My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 384: Dayi Dynasty Change Lord (4000 words)


With a muffled sound, the ruling mech that was more than three meters high suddenly fell to the ground, and the ground seemed to tremble. The fragile white jade stone was immediately stepped out of two deep pits, and the gravel was spattered everywhere, and the wind was like a wave Like a sway, blowing up a circle of gravel and dust.

This is the real power of no cushion, the weight of a body weighing more than ten tons falling vertically from a height of hundreds of meters!

The armored soldiers were shocked and secretly swallowed saliva, each looking at this larger armor in armor.

What is even more shocking is the hundred military and military officials and the monster general. Such a force is terrifying. It can break the earth just by falling. If it is really fighting, how terrifying this big guy should be!

It was decided that the mech moved, and the armor feet were pulled out of the deep pit, and a few steps were walked on the white jade stone plate. Each step stepped on a circle of cracks, and the footsteps roared heavily, until the Chongjia emperor stopped. under. Although the mech is only a little taller than a floor, but because of the difference in body structure and the various systems loaded, the mech body is far wider and stronger than a person to three and five meters, standing in front of the person is undoubtedly very Deterrent.

The Emperor Chongjia quickly arched his hands, but his expression still maintained the calmness of the king. It seems that he was not influenced by the legend of Zhiguai.

In those ridiculous legends, it is common for fairies to go down with the king, and the famous gods in the sky also talked to the king, and they also sent a fairy elixir every three times, maybe it is because of this that he felt that he needed to salute these gods. , But you do n’t need to put your posture too low, no matter how you are the king of a country!

However, it was ruled that the Heavenly Soldiers in Mecha did not take care of him.

Emperor Chongjia was embarrassed.

Rumble ...

The helicopter over the ground slowly descended, blowing a circle of light dust on the ground. The hurricane caused people to hunt for their clothes, their hair fluttered wildly, and they couldn't even open their eyes.

Emperor Chongjia's dragon robe kept rising, and he needed to hold it with his hand to maintain the image. The ribbon under the crown was also flying continuously. He squinted and looked forward to barely see the dark steel monster all over his body. The ministers on the left and right were not much better. Everyone wore official robes, and generally had long beards and long hair. They were constantly photographed on the face by the hurricane, causing pain!

"With the thunder and the gusty wind, a pair of gods will send!"

However, after the propeller turned slowly, they looked at this moving monster, but felt that it was more like a dead object, more like a precision machine made of steel, and even a figure was sitting inside. It's just that they can't imagine what kind of organization can soar unscrupulously in the sky, can bring thunder and hurricane, and can become the travel vehicles of these gods.


The cabin door opened violently, and an armored soldier carrying an ion cannon jumped first, watching symbolically, and three figures jumped from behind him.

Emperor Chongjia and the Minister of Culture and Martial Arts froze at once.

One of them wears a sturdy doomsday base army uniform, black tights similar to a tuxedo, dark green military trousers and long black boots. On the right are two hanging gold chains, and on the left is a black sheath gold handle With a magnificently decorated command sword, this extremely handsome military uniform in the eyes of modern people is very strange in the eyes of the Emperor Chongjia and the Minister of Culture and Martial Arts. The other two are dressed normally, a woman with a beautiful face and a dusty temperament, dressed in plain clothes, like an ordinary fairy; a young man in a white robe with a tough look, a common face, but a very temperament, with a strong back A long sword.

The officer's body was straight, and Qi Yuxuan's stride came towards Emperor Chongjia, followed by two disciples.

Along the way, in addition to the two armored soldiers who first came in contact, they consciously acted as pioneers of the way. By the way, they protected them without armor. The rest evaded and showed their extraordinary identity.

The Chongjia emperor and the civil and military officials could not help but wonder, are these three gods?

It must be. No wonder the former soldiers refused to talk to themselves. The discipline of the heavenly army was so strict!

The monster general was so nervous that he finally moved a few steps forward when the two armored soldiers and a group of officers were approaching, and stood in front of the emperor Chongjia without saying a word.

The Master of the State glanced at him lightly, knowing that Emperor Chongjia had a life-saving grace for this monster, but he did not think that this protective action had any meaning.

