My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 361: Charm of the Goddess (4000 words

The study has a large window sill, which is very modern in design, but has a classic flavor in materials and colors. When Comrade Xiaoqian gradually began to adapt to modern life, she spread a layer of tatami on the window sill. The very soft kind, people will sink when they sit up, so that this window sill can almost sleep as a bed, both people can lie down, and will sleep comfortably. [Fine-Color-East-Fang-Wen-Xue www.jc9.oM hand hit]

Comrade Xiaoqian was sitting on the window sill at this time, leaning against the crimson wooden window mullion, holding a book in his hand and looking down, his long hair pouring down, all the way down from his shoulder, covering half of his body and the book in his hand The slender and symmetrical legs lay flat on the window sill, next to which was a cup of oolong tea with a slight heat, and the curling white smoke rose, reflecting her very beautiful and focused expression.

Outside the window is the bright summer sun and the lush foliage of the trees, which are randomly spread out, shining the sun into a ray of irregular shapes, shining on the window sill, on the long hair pouring down sideways , On the beautiful and focused face, and on the white book paper, ::: novels ... will blur everything at once.

This picture is very random, but it reflects the taste of literature and art everywhere. If you take a micro-single and shoot it randomly, even without post-processing, it is a beautiful photo that can be used as a wallpaper. Unfortunately, there is no photography. Teachers can enjoy such honors.

Xiao Qian looked at it seriously for a moment, and she had some insight into the magic of mainland China. Just looking at such a book, a strange feeling in her heart became more and more intense, and it turned over and over. She always felt that she was missing one.

Until I suddenly remembered.

Missing a pricing!

Thinking about it, she couldn't help but patted her head. By the way, she used her fingers to put a few strands of hair covering her eyes back to her ears, and she smiled at the corner of her mouth.

Sure enough, after staying with his husband for a long time, his thinking began to be a bit close to him, and it was not normal all day long. How can there be such a strange idea?

But Anyang at this time is very busy!

Very serious kind of busy!

He started calling Liao Heng and Shen Chaowen to understand the recent detailed developments in the political and commercial aspects of the Ans system in the real world. Of course, the main reason is to tell them. Helping to deal with things is still somewhat deterrent.

After all, these people are still loyal, controlled, and only loyal, only controlled. If one day they ca n’t come back in other worlds, the badge ’s binding power will be lost for most of the time. People, no one suppresses them, and they may be in trouble.

Hanged up, Anyang pushed open the door of the study, and at a glance saw Comrade Xiao Qian who was devoted to studying. He left, and Xiao Qian immediately moved a little inside to make room for him.

So the two sat on the window sill together, shoulder to shoulder, the wind outside the window blew in, lifted Comrade Xiaoqian's hair, and itchy it on his neck and arm, accompanied by a faint and gentle voice, Begin to talk about the magic and magic of Divine Land.


In the evening, he went to the rooftop again, blowing the night wind and cooling, telling about the interesting experiences, seeing and hearing in China, and occasionally used a few more magnificent or shocking spells.


Anyang also didn't stay long in the real world this time, so some things were hurry up. For example, I kept the promise and carefully taught Xiaoqian's spells, so I had to meet Liao Heng and Shen Chaowen, and I had to meet some powerful military and political leaders. member.

Soon to the weekend.

Anyang Ruyue Huang Lan got a civilian armored car, which is a larger and more domineering Knight XV than the Hummer, and has applied for a license plate that no one dares to check, and has joined the Jinguancheng Traffic Red List.

Of course, he can't just sit back and watch Huang Lan do something wrong. Before that, he had to find someone to teach Huang Lan to learn to drive.

In fact, none of the three goblins are too fun-loving. After all, they are monks. They are also used to practicing quietly and quietly in mainland China. It ’s just that they have come to the real world. Anyang can never let them practice all day long, or Watch chatting TV series. So he found a woman who was weak, weak, and short, with a good face, who seemed to bully and took them around.

As small as an amusement park, video game city, as large as a museum, underground black boxing, as small as playing games, eating snacks, as big as drag racing, gliding, and even arrange small fixed-wing propeller planes specifically for them to take them to experience the fun of flying ...

