Now Chen Ming can count as a rough, as for more, even if it does not come out.

Moreover, I have to see it in this vicinity of Immortal, which is supposed to be a star.

Estimated, the more “comprehend” of “Heavenly Dao”, the more you can see, the more you know.

With Ling Xian and Li Suyi, there are many honorary disciples who participated in the battle. Chen Ming entire group came outside Baoxuan Temple.

At the gate of Baoxuan Temple, more than twenty Earth Immortal stood quietly, waiting for Chen Ming to arrive.

Not to mention that Chen Ming helped them through the animal tide, they said that the strength of Yanshan now, like they are playing with the same, it is to worship the mountain, it must come.

Yanshan, in this area, how can it be regarded as a local tyrant, they naturally want to come to visit.

In order to show sincerity, all Earth Immortal are waiting quietly at the door.

Seeing Chen Ming fall, many Earth Immortal Qi Qidao: “Welcome to the Yanshan Mountain Lord to come to the feast!”

After the road, the numerous Earth Immortal, and the discipline under their door, are all bent and saluted.

Chen Ming slightly nodded, “You don’t have to pay more, be prepared to go to the banquet.”

Chen Ming followed the Fenglu abbot and walked into the temple to prepare for the banquet. As for the temple, it was not the main hall. This is not to respect Chen Ming, but the main hall of the people is the Buddha.

Into the partial hall, Feng Lu abbot smiled and swayed and said: “Please ask the owner to be advanced!”

Chen Ming said with a smile : “How is this fun?”

Feng Lu abbot said: “This time it can resist the tide of the beast, relying on Yanshan to work together to defend the world of Righteous Path. If it is not the wise god, the mountain owner of the world, under the overturn, the egg is finished? The mountain owner is advanced, I dare to go in.”

Other Immortal is also saying: “The Immortal Path is now dying, and the people are not old. It is like the helper of the Immortal, but it is not much, or the owner is advanced!”

Chen Ming swept around and these Earth Immortal were all face-to-face, and the juniors, especially the girls, were already shining.

Do you have such a big face now?

However, Chen Ming is not entangled. Since everyone gives face, you can’t refuse everyone’s kindness.

Chen Ming stepped into the great hall, but saw that there was a table, which was about ten people. At the top, there is a separate square table.

Well, the dishes are not bad, it looks very delicious.

It’s ten people, I don’t know enough to eat.

Chen Ming is just trying to find a place to sit down, but when he sees Feng Lu abbot with himself, he comes to the table at the top, and hands clasped together: “Mountain, please sit!”

Chen Ming said that this is also special!

Chen Ming sat down at the top position, and Feng Lu was moving toward Ling Xian and Li Suyi. “Two sit down!”

Around Chen Ming, there are two locations, the location of Ling Xian and Li Suyi.

Chen Ming said, I was very happy, I have a table for one person. How do you arrange these two goods next to me?

However, Chen Ming is not exposed, lest these two goods think they hate them.

Ling Xian and Li Suyi sat down on Chen Ming’s left and right.

A lot of Earth Immortal was seated, Chen Ming probably saw that the higher the cultivation base, the closer it is to itself, and Ling Xian and Li Suyi, it is estimated that this war is extremely brilliant, so it is also very popular. Dear, although it is only the cultivation base of Transcendence, it is very high.

Of course, even if it is really hands-on, are there two fairy tales in these two goods?

Also barely count as Immortal battle strength.

At this time, an Earth Immortal hesitated and stood up. Moved towards Chen Ming and asked: “I heard that there are five sect masters in Yanshan. They are all outstanding people. Why did you only come to two sect masters? Is it waiting for me? Not late?”

Many Immortal are also full of ambitions. For the strength of Yanshan, they are awe-inspiring. They are just two sect masters. They have swept the so-called beasts of magnitude. Yanshan has three sect masters who have no appearances.

Chen Ming said with a smile : “No problem, my eldest disciple is retreating, four discipline and five discipline have something to do, can not walk, Yanshan has such a big mess after all, four discipline five discipline is not, I am not at ease.”

The Earth Immortal sat down, “originally is this way.”

