My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 362: 1 worthless pride

Anyang had always sent Ji Weiwei home in the form of a walk before returning to the villa.

It was a little late at this time. He sat down to drink a glass of water, took a bath, lay in bed, touched his mobile phone to call out Anyou's mobile phone number, and thought about it, he switched to the SMS interface and asked, "Sleep ?"

An You returned quite quickly this time, but it was still that simple: "No."

Sure enough, this nizi must be staying up late to read books, and it must be all very boring and abstract mathematics, physics, cosmic stars and the like, and you can't find a boyfriend's book!

Anyang thought for a while and said, "Take you out for a big meal tomorrow. Would you like to go?"

Waited for a long time, no reply.

When he was a little sleepy, the phone began to vibrate, showing Anyou's text message.

"No, the food in the cafeteria is pretty good!"

As always cold.

"okay then."

Anyang twitched her lips and threw the phone aside, too lazy to talk to the girl.

What food in the cafeteria is good, just as he did not attend Yizhou University for four years!

To be honest, no matter how famous it is, it covers thousands of acres and tens of thousands of people. Competition determines the market, and the market determines the conditions. The food in the cafeteria of Yizhou University still feels good at first, and there are all kinds of stir-fried dishes. The commercial street restaurants and restaurants are also good. Looking for food in the streets!

Such a rough excuse, actually used to bluff him?

After thinking about it, Anyang took out his mobile phone again and sent a message to Xiao Xueer.

Immediately after, the phone rang.


the next day.

Anyang drove his BMW x5 to the intersection of Xuefu Road in the University City, because the traffic and pedestrian traffic are very large here, and parking is not allowed on the roadside. He had to find a place to stop the car first. After getting off the bus and waiting for less than ten minutes in front of the bus stop sign, I saw two beautifully dressed young girls walking towards him, just a full expectation, turning around and looking around, one was a little sullen, like being forced Sex pulled.

Anyang immediately waved.

"Anyou, Xueer, here!"

Xiao Xueer's eyes lit up, and immediately showed a sweet smile, speeding up the pace, walking towards him with a pair of snow-white slender legs, but after two steps she walked again, turned and pulled up a reluctant face An You, then continued to walk towards him quickly and elegantly.

"Brother Anyang, long time no see, you are handsome again!"

"Cher's mouth is sweet."

"How can I tell the truth!"

Anyou twitched her eyes, feeling that goose bumps were about to rise. She looked carefully at Anyang and pouted her lips.

If you look closely, this guy seems to have changed a bit, but it has nothing to do with handsome? Only when a little nympho, such as his girlfriend, who has an abnormal brain, is deeply infatuated with this guy, will he think he looks handsome?

An You glanced at Xiao Xueer without saying much, but there was a sigh in the corner of her eyes.

Alas, what a nice little white flower, what a nice little beauty, beautiful and tall, I do n’t know how many young men ’s hearts are concerned, so I plunged into the fire, no matter how tempting I was, I tried to get her back She should have taught her the trajectory that she should have!

Anyang also looked at the two little beauties with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The two girls read earlier, and they were admitted to college at the age of seventeen, and they are now only eighteen. However, after a year of college career, the original greenness has faded a lot, but it is not related to maturity. Hooking, it just feels that this flower is blooming more beautifully, and it is more capable of dressing up than it was at the beginning, and it will also use clothes to set off the advantages of his body.

Xiao Xueer wore a black tight dress with a buttocks tightly attached to her body, showing the girl's tall and beautiful figure vividly. The hem of the tight skirt wraps up the rounded buttocks, revealing a slender, slender, black material in contrast with the snow-white skin, which is both elegant and temperament, and a little charm.

The bulging **** of the upper body are also held up, which is more costly than the women of the same age, round and upright, and looks very attractive, which forms a huge contrast with the exquisite and slightly green and delicate appearance, which is more imaginative. Knead her tightly in her arms.

This is a beautiful girl who has just unfolded her body and is still very delicate, but she is already tempting.

