Lord of the Witches

Chapter 589: The Mystery Will Be Revealed Soon

The island in the middle of the lake still shrouded in ice and snow, the students immersed in joy and tranquility, the "weirds" who voluntarily guard the school, the faculty and staff who come and go, the mysterious craftsman who has already cast the "Goddess of Fire" and is getting paid We, the pirates and monsters at the bottom of the lake...all of them seem to have the same illusion.

They all saw the incomparably respected "Mr. Principal" appearing everywhere with a smile that people couldn't help being close to. The staff communicated for a while.

Tang Qi went all over the school, almost everywhere.

When the hazy night gradually filled the island in the middle of the lake, Tang Qi's figure appeared on the fourth floor of the library tower in the darkness.

When all the students, faculty, and weirdos fell asleep, he picked up the messy books and put them back in place one by one. The three little ones, Gluttony, Night Beast and Wilners Fairy, obviously already knew about it. What, followed Tang Qi step by step.

Especially the goblin who has gotten used to the position of "librarian", her golden jewel-like eyes are full of reluctance.

After tidying up, Tang Qi came to the extremely clean workbench, sat down quietly, first put the stack of exquisite rosters by his hand, took out the battle reports that he hadn't had time to read in the early morning, and quickly flipped through them.

The first one, and the common one, instantly pulled Tang Qi's mind into the boiling and chaotic "mystery".

"The current light pope 'Charles I' of the Condor Federation has recently announced that he will implement the Holy Judgment on the line of confessors, whether it is Martin Sims himself, or the followers of the Sword Master of Thorns and Ludwig, Led by dozens of red-robed bishops, they will hold various holy objects and encircle Ludwig who was parasitized by the second rotten head."

"Anyone who obstructs the church's actions will be regarded as an enemy and will be killed without mercy!"

"Tonight, the holy light will shine in the dark, void and mysterious world."

After a few breaths, Tang Qi put down almost the same battle report.

There is almost no need to guess, any transcendent can predict the situation in the "mystery" tonight.

Bright Church!

This huge monster with unimaginable background finally moved completely.

As soon as that short "statement" came out, not only the entire Federation, but the entire Origin Star was shaken.

All extraordinary organizations, including those notorious and lawless ones, such as the Rotten Head, the Council of Eternal Life, the Mam Sanitarium, the Doomsday Sect... These lunatics have to think about whether they want to confront the angry church.

The answer is very clear.

Even if it is official, they will choose to retreat temporarily. This is also the position of the "Holy Eagle's Nest". neutral.

Almost all transcendental beings will watch the contest between the furious church and the camp of "Holy Confessor" Martin Sims tonight.

Despite Martin Sims' huge reputation, there are few people who think highly of him.

"No one can imagine the power of the church."

From the bottom of Tang Qi's heart, when he uttered this sentence, there was an inexplicable excitement in his tone.

Soon, he took out the quill and blank paper. During this time, his communication with Mrs. Rowling never stopped.

On the copy of the knowledge seeker, Mrs. Rowling's answers to the questions Tang Qi raised last time appeared soon.

Skipping most of them, Tang Qi's eyes fell on the most conspicuous question and answer.

"Dear Tang, although I don't know which god's reincarnation you want to find, out of our friendship, I must remind you that this is an extremely dangerous behavior, and there is no standard answer at all."

"Gods cannot be looked at directly, cannot be divined, cannot be blasphemed... Maybe you can make some guesses, but there is a high probability that you will fail. Unless you also become a god, you may not be misled."


"This gossip sharing, Mr. Pedro really got into trouble. He has an abnormal relationship with the special containment object, but he has always abided by the code of conduct for agents. After every communication with the containment object, he will carry out strict The decontamination procedure, but he did not expect that in order to leave offspring, the foreign creature forcibly accelerated the breeding process, gave birth to more than tens of thousands of eggs in three seconds, and directly flooded the containment room."

"Although the base responded in a timely manner and removed all the eggs and re-contained them, when the room was cleaned, Pedro and the special containment object had suffocated to death."

"...So, you need to be cautious in love."

Tang Qi didn't expect that the shocking gossip last time would have a follow-up ending, and it was even more incredible.

Although it was a "tragedy", it to some extent diluted Tang Qi's heavy thoughts.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and then Tang Qi picked up the quill.

There was no quick reply, and after a few seconds of pause in the air, it landed.

To my best friend Rose:

"I think I need to tell you frankly that this is likely to be the last reply I will make in the next period of time. I will participate in an extremely dangerous adventure, which may cause me to fall, or may be related to me. The presence."

"For this, I need a painful cut..."

After writing this, Tang Qi stopped suddenly, shook his head and crossed out the few words he had just written. Although the knowledge seeker's dungeon reply can be set to "scheduled upload", there are still some risks.

