My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 398: Blind date

The door was opened when Anyang came home, saving him the time of touching the key, and entered the door directly.

He made no noise, sitting calmly on the small stool at the door preparing to change the slippers, but found that the slippers had already been prepared. Both pairs were identical white simple flip-flops, one big and one small, you could see newly bought.

Come on, also save the effort to open the cabinet to find slippers!

Xie Yunqing heard the voice, saw him at a glance, paused, then skipped him naturally, looked behind him, and asked in amazement: "Why are you alone, Xiaoqian's child, not with you? come back?"

Anyang pouted, and gave out the pretext he had prepared.

Xie Yunqing only said disappointedly: "Well, you said you kid, don't say it in advance, it made me cook too much and make so many dishes!"

Anyang twitched his eyes and asked again: "Have you not eaten yet?"

Xie Yunqing walked back in disappointment: "Just finished eating, but the dishes are reserved for both of you."

Anyang was speechless, changed her slippers, and said to her back: "I just cooked two more people, and I brought your Weiwei back!"

Xie Yunqing froze for a moment, then smiled happily: "Really?"

Anyang pursed his lips and directly called out the phone to start making a call, but before the phone was connected, a knock on the door rang.

He opened the door casually, and Ji Weiwei holding the mobile phone was standing at the door, with a straight and youthful face and a smile on the corner of his mouth!

Xie Yunqing immediately greeted him with a smile, crossed Anyang and Ji Weiwei and gave a warm hug, then pointed to the ground and said: "Quick change of shoes, I happened to encounter a discount when I went to the supermarket that day. It looks uncomfortable to wear! "

Ji Weiwei glanced at Anyang and changed it very calmly.

Anyang added a sentence next to him: "Mom, these shoes are a bit sloppy."

Okay, ignored.


An Guoshu was lying on the sofa watching TV. Anyang and Ji Weiwei were happily facing a table full of food. Xie Yunqing was watching beside him, holding chopsticks to order for this pinch for a while, and for that bowl of soup for a while, making both Somewhat weird.

Anyang repeatedly told her not to sit here, but she just did n’t listen, and even ignored him directly. She chatted with Ji Weiwei very happily. I do n’t know if she would consider them as two mothers or daughters. Kind of.

Anyang is also very helpless about this, no matter in Doomsday World, Pallans or Shenzhou World, no one dares to treat himself with this attitude!

But that's fine, Ji Weiwei is here, Xie Yunqing won't keep chasing and asking him about him and Xiaoqian.

"Weiwei, did you come back with Anyang?"

"Yes, the company happened to give our department a holiday these days, and I heard that Anyang was coming back, so I came back with him."

"It's good to work in the company. There are many holidays. Unlike the daughter of Mr. Chen downstairs, in a small factory, the environment is not good, even if the salary is not high. Last month's Dragon Boat Festival not only did not take a holiday, but also had to work overtime!" Xie Yunqing said Unable to sigh, glanced at Anyang again, dissatisfied.

Anyang did not return last Dragon Boat Festival last month.

She paused, as if suddenly thinking of something, suddenly said: "Yes, last time I called you to say you changed jobs?"

Ji Weiwei took a bite of soup and nodded and said unclearly: "Well, it has been changed for several months."

Xie Yunqing immediately became concerned: "Why do you want to change jobs after doing a good job? Is it too tired? Which company are you in now? What are the conditions? How much is your salary for one month? How is the working environment? Tired of being tired? What a grievance, I ’m telling you, you have to be more cautious on the outside. Girls ’salary requirements should n’t be too high. You just have to live comfortably. If you do n’t live well, the two of us are uncomfortable.”

Ji Weiwei glanced at Anyang quietly, and there was a hint of eminent smile in their eyes.

This sentence is full of various questions!

"Now in the An's Group, this is the hottest group in China now. The group is very big and the development prospects are also very good. Well, the working environment is top notch. When the time comes, we will get off work. Let you work overtime, holiday benefits are very good. "

Xie Yunqing froze for a moment and said, "An's Group, isn't that a unit with Anyang?"

Ji Weiwei glanced at Anyang again and said, "Well, he introduced it to me."

Xie Yunqing glanced at Anyang in disbelief, and then turned back and said: "Is this kid introducing you, is it reliable?"

Ji Weiwei chuckled and almost spouted the rice. She quickly wiped a tissue and wiped her mouth, but she glanced at Anyang with egg pain all over her face. She suddenly smiled and almost choked.

"Okay, he didn't pit me. I am now in charge of the marketing department of Anshi Electronic Technology Company. Recently, Anshi Electronics has made a splash in the world. The performance is very good. The stocks continue to rise. Our marketing department also has a large commission. Much higher than before! "

"Oh, that's it, too. You young people who are able to do things normally generally change their jobs to raise wages." Xie Yunqing was relieved, but he was still a little worried, "Now that you work in a unit, this kid won't bully You! "

Ji Weiwei smiled and said slyly: "No, the Ans Group is very big, there are many subsidiaries, we are not in a company, and he often runs around abroad, and I ca n’t find the time to bully me!"