An You wore a very ordinary dress, pure white casual shorts and rose red sneakers, youthful and pure, revealing a white raw thigh, and wearing a yellow tight body shirt on the upper body, sketching the girl's slim and soft waist He also came up with a chest that had gradually developed into a bulging breast. There was no doubt that he was a pure and pure girl.

"I haven't seen you in a long time. Cher seems to have grown taller."

"Yes, brother Anyang discovered that the university is two centimeters taller!"

Xiao Xueer stood in front of him by pulling Anyou beautifully. The pair of long legs protruding from the hem of the black tight skirt were close together. There was no gap between the thighs. The soft skin was still snowy, and the curves were round and slender , Slender and straight, people want to touch it when they look at it.

Anyou's face was a little dark, and she looked at Anyang contemptuously, and she could naturally feel where Anyang's eyes stayed.


I used to hide some disgusting things under the bed, but I did n’t expect it to be so beautiful now, staring at people forever!

That ’s your sister ’s classmate. Hey, six years younger than you!

Xiao Xueer didn't care, and even thighs were slightly hard, and the legs were tightened, as if he was deliberately shown to him. When he looked up, he lifted his chest up, as if to be tender and tender. The hot body is more fully displayed.

Anyang suddenly realized that Xiao Xue'er had always been quite tall, but he had been away for a year, and his previous memories were a bit rusty.

He looked back at Anyou, who had a cold look in his back, and ignored her expression directly somehow, showing a smile, and even unconsciously walked over and patted Anyou on the head, saying, "Anyou, I haven't seen you for a long time!"


Xiao Xueer's eyes widened.

An You was also stunned, and did not even have time to dodge.

When was he so intimate with him, he actually ran over and touched his head, it was incredible!

Looking at their expressions, Anyang touched his nose and withdrew his hand.

In fact, he didn't know what was going on, obviously his relationship with Anyou was not so good. Not only did Anyou hate him, he didn't like Anyou very much at first, and he didn't take care of this younger sister until later, When I was more mature, I remembered having a good relationship with her. But just when he saw Anyou, he found that he was a little happy for no reason and couldn't help but patted her head.

This is completely subconscious intimacy.

Probably I have n’t seen this girl for a year, um, even if the relationship is not good anymore, it ’s also a blood-heavy affection, and I have stayed under a roof for more than ten years. Forbidden only.

There was a little disgust on Anyou's face, but he said nothing, just like nothing happened just now.

But no one noticed that the expression on her face was a lot more natural. The slight sourness that had arisen in her heart when she saw Anyang and Xiao Xueer intimately and just laid them aside just now had been reduced by half. Perhaps this is not very suitable for Anyou ’s character. To put it another way, at least she has much less grievances about taking her time to read in the bedroom with Anyang.

Anyang turned and walked aside: "My car is parked over there, you wait, I'll drive over."

Xiao Xueer immediately replied sweetly: "Okay!"

The faint frost covered on that ordinary face had disappeared without a trace.

In the car, Anyang looked at them through the rearview mirror.

Xiao Xue'er held Anyou's hand, his legs were slanted together, and he looked extremely slender and straight, Bai Shengsheng dazzled. The long black hair pours down without restraint, reflecting a beautiful face. She is a standard melon seed face with a sharp chin, which adds a delicate and cold temperament.

An You will be much more casual. You can sit as comfortable as you want. Anyway, she doesn't care about her image in Anyang's eyes. Hasn't she been here for more than ten years at home? However, she is naturally beautiful, with delicate appearance, very white skin, and a very sweet and quiet type. According to some silk, a beautiful girl is beautiful anyway, um, so Anyou is also very beautiful at this time.

As if he felt his gaze, Xiao Xueer raised his head, smiled sweetly at him, and blinked. And her movement undoubtedly affected An You, so An You frowned and looked over, just seeing the smile hung on the corner of An Yang's mouth through the rearview mirror.

Damn it, why does that smile look so ironic!

It must be like this.

He clearly said that he could not come last night. He had agreed to eat in the cafeteria, but who knows that Xueer came to his dormitory early the next morning and dragged himself out of the bed, Then he took himself here despite his objections. Anyang must feel that he is arrogant at this time, he is not talking, and may feel that he is very bully, thinking that he has grasped his weakness.

