娑撳秷 娑撳秷 閻?婀晩顬?婀晩顬?婀晩顬?婀晩顬?娑斿牞绾撮惇瀣降閿涘苯缂戠紒 娑斿牞绾撮惇瀣降閿涘苯缂戠紒 娑斿牞绾撮惇瀣降閿涘苯缂戠紒 娑斿牞绾撮惇瀣降閿涘苯缂戠紒 娑斿牞绾撮惇瀣降閿涘苯缂戠紒 閾?閾?閾?閾?閾?閾?閾?閾?瀚戦弨閸?娴?娴?娴?閿涘奔绡冩稉宀栫叀闃嗘幊绾撮悳 閿涘奔绡冩稉宀栫叀闃嗘幊绾撮悳 婀銉ф殌閻ユ洟鍋呮潏 婀銉ф殌閻ユ洟鍋呮潏 婀佸▽ 婀佸▽ 婀佸▽ 婀佹禒 婀佹禒 婀佹禒 婀佹禒

娑撳啩 闀?闀?闀?闀?鍨佹禍鍝勫弿闁劍 鍨佹禍鍝勫弿闁劍 Vir Vir Master Virtue 閸熷 鈧?/p>

鏉╂瑤绔村▎掳C鍨掔亸蹇撶夯閿涘本搴濈疄娑旂喎缂戝簼绠炴稊鐔风紤搴濈疄娑旂喎缂戝彞鍙ラ嚋 Celestial Immortal Peak 閿涘矂鍋呯粔宥堢獩缁傜眾olden Immortal 閸欘灁妯婃稉鈧銉ф畱閿涘矁浼為暀铚傜閺夈儻绾撮晩顬旂箒闀i暎瀚ф稉閻n灄绾撮崣鍫e厴閻n灄绾撮崣鍫e厴閻n灄绾撮崣鍫e厴澶塆olden Immortal 閵?/p>

娑撳矕鍔ф潻娆庣濞?娈戠粔瀣暪閿涘矁鍤滃鍗炲竾闀欐畱缁夊鏁归敍宀冨殰瀹稿崬甯囬暀鐥呭》濉穚portunity 閸忋儱婧€閸熷鈧?/p>

閻娼电€瑰本鍨氶悤鏇炲寳闀勫嫪绨ㄩ敍灞界紤閸愬秴骞撳▽鍐茬盎鐠?绨荤挧 閵?/p>

濞?绨婚弰顓?绨婚弰顓?绨婚弰顓?婵?婵?婀撮弬 婀撮弬 婀撮弬 婀撮弬 婀撮弬 婀撮弬 婀撮弬 婀撮弬 婀撮弬 婀撮弬

鏉╂瑤绔村▎$娈戠拋顒楃粏閿涘苯顦块崡濠冩Ц鐠囨潙宕勯獮鏉戞倵缁夊鏁归晞鍕皑閿涘苯顓婃禍搴″殥娴滅儤娼电拠娼电拠绾撮攺绾撮攺娓氭寧妲告稉娓氭寧妲告稉閻㈢噦绾寸€?绨琁mmortal 閺夈儴顓呴敍宀€鏍岄獮缈犻弰顓电濞?閺勵叺绔村▎掳C鏁归崜鑼紥 浼?浼炩偓


閺€璺哄閻?閿涘奔绨ㄩ崗 閿涘奔绨ㄩ崗 閿涘奔绨ㄩ崗 閿涘奔绨ㄩ崗 閿涘奔绨ㄩ崗 閿涘本 閿涘本 閿涘本 閿涘本 娑ч敍灞炬殻娑撶寗 娑ч敍灞炬殻娑撶寗 arry arry arry arry arry arry arry arry arry鍡楊槵闀屸偓閵?/p>

鐏忓崬銈藉В鏂剧瑏婢舵挳绶抽弰鐔奉儾娑擃偧娈戞径鈺?閸滃瞼鎳氬Ч鐙呯捍 閸滃瞼鎳氬Ч鐙呯捍 chain 鏉╂垵 鏉╂垵 閺勵叾婀粵 閺勵叾婀粵 鈧?鈧?鈧?/p>

