My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 396: Allow me to change posture

Anyang got out his cell phone, and it was already past ten o'clock at this time, and the date was in July.

The screen of the mobile phone suddenly lights up, showing a series of text messages and missed calls, which were not received during this time. The beautiful flashing heads show the identity of the sender or caller, most of them are his Personal friends, as far as work is concerned, I have probably asked Xiao Qian to go.

Ji Weiwei and Xiao Xueer, the two people who often contacted him, the text messages and calls are one by one!

I turned down, and there was a greeting message from Song Hanshan. Even An Da and An Ma made two calls. He did n’t receive it, but the strange thing was that they did n’t continue to call again, as if to their own “ "Inexplicably missing" is not in a hurry.

Anyang glanced sideways at Xiaoqian who was pouring water, and quickly figured out why.

Um, the back is very slim, the waist is still so thin, the legs are still straight and symmetrical, with a white jade-like luster, the pajamas on the body are very beautiful, presumably the silk texture is also very good, it looks very comfortable to feel Get down and try your hand!

Anyang glanced a few times and lowered his gaze, looking at this mobile phone, which looked like a black glass plate.

"System, you said that you should develop a cross-world communication function? You see that every time I return to a task, it seems like I have disappeared. The mobile phone is full of text messages and missed calls, which is too inconvenient! "


The sound of the system is as cold and direct as ever.

Anyang was speechless.

"So many text messages and missed calls are all transmitted to you, don't you bother?"

"This data throughput cannot challenge my processing performance!"


"I'm just a program, no emotions, please pay attention to those who choose!"

"You can turn into a mobile phone, you can also set a ringtone for me, open a function to die!"

"No such feature!"

"Are you bluffing me?

The phone was silent for a long time, and the icy voice sounded again: "There is no signal tower between the worlds and communication is impossible!"

Anyang ’s expression suddenly became subtle, and a very strange atmosphere spread quietly around him until it suddenly broke out. He shouted: "What, do you need the signal tower? Please find an excuse. ? "

The phone was silent again, and there was another reason when it came out.

"... There are world barriers between the worlds that block the signal transmission and cannot do this function."

"... (silence) Then you talk about, when I was on the mainland of China, how did the second system transmit the energy drawn by the end world?"

The phone continued to be silent for a long time, until the screen was black after swiping.

Simply and straightforward, no muddy, hum!

Anyang froze for a moment before responding, poked the phone screen again, and poked it up, then suddenly realized: "I know, you just made a lie when you were silent and didn't speak, right?"

Once again, the phone screen quickly went black.

Anyang was speechless and turned away to put away his phone.

At this time, Xiaoqian just came over, as if he didn't hear anything, and handed him a glass of water: "After drinking the water, I'm going to rest, it's not too early."

Anyang took a deep breath: "I woke up less than five hours, do you believe it?"

Xiao Qian nodded, her eyes full of chuckles: "Well, then you can drink water here, I will go upstairs first."

Anyang changed his mind without hesitation: "I suddenly felt a little sleepy!"

Comrade Xiaoqian laughed more happily, blinking at him, revealing obvious temptation: "The water has been put for you, go take a shower!"

Anyang went naturally and didn't feel anything wrong.

Xiaoqian calmly picked up a mobile phone with an An logo on the coffee table and stepped up to the roof step by step.


The next day.

Anyang is going to go back to his hometown alone to see if the laid-back old couple has gone better in recent days. By the way, all the excuses are prepared. , Can't get away.

This time he was going to drive back.

But just sitting on the BMW x5, the phone rang, and Ji Weiwei's beautiful face of the goddess Fan flashed on it.

Anyang quickly connected and smiled and asked, "Why, the text message I sent to you last night was only received now?"

Ji Weiwei's voice came from the inside, and it was a relatively clean and pleasant type: "Fart, the goddess received it last night, but that time the goddess happened to be writing, didn't pay attention to looking at the phone, and then took a bath, anyway I was busy late. When I saw the text message, your family Xiaoqian said that you were asleep and did n’t call you. ”

"My family Xiaoqian?" Anyang froze. He knew that his mobile phone didn't have any buttons. Except for himself, no one lighted the screen, and he didn't receive Ji Weiwei's text message this morning, so there was only one reason left. .

His expression was suddenly strange.

"Xiaoqian contacted you last night?"

"Yeah, your family Xiaoqian said that you are going back to her home today. She wants to work and cannot accompany you. She said that you are alone and lonely on the road. It is pitiful. She also said that you have been in a trance recently, and she is still worried about your unstable driving. Maybe something happened! "

"and then?"

Anyang twitched.

Ji Weiwei's tone was very happy.

"Then the goddess received the news, the department boss and the agent over there in the United States went to discuss the list, and took away a large number of people. Gee, although the goddess failed to go abroad to play, but also took a ride a few days off , Ha ha ha ha! "

Anyang glanced out through the car window and saw the slim figure of Comrade Xiao Qian.

"Then you are going to take a look at this time, right?"