The meaning of the smile is clearly-

See, don't you say you can't come, aren't you here yet? Haha, there are ways to clean up you!

An You thought more and more wrong, and her face gradually became darker, and she said in a poor tone: "If you don't drive quickly, it's almost the end of the period. I have to go back to review after eating. I will take the exam in early July. Who is in the mood? Come with you for a big meal. "

Xiao Xueer immediately debunked: "But you are the happiest one every time?"

An You became angry and turned around and took a hard shot at her!

Xiao Xueer changed his mouth: "I'm sorry, I was wrong, I mean, Xiaoyou, your grades are so good, no matter how you use review, you can easily take the top three in the class, and the scholarship will not be able to run next semester. ! "

An You snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Anyang smiled, or stepped on the accelerator a little bit, to take care of her face, and turned around and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

An You just had a sulking stomach. At this time, it was just an excuse to vent out, so she sneered and said: "Your elder brother tells us to eat out, don't you think about what to eat?"

Xiao Xueer ignored her, looked at Anyang sweetly and said, "Just find a place to eat. Brother Anyang also knows that we are not picky eaters."

Anyang also ignored Anyou directly and asked with a smile: "How about taking you to French cuisine? There is a rose garden not far from Wutong Road. You must have not been there. I heard that it tastes good and the environment is also very good. I also want to try it and have a look. "

Xiao Xueer always had no superfluous opinions in front of Anyang. What Anyang said was what she sold. She had to help her count the money. At this time, she naturally agreed with her full mouth and unknowingly ignored Anyou next to her. 'S sulking was a little bit more intense.

The car gradually drove across Wutong Road, but it became more and more remote. The vehicles and pedestrians on the road were significantly reduced. If the surrounding environment was obviously changing in a better direction, Anyou quickly thought that Anyang wanted to take Xiao Xueer to a remote The alley plot is out of order.

Well, then again, it seems that Anyang wants to misbehave Xiao Xueer and do n’t have to take it to a remote place, based on her own understanding of this girl who has been a girlfriend from high school, and her worship of Anyang this year, Obsessed, she feels that Anyang only needs to find her a time to come out, make it a little more romantic, or say a few love words, this girl must have been hooked by him.

The Rose Garden is located in a very quiet place, and it ca n’t be said that it is remote, because it is almost perfectly hidden in the city center, and it has become an elegant place exclusive to the powerful. And this place is usually not known to outsiders, and no one can enter ~ ~ needs a membership card with very strict processing conditions, so Anyang can only say that they have never been there.

If it wasn't for talking to Liao Heng a few days ago, even he didn't know that there was such a place hidden in Jinguan City. From this point, he was out of touch with the "nobles" in Yizhou Province. Of course, it can also be said that they disdain to set foot in their circles.

The car drove slowly into a secluded path, surrounded by lush French planes, almost blocking the sky, and sprinkling lush shade on the road in this summer season. There was a checkpoint when passing by the gate. Anyang presented the platinum VIP card, and then entered in the respectful and respectful eyes of An Bao. The road was full of white wooden fences and rose flowers, which was the fairy season.

An You couldn't help but open her mouth. She just forgot to let out the sullenness just now, and even surprised Xiao Xueer.

The process of checking the membership card just now was very simple, but with the environment, heavy carved iron doors, and the costumes and looks of the security staff, it was like the plot in the TV series. Even if Xiao Xueer was rich and wealthy, he was determined to be unable to see the times. Scene.

After opening the grand gate under the eyes of security etiquette, it is like entering a French manor. The row of roads is full of classic and Rococo architectural styles. It is light, lively with fresh, bright and modern as the keynote. The architectural form of the building seems to have traversed into the French-style architectural complex that focuses on conflict and poetry.

An You couldn't help but look at Anyang in surprise, and now she was suddenly, I don't know when, the brother in this blood line seems to make him more and more incomprehensible. The level of his contact seems to be not of the same magnitude as himself. It seems that he is proud of the excellent, whether it is excellent results or good social interaction, or outstanding in all aspects, seems to have become worthless in front of him.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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