婢垛晛 閸滃瞼鎳氬Ч鐙呯捍鏉╂ɑ 閸滃瞼鎳氬Ч鐙呯捍鏉╂ɑ 閸滃瞼鎳氬Ч鐙呯捍鏉╂ɑ 闀掑繐鍩?闀掑繐鍩?Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming 鍤悳 鍤悳鈧?/p>

鐟曚胶鐓¢槅鎺崇捍閻?婀晞鍑?婀晞鍑?婀晞鍑?婀晞鍑?婀晞鍑?婀晞鍑?婀晞鍑?婀晞鍑?闃?闃?闃?闃?闃?顑ㄩ敍灞?顑ㄩ敍灞?顑ㄩ敍灞?顑ㄩ敍灞?顑ㄩ敍灞?浣?浣烽椌i妫稉瀣畱disciple 閿涘erception 閹绘劕宕岄敍灞?閹绘劕宕岄敍灞?閹绘劕宕岄敍灞?娑擄阜鍏橀弰顓躲亯 娑擄阜鍏橀弰顓躲亯 娑擄阜鍏橀弰顓躲亯 娑擄阜鍏橀弰顓躲亯 鎸堕敍瀹?鎸堕敍瀹?鎸堕敍瀹?鎸堕敍瀹?ed ed ed ed ed ed ed Pill 闂呭繋 閼烘唻绾寸紒婵嗩厞閸欘叺 閼烘唻绾寸紒婵嗩厞閸欘叺 閼烘唻绾寸紒婵嗩厞閸欘叺 閼烘唻绾寸紒婵嗩厞閸欘叺 鐔风鐠?鐔风鐠?鈧?鈧?鈧?/p>

鏉╂瑤绔撮幋妗$捍婢垛晛 閸欙箘 閸欙箘 澶婄紤閻?澶婄紤閻?澶婄紤閻?澶婄紤閻?澶婄紤閻?鐫侀弰顓电铂娴狀仦娈戠粩鐐扮挨鐎?閿涘矁 灞藉彋閸?灞藉彋閸?灞藉彋閸?灞藉彋閸?灞藉彋閸?鍏傝箛鍛瘍娴?闀?闀?闀?闀撳鈧?/p>

缁涘銇夋惔顐烘嫲閻?鐫?鐫?鎵?鎵?bo bo bo bo bo bo bo bo bo bo bo bo bo bo bo bo bo bo bo bo bo bo bo bo bo濞勭閼?绾撮弨璺哄絿 绾撮弨璺哄絿 閽栧海娈戦懗婊冨焺閺嬫粌鐤勯妴


娴e棙妲搁悳鏉挎躬閿涘矁鍛栫亸鎴n洣閾惧娼冮幓鎺嶇瑐娑撳娼冮幓鎺嶇瑐娑撻懘姘辨畱鐎圭偛濮忛敍灞惧厒閿风偞纭跺鍕懘姘辨畱鐎圭偛濮忛敍灞惧厒閿风偞纭跺鍕狦olden Immortal 瑜版徔鐨鐔锋儌閵?/p>

閽栥€夊灟閿涘苯 濮濄儳鏆€閻ユ洘 濮濄儳鏆€閻ユ洘 C Celestial Immortal 閿涘矂 浣诡倫闁?浣诡倫闁?浣诡倫闁?绗夋径鐔?绗夋径鐔?/p>

Chen Ming 娑旂喐鐥呴摼澶夌矆娑斿牅姘﹂弰鎺崇捍娴兼安顑℃笟鍨躬濮濄倗绮ㄩ弶鐔?/p>

瀵板懎缂慍hen Ming 閸愬秵顎榚yes opened 閿涘ing Xian 閸滃i Suyi 瀹歌尙绮¢弰顓舵礀閺夈儰绠€閿涘i Suyi 闃?閳ユ发aster 閿涘矁 umbrella 娑撯偓濞?娈戦幋妗︾劍瀹歌尙绮¢姰 鍎ㄦ禍鍡捍娴兼顦块弰鐔?鍎ㄦ禍鍡捍娴兼顦块弰鐔?mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 鎼村棗濮涙径 鎼村棗濮涙径 鎼村棗濮涙径 鎼村棗濮涙径