In short, as long as there is Anyang ’s advice, they are like playing a cracked version of the game in Yizhou Province. They ca n’t play it, they ca n’t go anywhere, they ca n’t run out of money, and they have free navigation, not to mention Who dares to provoke them.

In the past few days, in addition to the little vigilant Xiao Chan, the rabbit essence and Huang Lan had a great time.

However, Xiao Chan is only psychologically so, she is easily satisfied. She has experienced so much in the past few days and has watched so much, and she is very happy to see Huang Lan and Rabbit Jing, but she is also happy, but she does not It will just show.

Anyang picked up an appointment with Ji Weiwei, and randomly found a street barbecue stall. By the light of the street light, he started to string, and ordered a few bottles of cold beer to get rid of the summer heat.

I slammed it down, as if I had returned to my original school days. At that time, the most dashing thing was skewing at the street traffic, drinking cold beer bit by bit, sometimes shouting loudly, sometimes chatting quietly In short, this is a very pleasant pastime.

I remember that no matter whether I was with my classmates at that time, Ji Weiwei would always accompany him, whether it was eating or drinking, or taking care of him who was drunk. Until later he fell in love, and the talent who accompanied him in the night market changed to Jiang Xinrou, and the group of stupid people drunk and stared at Jiang Xinrou. Words like that.

It's been a while now, and it's been two years since graduation.

These are all things that I wo n’t mention at this time.

When Ji Weiwei sat down and waited for the skewers, she couldn't help but ask your family Xiao Qian didn't come with you? "

Anyang touched her forehead. She had something wrong and didn't come. "

Ji Weiwei was stunned, and asked with some concern whether she would be unhappy, did I and you come out so late? "

Don't think too much about Anyang waving her hand, she is much more generous than you think, well, you are too dare to think about it! "

Ji Weiwei was stunned again, with an ambiguous look on his face, and he dared not think about it with his eyebrows squinted at him, how big is that? Is it possible to indulge you in fluttering outside flags, like that Cher? "

Anyang immediately turned black, as ugly as if he had eaten shit, but did not answer.

He remembered that when he went out today, he told Xiaoqian that he wanted to pull her out, but Xiaoqian smiled ambiguously, winked at him playfully, and raised the book in his hand to say that he should work hard At that moment, he was more embarrassed than studying spells.

As embarrassing as now!

Now the night is not deep enough, the business of the night snack stall is not very good, so the skewers came exceptionally fast, the two did not talk a few words, the skewers covered with cumin and chili were served in front of them, exuding Many delicacies are delicious and inviting aroma.

Ji Weiwei started with a disagreement. Her actions were more chic, and she was a type of not eating fat. No matter how she ate junk food, her body was so thin. Of course, this also caused a fatal flaw-

Small chest!

Ji Weiwei stuffed the grilled skewers into his mouth while looking at Anyang, frowning suddenly, as if remembering it, chewing the barbecue vaguely and asking if you were not tanned in Africa? "

An Yangnai, he has been prepared for this question long ago, and of course refutes you when Africa is in the equator, and there are places with a good environment, OK? "

Ji Weiwei nodded her head, but she hadn't seen her in a month, and it felt like you changed a lot. "

Anyang said frankly, mainly because of his temperament, but now I am a dragon and a phoenix and a red rabbit in a horse. The temperament is of course different from before, and you actually took me to a place like this, it ’s really not good enough for me 'S identity! "

"You have the status of a fart. When you squatted with the aunt in front of the street and ate on the street, you were already doomed. You can only eat no more than ten dollars on the street in your life. The goddess showed mercy and improved your life! "Ji Weiwei sniffed mercilessly and picked up the beer on the side." Come on, don't talk nonsense, cheers! "

An Yangna raised her glass and drank it, but this nizi just took a small sip. He didn't even see any signs of the liquid in the glass sinking, it was just wetting his lower lip.

"... Are you too shameful? There are many words in the novel network"

"You know, this goddess is a girl, and she looks so beautiful. In case you drink too much, do you conspire with me?"

"... I'm just flat-chested and I don't care if I look pretty. But then again, if I want to plot against you, as early as in junior high school, I deceived you into a small study while my parents were away! "

"His, actually said that my chest is small, where is it small, obviously the size is just right, rely on, you poked at the pain of the goddess, no matter, no longer drink a cup of hardship to get angry with the goddess!"

