My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 356: Liao Heng played

The tall and handsome figure came, and the sunlight at four or five in the afternoon slanted the shadow on the ground, reflecting a new and technical Ferrari Enzo, a straight shirt and casual pants, and a handsome face let him see It looks like a prince walking out of a fairy tale.

Until he stopped in front of Anyang, there was a very graceful smile on the corner of his mouth: "My name is Cheng Xiaoyu, how do you call me a friend?"

Anyang glanced at him and said lightly, "My surname is An."

This second generation is more interesting than the other surnamed Xu!

At least he didn't go directly to the rabbit spirit to stand still, but he found himself, and he didn't talk arrogantly, and still maintained politeness or cautious temptation.

"Oh, Master An."

Cheng Xiaoyu narrowed his eyes and thought about it, as if he did n’t know what the surnamed An Daguan was, which was good, at least to avoid accidentally injuring his own people, and when the time came, it was awkward to find that everyone had inextricably connected ! As for where this person came from, what kind of power he has, he will not care, and he will not find out whether he can cause this person, he will not ask, how troublesome!

It ’s so tiring to have a girl, and it ’s not to grab people on the street!

Even if I find it annoying, I just want to make a friend. How big can it be? I didn't get your woman up, I didn't even kick you even if it was an iron plate. It's a big deal to apologize. Even if you have a big daddy, how many old guys will participate in this kind of battle between juniors? Most of them just let the juniors play tricks. Speaking of juniors, even if the power of your family is up to the sky, you do n’t necessarily have to get the joint efforts of the members of the entire sports car club!

This is Cheng Xiaoyu's idea, and is where he thinks he is smarter than Xu Qing.

"Brother Ann, this is your sister. She looks so beautiful. I wonder if I can make a friend with her?"

Cheng Xiaoyu stared at the rabbit essence, his eyesight was really good, just looking at Xiao Qian holding Anyang ’s arm, he knew that Xiao Qian was Anyang ’s real girlfriend, and the rabbit essence just held Anyang ’s clothes, like a neighbor Sister-like, soft and weak, so I have this question.

Rabbit Jing shrank back, letting him hide behind Anyang, like avoiding the flood beasts.

This made Cheng Xiaoyu stay for a long time. For so many years, I have not seen such a simple woman. Even in this era, even a child is not afraid of being born to this degree? Isn't she shy to even look at it, but she doesn't seem to be pretending or pretending ...

From which ravine ditch this is brought out ... the best!

Cheng Xiaoyu wanted to be more and more excited, and a wave of possessiveness rose in his heart, and he couldn't help but want to be a robber in the street.

Of course, in this society, it is not very realistic to grab on the street, and at most it is to be a teaser on the street. Except for some mixed societies, only the people who really have power are the strongest women in the street. The former has no identity, the latter has no scruples. It is impossible for them to be without identity, and the level of carelessness cannot reach even their father, let alone their second generation!

Therefore, they will drive up the sports car and fool some of the simpler civilian women in this cool and cool form!

At this time, Xu Qing was not far behind and walked to Huang Lan. The young and handsome young man's heart was far dirtier than his appearance. He stretched out his hand and wanted to touch Huang Lan's chin. He said frivolously: "Beauty, I see you It looks like my future wife, not as good as me ... "

Before the words were finished, Huang Lan had grabbed his finger, her eyes were sharp, without hesitation, she squeezed hard!

It seemed as if I heard a chirp, and with a little crisp sound, Xu Qing's **** were directly squeezed into a flat piece of meat, and the phalanx was crushed under the power of Huang Lan's metamorphosis, and the blood suddenly overflowed. He dyed his white compassionate!

"Hiss ... ah!"

A hysterical voice sounded, and this was the real voice, as if it sounded from the depth of the throat. It was very miserable. It made everyone on the scene feel horrified when listening to it, and subconsciously looked at Xu Qing, but felt more frightened!

With ten fingers, this scene is so painful to watch!

When the reaction came afterwards, she was deeply chilled for the woman's fierceness and means.

