Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 198 The Eighth Weekend

In the remaining days of the eighth week, Zheng Qing seemed to be living in a dream, walking with a feeling of drifting - not floating in the air, but floating with no one to rely on and no place to fall.

He couldn't tell his companions his innermost secrets, but he couldn't completely ignore this heavy burden.

Whenever he closed his eyes, lay in the tent, and wanted to sleep, Su Shijun's beautiful face would sneak in involuntarily, whispering something in his ear.

He is Poseidon, Neptune's father.

Theoretically, he is also Su Shijun's husband! ——It’s so pitiful that our publicly funded students still think that they are boys, not men!

"...Will she ask me for alimony? Do I need a certificate to get married in the wizarding world? Do I need to send a letter to my family asking for my household registration book? What if I already have a girl I like? What if I leave Elena now? Will people think I'm a scumbag? What if she makes this public? How will others introduce me - 'This is the member of the Yuexia Council, the lover of the great wizard Su Shijun, classmate Zheng Qing?' "

This picture is too beautiful to imagine.

Whenever he thinks about these problems, the young public-funded student feels like he is having a heart attack, has chest tightness, palpitations, and can't breathe. He may even occasionally become confused and have fragmented thinking.

But as soon as he calmed down, these questions would involuntarily pop into Zheng Qing's head, as if there were many little people gathered in a circle for a meeting, shouting loudly, and making a lot of noise.

So much so that sometimes, Zheng Qing seriously doubted whether these symptoms were other serious complications caused by the shadow being stolen. He was already hesitating whether to go to the school hospital for another comprehensive physical examination.

Of course, everything has its pros and cons.

With such a heavy burden pressing down on his heart, other worries and trivialities in Zheng Qing's life seemed so plain and simple.

For example, the tedious training of the hunting team, the ever-increasing course load of the professors as the mid-term approaches, and of course, the matter of Elena joining the Matthew hunting team.

Zheng Qing found that as time went by, the anger that had been pent up in his heart because of this incident had dissipated a lot, as if the coast, which was originally a jagged rocky and rough sea, was submerged in the water as the tide rose. under.

Now, he just wants to know the reason - why Elena agreed to Matthew.

"Because you didn't invite her to join your hunting team!"

In the 403 dormitory, Fatty Xin was petting the cat and working on the manuscript. His tone was full of schadenfreude: "...This is very easy to understand! She is a gypsy witch, and she is not an elf you raised. What should she do? Do I still need to report the matter to you? "

Zheng Qing was lying in the tent, tilting his head, looking at the tarot card on the pillow that had completely lost its luster, and sighed melancholy.

The elves named by the fat man were in small groups, hanging lazily on the tent, breathing lightly, looking calm, and looking like they were wasted.

"...Speaking of elves, are your elves completely fine?" Xiao Xiao, who was immersed in his notebook, suddenly raised his head and looked at Zheng Qing: "I mean, their lifespan...the problem with the potion is completely Solve it?"

"Not yet." Zheng Qing raised his eyelids and looked at their curled up translucent wings. His voice sounded weak: "It's just that the condition is relatively stable... Dr. Duzem said that the sand and royal jelly I provided have the effect of Excellent, there should be no need to worry about their condition until the end of last semester.”

"Good news." Xiao Xiao pushed up his glasses, immersed himself in his notebook again, and added smoothly: "In this case, it shouldn't be a big problem to let them participate in the Freshman Hunting Competition as your helpers..."

"This is impossible." Zheng Qing subconsciously rejected this idea.

"We have no intention of letting them wrap their bodies with explosive charms or thunder spells to attack the wild monster group. They are just going to be your helpers to check out the environment." Dylan's voice came from the coffin: "Maybe they are very happy to do so. Do this..."

"This is impossible." Zheng Qing repeated his point of view and forced a smile: "You all know how timid these green elves are, how can you expect them to be brave scouts on a hunting ground full of murderous intentions? "

Xiao Xiao sighed softly.

