My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 329: Charming Shushan Swordsmanship

The middle-aged man who stepped on the sword took the lead and pinched his finger prints. The ancient sword under his feet was divided into two, one handle was still stepping on the soles of the feet, and the other handle moved with his sword fingers, bringing out a sword nearly ten meters long. Mang, as if instantly attaching a huge white light shell to the ancient sword, without saying a word, he slanted up into the sky and pierced the huge face of the sky.


The speed of the ancient sword seemed to exceed the speed of sound.

The red light flashed in the eyes of the black smoke above the head, and there were countless black smoke gathered in the past, and the ancient sword with great power was blocked by the powerful sword, and the white sword was annihilated.

The middle-aged man of the Shushan School changed a fingerprint, and the ancient sword, which had lost its offensive ability, spun back in the air and landed firmly on his hand.

I have to say that the combination of Royal Sword and Flying Sword is really handsome.

But he turned his eyes to Anyang, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Anyang Daoyou, you have been here long ago, but you haven't confronted this demon king, it seems to maintain some kind of tacit agreement!"

Anyang suddenly wrinkled: "What do you want to say?"

"Nothing, Anyang Daoyou, I hope we will be very happy to fight side by side. Remember, my nickname is Yuqing."


Anyang's eyes were slightly cold. He remembered that he didn't know the middle-aged man of the Shushan School, nor did he have any intersection.

But he didn't think much about it, he just kept an instinctive vigilance.

Then there are several old guys from Kunlun Laodao and Jinjifeng. Their attack power is far worse than that of Yuqing who is a Shushan faction. They only barely shot in order to contact with the evil Dao demon king.

They can't do much harm, and even rely on the protection of other monks when necessary.

Anyang saw the old Taoist pincers pinch finger prints, actually called out a fire dragon with open teeth and dancing claws from the sky, and the momentum was not great.

It's a pity ... It was wiped out by the demon king with a black smoke.

The elder Tao of Alp Fung was almost choked by his own spit, and the disciples of Elp Fung had a shit-like expression even more subtle.

The old ways of Kunlun Mountain are more dignified. First, he tentatively cast many spells that exorcise evil spirits, or spells that contain righteousness and a strong taste of Kunlun, but the effect is not very good. If not, there are other people in the right way. For their resistance, they were afraid that they would have been spitted by this demon king.

Anyang's eyes suddenly fixed, staring at the front in amazement.

I saw Kunlun master biting his index finger, drawing a pattern of yin and yang fish in the palm of his hand with blood, and then took a palm to the face of the demon in the sky, accompanied by an old but powerful shout.

"The world is infinite, Qiankun borrows the law!"

A bang!

There was a muffled sound in the sky, and the entire left eye of the demon king's face was blown into a hole by surprise, black smoke scattered, and the remaining smoke continued to overflow.

The Taoist masters around were surprised and looked at Lao Tao in disbelief.

They seem to be sure that the attack that caused the demon king a lot of injuries just now was really the one who was going to do it with the Heavenly Dao practitioners?

Attacking spells of this level are fierce and powerful, with no trajectory and difficult to resist. Many monks who specialize in battle can hardly cast them out.

As if feeling what they thought, Lao Dao turned his head and smiled at the old god: "Lao Dao does not mean that Lao Dao won't be a spell even though he is a master of heavenly numerology!" Anyang ’s Taoist friends are not as good as the means to blast off the smoke column. "

The old man turned his head, but he saw Anyang take a breath, seeming more surprised than others.

He can't help but be puzzled. The power of Qiankun's method of borrowing is indeed not as good as the meteor flying out of that arm, and Anyang in his heart has the power of supernatural powers. How could he be so disoriented?

He did not know that Anyang would also be the undisclosed secret of Kunlun Mountain.

That ’s right, the secret of non-transmission, the true secret of non-transmission, even the disciples of Kunlun must be in high positions to practice.

Anyang was surprised at this time, more of the coincidence of the ghost of the beautiful girl and the mainland of Shenzhou.

You have to know that one is the original world, one is the natural world, one is fabricated based on imagination, and the other is real. There is the same spell, is there any coincidence in the world?

He had long known that Yan Chixia in "The Ghost Story" was born in Kunlun, and even his own practice was named Kunlun Judgment, but this Kunlun is not the Kunlun, he has already verified it. The practice of Kunlun Mountain It is not the same as his Kunlun. He did not find any record of "Qiankun Borrowing Method" in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion in Kunlun Mountain. He thought that there would be no intersection between the two.

Unexpectedly, the reality hit his face so subtly.

The old man stared at Anyang in doubt, but couldn't figure out what he was thinking. He couldn't help but deal with the demon king's counterattack, and said: "Anyang Daoyou?"

Anyang woke up instantly: "Oh! It's nothing. Just a moment ago, Daoyou was careful not to distract!"

Lao Dao nodded, and continued to confront the demon king.

