My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 358: so awkward

Several people walked in the luxury store in the Ayr mall, which immediately attracted the attention of countless people. The beauty of rabbit essence, Huang Lan, and Xiao Qian and the various temperaments emitted from all over the body were like bright light bulbs in the dark. Wherever you go you can be found at a glance.

Xiaoqian and Anyang walked in front, calm and calm, like a pair of fairy couples, walking slowly, looking at the clothes on both sides. Rabbit essence is holding Anyang's clothes corner, following him timidly, not daring to go forward to meet the pressure of many people's eyes and luxuriously decorated shops, but she is curious and has to hide in Anyang. Behind him quietly looked at the shops and clothes around.

Xiao Chan's courage in an unfamiliar environment is even smaller than that of a rabbit. At this time, she is nervously looking around, and there is no writing on the face. Don't be close to the four big characters, I am afraid that someone will come out and eat her. Like! Even Huang Lan, who has a stronger personality, is also a bit embarrassed, quite like the feeling of a woman in a mountain village entering the city. It feels so new and so tall all around, and he has never seen the world like this ...

In her words, how embarrassing should be in case of any oolong incident!

Walking, Xiaoqian suddenly stopped and turned to look at a piece of clothes in a prada shop. Her eyes lit up suddenly. She turned and said, "This piece of clothes is so gentle and cute, and the younger sister must be very dressed Not bad. "

The rabbit was stunned for a moment, and did not react, looking blankly at Anyang.

Anyang turned his head and looked. It was indeed a sweet and cute style of clothes. It had a tight and exposed design. It was lovely and **** at the same time. It was also very cool this summer. If the rabbit wears it well, The temptation is afraid of losing the dress of the bunny girl!

So he did not hesitate and took the rabbit spirit and walked inside.

"Come in and try it out, I also think it's good."

Rabbit Jing's eyes widened, and there was a hint of shame on her face. Obviously, she hadn't walked the street. She couldn't adapt to buying clothes at random in such a gorgeous shop, but she panicked and didn't know what to say, at a loss. Then he could only let Anyang push her into.

"Hello, the one in that window, take it out and give her a try."

"Sir, your vision is really good. It is really that we have just put on a new global limited edition. It is carefully designed by the chief designer raf-s. Every place is of the highest craftsmanship. It is only three days after you put it on the window, but if you If you want to buy it, this one may not work because we need an exhibition, but I can make an appointment for you from the Italian headquarters as soon as possible. "

"It's okay, you can try it out and talk about it when you see it."

"Okay, please wait."

The shopping guide was very enthusiastic. He glanced up and down the rabbit essence, feeling that he was also amazed, and he froze for a moment before he immediately went to get clothes.

Xiao Chan and Huang Lan glanced at the back and walked into the shop with their teeth clenched, as if bathed in the soft light reflected by the floor-covering and bright window, as if jumping into the fire and feeling uncomfortable.

But there is no way, they can only try to keep themselves calm, in order to cover up their inner tension or anxiety.

Xiao Qian followed the rabbit into the fitting room. When the rabbit came out, she had put on the white cotton with red patterned clothes. Below is a pair of white shorts, revealing a slender, straight and flat belly, and high breasts. Full and skin-white like snow, the shopping guide and even the people who were choosing clothes in the store were shocked.

It seems that this is not only a natural beauty, but also a natural hanger. Everyone can see that her beauty at this time has little to do with the dress from the famous designer, but her own beauty and figure. Every proportion, every inch of the body, and even the facial features and the charms when raising your hands and frowning are not as beautiful as mortals!

She is indeed not mortal, or even human.

Huang Lan froze for a while and commented: "Yes, it's better than the previous dress ..."

Before she finished talking, she froze again, and quickly swallowed the rest of her words into her stomach. She looked at Xiao Qian embarrassedly, thinking that this was not good for Xiao Qian's clothes. Wearing Xiaoqian's skirt.

Xiaoqian didn't care. Looking at the rabbit essence, she felt that as a woman she had to admire her beauty and charm, saying, "Sister Rabbit is beautiful, so let's buy this one?"

The smile on the shopping guide ’s face was a bit stiff, saying: “It ’s really embarrassing. According to the store manager ’s regulations, this dress is to be used as an exhibition for this summer ’s summer season. Make an appointment for you from Italy. "

Xiao Qian smiled and waved her hand: "It's okay, it doesn't matter."

The stiffness on the shopping guide's face was soothed and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

She was originally a sales person, and she worked as a shopping guide for a year and a half in the Prada store in Ayr Mall. Her eyesight is definitely there. Except for the little girl wearing a costume, the clothes of the rest of them are noble , It ’s not easy to mess with at a glance.

Xiaoqian is so easy to speak, obviously she also has a lot of trouble.

