm fell on the cracked box, freezing everything. The frost spread.

The boy stopped howling, and Austin and Netia appeared. Along the special entrance of the box, one of Austin's fingers landed on the boy's forehead.

"Body Control Curse!"


When Nidia opened her mouth, an arrow of faint blue light shot out, smashing the "eating black hole" directly.

In a few seconds, with the cooperation of several people, the violent aura that wanted to crush the space disappeared without a trace, and the extremely swollen boy in the "giant containment box" began to subside. Eruption, inside the box, an extremely weak, pale curly-haired boy appeared.

On the other side at the same moment, Lily appeared in front of the girl. She stretched out a hand, and snow-white, phosphorescent fluff appeared on her hand. With her touch, the girl's body trembled violently. The fluff erupts like a tide.

The "purification" power in the white fluff began to disintegrate the "devil's skin", and the girl's original skin color was about to appear.


As soon as the sharp roar spit out from the devil's mouth, a bursting figure with the smell of sulfur shot towards him.

A pair of sharp claws that were completely covered in flames pierced through the girl's body with a "chick", and two beams of light, one red and one purple, collided and exploded.

Luka almost fully revealed his "devil body". He held his head high and his face was ferocious, as if he had caught something. The crimson light reached the extreme in an instant, and he roared, "Come out!"

With the sound of "嗤啦", an extremely charming but rotten "purple demon" was pulled out of the girl's body by Luka. As a result, Luka lost his strength and fell limp on the ground. The purple demon tried to get into his body. in vivo.

But at this moment, she suddenly heard ten identical laughter in her ear.

"Hannah...I got you!"


When the agents and demon hunters were stunned by the scene in front of them, Tang Qi and Eva, who had just arrived, were also watching this scene in a room not far away that was shrouded in light.

Eva is holding a baby boy who is older in body and appearance than other babies. An ancient and magical gemstone necklace is wrapped around his wrist. Eva is holding him in one hand and feeding him with a milk bottle in the other.

The battle soon came to an end, and the two "level five danger sources" were perfectly resolved with the tacit cooperation of Noah and others. Tang Qi watched their cooperation, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but evoked an old mother's smile. Magic portal.

Smiling brightly at Eva, he waved the stack of exquisite rosters brought by Eva in his hand. Under her vaguely aware eyes, suppressing some strong emotion, she stepped into the portal and disappeared.

ps: 5,000 words combined into one chapter!

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