Master, I Need Charging

Chapter 578: Don't cry, sister

The pirate ship was traveling in the sea, calm and calm, and the children's mood gradually calmed down with the initial excitement.


   Everyone was free to move around. Only Zhao Zhixi and Gu Leyan were guarding the rudder. From time to time, they used the compass to find the correct route.


  Chen Siqi found a bucket of apples in the cabin, picked a red and big one, and was about to eat it. Thinking that Lu Xiaomi was particularly hungry, she picked up a big apple.


  Lu Xiaomi and Gu Leyao were bored on the deck. At first they were still fresh, but after a long view of the scenery, it was a bit boring.


  Chen Siqi walked over with an apple and saw Gu Leyao, his heart was worse.


   Sure enough, Gu Leyao saw the apple in his hand and his eyes lit up, "Is there mine?"


  Chen Siqi sneered, two apples were handed over, "You and Fanfan."


  Lu Xiaomi consciously picked up the larger of the two apples and began to nibble.


  Gu Leyao frowned and asked, "Have you washed it?"


  Chen Siqi hesitantly said: "Not washed...but I think it should not be dirty..."


   There is some fresh water stored on the ship, but it is used to wash apples, it feels like a waste...


  Gu Leyao wrinkled his nose in disgust, "I don't want to eat, leave it to you."


   "......" Chen Qiqi silently withdrew his hand, well, he was originally prepared to eat for himself.


  Lu Xiaomi grabbed the railing of the boat and spit out the apple peel in his mouth, watching the apple peel roll over and fall into the sea, and suddenly disappeared.


   The surface of the sea suddenly dimmed, a huge black shadow passed by, and then quickly returned to light.


  Lu Xiaomi looked up in surprise——


   "Ah... there are handjobs..."


   Others on the deck also looked up to the sky.


  Gu Leyao looked at the huge black shadow in the distance and muttered: "Impossible, the game background is a pirate game, how can there be an airplane..."


  Chen Siqi's expression was dull, "That stuff... seems to be a dragon?"


  Chen Silang had already shouted over there: "Gu Leyan! Did you make a mistake?! There is actually a dragon in the pirate game! How do we play this?! Waiting to die?"


Gu Leyao's temperament was short, and when he saw that his brother was scolded, he suddenly became unhappy and called to Chen Silang: "The game is randomly generated by the system. What is Guan Leyan?! You have the ability to turn the turntable to your place! What's wrong with the dragon? Haven't you seen the pirate movie? What a fuss about a dragon compared to what sea monsters and ghosts guarding the treasure!"


  Chen Silang wailed with his little dagger, "That dragon is so big! How can we beat it?!"


   Zhao Zhixi had a headache because of the quarrel between them, "Don't quarrel, maybe it's just an NPC, people just pass by and don't do it!"


  Lu Xiaomi pointed at the distance, with an ambiguous apple in her mouth: "...Look ahead! Golden Island!"


   "Ah? A golden island with treasures?!"


   Everyone looked over.


  Zhao Zhixi took the telescope from Gu Leyan's hand and said, "I'm not so fast. It's still far away from the Golden Island. In front of it is the Sun Island. We can go there to rest and replenish food..."


   he said, turned his head and said to Gu Leyan: "Go ahead at full speed and prepare to dock."


  Gu Leyan was stunned and asked, "Brother Xi, did you get to the shore?"


   He didn't even know how to stop the boat!


   Zhao Zhixi also froze.


Yes indeed……


   How to get to the beach?


   "Should you slow down when you get there?" Gu Yueyan grabbed her hair. "Or, lower the sail first?"


  Gu Leyao asked him: "How can the sail come down?"


   Everyone is quiet.


   No one has done this.


   "I'll try it." Chen Silang was the most courageous and ran to the largest mast. He stretched his hand and pulled the rope, muttering in his mouth, "This should be a snap..."


   "I got it! Did you pull that rope?" Gu Leyao leaned over to help.


   "Hey! Don't make trouble..."


   "You don't want to move! Let go, I want to lower the sail!"


   "Stop and stop! Wait for it to reach the shore before landing!"


   "Will we throw the anchor into the sea later? Where is the anchor? Everyone is looking for..."


   Several children were in a hurry, and the pirate ship sailed diagonally toward the sun island in front, getting closer and closer, the sail descended too slowly, the anchor was too late, the hull was flying fast by inertial speed, and finally rushed directly to the white sand beach! -Successfully stranded.


   Boom Boom Boom! ...


  The huge friction and shock caused the children on the deck to fall, turned over several heels, and waited until the boat was completely stopped, they finally stood up on the railing, dizzy.


  Gu Leyao's head hit a big bag when she fell. She covered her head and complained: "I hate this game! I don't want to play!"


   This time, Chen Silang rarely agreed with her. "Yeah, let's stop playing. The boat can't be opened anyway. There's no way to find the treasure... Let's change to another game."


  Gu Leyan straightened his captain's cap, looking embarrassed, "This is an accident..."


   Zhao Zhixi looked at the surrounding scenery and said, "When the sea water rises, the boat will be able to return to the sea... Did you see the meal? How about the meal?"


   Everyone looked around, and there was no food on the deck.


  Gu Leyao stepped on his feet and looked down, exclaimed: "The rice is below!"


  Lu Xiaomi got out of the boat flexibly, and half of his leg walked to the shore in the sea.


   "Rice! You wait for me!" Gu Leyao hurriedly climbed down the rope ladder, she did not want to be with these smelly boys.


Lu Xiaomi only walked for a while and stopped. She stood quietly on the beach, as if listening to something on the side of her ear. The partner behind her got off the boat one after another. Lu Xiaomi turned to look at everyone, the soft bun face, The expression is very serious.


   she asked: "Have you heard anything?"


  Zhao Zhixi walked at the forefront, and he was a little surprised when he heard it. He stood still and listened carefully, faintly... It seemed that he heard some voices.


  Gu Leyao shrank nervously behind Lu Xiaomi and said, "How do I think... it seems that there are girls crying..."


  Chen Silang frowned and said doubtfully: "How come the crying sounds familiar..."


  Chen Siqi also echoed and nodded.


   "Ah! I got it!" Lu Xiaomi suddenly screamed


   Everyone looked at her with wide eyes, "Fanfan, what do you know?"


  Lu Xiaomi solemnly replied: "It must be a mermaid!"


   Everyone: "..."


After a long silence, Chen Silang embarrassedly said, "But I think, like my sister's cry..."


   Everyone again: "..."


   In the silence, the little girl's cry was clearer.


  Chen Siqi was uneasy and gently pushed Chen Silang, "It seems to be really yoyo..."


  Chen Silang's face was a little bit white, "Impossible, you have no special invitation card, how can you come in..."


  At this time, the little girl's cry was almost hoarse: "Wow wow wow wow...Mom...Daddy...Brother..."

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