Chen Ming slightly nodded 閿涘苯鍩屾禍鍡樻暪閵娈戦暈璺衡偓娆庣畝閿涘矁鍤滃閿涘矁鍤滃鈧簼绠炴稊鐔活洣閾¤崵婀呴惇瀣剁捍妞ゅ簼绠炴稊鐔活洣閾¤崵婀呴惇瀣剁捍妞ょ亸鍛滅亸鍛滅亸鍛滄禍娑氫紥閼村鍙忛柈銊︽暪閸忋儱娉稉顑勭捍閾?顓呭▽ 顦跨亸 顦跨亸 顦跨亸 绾存担鍡樻Ц闀愬簼绠炴稊鐔告Ц閻忎絻鍓﹂崯濞?绾存担鍡樻Ц闀愬簼绠炴稊鐔告Ц閻忎絻鍓﹂崯濞?/p>

閹存垳 闂勫湜 闂勫湜 mmortal Master 閾″棙娼甸懞 閿涘本 閿涘本 搴濈疄閸欘吂鍏橀弨 搴濈疄閸欘吂鍏橀弨 搴濈疄閸欘吂鍏橀弨 搴濈疄閸欘吂鍏橀弨 搴濈疄閸欘吂鍏橀弨 搴濈疄閸欘吂鍏橀弨 婊冩7閿涘苯鐤傞悳鍕厠闂?婊冩7閿涘苯鐤傞悳鍕厠闂?婊冩7閿涘苯鐤傞悳鍕厠闂?鎼存棁顒堕弰顓剁殺闃?鎼存棁顒堕弰顓剁殺闃?鎼存棁顒堕弰顓剁殺闃?鎼存棁顒堕弰顓剁殺闃?鎼存棁顒堕弰顓剁殺闃?鎼存棁顒堕弰顓剁殺闃?鎼存棁顒堕弰顓剁殺闃?鎼存棁顒堕弰顓剁殺闃?鎼存棁顒堕弰顓剁殺闃僊m澶刴mortal Path 闀勫嫰鍋呮稉鈧崡濂祇ntinent 闃冧胶绮伴悤鏇炲寳娴滃棗鎯傞敍鐔测偓

Li Suyi 閹?闃?闃?閳ユ钵妲搁晞鍕剁捍鏉╂い 閳ユ钵妲搁晞鍕剁捍鏉╂い 閸ф tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin鏍?闀?闀?婀伴暈鐘崇《閵?褰囨潻娆庣閸楀サ tin tin ontinent 闀勫墕 pirit medicine 閿涘瞼浼掗懘澶涚捍鐏忓崬缍嬮弰顓?妞?妞?娴?娴?娴?娴?娴?娴滃棎 娴滃棎 鍌?鍌?鍌?/p>

Chen Ming nodded and said :閳ユ粌绶㈡總鏂ょ捍鏉╂瑦鐗辨稉绾存潻娆愮壉娑撻弶銉捍閹存垳閺夈儻绾撮幋鎴滄稊鐔告箒娴滃憸绻橀崘娑滄窗娑旂喐婀佹禍鍛滅箻閸愭稖娲板mmortal Path 閿涘苯鐨㈡潻妞ゆ槅閸фontinent 濮濈敾顐愰幒褍鍩楁担蹇ョ捍娑撳秷鍏樼拋鈺侇樆闂?3) 鐓¢槅 娴f洘绉烽幁顔€绾寸紒婵嗩厞娑撳秷鍏樼拋鈺侇樆閻e瞼鐓¢槅鎾村灉娴狀仦骞囬崷銊ㄥ厴婢剁喍绮犻崙璺哄悢閺勭喕鏅稉濠冩暪閾惧喘绮伴崗濮愬倵鈧倵鈧?/p>

Li Suyi 闃?閳ユ竸isciple 闀炩晛 瀹歌尙绮?瀹歌尙绮?骞?骞?骞?骞?姘差懆鏉╂い 姘差懆鏉╂い 姘差懆鏉╂い 姘差懆鏉╂い 姘差懆鏉╂い 姘差懆鏉╂い 姘差懆鏉╂い tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin tin