But I never imagined that the clothes were still bought, the difference was just an extra call.

I want to come too. With the powers of Anyang and Xiaoqian now, if the moon is in Yizhou province, someone will pick them up, not to mention a piece of clothes in a shopping mall for exhibition.

Anyang looked at Huang Lan and Xiao Chan: "What are you doing there? Look everywhere, buy it if you like it. Do you want me and Xiao Qian to pick each one for you?"

Xiao Chan froze for a while, getting more and more at a loss, but Huang Lan began to look around in embarrassment. With her character, how could she be embarrassed to let Xiao Qian and Anyang buy clothes for her?

Anyang sighed and looked at Xiao Chan who was standing in the same place, and made a killing move: "Xiao Chan, if you don't choose, wait for me to choose for you, I will go to the fitting room to help you change, If you choose, you can change it yourself. You want to. "

Suddenly panicked, Xiao Chan turned his head immediately and began to look at the piece of children's clothing: "I, I choose!"

The shopping guide stood aside, feeling very strange, Anyang and Xiaoqian are everyone's gestures, even with the temperament that is difficult to see on the official or the lady, but the performance of rabbit essence, Huang Lan and Xiao Chan is so The restraint is even more tense than many girls in civilian clothes who are used to visiting roadside clothing stores.

She couldn't help but understand it, but she didn't dare to say it, she had to be bored.

It's almost ten o'clock in the dark, and I finally bought it, including underwear. I didn't encounter the dog's blood plot in the novel, I didn't pretend to hit the face, and I didn't have the mental retardation to the dog's eyes. The shopping guide is low. Pleasant shopping at once.

Anyang was relieved.


At the top of the Ayr Mall, at the top of the 100-meter high building, the most luxurious resting place in Quanjin City, sitting by the window overlooks a large area of ​​the bustling city center. Of course, a drink here can also be a white-collar worker for a day The salary, dessert snacks are even more expensive.

The five of them sat in the best position by the window, attracting many people's eyes, but fortunately they have gradually got used to it.

A few cups of milk tea, juice and desserts are placed on the table. The transparent glass steel reflects the shadows of several people. A free seat around is filled with large and small shopping pockets. The logo above will make ordinary people discouraged.

The clothes of the rabbit's fine test are basically cool and sweet, but they are more attractive to all living beings. The clothes picked by Huang Lan are more tempting, although she does not feel that she only chooses her own appetite. Yes, comfortable. But those tight-fitting sports shirts, stretch vests, and tight stretch pants, rhythm pants, whether short or long, high waist or low waist, will there be a navel with a vest line, once you put it on, you will wear her The exaggerated figure clings tightly, and the outline is rigorous, making the style of the sports goddess, bodybuilder, and **** goddess more in-one!

In general, their aesthetic is still very good, but I do n’t know if it is the reason for the female fairy ’s inherent talent.

But no matter how good they are, they ca n’t compare to Xiao Chan, a fox spirit who will be labeled as a temptation when he hears it!

When she was in mainland China, Xiao Chan showed her dedication to clothing, and especially preferred gorgeous, bright, unlike rabbit essence and Huang Lan. Many times they only use clothing to cover the body ~ ~ Luxury brand children's clothing It is not much different from the children's clothes in ordinary consciousness. It is just a reduced version of fashion. When it comes to fashion and design, it is no worse than adult clothes, and it will even be more gorgeous. This is exactly what Xiao Chan intended. So she chose mostly to wear like a noble princess, or colorful and complicated, looks like a rich man's gold!

Anyang also took advantage of them and bought a set of casual clothes.

Unconsciously, it was dark outside.

Xiaoqian took a sip of milk tea and looked at the city where the lights were lit outside the glass window. The neon echoed the street lights. The scarlet taillights of the vehicle were connected in a line, and the people came and went to highlight the prosperity of the city. As it gets late, there are fewer people in this resting place.

"Fujun, it's still early. Anyway, it's okay. After dinner, shall we go to the movies?"

"This is a good idea, but you have to find a box when you eat, otherwise Huang Lan's food intake can scare others, believe it or not!"

Huang Lan was embarrassed immediately.

Xiao Qian smiled and seemed to think of Huang Lan's identity, but she did not make fun of it, just nodded and agreed.

"It's no problem, by the way, I just packed a show at Thangka Film City on Wutong Road, and it's working tonight. We don't have to rush to catch the show, anytime."

"Huh, you'll enjoy it more than I do!"

"I don't care. If you don't mind your sprites shouting and exclaiming at the cinema, or if you are nervous and panic because of the crowds around you, I can leave it alone."

"Well, Xiaoqian is thoughtful!"

Huang Lan was a little embarrassed.

Xiao Chan was embarrassed.

Even the rabbit spirit felt a little embarrassed.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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