"You can't take care of them all their lives." He explained in an old-fashioned preaching tone: "And you can't deprive them of the meaning of their existence as elves... If they don't do this, and they don't do that, wouldn't it be wrong? Becoming a princess? I remember that you also wanted these little guys to get their true identities in the "Wizard Code". If they are of no help to the world, it is impossible to succeed..."

"Oh...oh," Zheng Qing got up and looked at the doctor in surprise: "When did you have such depraved thoughts? Do only useful people have the meaning of existence? This is very unfriendly...very unkind friendly."

"This time I stand clear, brother." Fatty Xin raised the quill in his hand and played the old tune: "Just like those magicians in the North District of Beta Town... we can't use 'effect' to kidnap 'meaning'."

Zheng Qing nodded happily.

Xiao Xiao shrugged, adjusted his glasses, and did not continue speaking.

"Speaking of which, when are you going to talk to me about Beauty Su?" Fatty Xin turned his head and looked at the public-funded student who came out of the tent, and muttered habitually: "It's been almost a week, the next one is coming soon. The issue of the school newspaper is about to be published...can you bear to see the embarrassment of not being able to submit the manuscript? "

It is now the weekend of the eighth week, and it has been five days since Zheng Qing lost his shadow.

Although there are endless homework and endless hunting team exercises every day, whenever he has a little time, Fatty Xin will pester Zheng Qing and ask him about what happened at noon on Tuesday.

Zheng Qing naturally remained vague.

"You don't need to compete for the front page of every article." He advised earnestly: "Besides, I really have nothing to say..."

The fat man didn't seem to care.

"I remember, in the first class, you once told me that as long as I can help you block Li Meng, you can help me handle 'Su Shijun's meeting'," reporter Xin Da pinched his chin, as if he had something to say. Si: "I originally thought you were just saying something in a hurry...but now it seems that there is a deeper meaning."

Zheng Qing thought for a long time before recalling this incident.

In the first spell class, after the identity of the government-funded student was exposed, Li Meng planned to hunt down Zheng Qing after class. Of course, her impulsive behavior was eventually stopped by Jiang Yu and Fatty Xin.

The price Zheng Qing paid for letting Fatty take action was to help him introduce Su Shijun.

It's just that Zheng Qing didn't even have a clear idea of ​​who Su Shijun was at the beginning, so that reason was just a random excuse!

But obviously, the beautiful lady Su seems to have some inexplicable favor for the public-funded students - she answered questions alone at the meeting, and called him to the laboratory the next day. Although Zheng Qing lost his shadow in the end, she had no interaction with the others. Compared with people, this is already telling.

"...Also, I remember that you seem to have known the little fox girl named Su Ya for a long time." Fatty recalled and said with certainty.

This messy connection makes an already messy situation even more complicated.

"I was really in a panic." Zheng Qing twitched the corner of his mouth and told the truth that the other party didn't believe at all.

"Hercule Poirot once said a famous saying: 'No matter what people say, it is either right or wrong, and there can be no in-between (grey).'" Xiao Xiao hugged the notebook, stood up, and read Glancing at the other wizards in the dormitory, he said, "I have always felt that this sentence is biased... Just like what our public-funded student said just now, it is neither right nor wrong."

"What do you mean?" Fatty Xin was a little confused.

In fact, it wasn't just him, Zheng Qing also looked a little confused.

"It means that he said something that he thought was the truth, but was actually a lie." Xiao Xiao sighed and pushed open the dormitory door: "In other words, he doesn't know the truth... It's already one o'clock, you guys When do you plan to leave?”

"Is it one o'clock?" Zheng Qing took out his pocket watch and exclaimed.

"Right away!" The fat man quickly jumped up from the bed and covered the fat cat nestled on his pillow with a quilt.

"I'll go too..." There was the sound of Dylan turning over in the coffin.

Because of the jet lag, his tone sounded a little tired, but the sound he made when he scratched the coffin board was very refreshing. nt

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