Several Taoist masters who stood on the top of the cloud from the sky looked coldly. If the demon king's actions threatened Lao Tao and several old guys, they would try to intercept them.

Anyang also did not shoot.

They need these Dao Dao practitioners to have full contact with the evil Dao demon king, and it is best that the numerology trajectories are related to overlap, in order to be more conducive to the next demon battle.

Until the time of the day passed, the sun's light was getting darker and darker at night, and it projected vivid colors on the distant sky, but the gorgeous and exciting sky was far from stopping.

Several Heaven Dao practitioners have been exhausted, but the demon king has become more and more courageous. On several occasions, he almost seized the opportunity to kill a powerful person. Even some people have withdrawn from the battle because of injuries.

It was at this time that Kunlun Road suddenly backed away, panting to take back his hand, and then looked at the gradually dark sky.

This kind of battle is still too reluctant for them.

"Enough is enough, it's going to be dark soon, don't let him delay time, otherwise it will be surrounded by yin and fear that life will change!"

Hearing what he said, only the three old guys of Yifeng Peak withdrew their hands and stepped back.

Although the old man was born in Kunlun, because of his older age, his speech is still quite majestic.

At the same time, other powerful and traveling elders from all major Xianshan caves have shot out, and their targets are all the faces of the sky.

The most popular fan is Yuqing of the Shushan School, the middle-aged man with a flying sword.

"Thousands of swordsmanship!"

An ancient sword suddenly became innumerable, not as exaggerated as thousands, but it seemed to be densely packed, all following Yu Qing's sword.


The ancient swords gathered together and roared upward, colliding with the black smoke that hung down. The sword body broke through the blockade like a boat that was going up against the current, but was hit back by the handle of the continuous black smoke, even broke up, and became on the spot. The white light spot disappeared in the air, but Jianliu never stopped, and he continued to collide with the black smoke against the current.

Hundreds and thousands of ancient swords left only the last one, and finally flew back under the call of Yuqing, still spinning in the air like that, but they fell into his hands steadily as if they were shot down.

This movement was a little bit fairy, but a little more chic.

It seems that, as Anyang thought, the Shushan School is all handsome and crazy. If you have to be modern, you have to captivate thousands of girls. Well, maybe you can captivate young boys.

A black smoke was spit out from the face in the sky, but it collided with a flame column of a tall man against the trend. A black smoke screen formed instantly, blocking the 10,000 golden lights emitted by a Taoist, and Countless black smoke is emitted to the righteous people, sweeping and vast.

This is a confrontation between pure spells.

The evil demon king uses one-to-many, multi-faceted spells, and it does not fall in the magical confrontation. It is scary.

But after all, it is difficult to beat four hands with two fists. The demon king can block one, two, or even three, but he can't block so many fairy monarchs and traveling masters in the world.


A gleam of lightning struck, just interspersed with black smoke, so that the face was instantly twisted.

Although the evil demon king is taller than most people here, he is not afraid of anyone alone, and two or three are not to mention, but there are too many people here. He is overwhelmed, and the people who besieged him are still in the right path. He is also uncomfortable when a man's powerful character really falls on his body. In particular, the enemy has a lot of power, and his own powers are so small that his subordinates are crushed by the so-called "good people", he is difficult to protect himself, and he has to deal with it alone.

In fact, the defeat is already doomed, and everyone can see that the demon king's resistance is very unwilling, like a dying struggle.

With the continuous fall of the sky fire and the destruction of the man's spells in the right way, this continuous jungle became a bare land in just one day, and there were traces of fire, and the huge faces over the sky were gradually fragmented, especially some spells against demons. The black smoke's blow was devastating, making him lose his prestige and calmness before it was too dark.

The demon king has even been unable to resist Yu Qing's ancient swords, allowing these sword lights to shuttle through the black smoke and draw a **** mouth on his face.

He gave up his defense and instead attacked with all his strength, seeming to want to pull his back before he died.

But Anyang feels that maybe he wants to disturb the situation and then take the opportunity to let the body escape more likely.

But his secret has already been broken by the power of heaven and earth, and the technique of burning mountains and forests in the old Kunlun Road has even cut off his hope of escape.

at last--


A huge muffled roar rang through the forest ~ ~ a bit like a beast and a bit like an ape.

The hill in the middle of this dense forest suddenly trembles, and there is only a pitiful small tree that has not been cleared, and the gravel and mud are falling, and I do n’t know if I think the earthquake is happening, but the rising smoke is distinct It shows that this is an unnatural event, and the concentration of black smoke is far beyond imagination, and even the situation there cannot be seen clearly.

Anyang's eyes narrowed, and the ground in front of him suddenly cracked, and with a bang, a figure tens of meters high broke through the ground, and seemed to be a humanoid standing on two feet.

The sudden drop in temperature around, accompanied by a creepy breath, seemed like a great demon was about to be born.

"This is the demon king's body?"

"Sure enough, domineering!"

ps: the arrears are paid off

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