My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 404: The best beauty to save people

An uproar, an uproar!

Immediately followed by death-like silence, all the exclamations and screams came to an abrupt end at this moment, and everyone was almost stunned. Only the camera equipment lifted up by Mu Ran silently recorded this scene that shocked everyone Screen.

They are concerned about the safety of the little girl, but who can imagine someone daring to jump directly?

This is not salvation, but death, this is not bravery, but stupid!

Anyang and Xiaoqian looked at each other, and their eyes were very helpless.

Although Huang Lan is a fierce beast, he is detached from the barbarism. He also greets the people from the right path, who cares about the world and the people, and has a kind heart.

Although Anyang warned her not to expose the monster's identity and extraordinary power in the real world, more than 90% of her life was spent in the mainland of China. She was accustomed to carelessness and did not need to hide her identity, so At the moment just now, she should have jumped in anxiety without thinking.

This can be seen from the innocent and speechlessness when she looked up after she fell to the ground, with a little apology.

At that time, she was like a little girl who had just realized she was in trouble!

Until another scream broke the silence, like a drop of water falling into a hot oil pan, suddenly a blast burst.

They looked at the tall and beautiful woman, who was not able to tell whether she fell or jumped. Only a few people who saw her turning over and jumping explained it, and then caused a wave of regret. , Especially the protagonist is a rare bodybuilding fan goddess.

"Quickly call the management staff, otherwise these are two lives!"

"Why haven't you come yet, this group of people don't know what to eat!"

"A beautiful woman with such a beautiful body and such a good figure. I guess it's a model. It's a pity!"


There are also brainwashed people thinking about Huang Lan ’s chic posture when he jumped down, the graceful posture when he landed lightly, the posture is impeccable, and the elegant expression of the face of the fierce beast, such as a leisurely walk For a moment he was speechless.

"She was so handsome when she jumped, more handsome than the people in the movie!"

"Six or seven meters high, untouched on the ground, perfectly bent to offset the force, is this still a human?"


What surprised them happened, not only Huang Lan's sudden landing shocked a few fierce beasts. Even after Huang Lan's landing, these few tigers that had just returned from the cat play like a mouse were still in a terrified look, slow Backing away, a dull growl growled in his throat.

The expected **** scene did not happen, but Huang Lan took a step forward, they stepped back a few steps, and the cat and mouse characters were exchanged immediately.

After falling into the tiger's house, Huang Lan no longer has to worry about the crowd. The breath of the king of beasts and the murderous intent on him rushed towards several tigers, and several artificially reared beasts finally felt at such a short distance. The top predator's deterrence after getting the word began to be uneasy.

The people above froze again.

"What's going on, these tigers are too timid?"

"Look, they should be full."

"This goddess is so graceful and graceful, how is it like a monster elder sister who came out of the comics, aren't I dreaming?"

Until Huang Lan calmly picked up the little girl, yes, it was a collar that grabbed the back of the neck, lifted up like a kitten and a puppy, and all the people made an uproar, and all were amazed, and one The couple's crimson eyes turned nervous from anxiety, and they almost fainted.

The staff arrived very late, and they hurried in a panic with artillery and shotguns, but they were completely ashamed to see this scene.

How did a little girl who had agreed to become two, and a tiger who had already agreed to surround the little girl?

Why do they seem to see only a few scared Siberian tigers?

The staff responded quickly, killing people, and people were too fragile in front of this kind of beast. Although they could n’t figure out why a few tigers would hide behind and dared not come out, some people quickly went down and opened the door. At the same time, Two others were standing in line above with guns and artillery battles.

"Come out, hurry up, otherwise the tiger will be in trouble if it reacts!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the crowd watching suddenly became subtle.

But they saw with their own eyes how these tigers were frightened by this woman with perfect figure!

Sure enough, Huang Lan didn't panic, but walked past the little girl in a hurry.

Her steps are elegant and calm, just like the wild tigers of mainland China, she landed lightly and walked silently. It is ten thousand times more beautiful than the catwalk admired by the super models on the top fashion shows, and the whole body moves rhythmically. , Noble posture, but hiding a powerful explosive force!

Once again, the teenager who committed the second illness was stunned.

Anyang and Xiaoqian were slightly relieved.

Fortunately, Huang Lan is still a bit decent, neither using her talents or magic skills, nor using an exaggerated leap to the end, otherwise, this light and easy jump to the power of six or seven meters will be on the news tomorrow. .

