Master, I Need Charging

Chapter 579: Fairy tale world

The brothers Chen Silang and Chen Siqi stared at each other for two seconds.


   ran while shouting: "Yu You!-You You! -"


   Others were dumbfounded, Gu Leyan murmured: "Is it true that you are real?"


  Gu Leyao snapped his head and said, "Hurry up and find someone!"


  A group of people finally found Chen Siyou behind a large pyroclastic rock on the beach.


The five-year-old girl, dressed in a pink and tender princess, stood on the beach crying out of breath, and when she saw Chen Silang and Chen Siqi coming over, she seemed to find a place to rely on, crying louder: "Brother... Wow Wow wow..."


  Chen Silang quickly hugged her to her arms and gently patted her back to appease her: "It's okay, it's okay, the brothers are here, don't cry."


  Chen Siqi looked at Chen Siyou from top to bottom to check whether her sister was injured. When she saw that Chen Siyou was not wearing shoes, she said, "Si Lang, Youyou did not wear shoes."


  Everyone looked down. Chen Siyou had bare feet and her instep was covered with fine white sand.


  Chen Siyou pointed to the distant sea and choked: "Shoes...dropped..."


  Zhao Zhixi ran a few steps toward the sea, and picked up a small leather shoe with a bow, and another one who didn't know where to go. I'm afraid the wave has already been brought into the sea.


  Zhao Zhixi came back carrying his little shoes and shook his head. "One shoe cannot be worn."


  Chen Silang lowered his head and asked his sister: "Youyou, why did you run in? Why are your shoes gone?"


  Chen Siyou deflatedly said, "I want to play with my brother... play games..."


  Chen Siqi asked: "Youyou, how did you come in without a special invitation card? You are only five years old, haven't the system recognized it?"


   "Is that black card?" Chen Siyou looked at his brothers, "Mum is on the table, I know that can be used to play games..."


   Chen Silang: "..."


  Chen Siqi: "..."


  Lu Xiaomi thought they were worried about the shoes and said very generously: "Let Yoyo wear my shoes, I am not afraid of bare feet."


  Gu Leyao pulled her, helplessly said: "Meals, long feet are small, she can't wear our shoes..."


  Zhao Zhixi looked at everyone, and hesitantly asked: "Otherwise... send Yuyou out first?"


  With a child, this game cannot be played...


  Chen Siyou was about to push her away, and the tears that had just stopped began to flood again. The grievously looked at Zhao Zhixi without saying anything, just tears.


  Zhao Zhixi was flustered by her small eyes...


   "Long... I heard from my brother that we are going to go far and far, the road is very dangerous, and it is not fun..."


  Chen Siyou spit out two words: "Deceptive."


  Zhao Zhixi is a little embarrassed.


  Chen Silang sighed and said: "There is no way to send Yoyo out now. We set it before entering. After a game is over, we can enter the personal interface for random selection of the second game."


  Gu Leyao said: "Then hurry up on the road, find the treasure as soon as possible and send it out early."


   But there is no way to get on the road now, because their boat is stranded and they have to wait until high tide before the boat can return to the sea.


  Zhao Zhixi thought for a while, and said, "Let's go around here first to find out if there is something that can be used. When the tide rises late, we will board the ship and leave."


   Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.


  Chen Silang squatted down and said to the sister behind him: "Long, come up, brother carry you."


  The children were active on the beach. Lu Xiaomi moved his hands and feet flexibly. He climbed the coconut tree and picked many coconuts. He didn’t know how to open the hard coconut shell. Anyway, he thought it might be used, so he carried them one by one on the boat. Gu Leyao strolled around for a while, his attention was quickly attracted by the beautiful shells on the beach, and the boys wondered if they could catch a few fish.


  Chen Silang carrying Chen Siyou, can't do anything, just walked with her sister for a while, already tired and sweaty, in the end is only a ten-year-old child, limited physical strength.


  Zhao Zhixi came over and said, "I will carry it for you for a while."


  Chen Siyou on the back of Chen Silang grunted and puckered his mouth in displeasure.


  Zhao Zhixi couldn't help crying and laughing, this chick was still envious.


   At this moment, the sound of trembling branches and leaves suddenly came from the woods, as if something big came out of it.


   Zhao Zhixi and Chen Silang looked around and saw a white horse walking out of the woods with white wings on both sides and long golden horns on their heads.


  Gu Leyao on the beach screamed in surprise: "Ah ah! Come and see! What a beautiful unicorn!"


  Zhao Zhixi looked at the white horse with a horn, and was a little puzzled for a while, "What's the matter with this kid's game... Isn't it a pirate game? How do you even have a unicorn?"


  Chen Silang was also very speechless, saying: "I can't see it, he is quite delicate in his heart."


   The unicorn spread its wings, ran gracefully on the beach, raised its neck to make a long whistle, then flicked its tail, walked to the edge of the woods and turned its head to look at them as if they wanted to take them somewhere.


  Everyone was very curious, so they followed.


  Originally they were worried about the danger in the woods, so they searched for materials on the beach and the outer edge of the woods. Now they follow unicorns into the woods, but they have a feeling of finding a protector beast. They are not so afraid.


   As soon as I entered the woods, the light dimmed, but it did not make people feel gloomy, but felt quiet and deep, full of mystery.


   Colorful wildflowers, winding vines, and faintly glowing mushrooms, the eyes and prospects are like entering a fairy tale world.


  Everyone is wondering, the unicorn leading the way suddenly ran two steps and took off! With a long roar, he flew into the sky.


The children hurried up and opened the drooping branches that blocked the view. The light in front of them was suddenly bright, and they realized that there was a forest lake in front of them. There was a small wooden bridge in the middle of the lake, and on the opposite side of the wooden bridge stood a short house. .


   The unicorn ran away, and there was a house in front of them. They almost subconsciously walked across the bridge and walked towards the small house.


   "Hello... is anyone here?" Gu Leyao stood outside the fence with only his knees hesitated to go in.


  Lu Xiaomi licked her lips, "It smells so sweet...sweet taste..."


  Children's perception of food is always different from ordinary people's keenness. Chen Siyou softly said on the back of Zhao Zhixi: "Brother Xi, I am hungry..."


   "Go, go in and see if there is anything to eat." Chen Silang was the most courageous and crossed the fence and entered the yard.


   Others quickly followed.


  Lu Xiaomi walked to the front, grabbed the door handle with one hand, and then folded without much effort, then put it in his mouth to chew.


The friends behind    were stunned!


  Lu Xiaomi said while chewing: "It's's made of chocolate."


  Everyone looked at this low room in shock, it a candy house? !

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