Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 199 The last round-robin match

It has been more than ten days since the opening ceremony of the school hunting party.

The round-robin competition that many reserve-level hunting teams participated in is also coming to an end, and most of the hunting teams have completed their promotion tasks.

Today is the last game of the round robin, and it is also the event that determines the last hunting team to compete for the ‘Campus Cup’. Starting from Friday afternoon, rumors began to spread in the school, saying that the hunting team of Lei Zhe's girlfriend would also compete today, and the Alpha School had prepared multiple sniper hunting teams.

This made the game on Sunday morning attract a lot of attention before it even started.

So much so that the secret betting organization specially opened a handicap for this game - the conscientious broker, the blue-green-eyed Neville, even flew a large group of paper cranes to his clients and introduced the game in detail. There are many secrets behind the game, the participants of the game, odds and many other interesting points. Everyone is welcome to continue placing bets.

As three of Blue-Green Eyes' customers, Zheng Qing, Xiao Xiao, and Xin naturally all received paper cranes.

Because the time coincides with the weekend, and because this is the last game of the round-robin tournament, the Forgiveness Hunter team finally decided to watch the game with all members after unanimous discussion.

On the one hand, theory is combined with practice to compare the training results of the last week with those of real hunting teams; on the other hand, it is because this is the last open game before the freshmen game - starting from the ninth week, the school hunting team They will enter the process of truly competing for the 'Campus Cup', and there will no longer be a reserve-level hunting team that is 'close' to the freshman hunting team on the hunting ground.

As a newly formed hunting team, You Zui can absorb more nutrients from this relatively 'low-level' hunting game than from more professional hunting games.

"...This is what Deng Zi told me." Zheng Qing said on the way to Hunting Ground No. 1: "He suggested that we not pay attention to the relatively more professional competitions next week, but to pass as much as possible through today. Study for this game...So, doctor, your task is the most important today...record as much as possible the skills of the hunting teams on the hunting ground."

"Why didn't we watch the previous round-robin matches?" Fatty Xin complained from the side: "Also, do you know how many reports I missed because of this?"

"Because your previous training was not enough, even if all of us were sitting in the VIP seats to watch the game, apart from seeing some fancy skills, we wouldn't be able to learn anything effective." Zheng Qing patiently enlightened.

"I think the focus of his complaint is on the news he missed." Xiao Xiao's comments are always so to the point.

"This is not my opinion alone!" Fatty blushed and said clearly: "Dylan... Dylan also complained to me yesterday that he missed a lot of round-robin games due to hunting team training..."

"I just feel sorry for missing the heroic looks of those beautiful girls," Dylan smiled softly and added: "Just like today's game, I am actually more concerned about the performance of the 'queen'..."

The queen mentioned by Dylan is the rumored girlfriend of Lei Zhe, a sophomore witch from Jiuyou College named 'Joan'. In Neville's 'Betting Report', she was described as A chief hunter with a somewhat willful and proud personality, but excellent swordsmanship.

"Every time I see words like 'superb swordsmanship' used to describe a wizard, it always makes people feel a strong sense of violation." Zheng Qing sat in the stands and re-read the betting report while complaining.

"I thought you were used to it." Xiao Xiao snorted softly: "The wizards in this world are not the weak and useless wizards in the fantasy stories you read in Baiding's world who can only use magic spells..."

"Gandalf's body is not weak at all." Zheng Qing nodded thoughtfully: "... If you use words like 'superb swordsmanship' when describing Gandalf, it would not be inconsistent at all."

"Gandalf? Is he the white-bearded old man with a wooden stick?" Fatty Xin squeezed in enthusiastically and interjected: "When I was strolling in the translation room of the editorial department a few days ago, I read some of Bai Ding's world about him. Documents... I remember that the translator’s note on him stated that he was good at the Crazy Wand Technique, but there was no mention of him being good at swordsmanship?”

"Shut up!" Zheng Qing poked the fat man's fat face to the other side: "Except Xiao Xiao, no one of you should discuss matters in the ordinary world with me..."

This is the truth he concluded after having his three views destroyed countless times.

These wizards with short knowledge, touching thinking, and weird logic often subjectively connect all kinds of strange things to explain when introducing Baiding's world.

For example, white people are generally unhappy because their per capita use of hallucinogens is too low; white people live in too small a place because their architectural structures are too conservative; and the one-armed swordsman who raises an eagle is young and bald because A poor-quality shampoo was used; the puppet whose nose grew longer due to lying was a defective product from a small alchemy workshop in the wizarding world that was strayed into Baiding's world.

Regarding the puppets, a meddling wizard once wrote a paper of tens of thousands of words and analyzed it serially in the Beta Town Post, looking for the so-called "fake and shoddy businessman who ruined the reputation of the wizarding world." Fatty Xin was so impressed after reading it that he used the wizard's style as a template to revise his report on the magician in the North District of Beta Town - even though Zheng Qing repeatedly explained to him the difference between "Baiding's Fairy Tales" and "Baiding's Real World" , that report is pure nonsense and does not help.

Relatively speaking, Gandalf's mad wand magic can only be regarded as a very small 'correction'.

Only Dr. Xiao Da, who has extensive knowledge and extraordinary reading, can use a normal world view to chat with Zheng Qing in a friendly and skillful manner on topics that he is familiar with without appearing awkward.

"It's as if no one cares." The fat man snorted and raised the brass telescope in his hand: "I just want to kindly remind you that the hunting team has already arrived..."

Zheng Qing immediately raised the telescope in his hand.

As the camera turned, he quickly found the protagonist on today's hunting ground.

It was a hunting team that appeared on the east side of the grassland. There were four men and one woman in the team. The name of the hunting team and the name of the main hunter and leader of the hunting team were clearly marked on the lens of the telescope.

Q of Hearts team, main hunter and captain: Joan.

It was a tall girl with gentle eyes.

Zheng Qing had seen her photo in the hunting team details published in the school newspaper - he was once very curious as to why this witch had such a domineering title as 'Queen'.

The blue-green-eyed betting agent explained this in the betting guide to Zheng Qing: On the one hand, Qiong is Lei Zhe's girlfriend. As the King of the Little Arcana, it is very appropriate for his lover to have the title of 'Queen'; On the other hand, in the hunting team Q of Hearts Hunting Team, Joan, as the captain, always sticks to her word, and her hunting team style is tough and domineering, so she is nicknamed Queen by her teammates.

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