Chen Ming 链兂鐩存帴璁mming Xian 涓嫔幓鍧愮殑锛屽疄鍦ㄦ槸涓嶆兂锻嗗湪镄勮浸锲村唴鍟婏紒

涓嶈 鐪嫔湪杩欎竴娆 ing Xian 锷 嫤锷熼珮锛岀粰浠栦竴涓猳 嫤锷熼珮锛岀粰浠栦竴涓猳 pportunity 钖 с€

Ling Xian C€Chen Ming 鍧愯 umbrella 涔堣繎锛屼篃鏄湁浜涘枩涓嶈嚜鑳滐纴 key 屼笖 Master 箮鏄 箮鏄 箮鏄 chain link Ming umbrella peak 瓙锛岀粰Chen Ming 澶 涓 涓 棰梥 棰梥pirit fruit 锛屸€淢aster 锛岃 umbrella spicy fruit 鍏ュ彛鑺姵锛屽姞涓婄壒鍒剁殑铚溌锋眮罐屽埗锛屽懗阆撴槸鏋佸ソ镄勶纴杩樻湁杩欐灉鑴纴鍏ュ彛鍗Borrow

Chen Ming indifferent expression Village 涓嶆 涓嶆 鍙 纴 纴 纴 纴 抽 抽 抽 抽 抽

杩欎 镞跺 欙纴浼楀镄刢 欙纴浼楀镄刢 欙纴浼楀镄刢 欙纴浼楀镄刢 欙纴浼楀镄刢 欙纴浼楀镄刢 愰绨璧 愰绨璧 愰绨璧 愰绨璧 ov ov Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen粭灞 澶 澶 澶 仼锛屾垜绛夋墠寰椾 仼锛屾垜绛夋墠寰椾 仼锛屾垜绛夋墠寰椾 仼锛屾垜绛夋墠寰椾 仼锛屾垜绛夋墠寰椾 仼锛屾垜绛夋墠寰椾 仼锛屾垜绛夋墠寰椾 仼锛屾垜绛夋墠寰椾 仼锛屾垜绛夋墠寰椾

Chen Ming   灏 灏 灏 涔堟灦瀛愶纴褰揿嵆涔熸槸璧 涔堟灦瀛愶纴褰揿嵆涔熸槸璧 涔堟灦瀛愶纴褰揿嵆涔熸槸璧 涔堟灦瀛愶纴褰揿嵆涔熸槸璧 涔堟灦瀛愶纴褰揿嵆涔熸槸璧 涔堟灦瀛愶纴褰揿嵆涔熸槸璧 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 鈥滈ギ鑳滐紒鈥 鈥滈ギ鑳滐紒鈥

涓 鍙 鍙 ギ灏 ギ灏 ギ灏 澂涓 垬褰癸纴浜宻 垬褰癸纴浜宻 垬褰癸纴浜宻 垬褰癸纴浜宻 垬褰癸纴浜宻 垬褰癸纴浜宻 垬褰癸纴浜宻 垬褰癸纴浜宻 垬褰癸纴浜宻 垬褰癸纴浜宻 master master master 塩 塩 塩 塩 塩 塩 塩钖戝墠锛屼簩sect master 锛屽 濡 濡 悓闾 abil abil abil abil abil 鑸鎴戠瓑瀹夊 鑸鎴戠瓑瀹夊 鑸鎴戠瓑瀹夊 鑸鎴戠瓑瀹夊 鑸鎴戠瓑瀹夊 master master master master master master master master

Ling Xian 璧疯韩阆 鈥滈兘鏄簲璇ョ殑锛屽簲璇ョ殑锛佲€

Key 屽悗锛屼紬浜哄张鏄暚浜哃i Suyi 锛屸€滀笁sect master 姝ゆ锷宠嫤锷熼珮锛屼竴璺緛浼愭暟鍗侀鏄熻景锛屾壂Drilling 吔娼纴鎸 鑻岖敓锛屾垜绛夛纴鏁笁 鑻岖敓锛屾垜绛夛纴鏁笁 sect master 锛佲€

Li Suyi 娣°C贰璧狂韩锛屼笉锽滀笉镇诧纴榛橀粯楗笅銆

Su汉涔熸槸鐭ラ死Li Suyi 镄勮劸姘旓纴涓崭粎娌°C湁鐢熸皵锛屽弽Key 屾槸锽滀笉镊︼儨銆

缁堜簬缁栾 涓﹄粠鏉ユ 涓﹄粠鏉ユ 涓﹄粠鏉ユ 殑涓塻 master 鏁 鏁 殑涓塻

Chen Ming 鍩嫔ご瀵 粯镌 妗屼笂镄勮彍 妗屼笂镄勮彍 妗屼笂镄勮彍 妗屼笂镄勮彍 纴镊 纴镊 纴镊 纴镊 簬鏁 簬鏁 涔堢殑锛岃 涔堢殑锛岃 涔堢殑锛岃 涔堢殑锛岃 涔堢殑锛岃 涔堢殑锛岃 涔堢殑锛岃 涔堢殑锛岃浠栦 锽濆幓銆

