My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 385: Hunting Squad

Yuan Li raised his commanding sword high and turned half a circle in the air. He snapped into the scabbard with accuracy.

Several helicopters began to lower their altitudes, the rumbling sounds above them became louder, and the armored soldiers in the air began to move closer to the defense, as if a big person was approaching.

Dust spread, the hurricane swept through, and the helicopter landed steadily.

The propeller quickly stopped, the hatch opened, and a group of men and women in suits and suits walked down from it.

When a middle-aged man stopped, he looked around, waved his hands and fanned the dust that was scattered around the hall because of the collapse of the hall, stepped forward and nodded to Yuan Li, then stopped in front of Emperor Chongjia.

The vigilance of the armored soldiers around was obviously strengthened. After all, these government officials were much weaker than the military officers. Maybe an arrow flew and happened to pass through the tough talent and penetrated their chests.

The middle-aged man's face was peaceful and he performed a standard aristocratic ritual to the Chongjia Emperor.

"Your Majesty, I am very happy to talk to you. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is He Zhiping and I will take the command of the chief. Next, I will take over the Dayi Dynasty and even the entire state of China."


Southeast of mainland China, close to the land of Shu Mountain.

There are two eagle demon here who are wicked and eaten countless people. They especially like raw food for beautiful girls and newborn babies. They also absorb souls to refine evil spells, which disturbs the people. But the two monsters have a hundred years of ethics, and after turning into an eagle falcon body, the speed is fast, which is three points faster than the Shushan Mighty Royal Sword flight. The ordinary disciples are even more fighting, which leads to even the envious Shushan. Method.

However, these two eagle demon ravaged the people's livelihood for decades, and now it is dead.

Although the direct purpose of Anyang's entry into China is not to create a peaceful world and bring people happiness and well-being, but this is also an incidental effect, because he needs to emigrate, popularize technology, spells, or achieve other development goals. A highly civilized, highly peaceful, highly controlled, and highly efficient society will not be able to tolerate such unstable factors.

Over the forest, sharp roaring sounds were heard, accompanied by loud and rapid eagles.


If a hunter woodman is here, they can look up and see two huge falcons with wingspans over five meters galloping in the sky, flapping their wings to make a huge flapping sound, fast, like the legendary **** bird. However, their flight showed a slight panic, and behind them were several silver figures chasing after each other, and their entire bodies were covered with tightly stitched armor, marking beautiful white traces in the sky.

The latter is significantly faster and calmer than the former.

It's easy to think of the legend that the gods sent the soldiers to conquer the monsters.

The armored soldiers maintained their flight speed without any hassle. After all, the two falcons were still very strong, and some of the methods of the monastic system were mysterious. The armored soldiers could not spell, and the number of advantages was not large enough. After the warning of his captain, he did not dare to push it too tightly. Now it is just right. While pursuing, the ion cannon keeps firing.

I saw Daodao's light blue light and shadow traversing the sky like raindrops, faintly roaring, and darted towards the two figures in front.

Ya! Ya! Ya! ...

The speed of the ion cannon is not fast, which is far inferior to the physical shells and energy cannons. Even the aliens can hide, not to mention the eagle monsters that are fast and naturally born to listen to the wind, so most of the shells are avoided by them. Only a few blasted on them, suddenly exploding a blood mist, causing a harsh whine, and the feathers kept falling into the sky.

There were more and more scars on the two eagle demon, and bones were exposed in some places. If you change the ordinary bird, such a serious injury can't fly.

"It's not a way to go on like this, husband, might we fight with them?"

"No, they are too strong, and the number is more than us. We are desperately trying to find our way to death! But don't panic, bear it first, you will reach Yunding Fairy Mountain ahead, they are humans, only Flying at the same speed as ordinary people walking, we are eagles, but we can fly as fast as ordinary eagles, and we can easily get rid of them! "



The faint blacks lingered on the two eagle demon, indicating that the injury was serious, but the speed did not decrease but increased, and suddenly moved forward.

The armored soldiers also accelerated slightly, following behind them with ease, continuously firing ion cannons, but they could not get rid of them.

The two eagle monsters were wounded. I do n’t know how many ion cannons and physical bullets bombarded them. It ’s probably that there are too many lice and itching. The pain on their bodies and the bullets in the meat are too much. An unusual bullet gleamed steadily, guiding the position of the chasing soldiers while also introducing their words into the ears of the armored soldiers intact.

The armored soldiers did not panic. They watched the instructions on the suspended projection panel silently. A triangular fighter sign was approaching at a high speed along a yellow virtual route hundreds of miles ahead, and this was the other blue virtual route. According to the predicted trend, the two eagle demon's escape directions, the two dashed lines will cross in the front thirty miles, when the battle opportunity intercepts the two eagle demon.

Thirty miles passed quickly.

The two eagle demon can already see the outline of the huge Yunding Fairy Mountain in the distance. They can not help but whispered excitedly, fluttering their wings in spite of their injuries, trying to speed up.

Wangshan ran a dead horse, only to see Yunding Mountain. At least there were hundreds of miles of road. It was these hundreds of miles that became the sky that blocked their life and death.