It wasn't until the two came up in the company of the staff that the little girl's parents threw up anxiously, hugged the little girl and wept bitterly, and thanked Huang Lan by the way, and almost kowtowed. The onlookers surrounded him and raised his mobile phone to shoot Huang Lan for a while.

Anyang's face suddenly sank, looking at the calm-looking Huang Lan, silently reached out the phone and made a call.

He doesn't want this matter to be retweeted in a circle of friends or Weibo.

Huang Lan also realized that something was wrong and squeezed the crowd towards Anyang.

When the idea of ​​saving people's minds passed, Anyang's warning and the situation in the world flooded her, realizing that she might be a celebrity, but she was a little uneasy, but she still stopped on a very shallow and naive idea. She just thinks that she is a monk, she should not leave a name for doing good deeds, but ignores the madness of a large group of idle netizens who have nothing to do, and the difficulty of jumping upright on the six or seven meters.

Only then did the staff understand the course of things from you and me who were watching the crowd, and could not help walking to Huang Lan, accusing her severely and telling her that it was an act that was very irresponsible to her life Of course, the most important thing is that the concept of dying one person and dying two people is completely different!

Huang Lan listened calmly, but his mouth twitched, but he couldn't find any rebuttal.

After all, speaking literally, these mortals are concerned about her, and she doesn't know how to refute it. It is impossible to tell them that your worries are superfluous. In fact, I am a tiger demon who has been practicing for many years. And from another world, do n’t say I am a monster, that is, I can tear these big cats into pieces before becoming a monster, so my move is completely without danger!

It took a long time for the storm to subside slightly.

Huang Lan approached Anyang and whispered, "This will cause you trouble?"

Anyang smiled slightly and waved his hand and said, "Save one's life and win the seven-level float, let me solve this matter!"

People may not always choose to be a kind person, just like Anyang who hesitated, but people certainly like to get along with kind people. After all, kindness is better than evil or cold-hearted.

After thinking about it, Huang Lan still felt that he had just been too reckless and said, "I'm sorry, the situation was just too urgent. I went on without thinking."

Anyang nodded with a smile: "It doesn't matter, as long as the news is blocked."

He naturally would not say that you are really in a hurry, even if you do n’t jump, there are both him who knows a lot of spells, and Xiao Qian, who is a thousand-year-old female ghost, to ensure that the little girl is safe. Big, no matter how hard it is to think of other methods, it is better than this.

At this moment, a reporter who had heard the news came to the door of the zoo and was negotiating with the staff.

They are the fastest media, and came over at the moment of receiving the exposure news. Facts have proved that it came true, the zoo tiger hurts itself has a certain topic, regardless of the garden side did not react Whether the little girl was injured or not, they all had to buckle the garden with a hat that was not in place for safety measures and was slow to respond to emergencies, and the follow-up information received after that made them smell the news value.

Someone jumped off the tiger's house to save the little girl, and successfully frightened a few Siberian tigers to keep the little girl!

It is said to be a superb beauty!

It is a combination of exciting news and entertainment news!

As for some other statements, such as agile skills, six or seven meters high and stable landing, such as martial arts masters, goddess and other remarks, they will also write a lot of even even more cheesy into the manuscript, for this is full of heroic color Things give more mysterious atmosphere!

What they didn't pay attention to was that as soon as their front feet entered, the nearest police station had arrived and began to block the zoo.


The reporter team of this city's website undoubtedly ate a serious closed door here in Anyang. No matter how they interviewed or how they asked, Huang Lan said nothing in Anyang's gesture, even if he handed the microphone to Huang Lan. Was opened by Anyang.

It wasn't until they received a call from their superior that their faces were stunned.

Give up the interview!

With such a good topicality, I actually said to give up and give up, and did not give any reason, just give up the interview and delete the video material!

What is the identity of this young man?

The reporter is a young reporter who has just entered the website ~ ~ Young and enthusiastic, and working hard, so he came so fast, and he is preparing to use this report to explain his achievements. The phone gave him a great drink, which made him a little unresponsive and unacceptable.

As they approached the gate of the zoo, they saw the police who had closed the gate and they reacted.

Silently deleted the video data and cooperated with the inspection.

After all, it ’s not an age where you do n’t understand anything. This world is so complicated, and you must have a passion for it!

Anyang waited for a while at the door, on the one hand, to prove his identity, on the one hand, to give some instructions to the emergency personnel who came next, after all, this matter is also quite serious, especially the strict deletion of ordinary citizens ’videos, which is difficult Acceptable.

But he had to do it.

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