Although Tang Qi and Mrs. Rowling have established a relationship of trust.

This can be seen from the fact that he can learn the rarely-known real name of "Mrs. Rowling".

Although the two have never met, both of them can clearly feel that they have a tacit understanding on the spiritual level. In addition to the "erudites" who recognize each other's spirit of seeking knowledge and profound knowledge, there is more personality levels of resonance.

Weeks of frequent communication made both of them know some secrets of each other.

Tang Qi believes that even if he writes those contents, Mrs. Rowling will not reveal the slightest bit.

But for the safety of himself and Mrs. Rowling, Tang Qi still chose to cross out the above content.

He then went on to write:

"I am about to embark on a dangerous adventure, which leaves me no time to communicate with you... Believe me, this is an extremely painful thing for me who is thirsty for knowledge. It is predictable that I will miss you terribly erudition, and the amazing gossip you share."

"Please allow me to bid farewell to you. I will look forward to the next exchange. I wish my best friend, the beautiful and wise Rose, a healthy body and a never-ending spirit of exploration and knowledge."

"Your friend, Tang Qi."

After writing a restrained and brief reply, Tang Qi read it carefully, and silently set the "scheduled upload". After a few days, Mrs. Rowling would receive his reply.

He didn't put the copy back in the drawer as usual, but stuffed it into the stomach of gluttony.

After finishing all this, Tang Qi leaned back slightly in the chair, and with a slight turn, the whole person was facing the huge floor-to-ceiling windows. The incomparably beautiful Dragon Heart Fort and the Green Dragon Back Lake under the night were reflected in his eyes one by one. .

After carefully admiring it for a few seconds, Tang Qi had been planning to arrive at a certain moment in his heart.

"The answer to the mystery will be revealed soon."

When Tang Qi uttered this sentence, a dim light automatically formed in front of him.

Inside, the shocking scene that is happening inside the "mystery" is being quickly reflected.

The dark void that seems to have no concept of time is like a freeze-frame painting, and the scene depicted is a heroic epic, a myth that ordinary people can't imagine.

An army of bright knights riding white horses, warriors in heavy armor, adjudicators with sharp swords, bishops in red robes... Each of them is covered with a holy light that people cannot look directly at, and together they form a Kingdom of Light.

Above the kingdom, endless phantoms of angels appeared.

They, are singing:

Revenge is mine... I will repay!

Revenge is mine... I will repay!

In the depths of the space filled with light, thorns surround and grow, and shadows are born. Between the gap between light and shadow, sits a scarred figure like a mummy. Clothes", on his shoulder, the second rotten head seemed to have lost its vitality, quietly leaning against Ludwig's ear.

Ludwig, with his head down, opened and closed his chapped, blood-stained mouth at a slow speed, as if to warn, as if to preach.

"No...do it personally...the way."

"It's... the magic way!"

His voice was extremely weak.

Under the light of the holy light, the flame of his life was about to be completely extinguished.

Facing the encirclement and suppression of the Church of Light for a long time, even with a lot of help left by the "Holy Confessor" and the existence of the thorn suit, it still cannot prevent Ludwig from going to death. For this pious ascetic, this may be the A death trial.

Tang Qi, together with the powerhouses on the mysterious side, watched this scene.

Everyone knew that there would be no war at all, and any "Knight of Light" would be able to kill Ludwig and remove the thorn suit from his body.

But at this time, no one moved.

Everyone in the church seemed to be waiting for something to come.

Suddenly, the singing of the angels reached its peak.

The kingdom of light that surrounded Ludwig, like a huge "ball of light", penetrated the mystery and landed in the disintegrated world. The kingdom has come to the Commonwealth.


Ludwig's fragile body suddenly fell to the hard, mottled metal surface. When the flame of his life fluctuated violently, everyone saw where he was at this moment.

In the city of Carthage, on the crown of the statue of the Lord of Thorns.

The sharp and mottled copper thorns cut through Ludwig's already fragile skin, and the dark red blood sprinkled dots on the bird droppings and dust that had accumulated on the top of the statue for many years, and his body also rolled into it.

After the first glance, no one looked at Ludwig again, and everyone was separated by a distant space. They looked at the one who was wearing a golden cassock, red shoes, red gloves, and was wearing a suit made of countless crowns. A bright and crowned figure.

With his head held high, he is cold and noble, as if he is the "lord" of this world.

He stepped on the mottled stone bricks on the Thorn Square, step by step, towards the statue of the Lord of Thorns.

In his hand, he held an indescribable and ancient "contract" that he couldn't look at directly.

"God's contract?"

In everyone's mind, an unbelievable idea emerged.

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