With that, it was another drink.

Anyang doesn't mind, because of his current physique and behavior, he can completely treat alcohol, just to give Ji Weiwei a sense of accomplishment, he still has to pretend to be unwilling to drink very difficult, which is a bit of a test of acting skills.

"Boss, have another crayfish!"

"Okay, I'll fry you right away!"

"Wait, two more cans of Jadobo, chilled."

"Good, right away!"

The two were talking and drinking at the same time, and soon felt full.

Up to this time, Ji Weiwei only drank a bottle of beer, and the rest were all drinking Jiaduobao. Rao is so, with her up to three bottles of wine, her face is a bit blushing, and her beautiful face is more fascinating. If you change the ordinary person, you ca n’t help but take her to the hotel when she is drunk. , But to say that ordinary people can't see her when she is drunk.

She took Anyang's hand as before.

"Go, let's go to the night market. I haven't visited it since I graduated from college. The goddess really missed it. Hey, you said that the little girl who sells cards is still under that sycamore tree?"

"Go and see."

Anyang said softly that he had walked forward, and letting her hang behind her was equivalent to dragging her.

As for the past, it is quite far away to think about it, it should be before Jiang Xinrou, or even longer, that period of youthful age, do not understand or pretend to understand the age, after all, only this way, there is such a trace of shy Reason for contact.

Tonight Ji Weiwei is wearing a plaid shirt with a very plain color, wearing a blue low-waist denim trousers underneath and a pair of black sneakers on her feet. The overall appearance is very youthful, energetic and transparent With a touch of literary atmosphere, plus Ji Weiwei seems to be around 20 years old, so at first glance, it is estimated that many people will regard it as a college student.

And such a dress with a more obvious figure also reflects the petite figure that is too thin and weaker than the wind. It gives the impression that if you don't catch her, she will be blown away by the wind immediately.

Yizhou people are delicious, most of the night markets are a variety of snacks, the fragrance is pungent, Rao is already skewered, they ca n’t help buying some snacks and eating while walking, and by the way, buy a glass of water and drink while holding it I felt like I was in college.

Suddenly a cry of exclamation came from behind them, as if with some uncertainty.

"Ji Weiwei?"

Anyang and Ji Weiwei turned around at the same time, and saw a young man standing at the back looking at them, and there were a few people standing next to him, as if playing with him. The man's expression was a little surprised, and when he saw that it was Ji Weiwei, his face was a little ugly.

At this time Ji Weiwei was still pulling Anyang's arm.

"Luo Shihao?"

Ji Weiwei's tone was also a bit surprised.

The man looked at her holding Anyang's arm and smiled forcefully. Although it was not directly held, this intimate action was not much different from the couple ~ ~ And they were still big at night He went out shopping together and saw that Ji Weiwei had also drank some wine, which is not the case for people who are not very close. The sum of three points is basically equivalent to proving their relationship.

Luo Shihao looked at Anyang and smiled, and asked Ji Weiwei this is your male? "

Ji Weiwei frowned and asked directly, is there something wrong? "Fiction Net does not jump.

There was no objection, nor did I admit that it was the case from the high school where the love was first opened to the university. Anyang will always become a shield for Ji Weiwei who does not want to pay men, this time.

Luo Shihao's face is a bit ugly. He said no, it's not bad, then you go on, yes, there seems to be a place for activities there, it's quite lively, you can take a look. "

Ji Weiwei yelled, and then pulled Anyang away without telling him much.

Walking to the dimly lit river, Anyang asked if it was a colleague from your company? "

Ji Weiwei nodded. Well, the company of the previous company, and my department, can be considered as acquaintances, but there is not much friendship. "

Anyang smiled, but people didn't seem to think so! "

Ji Weiwei gave a white look at him as if you discovered the charm of the goddess on the first day. I'm not afraid to tell you that the people who chase me can always line up from Wutong Road to Nansheng Street. The goddess still disdains them! "

Anyang touched his nose and had long experience. When Ji Weiwei was in the dark, the best way to deal with it was to ignore her.

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Chapter 361 The Charm of the Goddess

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