瀹 涔嬩笂锛屾澂绛 涔嬩笂锛屾澂绛 涔嬩笂锛屾澂绛 氦阌欙纴閮 氦阌欙纴閮 氦阌欙纴閮 槸鍏撮珮 囩儓锛屽 囩儓锛屽 璐 璐 璐 璐 璐 殑鑳滃埄銆 殑鑳滃埄銆 殑鑳滃埄銆 殑鑳滃埄銆 殑鑳滃埄銆

涓€涓狤arth Immortal 锛屽嵈鏄皬蹇冨湴鏉ュ埌浜咰hen Ming 镄勮韩鍓嶏纴鎷鍓嶏纴鎷坠阆 鈥滃北涓籧ultivation 钖戞潵鏄緢娓呰嫤镄勶纴涓嶆墠鍦ㄤ笅 変袱涓猟 変袱涓猟 変袱涓猟 変袱涓猟 锛屾洿鏄嚭钀 锛屾洿鏄嚭钀 锛屾洿鏄嚭钀 锛屾洿鏄嚭钀 锛屾洿鏄嚭钀 锛屾洿鏄嚭钀 缑浜 缑浜 鐜夌珛锛岄濮 鐜夌珛锛岄濮 鐜夌珛锛岄濮 绾 绾 绾 绾 绾 绾 绾浠 鎱曞 鎱曞 鎱曞 涓荤殑椋庡Э锛屽笇 涓荤殑椋庡Э锛屽笇 涘彲浠ュ湪灞 涘彲浠ュ湪灞 涘彲浠ュ湪灞 涘彲浠ュ湪灞 韬 韬 韬 锅 袱涓墤渚嶏紒鈥

Chen Ming   涓 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 闱 一 一 一 缁忔湁涔濆崄宀佺殑 缁忔湁涔濆崄宀佺殑 缁忔湁涔濆崄宀佺殑 缁忔湁涔濆崄宀佺殑 缁忔湁涔濆崄宀佺殑 old man 锛岄兘杩欎箞澶 绾﹄ 绾﹄ 缁忔湁涔濆崄宀佺殑 缁忔湁涔濆崄宀佺殑 缁忔湁涔濆崄宀佺殑 缁忔湁涔濆崄宀佺殑 缁忔湁涔濆崄宀佺殑 缁忔湁涔濆崄宀佺殑崄鍏瞾镄刣aughter 锛岃缮鐪熸槸 key 佸綋鐩婂. 鍟婏紒

Chen Ming 浼 锛屽簲璇ュ 锛屽簲璇ュ 锛屽簲璇ュ 鍦ㄩ偅浜涚湅镊 厜镄勫コ瀛╀箣涓纴 厜镄勫コ瀛╀箣涓纴 厜镄勫コ瀛╀箣涓纴 厜镄勫コ瀛╀箣涓纴 厜镄勫コ瀛╀箣涓纴 厜镄勫コ瀛╀箣涓纴 厜镄勫コ瀛╀箣涓纴 厜镄勫コ瀛╀箣涓纴 厜镄勫コ瀛╀箣涓纴 厜镄勫コ瀛╀箣涓纴晩锛

Ming CChen Ming 骞 rudder disease chain 夊幓瀵 杩欎袱涓コ瀛╋纴浼 杩欎袱涓コ瀛╋纴浼 杩欎袱涓コ瀛╋纴浼 懜镌 涔熷 涔熷 涔熷 涔熷 涔熷 涔熷 涔熷 涔熷


鐪嬬湅鏁 鐕曞 鐕曞 鐕曞 Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z

Key 屼笖Zhuo Qingyao 杩樻鲜鎸湁璇嶏纴 Ling Xian 鍜孡i Suyi 骞 inch 邯杩 皬锛屼笉 皬锛屼笉 簨锛屾湭鍏嶉 簨锛屾湭鍏嶉 簨锛屾湭鍏嶉 蹇冧笉绋 蹇冧笉绋 蹇冧笉绋 蹇冧笉绋 蹇冧笉绋 蹇冧笉绋 蹇冧笉绋 煋绾 煋绾 煋绾锛岃缇庤壊 璇 璇 璇 璇 璇 璇 儜锛屾墍浠ョ嚂灞卞垎閮ㄤ 儜锛屾墍浠ョ嚂灞卞垎閮ㄤ 灞卞 灞卞 灞卞 灞卞 湁涓 湁涓 湁涓 湁涓 湁涓涓︻驱浜恒€

灏呜 涓や 涓や 涓や 涓や 洖铡  洖铡 洖铡 洖铡 洖铡 洖铡 洖铡 洖铡 洖铡 洖铡

浣嗘槸锛屾垜Chen Ming 宀傛槸镐昫isciple 镄勪汉锛熶负浜哃 ing Xian 鍜孡i Suyi 镄勫垢绂忥纴鎴愠 hen Ming 灏辫眮鍑哄幓浜嗭紒

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