Who can crush human fingers without saying a word, and who has this power? Maybe someone can crush a person's bones, but they can't pinch a person's fingers into this look with one hand? This is a finger, not a plasticine for kids!

Huang Lan snorted softly and said, "I think you look like my supper tonight. Do you want to try it? If you want to come, find the man who was held by two women and ask for the address! "

With a smile on his face, Anyang looked at Cheng Xiaoyu: "Why, do you want to make friends with my rabbit?"

Cheng Xiaoyu glanced at Xu Qing, but he was anxious. Shen Sheng said: "You! Do you know who he is? He is the son of Deputy Director Xu of the Municipal Bureau. Now you are in big trouble!"

A trace of cold sweat slipped from his head and looked at Xu Qing's fingers. It is estimated that unless the fairy reincarnated, there was nothing to restore this sludge to its original appearance. That is to say, his fingers were basically abandoned. There is no possibility of healing again.

Normally, there are people who are maddening about how crazy they are outside, and what dads are doing outside. Their dads are carrying them. Even if they have a fight with other young masters and drag racing, as long as it is not serious, their dads keep their eyes closed. At a glance, neither help nor scold anyone. But today this situation is different. Xu Qing has become slightly crippled, and still playing crazy with him, if Xu Qing's father knows that it will never be easy to stop! At that time, I am afraid that I will be implicated, and I will not be able to run for several months without confinement ...

That's worse than killing him!

Xiao Qian frowned, thinking suddenly, "Oh, Xu Taijiu's son."

Cheng Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, and looked at Xiaoqian in surprise, the expression on his face gradually turned into surprise and disbelief.

He did not expect that when he explained the identity of the person they wounded, there would be someone who said lightly: Oh, Xu Taijiu's son. What does this mean, this means that this woman knows Xu Qing ’s identity and the forces behind him, but looking at her expression, she clearly does n’t care about it, and even abolished Xu Qing ’s fingers, not even Xu Xu for a long time. Revenge is at heart.

Who is this woman and who is this man?

Is it the crown prince coming down from the capital?

Cheng Xiaoyu swallowed and felt that he really met someone he couldn't afford, but fortunately, he didn't do anything special, even if this person is really the crown prince from Beijing After all, Emperor Tiangao is far from ...

However, other people did not hear Xiao Qian ’s self-talking words, only to see Xu Qing suddenly bloody, and did not even see how Huang Lan did it, realizing that this matter is difficult to be good, They have always been fighting together and robbing women, and they are used to uniting at a critical time to fight against the real big or small powerful, how can they bear it?

I saw a group of young people walking back to the sports car, brushing out the baseball bats and golf clubs from the car, and there were several people responsible for clearing the surrounding crowds. Then they each made fierce expressions, like The wolves came around, and it felt like it was time to solve everything with violence!

Anyang shook his head straight and felt that in many novels he had read, the real second generation disdain this rude method, but now it seems that reality is reality after all! The thrill of direct violence is hard to avoid after all, especially for these lawless second generations, it is straightforward and refreshing to find someone to clean up or use their rights and tricks to directly carry weapons.

In particular, fighting together like this can also increase the affection between each other!

Of course, they usually do n’t do this. They only use this method when they face some very bully people, which is equivalent to letting themselves vent. Anyway, it ’s all a group of people who have been beaten without learning. There are not many people who label people who do anything deviant about them.

Huang Lan sneered and sneered. Hearing Xu Qing's screams in front of him, he felt noisy and kicked out without hesitation.

With only a bang, Xu Qing flew backwards and crashed into the Porsche sports car behind him. When he fell to the ground, his body was already bowed into a shrimp shape, his face was pale, and cold sweat oozed out on his face, as if enduring intensely. Pain, and blood is still flowing.

The second generation of people froze again and began to panic.

On the one hand, this power does not seem to be possessed by ordinary people, on the other hand, Xu Qing is so injured, they all look frightened, and they will be scolded in the next time. Even if he is not scolded by Xu for too long, his father will not let himself go!

