Master, I Need Charging

Chapter 580: Candy House

?Zhao Zhixi silently tore a piece of white wall skin and tasted it, tastes like a layer of milk chocolate wrapped around the cake.


  The back of Chen Siyou whispered anxiously: "Brother Xi, Brother Xi..."


   drooling, almost dripping onto his shoulder.


  Zhao Zhixi hurriedly stuffed the remaining half of the chocolate skin into Chen Siyou's small mouth.


   "Ah! I know!" Chen Silang clapped his hands and said, "Because Yo-Yo temporarily joined, so the game elements of Yue Yan are mixed with Yo-Yo! These are the things that Yo-Yo usually loves to talk about!"


  Chen Siqi nodded again and again, "Yes, my mother always tells stories to Youyou. Those unicorns and candy houses are all things that only exist in fairy tales."


  Gu Leyan's face was constipated, " golden there any more?"


   "Haha! The door lock is made of cookies, so crisp!" Gu Leyao has pushed the door in and beckoned inside, "Ahhh! Come in quickly! It's awesome!"


  Lu Xiaomi rushed in immediately.


   The boys outside were relatively speechless and walked in.


  Zhao Zhixi put Chen Siyou down, and the house was covered with crackers and tiles.


  Gu Leyao raised the tableware on the table to show them, "Look at it, look at it, small bowl and spoon, just seven sets of tableware, won't this be the house of the seven dwarfs?"


  Gu Leyan scratched his hair, a little confused, "The candy house and the seven dwarfs are two different stories..."


   "The system integrates these story elements." Chen Silang picked up a spoon and tapped it gently on the table. "It's also made of cookies, it's quite hard."


   crunch... crunch...


   The clear sound attracted everyone's attention.


   It turned out that Lu Xiaomi was holding the glass window and was eating crunchy, and his mouth was vaguely said: "glass... made of rock sugar, sweet..."


   "Ahhhhh!!! There is a bed in it! It is a mattress made of large pieces of toast! So soft!"


  Gu Leyao was going to play crazy in the room. He picked up the bed and was bitten down, and he was happy to cry. "Pillows and quilts are made of cotton candy!"


   Zhao Zhixi looked down, Chen Siyou was holding a table leg and nibbled, it seemed to be strawberry sandwich...


   He picked her up helplessly and handed her a small bench to eat. "Eat this, the table is too big, it will hit you."


  Chen Siyou whined unhappy, Zhao Zhixi grabbed a large piece of chocolate wall skin for her, appeased the little guy, turned around and looked again, everyone was already eating.


   Come on, he can't be hungry, see what to eat to pad his stomach.


For a while, there was only a chewing sound in the whole room, and every child was too busy to talk.


But eating sweets all the time will make you tired. I don’t know who discovered it first. A bunch of small lanterns hanging under the eaves will produce juices with different flavors after being bitten. So everyone ate enough and ran Continue to eat outside, even tiles made of soda crackers.


   is eating happily, and there is a roar suddenly not far away!


   "Ahhhhhh!!! Who's eating our house! Our house!"


   Seven short and strong little men rushed towards here! Blowing their beards and staring one by one, they look so angry that they want to kill!


  Where have children seen this situation! They were scared and ran! Zhao Zhixi hugged Chen Siyou and rushed to the front. Chen Siqi saw that Lu Xiaomi seemed to be eager to try to fight with the little dwarf. It was terrible. She grabbed her hand and ran forward. Gu Leyao stumbled and followed behind. Exclamation!


  The seven children were chased by the seven dwarves, and they ran into the woods and lost their way. They ran out of breath until they could not hear the roaring behind them, and then they fell to the ground like mud!


   took a breather while resting, looked at each other's embarrassed appearance, and somehow slowly laughed.


   The children laughed uncontrollably and crooked.


  Chen Siyou looked at the big brothers and sisters in front of them, not understanding what they were thinking.


  Zhao Zhixi took out a pair of chopsticks from his arms and handed Chen Siyou one, and the other gave the greedy Lu Xiaomi, "It's made of sugar, it's very sweet, eat it."


  Gu Leyao recalled the scene just now, and Nijun couldn't help but say: "That group of dwarfs looks really ugly!"


   "They have a loud voice, like a train booming! The roaring look is too scary."


   "Crazy, the house was eaten, ha ha ha..."


   "I just ate a few quilts just now, and they can only cover the quilt in the hole tonight, hahahaha..."


   "More than that! The roof tiles were eaten up by us several times, and the air should leak at night! Hahahaha!"


   "There is still a leg missing from the table, haha! Spoon chopsticks were also eaten by us!"


   Everyone talked nonstop, for a long time, when everyone was quiet, Gu Leyan raised his hand weakly and asked: "But where should we go now?"


   The situation is that they are lost...


  I don't know how to get back to where the pirate ship was stranded...


  Lu Xiaomi licked the chopsticks lollipop and said, "I know, follow the path with blue Yinghua."


   Everyone looked at her in surprise.


  Chen Siqi's eyes widened and he asked inconceivably: "Fanfan, do you know the way?"


  Lu Xiaomi shook his head, "I don't know."


   "Don't know the way, do you still let us go along the path with blue flowers?"


  Lu Xiaomi blinked and said frankly: "Because this place is very similar to the story book my mother drew, after leaving the candy house, it's time to find the dolphin elf."


   paused, and licked the lollipop twice, and then said: "Yuyou must have read the story book that my mother drew, so the game will become like this."


  Everyone looked at each other.


  ......Dolphin elf?


   What the hell?


   "What does Lan Yinghua look like?" Gu Leyao looked down and pointed to a place, and asked, "Is that the blue wildflower?"


   "Maybe it is." Lu Xiaomi focused on licking the lollipop, "I have never seen it really, my mother painted it very abstractly, it was blue anyway."


  Everyone was silent Finally, Zhao Zhixi said: "First try the way rice is spoken, it will not work until you know."


   then got up and put Chen Siyou on his back again. Chen Siyou had sugar in his mouth. He was very clever and lied on his back without moving.


   A group of children lowered their heads, began to seriously look for the trace of Lan Yinghua, and slowly moved forward.


  Walking while walking, Chen Silang asked Lu Xiaomi: "Follow these flowers, can you find the dolphin elf?"


  Lu Xiaomi nodded.


   Chen Silang asked again: "After finding the dolphin elf?"


  Lu Xiaomi stopped licking sugar, and her expression became solemn. She pulled out the pirate knife from her waist and gestured twice. She said seriously: "Kill the evil dragon! Take back the prince and treasure!"


   Chen Silang wants to cry...


Aunt Mi, can't you make a serious storybook?

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