The surrounding Imperial Forest Guards and Imperial Front Guards saw the movement of the monster general and immediately wanted to move closer to the center, but they were instantly blocked by the armored soldiers flying on the ground and in the air. The shoulder guns were dropped and they were pointing forward. The armor of the fine steel armor and the front guard.

Faced with these "Heavenly Soldiers", the Yulin Army and Yuqian Guards naturally dared not wantonly want to let go and stopped, looking far ahead.

Fortunately, the officer stopped when he was three meters away from the emperor Chongjia. He first stared at the fragile monster general, and then turned his head, calmly looking at the supreme master of ancient feudal rights, but Ignoring the salute of Emperor Chongjia, he turned his head a little and motioned for the two disciples to negotiate.

The two also stepped forward in coordination.

The disciples of Shushan are not very talkative, so they mainly negotiated with Tibetan show female disciples. Fortunately, the woman was beautiful and elegant, and she caught her eye.

"After seeing Your Majesty, the little girl asked Xuan, to be a disciple of the Zitong Mortal Realm of the Tibetan Immortal Mansion. This time, under the order of the King of God, he will save the world from suffering and change the human civilization. Cooperate. "


The Emperor Chongjia was stunned. He had never heard of any Tibetan Xiuxian Mansion and Zitong Real Man, but it sounded very powerful, and the posture was also good. As for the God King, it sounded very simple. terrible. What he didn't even think of was that the gods would still give orders to the **** kings. It seemed that there was still a great task, at least it sounded bluffing.

"What did the King of God tell the fairy to say straightforwardly, as long as he could do it, Jueyi will not refuse."

Quan Xuan laughed softly and said lightly: "It's very simple. The King of God wants to abolish all the royal families in the world, leaving only one ruler. He also asks His Majesty to calm down and surrender the Dayi dynasty."

Before the Emperor Chongjia responded, she turned again, "Of course, the **** king sent me to wait for the gods and the soldiers, and your majesty might have to follow!"

Such a direct sentence shocked the emperor Chongjia, and the civil and military officials also changed greatly.

Hand over the regime!

Not to mention the orders of a **** king who had never heard of the name, that is, the gods enshrined by the dynasty of the Dayi dynasty all came to the team in person, or the founding father, the resurrection of the previous kings, nor Maybe the Emperor Chongjia surrendered power! Not to mention that Emperor Chongjia disagreed, this Manchu dynasty's civil and military officials who expected the reign of the Dayi royal family would not agree. If the Dayi royal family were gone, would they all sell pears?

But looking at the group of warrior "sword soldiers" around them, who dare to speak against it?

Not to mention the silent **** with his eyes squinted and silent, the silver-white steel war deity taller than one floor in front of him, it is this beautiful and dusty fairy with a faint carelessness in his tone Despite shouting His Majesty lightly in his mouth, he seemed to be talking to an ant. The words were very polite, but it was because of personal cultivation, but in fact it did not mean to discuss.

They can already predict that if they refute themselves, they will die immediately!

It was still that demon general who had the guts and stood in front of the emperor Chongjia, and sternly shouted: "Ridiculous, don't pretend to fool me here, I don't care which disciples of the holy shrine you are from The monks should be involved, the Dayi Dynasty has stood for hundreds of years, and it is not something that you can easily destroy! "

The National Teacher also said lightly: "General Gou said very precisely, ask Dao Xuan, you have also heard of the name of your hidden Xiuxian Mansion. Look at the dress code of this Daoist next to you, it should be a disciple of Shushan. You are all holy places for monasticism close to the Dayi dynasty. You have to admit that you are famous all over the world. But after all, mortal things are mortal things. If the monks are irritated with red dust, it will be hard to let go! "

He said it implicitly, but the meaning was actually in place, that is, I am not an ignorant person, I have heard of you in Xiuxianxian Mansion and Shushan, and stop pretending to be a fairy **** king!

Quan Xuan covered her mouth and smiled softly, looking at the national teacher and did not speak.

She knew very well the style of action of this army. Shushan and Zangxiu were role models, and the most interesting thing in the world was that the deflated ones she had eaten saw others eat it again.

