My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 397: Don't keep fooling around with him in 1

parking lot.

Ji Weiwei stood in front of the car, looked at it carefully, and turned her head to stare at Anyang in amazement: "Is the salary and bonus of your technical department so high, how long has it been since I lived in a small villa, it ’s still small The convertible is X5 again! "

Anyang replied calmly: "Now the group is treated so well, and the technical department has no ability to rely on wages to eat!"

Ji Weiwei nodded: "This is also true. Last time I heard that there was a gaming house on the network technology company that opened a new seven-star model. At that time, the bonus was 3 million. Gee, it's no wonder that so many good girls like to find Technical house, high wages are not chaotic! "

After a pause, she looked at Anyang again: "But what is your skill, such a high bonus!"

Anyang sighed deeply and said, "Did I not tell you, I am the management, and do n’t forget, the place where you work is called Anshi Group, Anshi Group, as the name suggests, Anshi , Come, give you a chance to answer, tell the audience friends, what is my surname? "

Ji Weiwei smiled: "Idiot!"

However, she can also see that Anyang is indeed mixing well now. She herself is the head of the marketing department of Anshi Electronic Technology. Recently, she has a tendency to rise, and she knows more about the strategy of the Anshi Group. The advanced technology that An's Group has been focusing on, no matter which subsidiary company, is based on advanced technology and philosophy to gain a strong presence in this sea of ​​business, and naturally attaches great importance to technical personnel. Now the Group is also focusing on global strategies, such as the highly-smart smartphone A1, which has caused a worldwide sensation as soon as Anshi Electronic Technology released one month of money.

A technology like Anyang is also "passable", and people who run around the world all day long claim to be a management class, and they can understand it at a high salary. After all, the executives of program technology in ordinary IT companies are now hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. What's more, the Ans Group, which is rich in wealth and has excellent welfare.

Thinking of this, Ji Weiwei couldn't help being annoyed.

It ’s too late to enter An ’s. If you can catch it when the giant ship of the An ’s Group is just launched, you can use your own abilities to make an appearance when the group ’s top management is seriously lacking, and then you can live a small one. Villa, buy a small convertible, live a smart life as a child!

Seeing that Anyang had already figured out the key, she couldn't think of it for a moment, and rushed over to grab it!

"I'll drive, I'll drive, you take the co-pilot!"

Anyang froze, and then said helplessly: "This is high speed!"

Ji Weiwei fumbled and pressed the remote control: "I'm afraid of something at high speed, but I'm an old driver. I have been able to take a high-speed driving license for college exams!"

"No, I mean you haven't drove in a long time, and you can't get off the highway!"

"How long has it been since I last opened it? Last time I was with you, did you remember your little convertible?"

Anyang froze for a while: "But ... it's been a few months!"

"Well, why do you say so much nonsense, and obediently go to your co-pilot!" Ji Weiwei pulled him, and abruptly went to the other side, "Your family Xiaoqian also said that you are in a trance, if you want to open it, in case What should I do if there is a rear-end collision on the highway! "

Anyang was speechless.

Can he say that Xiaoqian told you on purpose?

Looking at the appearance of Ji Weiwei as a female driver, it is estimated that she hasn't had a car addiction for a long time, and she has no choice but to let her go toss.

Anyway, automatic transmission!

The car steadily drove out of Jinguan City, passed the toll station, got on the high speed, and drove towards Yancheng.

Anyang looked at Ji Weiwei. Although his face was still so beautiful, he had a face with face and big eyes. It was estimated that he would have a light makeup in the early morning. It looked more refined than when he was unpainted, but he could still see that through the light foundation Light dark circles.

"What time did you stay up last night?"

"It's not too late, it's twelve o'clock after bathing."

Ji Weiwei's tone didn't care.

Anyang frowned: "Is the recent job business heavy?"

Ji Weiwei thought about it and said, "That's of course, you don't look at how many epoch-making products come out of our company's brains, high-end smart watches, low-end smart life bracelets, high-performance notebooks for everyone, smart tablets, and There is A1, which is popular all over the world, not to mention the rest. The Mingyang Group, Shengan Group and Blu-ray Electronics, which our company acquired in advance, and various production lines, overtime and downtime are not available, which has the ability to distribute our marketing department. It's also a kind of challenge! Especially when facing the world recently, big bosses have gone out to talk about business. Do you say we are busy? "

Anyang did n’t feel impressed by how much influence his company had. He just thought that Ji Weiwei could n’t do this. He said, “Then you have to take a rest too. You see you are almost twenty-four. Who wants you, Laozhuhuang! "

With a squeak, the car came to a sudden stop at high speed!

Ji Weiwei turned her head and asked faintly: "What did you just say, I didn't get it!"