Chen Ming 瀵板牊妲稿▎f鍙為崷鐨€odded 閿涘备 婊?婊?婊?婊?婊?涓?涓?涓?涓?涓?涓?涓?涓?涓?涓?涓?涓?涓?涓?涓?涓?涓夊倵鈧?/p>

Chen Ming 濮濄倖妞傛稊鐔告Ц 顮?顮?娈?閻?娈?娈?娈?娈?娈?娈?娈?娈?娈?娈?娈?娈?娈?缂佸繑婀佹禍鍡樺复鏉╂叐 缂佸繑婀佹禍鍡樺复鏉╂叐 缂佸繑婀佹禍鍡樺复鏉╂叐 缂佸繑婀佹禍鍡樺复鏉╂叐 缂佸繑婀佹禍鍡樺复鏉╂叐 缂佸繑婀佹禍鍡樺复鏉╂叐 缂佸繑婀佹禍鍡樺复鏉╂叐

娑?閸?閸?鐨甸惄 娴滄硞 娴滄硞 娴滄硞 娴滄硞 娴滄硞 娴滄硞 Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming 鈧亸濠傜毀濞夋椃娴夐妴

However, Chen Ming can see it. This magical power is similar to the blue bar. It is not particularly large. It is still the master of Immortal Technique. The stronger the Immortal Technique is, the higher the strength.

Of course, magical power is not enough, Immortal Technique can’t be displayed at all.

And now Chen Ming, at least can barely display eight steps to the dragon.

The Danger Index has not improved much, but it has increased by 3,000 points to reach the 27,000 mark. Chen Ming estimates that he will stay in this Danger Index for a long time. After all, many of his own Dao Seeds have no source.

Now the spiritual sense is saved, mainly for the breakthrough to Transcendence.

At that time, there will be a huge leap in one’s own strength.

Originally, Chen Ming was unable to promote so many Dao Seeds to the legal situation, but the scriptures on the red tide continent were not enough to cultivation to the legal situation, or relying on the last good thing in the Land of Inheritance, these genius hands The verses are really good.

At present, there is Master Virtue, Chen Ming has no place to spend, simply continue to enhance the “Emperor Heavenly Dao”, this stuff, anyway, do not need to upgrade the realm, you can use it.

For Chen Ming, it can be regarded as a cultivation technique that can ignore realm and cultivation, and the most amazing thing is that this cultivation technique just starts cultivation, it has a halo, and this emperor Dao Seed Even above Dao Seed, even Dao Scripture can’t be compared in an instant, and there must be a big secret!

Destiny, mysterious!

Directly spent a million Master Virtue, Chen Ming deduced “The Heavenly Dao” to the second volume, the name of this volume, called Immortal.

Well, Immortal pointing the way?

Enlightenment This article is tonight, Chen Ming’s heart is also a clear comprehension a lot, even can rely on the night view of the stars to see other changes.

Chen Ming stood on the ground and looked up towards Starry Sky. Among the stars, there was a faint star!

However, this one will be covered with dark clouds, which seems to be suffering a lot.

This ray of light of the star is like a candle in the wind, and the lights are faint, but in any case, it is not extinguished.

If you can help him to open this dark cloud, it must be a flying sky!

As for Zhuo Qingyao, Li Suyi, Ling Xian, they have not yet reached Immortal realm, the first realm of Earth Immortal, called the life star, they did not come to the Immortal realm, there is a fart star, the emperor star.

As for Chen Ming himself, a Comprehending Dao Realm is even worse.

However, at this time, Chen Ming saw more. In the distance, it seems that there is a dark tide that is beginning to spread to Starry Sky.

This Kuroshio is not easy. If this Kuroshio is coming, then these stars will all be hidden in Darkness and will never be seen again.

I don’t know what a major event will happen.

Chen Ming pointed out that he began to measure the faintly discernible star. After a moment, his mouth showed a smile. “In the river house of Yaochi!”

You have a hand, I have a knife, now, the knife is coming.

Pay respects to finish this banquet, go to Yaochi to see who this star will be.

Not to mention, this Immortal Master is now able to watch Celestial Phenomenon at night!

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