Sure enough, the officer held the commanding sword on the left with one hand and said coldly, "If the royal family of Dayi refuses to obey the order of the **** king, it will only disappear!"

The demon general looked sharp and quickly said, "Dare you!"

The officer stared at him coldly, pulled out the command sword around his waist, and pointed at the sky diagonally and asked, "Do you want to try it?"

The demon-general shouted: "Come on!"

As soon as his words fell, he saw that the officer had quietly cut off the sword in his hand, and the random movement revealed that he was not concerned about him and the royal family.

At the same time, the pupil of the demon general shrank, and he saw a burst of smoke suddenly burst above the armed helicopters and transport planes in the sky in front of him, making a loud noise, as if something was flying out of it, but he had not responded yet. Then I heard a boom in the rear, and the earth shook like an earthquake!

Looking back, the main hall of the imperial palace, which stood for thousands of years, has collapsed in the sky of fire and dust, and the gravel splashed.

The monster general changed color suddenly, yelled, his hands became claws, sharp nails were stretched out, his fangs were exposed, and his face was full of fierce and sad expression.

The two armored soldiers in the front also responded quickly, and the shoulder gun dropped with a click, all aimed at him.

As soon as the monster general wanted to rush up, he saw the light blue light flash in front of him, and he flew backwards like he was hit by a heavy hammer, tears of pain came from his chest, blood splashed.

With a bang, his body fell heavily.

The Guoshi and several Yuqian guards who were monks also shot at this time, but the Guoshi ’s spell spells had been slapped to the ground by the ruling mech before they were exported. Several Yuqian guards were even worse. Armored soldiers were hit frontally by the shoulder guns with their movements. Their bodies were not as strong as the demon generals. They were instantly bombarded with no corpses left, and blood was splattered.

This is how Emperor Chongjia reacted, bowing his head blankly, looking at the loyal monster general who was lying down on the ground with his **** flesh. Provincial personnel did not know life and death, and there was blood in that place. He opened his eyes wide and looked back at the ruins again. The whole person was stunned again.

In the dust and smoke sweeping through the sky, he seemed to see the end of the Dayi Dynasty.

This is simply Huanghuang Tianwei, who can resist the force of this landslide?

Sure enough, in front of the gods, are all the rights in the world vulnerable? Are mortals destined to be controlled by them, manipulating life and death? Even if they are emperors, they are not ants in their eyes. They want to change the world and send a large army to take over the power. Is it possible for the emperors of the world to claim themselves as the ninth five-year-old only with their tacit consent?

If you do n’t follow ~ ~ the Dayi royal family will really be wiped out?

His own emperor, his own country, his own rights, his long-cherished history, the Yuyu tribe that he worked hard to manage, the dragon and phoenix born of his queen, and a few days later, Daqing, the Amnesty of the world, Will it all fall into a bubble?

With a click, the officer took a step forward, and the black and bright boots stepped on the white jade stone board, the sound was particularly crisp, and the color was also black and white, and the sharp sword tip unconsciously lit the ground with his footsteps, and touched the white jade stone board. the sound of.

"Your Majesty, my name is Yuan Li and I am a regiment commander. I am very happy to talk to you here."

Emperor Chongjia was suddenly pulled out of his scattered thoughts, looked up at him weakly, and asked him, "God will be an adult, what if I give up power?"

Chief Yuan Lijun was silent for a while and said truthfully: "I don't know, it depends on the arrangement of the chief."

Emperor Chongjia laughed at himself, and asked again: "Is the Chief a God King?"

Chief Yuan Lijun nodded: "Well, we sent tens of thousands of troops this time, the purpose is to sweep the world, and here there are only two hundred, responsible for the Dayi Emperor. The rest of the troops have been distributed all over the country. In fact, this is now At this moment, this country is no longer part of the Dayi royal family. But you can rest assured that not only the Dayi dynasty, but also other countries, including all Xianshan Caves, are on our conquest list, just like the Tibetan show Xianfu and Shushan. It will eventually come under the rule of the chief, and we are by no means malicious. We just want to lead this world to create a new era. "


Like the words he didn't allow him to say, the sky suddenly thundered, and the mortals around him were terrified.

The civil and military officials suddenly feared!

The Emperor Chongjia was relieved that his throne was long gone.

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