My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 330: Jian Xiao behind him

An old-fashioned man pinched his finger prints with his hands, quickly chanted a mantra, and suddenly waved his arm, and then a wind of Ling Yungang came.

In a sense, all the masters on this battlefield have the ability to call for wind and rain.

But this gust of wind is different from ordinary hurricanes. Not only is the wind strong and outrageous, but also like a knife, it is easy to scrape a layer on the ground, and it also blows the black smoke that has not stabilized, at least barely. See the appearance of the demon king body.

Everyone was shocked!

This is really a humanoid erect creature, not much different from humans, even the face is a human face, but it is a hairy, wearing old armor, lush hair protrudes from the armor gap, there is a long tail behind There are pointed ears on the head, but they are just a little bitter, and the eyes larger than the washbasin are cold and evil.

Anyone can recognize that this is the face in the sky just now.

But this face changed instantly. With the wild roar of the demon king, the fangs and nails in his mouth expanded quickly, and in the blink of an eye he became more clawed and full of wickedness and rage.


Anyang secretly searched the information in the database and quickly found the record.

"Find the record, Yu Mart, depicting a similarity of 73.53%. The spirits are naturally raised. The character is changeable, sometimes calm, sometimes irritable, unclear, extremely talented, and brilliant ... There was a Yu Mart 800 years ago After embarking on a monastic journey on Fukong Mountain, he succeeded in succeeding. Although he could kill people if he didn't agree with one another, he was still the most powerful among the righteous monsters. The following is a hand-drawn scanned image— "

Anyang looked at the pictures on the suspended projection, and compared with the horrible Yu Ta demon king now, it seems to be one.

"Is it a natural creature that is raised naturally? Are these guys who are Heavenly Father and Earthly Mother so talented?"

"And this guy is obviously not a born evil, but he is about to fall into the way of the demon, hey."

As I was thinking, the Yuying demon king below roared upward, and his body bent down, seeming to jump.


With a whistling sound, the huge Yu Martial Demon King jumped at least several hundred meters in height. When everyone was shocked and unimaginable, he grabbed a high-handed person and ignored his spell directly. He even stuffed into the mouth with the flames of the sky, chewing cruelly until it crashed to the ground, with blood and minced meat in his teeth.

There was an uproar among the distant disciples, and even the head of the Xianshan Cave House was shocked.

Anyang was also shocked. Almost without hesitation, he immediately flew backwards with the armor, pulling a distance of thousands of kilometers in a blink of an eye.

As for the unfortunate man who died, he can only regret it after the battle is over.

In fact, it ’s not surprising that even though these masters of Taoism are so powerful and powerful, they are still very fragile in front of real power. They are approached by a powerful demon king, if there is no emergency life-saving means or Too late to be caught is equivalent to death.

After all, this is not the same as the just fight.

Even Anyang is not sure that he will survive if caught by this huge monster king who can jump hundreds of meters high.

This move undoubtedly made people panic, and all of them were far away from the demon king, afraid that they would be caught by his body, and then a hundred years of behavior would be wiped out.

Compared to the spell fight just now, it is indeed much more dangerous now.

However, if there are disadvantages, it is advantageous. The body of the Yuying demon king cannot fly, and can only reach a height of hundreds of meters by means of super-high bounce force, and many people in the right way could not fly. In battle, they can only stand by with their arms folded. At most, they provide magical support. However, many spells are not applicable to the air, but now it is different. Now that the body of the Yuying Demon King is on the ground, many masters can join the battlefield.

Of course, the premise is not to be caught by the Yuying demon king, after all, the danger is still great.

So in the beginning, the strategy of the Yuying demon king was very correct. He fought in the air in avatars, which virtually screened out many enemies, but there are too many people in the right way. Even if he occupies the geographical position, he will not be at all. The clever move is too cruel, and directly forced his body out.

In fact, there is an advantage in the right way, that is Anyang.

Previously in the air, the incarnation of the Yu Ta Yao Wang was composed of black smoke, and the volume was so large that Anyang did n’t shoot much, because he knew that his shot was not good, but now the body of the Yu Ta Yao Wang was born, no No matter how illusory it is, it's time for high-tech weapons to show off.

Like the dozen-meter-high monster king, if the tank is summoned, the power of the No. 8 airborne energy rapid-fire gun should not be used in a few seconds, but of course, provided that the monster king has no other Hole card.

But it seems unlikely.

Anyang used his armor to ascend into the sky, staring at the monks in the monk's eyes below, and the mini missile was ready.

"A spiritual creature raised naturally, that is to say, there is a golden pill in him?"