Anyang coughed twice and quickly changed his mouth: "I said staying up late is bad for your health. Your body is already bad. You have to take care of your body."

At this time, a car roared past them. The people inside looked at it suspiciously, and honked them at the horn. I did not know if they kindly asked if they needed help or to show their dissatisfaction.

Ji Weiwei turned her head, and Yun Dan's light-footed throttle went away, as if nothing happened just now.

"Actually, I don't usually stay up late. I always do this. The business of the shift company has nothing to do with me. How to play and how to play. It is chic and leisurely. Something went wrong and I was too busy to wipe his **** in the middle of the night! "

"It turns out so."

Anyang wiped a sweat in silence.

Sure enough, no matter how powerful you have or how much power you have, there is no difference in the eyes of some people.

Just like in the eyes of An Da An Ma, she is always a son. She still comes back for dinner during the holiday season. When there are more guests, she has to squeeze the coffee table sofa. In Anyou's eyes, she always loved to bully her when she was a child. When she grew up, she didn't have any skills. She didn't have any strengths. It was a waste brother who made her difficult to tell. As for Ji Weiwei ...

Probably, I've always been the little **** boy who wobbled in front of her in open crotch pants?

Anyang smiled at the corner of his mouth.

These talents are the most true to themselves, and will not change because of their status, even Anyou. They will not even pay attention to the quietly changing temperament in themselves. Even if they show a little dignity in an instant, they will not be palpitated, only thinking that it is boring temper.

After noon, they counted to Yancheng.

Ji Weiwei parked the car in the old teacher ’s quarter, put the key in the small bag she carried, and then took the bag she carried from the back seat. While greeting Anyang, she said, "Go away, when I go back I ’m here to drive, huh, the better car is different, it ’s much more comfortable than the last time I drove ...

Anyang also mentioned something, and said contemptuously: "Return Honda, the last time you drove the driving school coach!"

Ji Weiwei narrowed his eyes, glared at him, and slammed the car door shut.

The two middle-aged female teachers who were familiar with them walked past, their eyes kept looking at them, and they whispered.

The sound kept coming.

"Is this the son of An Guoshu and the daughter of Ji Chengyi?"

"Yeah, they have been so good since they were young, and now they are really good!"

"The two of them are not bad together. It was good when they were young. They knew each other and knew each other. At that time, they often saw the two of them holding hands and running around. Now the girl is so beautiful, and the son of An Guoshu is not bad. ! "

"Isn't it, you see, how good people are now living, come back with a good car!"

Anyang touched his nose, as if he didn't hear it, Ji Weiwei was also calm, and went upstairs with his bag on his back.

This kind of speech is almost never broken from small to large. When I was young, everyone was okay. Everyone held a joke and made a few laughs. The more they grow up, the more serious people talk about their tone, especially when they are in college. Listening ears are about to cocoon!

Ji Weiwei stopped at her door and pulled out the key to open the door, and said to Anyang: "Go back first, I will put down my bag and come up. I haven't seen my aunt and uncle for a long time, and I missed it!"

Anyang nodded and was about to leave, but the door in front of him creaked open, and Ji Weiwei's key hadn't been inserted yet.

Both were stunned.

Ji Ma's face appeared in the door frame, and she was very surprised. She asked, "Why did you come back suddenly?"

Compared with ordinary families, there are fewer surprises and a little more surprises, which is the normal condition of Ji Weiwei's family.

Ji Weiwei was a little embarrassed and said weakly: "Did I text you this morning?"

Ji Ma reacted, not entangled with this topic, but turned to Anyang and asked, "You came back with Anyang?"

Ji Weiwei nodded helplessly: "Yes, he drove me back!"

Mom Ji didn't believe it and sneered: "As long as he can drive, he won't learn the TV bully to buy a motorcycle?"

Anyang has nothing to say to this kind of person ~ ~ What's more, Ji Weiwei has turned his head and pushed him upstairs, and he also walked away with fun. In short, Ji Ma Ji Da's character is notorious, and he was frivolous in his early days, and fighting is also a fact.

He also knew at this time that Ji Weiwei didn't tell her parents when she came back!

From behind, Ji Ma had some sharp voices, which were extremely upsetting.

"How many times have I told you, and your boss is not too small, don't always be with him, so how can you marry a good person? I'm looking for you so many good men, you don't even look at it, What the **** are you doing with such a person? "

And Ji Weiwei's temper is not a type of retrogression, especially when she violates some points that she can't bear, she immediately responded lightly, making Ji mom speechless, but she can no longer fight her like she was when she was a child Ren scolded!

Anyang stepped upstairs calmly.

It ’s just a small person. If it ’s not Yu Weiwei ’s relationship with his parents, he ’s not even qualified to talk to him.

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