"Wipe, how do you know?"

"I know you should take a few pieces of paper as soon as you poke your ass!"


"You are not vulgar, don't talk nonsense, where are you, I will pick you up!"

"At home, you drove back, just right, I'm cooking porridge, and I'll make you an extra bowl?"

"I have breakfast ... OK, I can eat an extra bowl, and it will be within half an hour!"

"Can't consciously wash the dishes after eating!"


Anyang hung up the phone, sighed helplessly, rolled the window down, looked at Xiao Qiang standing in front of the villa door and waved at him, the gentle and gentle look made him really want to hold her down pause.

On the second floor stood Rabbit Jing and Xiao Chan, a few meters away, all staring at him.

Anyang was cruel, closed the window, drove the car slowly out of the villa, down the mountain along the road built around the hill, and went to Ji Weiwei's residence!

On the road, I received a call from Xiao Xue'er. She wanted to come to her and Ji Weiwei last night when she was asleep. When she woke up in the morning and saw the news, she was afraid that she wouldn't wake up and disturb her. Now she called.

"Hello, Brother Anyang is back?"

The iconic name and iconic sweet tone make it difficult to imagine that the owner of this voice is a little cold beauty, and the original tone of this voice is also crisp and slightly cold.

"Well, I came back last night. I was afraid you would fall asleep, so I didn't call you back."

"Brother Anyang is really busy. He came back and ran around without saying a word!"

"Haha, brother Anyang wants to earn money to support his family. After all, he is no longer the boss. By the way, I am going to go back to Yancheng for a while. I will come back after two days. Downstairs! "


"Of course! What do you want me to bring you?"

Xiao Xue'er was stunned. She wouldn't think of anything to bring for a while. She just wanted Anyang to come down from her dormitory, so that she could be looked at him in a fair and honest way It doesn't matter if you don't bring anything!

However, if it seems that there is nothing to bring, Anyang brother has no reason to come.

"Oh, right, Xiaoyou has been talking about Nanmen's cold-eating rabbit for many times. She said she missed it ..."

"Sooner or later she will grow into a fat girl!"

As soon as the voice fell, Anyou's angry voice came from the phone: "You've grown into a fat girl!"

Anyang froze for a while and said, "Early in the morning, you are together again!"

Xiao Xueer said naturally: "Yes, I have been taking exams these days. I have been suspended for a long time. Xiaoyou is playing with me here."

Anyang suddenly realized that early July is indeed the time for the next semester exam.

Three years after graduating, I even forgot the exam time.

He sighed and asked, "Today is the 6th, and the test is almost the same?"

"Yeah, Xiaoyou is almost finished, we are only half of the exam!" Xiao Xueer's tone was very embarrassed, "Tomorrow will also exam fluid mechanics and calculus, the day after tomorrow is foundation and architecture, I have not understood some lessons The exam is about to take place! "

Anyang's eyes twitched.

It is really enough for a little beautiful woman who is so charming to go to the Department of Architecture to study civil engineering.

Talking with Xiao Xueer all the way, while driving, using his current brainpower to do such simple two-in-one use is not too simple, and it is far beyond the reaction of ordinary people and various physical qualities, without worrying about car accidents. .

It's just that he can vaguely think of An You's expression at this time, which must be very exciting.

Whenever she and Xiao Xueer are together, as long as Anyang blends in, she will immediately become a neglected party!

It wasn't until Ji Weiwei's neighborhood that Anyang started to end the conversation with Xiao Xueer.

"Well, you have anything else you want to eat, tell me, I will bring it to you when I come back in two days!"

"Well, thank you Brother Anyang."

When the phone was hung up, the vehicle just entered the Ji Weiwei community.

I found a place to park my car, walked upstairs on a familiar road, knocked on the door, and Ji Weiwei, who was wearing a white t-shirt and blue water-polished jeans, quickly opened the door. A scent of porridge came across the face. Ingredients.

"Good fragrance!"

"Nonsense, this goddess is practicing hard cooking recently!"

"Why do you practice cooking? According to your character, you should practice Taekwondo!"

"haha, really?"


Soon, the two were sitting at a small table drinking porridge. The small table was really small. Usually Ji Weiwei used it alone. The two of them could sit down, but they would meet their heads when drinking their porridge at the same time.

But this can't stop them from eating. As a foodie, the food is sacred, just like the deep alleys, roadside streets, and buzzing flies can't stop them!

After eating, Anyang lay on the sofa like an uncle, feeling that the nose smelled of the woman ’s scent, Ji Weiwei went to wash the dishes, and after working out, she walked out while wiping her hands with a towel: "Uncle, when are we going to leave?" ? "

Anyang said casually: "Whenever you want to start, you should start."

They drove back to ~ ~ not in a hurry.

Ji Weiwei nodded and threw the handkerchief on his head again: "Get up, do you really consider yourself an uncle?"

Anyang had no choice but to change to a more regular sitting position.

No, it ’s the posture of Shun Jiwei ’s eyes.

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