He was about to shoot, but he did n’t expect Yuqing of Shushan to be faster than him. An ancient sword roared across the sky, slashing towards Yu Tayu King like a meteor shower flying horizontally, but was suddenly black. The smoke was blocked, but this time was different. When Yuqing wanted to take back the last real body of the ancient sword, Yu Yun demon king stepped forward and held out his hand to grab the ancient sword, just like holding it. A short toothpick.


Many Taoists were a little surprised, and the speed was a bit ridiculously fast.

Immediately after a missile with a long tail flame roared, it was more like a meteor, with a very fast speed, just hitting the body of Yu Martial Demon King in a blink of an eye.


The flames that burst into the sky exploded on the body of Yu Ta Yao King, and spread along the exaggerated muscle lines. It can be imagined that the luxuriant hair must have been burnt out.

It was also at this opportunity that Yuqing's sword tactics changed, and a white light was spurted on the huge figure, and the ancient sword was taken back from his unstable hands.

When the fire was extinguished, Yu Martial Demon King's chest was already scorched black, and there was blood stains faintly.

But he resisted.

Anyang felt a little difficult to deal with. After thinking about it, he still took out the individual energy cannon. After all, this thing has a higher single attack, at least the explosion effect is much stronger than the missile.

At this time, many high-ranking masters could not bear it anymore, and cast spells and sacrificed magic instruments one after another, as if they wanted to drown the Yu Ta demon King.

But the Yuying demon king is not easy to provoke. On the one hand, he constantly resists the coming attacks, on the one hand, he endures huge pain, and he must aim at a Taoist man with his injuries. If every attack is not blocked, it will often It means the death of an upright person.

The power of the demon king is undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

But the more powerful the Yu Ta Yao Wang is, the more greedy everyone is, because it shows that the value of Jindan in his body is higher, and it may have the effect of increasing tens of centuries of skill.

In order to kill the demon king and seize the demon pill, all the righteous people have long forgotten the morality and dignity. Anyway, the object is the evil demon king. There are countless things that hurt the heavens and do reasonable things.

Suddenly swarmed up for a while, spells were rushing.

After all, the Yu Martial Demon King is not a god, and he is weak because he has few enemies, not to mention the fact that almost all the righteous forces in the world are gathered here, and the famous high-ranking people among the scattered Taoists have also come.

As mentioned before, the gap between the practitioners is not as irreparable as Tiancang. In the face of the siege of so many people, the Yuying Demon King can resist for so long and fight back, which has already shown that these naturally raised monsters The degree of fierceness.

After half a stick of incense.

The Yu martial demon king was covered with blood, and the old armor pieces fell apart. There was no fur on his body. The claws were cut off in his hands, but his teeth were still chopped, expressing his unyielding fighting spirit.

Despite being injured and dying, he will never sit still!

Looking back at the bald mountain that has been razed to the ground, it was originally a dense forest of old mountains, but now it is covered with the body of the demon and the burnt trace of burnt black, as if to show that his momentum is gone, and the end of life near.


The Yu Martial Demon King roared again, staggering forward.

The man in the right path will not pity his bravery and sorrow, and a spell will kill him, and various forms of slowness, deceleration and restraint will make him jump a few hundred meters. Finally, he couldn't hold it anymore and fell to the ground.

He was seriously injured and dying.

Anyang's eyes were slightly condensed, and the energy cannon was raised in one shot, and several missiles were bombarded in time, screaming and crashing on the body of the Yu Ta Yao Wang who had gradually become unsupported. The breath of life also makes some people who want to get close have some scruples.

They were not afraid of fire, but the flame covered the situation of the demon king, making them afraid to approach easily.

The image of the demon king who is fearless and fierce just now has a deep impression in many people's hearts, especially when he tears or swallows all the masters, his eyes are full of anger. If the demon king didn't die, or swindled to death as many times as before, wouldn't they just send their lives in a hurry?

Anyang didn't care about this ~ ~ He turned the thruster on and turned it over in an instant.

The special laser sword appeared out of thin air, and the silver-white angel alloy sword body was extremely sharp. As he pressed the energy switch on the handle, a red light began to spread on the sword body.

He needs to be fast, very fast, before he can grab Jindan before everyone can react.

The armor flew quickly, and the power brought by the speed was terrifying.


With a slight sound, the special laser sword capable of cleaving the high-purity eternal alloy lived up to the expectations, and directly penetrated the chest of the Yuying demon king, and he only gently extended his hand, and the golden yellow bead fell into his hand And disappeared.

At that moment, he could feel the majestic energy contained in this golden egg-sized golden pill.

Just then, there was a sword roar behind him, as if coming straight at him.

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(To be continued.)

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