"Hemostasis, hemostasis, bring the bandages, quickly stop bleeding for Xu Shao!"

"Where do we come from gauze, or go to the hospital!"

"Okay, Xiaowu and I sent Xu Shao to the hospital. You stayed and watched these. Damn, I just didn't want to live!"

Anyang looked at them quietly like this, his expression did not change, but calmly, as if watching a group of ants roaming. Suddenly turned to look at the silent Cheng Xiaoyu, asked with great interest: "What are you going to do?"

That looks like asking an unrelated person: Where do you want to go?

Cheng Xiaoyu was stunned, but had no choice but to take out his prepared speech and spread his hands: "I have nothing to do with this matter, I just came to make a friend with this beauty."

Anyang laughed sarcastically and didn't speak.

Cheng Xiaoyu looked at his expression with a groan in his heart, feeling that this matter was not so easy to be kind.

"Cheng Shao, what are you doing there?" A person came over with a baseball bat and stood in front of several people in Anyang, but he couldn't look away when looking at the rabbit essence. It took a long time to react and his heart rose fiery Suddenly, she could understand why Cheng Xiaoyu sat watching Xu Qing's fingers crushed and didn't want to leave.

"Boy, do you know who you are getting into? Do n’t say anything now, just wait for death! But if you are willing to give me your woman to play for a few days, I can still do it in front of Xu Shao. You say love! "

Anyang ignored him, and now talking to this kind of character is simply his part. After a glance at the corner of his eyes, he found a blue Maserati-galloping at no speed or turning until he hit the tens of millions of Porsche -918.


With a muffled sound, the newly-launched Porsche was directly hit by a roadside pole and stopped. Half of the doors were twisted and the body was severely deformed, and the front of the Maserati was completely unrecognizable.

All the second generation could not help but open their mouths.

That's a tens of millions of cars, it was just like this!

They don't care much about whether the people inside are injured or killed. The safety of this type of super sports car is generally well done. It is the kind of car that is scrapped because of an accident. It is often the case that a super race can hit a bus. Cars, buses or trucks, the body has become scrap iron, but the owner of the car climbed up unharmed.

What they cared about was who actually drove the Maserati, and actually hit Xu Qing's car so publicly and so directly!

Until someone hit the next person with his arm, he whispered, "That seems to be Liao Heng's car."

A few people who heard this sentence took a breath of breath ~ ~ Think carefully, I have seen Liao Heng a few times, he seems to have driven a blue Maserati-if this is true It ’s Liao Heng ’s car.

"How did Liao Heng appear here?"

"This is the right time, is this too coincidental?"

"In his current identity, how could he directly hit Xu Qing's car?"

These second generations were just blinded by something, too lazy to think about it. Anyway, when they did something wrong, some people wiped their buttocks for them. In essence, they are not stupid. Some things are easy to understand, and the more they think, the more they are afraid.

Huang Lan didn't care about this. Looking at the mortals who surrounded him, a violent anger gradually rose from his body, his eyes narrowed, and there was a murderous chance looming inside! Under the sunlight, her shadow was gradually twisting and expanding, and she became a tiger with open teeth and claws.

Anyang hurriedly took her, and if this tiger had red eyes, it would have been a few feet of blood here. So many people are watching here, and modern technology and networks are so developed. If public opinion comes up at once, he will be troublesome even if he wants to suppress it.

"Don't worry, my people are here."

As Anyang said, Huang Lan withdrew her anger, otherwise it would not be easy for her to hold her hand when she started to go crazy.

With a bang, the slightly deformed door was kicked open, and it could be seen that it was kicked open with brute force and flew directly over two meters and landed on the distant road. A handsome young man walked out of the car, his eyes like a knife, but he was unscathed in the accident just now, not because of the good protection of the body, but as if he had not experienced such a collision.

Liao Heng didn't change his face, sorted out his clothes, and dusted off a glass of slag. Then he walked toward Anyang and others.

The second generations were suddenly in an uproar!

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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