Xie Yunqing nodded seriously: "That's good, that's good, if he dares to bully you, you have to tell me!"


Anyang quietly planed the rice in the bowl without saying a word.

The baby is stuffed, but the baby is used to it from small to big, so he is very strong!

After eating, he naturally dropped the bowl and went to lie on the sofa with Anguo Shu, watching the TV leisurely. And Ji Weiwei was also very natural and clever to clean up the chopsticks, Xie Yunqing watched them bored.

Now Anguoshu has a director in Yancheng Middle School, and the wish of half a lifetime has been fulfilled, and the life is more nourishing and leisurely.

Anyway, they do n’t need any status or high salary. Now they are working easily and their salary is higher. The most important thing is that others have replaced Teacher An with Director An. That ’s really good for drinking boiling water. Good tea taste!

Compared to Xie Yunqing holding Ji Weiwei, Anguoshu undoubtedly cares more about Anyang, and asks him how he has lived in recent days. Can't take him through.

Ji Weiwei quickly finished the dishes and sat on the sofa very well, picking up an apple and cutting it up.

Anguoshu then transferred his goal to Ji Weiwei.

"Weiwei, did you come back with Anyang?"


"Then you just came home as soon as you came home?"

"It came up when I put down the bag. My mom didn't cook my rice, just rubbed it here."

"Well, I mean how come this kid arrived, you came!"

Ang Guoshu didn't say much, but he knew clearly that the girl had just returned to her house and didn't stay for a while, and she ran away immediately, fearing that her parents should be unhappy again. But he didn't care. These two couples, when they were young, were born with daughters. They beat and scolded Ji Weiwei. Now that Ji Weiwei often runs to himself and mixes with his own family, it's because they are self-reliant!

After chatting for a while, it wasn't until Ji Weiwei left that Anguo Shu turned the subject to Anyang.

"Why didn't your little Qian girl come back with you?"

Anyang froze for a moment, put down the apple that was delivered to his mouth, and reiterated the reasons he had just said to Xie Yunqing before he barely passed.

Then there were all kinds of gossip, from Ding Dingda ’s social factors to national affairs, and from the college entrance examination reform to Anguoshu ’s work. Hearing Xie Yunqing rolled his eyes beside him, he was still reluctant to interrupt them. After all, they counted as Anyang. Maybe it's been a long time.

Anyang tried to ask Anguoshu if he wanted to rise, but only got a long sigh.

"I do n’t have much ambition in my life, my dad, I ’m not as ambitious as a director. It ’s enough to be a director. I ’m tired all the time. I ’m so old. A bird, drink tea and walk with birds! "

Anyang nodded, which was also regarded as the father he knew.

"Buying a bird is easy to say, what kind do you want? The screaming is good or speaks? The good-natured or good-looking? I will pick a good one abroad and bring it back to you!"

Dad glanced at him, and he was also polite, saying: "I don't like talking, the scholars are very noisy all day long, and the rest is casual with you, but I still like to be spiritual!"

Anyang nodded his head. Isn't it simple? Let alone a spiritual bird, he can find one if he becomes a fine bird!

A day passed quickly, and at night, lying on the bed that he had been lying on for more than ten years, his mind was exceptionally quiet.

The phone sounded an outdated ringtone.

Anyang reached out his phone, beating Ji Weiwei's head and a text message.

"When are you going to go back?"

Anyang thought for a while and then replied: "At the latest, the day after tomorrow! Maybe when there will be a new task, I will go back in advance."

Ji Weiwei remained silent there for a long time before sending a paragraph.

"My parents forced me to go on a blind date again today. It is said to be a divorced one!"

A speechless expression was added at the back.

Anyang also froze and said, "Aren't your parents so cruel?"

Ji Weiwei replied: "Who knows ~ ~ Anyway, in their eyes, their daughter was a money-loser, but now they have advanced ideas, but they have changed a bit. At least they have changed from losing money to making money. They also thought Get off early and go back to the book! "

Anyang twitched his lips and replied: "Then what do you want to do, if you are really uncomfortable, come to live at my house, my mother will definitely clean up the room for you, comfortably, maybe I will Can catch up with you every day to eat and drink well! "

Ji Weiwei made another speechless expression before saying: "Anyway, I sternly refused, but I was forbidden to let them bring people directly to the house, alas, I will drag them first, tell them to leave in a few days, Let them not be in a hurry, just go out the day after tomorrow, haha! "

Anyang returned an expression of wiping sweat, and then said: "Wisdom is like you, IQ crushes me!"

The two chatted for a while, mostly around her "blind date" experience, and didn't turn off their phones until very late.

Anyang also sighed a bit. As a parent, Ji Daji and Ji Ma are unqualified.

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