My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 357: punishment

The onlookers all around looked at this scene dumbfounded, like watching a certain dog blood plot in the movie, first a group of second-generation girls who were blatantly bubbling, and then a tall woman who was strong "twisted off "A finger of a second generation, almost triggered a scuffle of a group of second generation. Then a luxury car crashed into it, slamming that million-dollar supercar, and accompanied by a domineering and sharp man ...

Everyone can see that this group of unscrupulous second generations has angered people who are even more amazing than them!

Anyang turned his head to look at Xiaoqian, with inquiries in his eyes.

Xiaoqian naturally understood his meaning perfectly, but shook his head, indicating that the person he called was not Liao Heng, and he did not know that Liao Heng would appear here.

Anyang feels more interesting. Sometimes some coincidences can always add some dramatic colors to some emergencies.

Liao Heng ignored everyone else, did not squint, nor put everyone in his eyes, and stopped in front of them with a snap, and under the intense gaze of the second generation, he shouted and said, "Boss, lady boss."

Anyang nodded lightly and smiled: "I haven't seen you for a long time."

"I haven't seen you for a long time. I happened to be here from now. I saw the boss was offended by a group of second-generations in the jurisdiction of Jinguan City. It was really my dereliction of duty," said Liao Heng, slightly bending down and bowing.

Anyang waved his hand and said, "This is not to blame you, but I was too low-key before."

At this point, the second generation has turned pale and trembling, even the young people in the Porsche-918 dare not move, even if Xu Qing's fingers are constantly bleeding and red seats, he has also suffered from a car accident Suffering a bit of injury, he was lying on the chair and was unconscious, feeling quite uncertain about his life and death, so he dared not take him to the hospital.

They were thinking when Liao Heng hadn't gotten off the train. If it was really Liao Heng, it would be miserable! Since Liao Heng was willing to come for this person, and even directly hit Xu Qing's car without saying a word, he must have a strong relationship with the man who is hugging him. Who does n’t know that Liao Hengquan is so powerful now, looking at the entire Yizhou and even the southwest, how many people did not bow his head in front of him?

Isn't it comparable to him, nor is he not given face, but bowed in front of him!

This is an exaggerated thing in China's current bureaucracy. In official terms, everyone is a comrade, a party member, a public servant of the people, serving the people, and positions vary, but in essence everyone is equal Yes, no one would meet and bow their heads. But Liao Heng did just that, not just power, it is said that there are other means to make many dignitaries to be respected as gods!

But Liao Heng actually called the man in front of him as the boss and the woman as the boss lady, so respectful!

This is simply incredible.

The well-informed second generation gradually looked shocked and looked at Anyang in disbelief.

There is a legend on the Southwest officialdom that the bureaucracy led by Liao Heng actually serves someone. Everyone knows that Liao Heng was only the son of a deputy department-level cadre of the Industry and Commerce Bureau. Even now his father Liao Chengjian is only the deputy director of the Jinguancheng Industry and Commerce Bureau. Isn't the power of the officialdom just because he caught the man?

This legend once added mysterious and even fantasy colors, but they never imagined that the legendary master was so young!

Or, did you guess wrong?

A few vaguely saw someone with a slight fluke in their hearts, and even prayed that they guessed wrong, otherwise, if they offended such a powerful figure, let alone their family background, even their dad couldn't stand up use!

The rest of the people who did n’t know what they were doing were nervous and frightened, but they were n’t scared enough. In their minds, no matter how troublesome they are, it ’s the point of “children playing with trouble”, even if they harm the family. It ’s the same for a good woman, to beat a person to the top, or to prevent someone from living. Really powerful people are unlikely to care about them, and they will not offend anyone. At most, they are only more serious with the younger sons of the same generation.

Just like today, even if Liao Heng arrived, it is estimated that it was almost the same as before. He took a loss on the spot and was called back. He was picked up by the old man at home, and this matter passed. Perhaps in Liao Heng ’s current status, they will not even suffer a loss on the spot. After all, Liao Heng holds his own identity and may not be very hands-on to them.