A full-body silver-gray black, with a wingspan of nearly fifteen meters quietly approached, appeared in the afterglow of the eyes of two eagle demon, under their panic-stricken eyes, the missile compartment under the cabin had been opened, and two were extended. For air-to-space missiles over two meters long, there is also a hatch open at the forefront near the cockpit, revealing a grisly electromagnetic cannon.

Ya! Ya!

The two missiles ignited and detached in an instant, dragging a long tail flame in a burst of white smoke like a meteor.

This is not a miniature missile with a slow flight speed and short range equipped on the armor of a single soldier, but a solid air-to-air fighter combat missile, which can easily catch up with the supersonic fighter. The movie "Captain America" ​​will never appear. : Civil War ca n’t even catch a falcon wearing a flight suit, but on the contrary, the two missiles exceeded the speed of sound almost at the moment of launch.

At the same time, the six-barrel electromagnetic cannon also began to rotate.

The eyes of the two eagle monsters shrank, and their capture ability was stronger than humans, so they responded very sensitively. When they opened their giant beaks, they made a harsh scream, and the invisible sound wave oscillated. It seemed that there was a ripple in the air.

However, these two missiles are not as fragile and easy to be destroyed, nor are they detonated by sound waves as expected by the two eagles, but there is a problem with the flight track, and the trajectory is deviated, which should have hit them. His missiles screamed past them and flew backwards, suddenly rushing into a thick cotton-like cloud.

But this does not mean that they have escaped this blow. These two missiles, which contain more high-tech due to the development of micro missiles and smart technology, have not exploded, but have just broken through the guidance of the ballistic control system. Adjusted down, turned a corner in the distance and dragged a long tail flame towards them.

The six-barrel electromagnetic cannon in front of the fighter also began to roar.

Boom ...

Countless 30mm high-explosive bombs roared under electromagnetic acceleration, instantly hit an airtight barrage, and flocked to the two eagle demon.

This is undoubtedly a monster roar!

However, it only roared for a second. After a second, the fighter no longer output power to the motor of the cannon, and the bomb supply system of the cannon also stopped functioning, because there were hundreds of shells whistling in this second. Come out!

If the gunpowder version of the six-barrel cannon is used to recycle the barrel during high-speed rotation to reduce the temperature, to prevent the barrel from being scrapped due to red burning, to eliminate the problem of replacing the barrel, etc., in order to extend the barrel life and extend the firepower If the output is continuous, the six-barreled machine gun with electromagnetic acceleration technology can largely ignore these problems, so there is only one reason left.

The six tubes fired at the same time, pouring more firepower in an instant and bursting more damage!

What's more, these are armored vehicles that can penetrate armored vehicles and can trigger explosions within two meters. If the barrage at this moment is tiled, it can bomb several basketball courts!

When it was too late, then quickly, a slightly smaller eagle falcon screamed and spread its wings violently, keeping its partner behind.



The sky exploded with a flame, countless shells with powerful kinetic energy instantly penetrated the demon's defensive spell, and penetrated into its body. The cavity effect exploded a large hole on its surface, blood splashed, and flesh was twisted into pieces of mud. What followed was a more violent explosion of hundreds of high-explosive bombs. Only the rumbling sound was heard. This eagle demon who had been cultivated for a hundred years had been destroyed.

Another eagle demon turned over in an emergency, dangerously dodge two missiles ~ ~ turned and rushed into the flames, the explosion wave caused the feathers on its body to continually flutter, the flames in the sky Set against its sharp eyes, it looks like the fire eyes and golden eyes of the Monkey King in mythology. When the flame exploded and extinguished, only thick smoke remained, and the eagle demon passed through it, and his body became black, his eyes became sharper, and the mournful sky screamed.


However, there is no use of eggs.

The two air-to-space missiles that turned turned easily hit it. Now the base micro-missile technology and micro-missiles are popular, but this missile has not reduced its size, and its power is naturally beyond doubt.It can blow up a fighter in an instant. They couldn't be found in the black box, and they turned into a sky of flames, engulfing the eagle demon in the blink of an eye.


The loud noise is like a dull thunder, the sky explodes in a wave of air, the demon's defensive spell has no effect, and the monster's powerful body is more fragile like tofu.

Faced with top-notch technological weapons, this monster that has only been around for a hundred years has no resistance. It hasn't even had time to release a spell and was swallowed by supersonic blows!

mission completed!


The fighter circled in the air, as if patrolling the battle results, then turned around and left without hesitation. Only the driver in the cockpit squadron armored squadron compared to a thumbs up signifying the completion of the mission.

The armored soldiers landed one after another, searched on the ground, and quickly found two beads, which could not help but be filled with emotion.

After all, the size of the armor is still too small, and the firepower is strictly limited. You must still ask for support when you need heavy firepower!

Unfortunately, there are too many monsters in the world, and there are many evildoers. The strength of one's own side is strictly dispersed, otherwise ten soldiers will come, and they will be able to bomb these two eagle demon before they fly to Yunding Fairy Mountain.

With emotion, they quickly rose to the sky and left in the direction of the fighter's departure.

I don't know how the other teams record!

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