Only this time the punishment may be heavier than before!

If Liao Heng really wants them to suffer a little, using Liao Heng's methods may also make them remember for life.

Only those few vaguely see something, the status in this small circle is also relatively high, and the most arrogant things are usually the most arrogant, and it is the most frightening at this time!

Liao Heng turned around, stood upright, and glanced around with a knife-eyed look. These people put down their baseball bats and golf clubs in their hands, as if waiting for punishment.

But before they responded, they only heard a powerful rumbling of cars. A team of powerful off-road vehicles drove over. The speed was very impatient, and they approached without any loss. They directly drove their sports cars away from them. Stop not far away. The doors of the off-road vehicle opened at almost the same time, and the men who walked out of the station stood straight at first glance. They did not say a word, and surrounded them with a brush.

One of them took the lead to look at Xiaoqian, and confirmed that she was safe and unharmed, and she was relieved. Then she glanced sharply at this group of second generation, and waved her hand!

"All take away, refuse to leave, drag away sideways!"


A tidy answer sounded like an army, especially shocking.

The men like soldiers moved immediately and walked towards these dozen second generations. Even Xu Qing, who was unconscious in the Porsche-918, did not let go.

The second generation began to panic, looking at the temperament of this group of people and the behavior they took away without saying a word. Like a bandit, they wanted to get into their hands with their buttocks. Redeem yourself, and by that time you might be out of style.

Some people are willing to admit their fate, but only fright in their hearts, and others are uncooperative and try to make a final resistance.

But what is surprising is that the ones who admit their fate are the most arrogant, the most powerful in the family, and the rebels are all driving millions of cars, and the family is only a small official. .

"Big Brother, Jinguan City has a head and a face, don't do such a terrific thing, talk about what is happening today, and meet each other in the future ..."

The second generation did not know whether he was talking to Anyang or the man who came to take him. His attitude was long gone, and he was still holding a posture.

It's a pity that he got the wrong object!

"Just like you, can you have a head and a face? Who wants to meet you so well, prepare to call your father, get in the car!"

A group of tall men have begun to use compulsory methods when they see someone who does not cooperate.

"What are you doing, my dad is from the Jinguancheng Procuratorate, I remember you, let me go, I wouldn't have happened!" A second generation shouted loudly, suddenly picked up the baseball bat on the ground, threatened, "Don't come here, otherwise I'm not afraid of fighting together. It's the same thing to kill you, but if you hurt me, I won't let it go ..."

Before he finished, the leader of a group of men directly grabbed his baseball bat and waved it violently. At that moment, he could hear a huge cry.


A dull and frightening voice, blood splattered, the well-known second generation fell straight down, and the scarlet color quickly spread on the ground!

No one knows how hard it is to take the lead of the man, but it is terrible enough that this stick knocks people down unconsciously and bloody. Especially when you take a closer look, the location where the second-generation head was hit has a slight deformation, which seems to be recessed, which is even more creepy.

Suddenly, those second generations were stunned. They looked at this scene stupidly, and dared not resist again, leaving only deep fear and chills.

Although they also fight by car racing, most of them are fighting for their will. They have a good face and rarely fight people to death. This is obviously not so simple to fight to death, but is simply killing people! They are already wondering whether their companion can survive. The most important thing is that most of the people they usually hit are ordinary people who have no power and are weak and cowardly. They have sighted those people who are unable to resist and dare not retaliate. Which is like today, obviously know that it is the son of a senior procuratorate. Dare to take this ruthless hand!

"Drag away!"

As the lead man shouted, the two immediately rushed up, carrying the second generation's feet, dragging away like a dead dog, and arrogantly thrown into the car.

The leading man nodded in satisfaction, and continued to whisper: "Don't care about the identity of this group of scum, do as I say, and drag away if you don't go, don't be afraid of things, don't be merciful, kill each one, one. Someone will take care of you if you are killed! "

The second generation swallowed, drooling and sweating, and became more frightened.

That's the boss of the sports car club. Although the origin of the sports car is not correct and can't withstand the investigation, the identity is there. For their hearts, their group of people is different from ordinary people. Killing alive did not make a second-generation maimed more powerful. But at this moment, they realized that they were not much different from ordinary people, and even as weak as some people who were bullied by themselves!

A second generation standing in the back hesitated for a long time. At this time, fear finally defeated reason. He stood on tiptoe and shouted: "Cousin, cousin Liao Heng, this is Chen Hanjie, cousin save me, when I was New Year's I've seen you at Sisi's house for dinner! "

"Cousin, you must save me, I know you have a way!"

As soon as he spoke, he looked nervously at the men around him, fearing that these people, like before, would take a stick and beat him to death without knowing his life or death.

Fortunately, because of this cousin Liao Heng, the men around him didn't touch him, including the man who held him with his backhand, and stopped his hand movement, looking at Liao Heng interrogatively.

This undoubtedly raised a little hope in Chen Hanjie's heart, and even the other two generations were a little bit lucky. Since Liao Heng is Chen Hanjie's cousin, in case Liao Heng took Chen Hanjie down, he would also protect himself, and it would be better to talk about it.

For a while, everyone shouted and ignored their faces.

"Cousin, help me, please help me."

"Cousin Liao Heng, Han Jie and I are close friends. My dad and Uncle Liao Chengjian are also very close. Help me to intercede, cousin!"


Faced with their crying, Liao Heng just frowned, looking at Chen Hanjie who was shouting at him in doubt. Obviously, he and his cousin were not as close as everyone imagined, and they barely even recognized it. It was n’t until he thought about it for a while that he remembered this cousin who had met only once the year before, but said nothing. He turned around straightforwardly, as if he did n’t see it.

Chen Hanjie was suddenly desperate, and the other two generations were ashamed.

A group of strong men suddenly understood what to do. They dragged Chen Hanjie and a group of second-generation men into the carriage and began to leave suddenly, leaving only a few people.

Liao Heng turned around, pursed his lips, and pointed not far away, where several people were taking photos with their phones.

The few remaining men immediately understood and walked towards them.

Only the lead man stayed, looked at Xiaoqian and Anyang, and then looked at Liao Heng, but consciously did not speak ~ ~ Anyang took a deep breath and said coldly, "Take their father and mother It was found that this matter had to be resolved from the source. It also happened to clear the atmosphere of Yizhou. Both were driving sports cars. Are the official wages so high now? "

Liao Heng immediately bowed his head and said: "Understand, this is a good time to kill chickens and monkeys."

"This kind of bad guys are interested in things, I hope it will be rare in the future!"

"They will be punished as they should."

Anyang nodded, then stopped talking, and turned away with Xiao Qian and the three female fairies Shi Shiran.

Several people have good interests, and their identities and moods are different from ordinary people. They are not affected by this trivial matter. The reason why they say that is to tell them that my interest has been destroyed. This is a very serious matter.

He did not say how to deal with this group of second-generation, but he had already committed himself, and the group of people did not dare to relax, so he only mentioned the father who condoned this group of second-generation, he wanted to focus on handling , Directly move this group of second-generation arrogant capital, directly dig down their backing, completely knock them down, and what happened afterwards ...

They have offended many people in recent years, which is enough for them to drink a pot!

Liao Heng made a phone call and stepped on the off-road vehicle driven by the men. He glanced at the back of Anyang and others and whistled away as the vehicle boomed.

Huang Lan regained his gaze and looked back at Anyang, sighing and said: "Your power is really great, and suddenly found that this is not worse than direct power, and, um, those just now The car is so exciting, I have to learn to drive and drive a big car! "

Anyang recovered and smiled and said, "Get a civilian armored car for you to drive!"

A few people are walking away, they have reached the most famous shopping street in Jinguan City.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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