My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 405: This time should not be too long

At this time, it was almost time to close the park, and it was almost five o'clock in the afternoon. After watching the lively contentment, everyone was satisfied, although still in the emotions of surprise, shock, incredible, like seeing the mysterious events that only appeared in TV series But after being shocked, they are all ready to go home.

As for whether to eat first or post a Weibo circle first after returning home, it depends on the personality.

However, when they walked to the gate, a group of policemen guarding the gate and the police car stopping at the gate kept them stunned.

Is this to investigate this accident?

Why is the police now so efficient?

Also, there are too many people here!

A little girl who fell into the tiger's house, is it worth dispatching so many people?

I do n’t know if I wanted to arrest a wanted person!

Wait, won't there be wanted criminals in this zoo?

However, what they could not find was that, except for the police who rushed to the blockade zoo first, the rest of the group was a group of non-state privileged authorities dressed in police clothing. They were dressed in whatever suits their status. As for why it is non-state in nature, it is very simple, because it is a department established at the request of Anyang. It is privileged, but it is underground in nature and is not known to the state. It only exists in the system under his control.

There was a lot of talk, and after being refused to leave the park, it started to break out.

"What is this for, we have to go home and cook!"

"Yeah, when you look at the time, it's time to have dinner, but you blocked us here!"

"It wasn't us who fell into the tiger's house. It wasn't us who nearly ate the people. If you investigate, just investigate. Why do you surround us here?"

Fortunately, this group of emergency responders who were valued by Anyang was also very efficient. When the personnel were in line, they negotiated with the previous group of police, and immediately sent someone to take over the gate, and sent a large group of people to the crowd. Holding a megaphone.

"Quiet everyone, listen to me."

"We received a report from someone among you and specially came to investigate the matter, but it seems that it came a little late. Fortunately, someone came forward and the little girl was not injured. However, we were asked by citizens who were willing to act, and she was not willing to Let this incident be exposed, and then affect your own life, so please look at her heroic rescue for the sake of protecting citizens *, and delete the images and videos related to this! "

"On the other hand, we have also carefully considered that this matter has caused great trauma to the girl ’s heart and may affect her personality in the future. It needs psychological treatment to slow down. In order to let the girl grow up healthy, we also hope this Relevant images and videos of the incident should not appear on the Internet, please also cooperate with our law enforcement officers to check! "

"And explain, please don't operate the mobile phone, wait for our law enforcement personnel to come to you and delete it, protect the portrait rights of citizens, love the flowers of the motherland, everyone is responsible, thank you for your cooperation."

The words are very gentle, but the actual actions are very rough.

Whether everyone was really persuaded by the responder, deterred by the tiger-skinned responder, or rushed home, most people cooperated, but a few did not want to delete the video , Or unbelief chose to resist.

"We did not infringe on the portrait rights of anyone like this, and I will not post it on the Internet, you have no right to do so!"

"Why do you force me to delete the contents of my phone?"

"What right do you have to do this, which is infringing on me * Do you know, I want to expose you!"

"I don't have a video, check it? If you don't record it, you don't record it. Why do you ask me to cooperate with the check? Believe it or not, I sent it to you online?"


If ordinary policemen encounter such people, they may be a little scared. After all, this is not only a society ruled by law, but also an era in which the media is extremely developed. Once they are exposed, they will not be pleased. But this group of responders is obviously not a general policeman. They not only have privileges, they can even ignore the law to a certain extent under the authorization of Anyang, and naturally will not be soft on these people.

Including some young people who figured out their mobile phones and wanted to upload images in advance, they were also extremely rudely stopped, and then forced to delete them. Among the very professional responders, many clever methods are nowhere to escape, such as automatic backup , Cloud upload, can not escape the inspection.

It was only then that Huang Lan knew that this matter was indeed more trouble than he thought.

The first group of reporters finally realized that the energy of this young man was far from his own challenge, and even far exceeded his imagination. After all, such an overbearing privilege in this era is really unrealistic, like a novel. Same as in.

Anyang was almost there, and left Xiaoqian and the fairies.

Next, he will also monitor the release of the video on the Internet to ensure that there is no fish that leaks from the Internet. Perhaps this group of people will still be exposed after going back. They will describe the things they see and hear today in text, and post it to the circle of friends. Or on Weibo, but it is not enough to cause any influence.

Even if they rebuke the unfair law enforcement treatment they encountered today, report it to the police department, or pass the matter on to mystery, but as long as there are no videos or reports from authoritative news agencies, it is not a cause for concern. No matter what platform they use, Are very well controlled.

Even the more mysterious the story is, the more mythical it will be, and the more unbelievable it will be. There is a rumor on the Internet that there is a tiger old man who can eat five pounds of meat in a meal, fight with bare hands, and capture the tiger leopard. , Who didn't see it with my own eyes, who would believe it!

But he did not notice that there was a pair of eyes staring at him in the crowd gathered at the gate of the zoo.

Those eyes have a relatively beautiful and pretty face, and look a little arrogant. It is the second-generation official roommate of Lian Xin, An You's bedroom.

She was born in a big family, and her curiosity about Anyang was not one day or two, but she couldn't find anything.

She understood the situation of her family from Anyou's mouth very clearly, very ordinary, it is reasonable to say that her biological brother should also be normal, but she knew that this was not the case, and until this scene today, it made her more Clearly see the rights held by her roommate's brother.

So blatantly forcing so many people to delete data, it is undoubtedly very straightforward to use power for personal gain, and it is not a general power, but a sealing right that government agencies can only use in the face of emergencies. This is her huge family. It's hard to do.

Soon, emergency responders arrived by their side.

There was a girl beside Lian Xin, her face was equally arrogant, and full of dissatisfaction, she refused outspokenly.

"You guys are law enforcement officers, saying that who gives you the right to commit such a flagrant violation of the law, yeah, I dare to turn my cell phone, my dad is the director of the Nanzhu District Public Security Bureau of Jinguan City!"

"Ha ha!"

"What I said is true, don't believe it, tell me which branch of yours, and see if I don't clean up you!"

"Take out your phone!"

"Where are you in charge, tell him to speak out and tell him that my dad's name is Chen Wei!"

"Hurry up and take it out!"

"I want to call your director!"

"It's useless to call. You didn't get her consent when you filmed the lady. If she doesn't agree, you don't have the right to keep these illegally photographed works. In order to protect the legal rights of citizens, there are ... Let Xiao Girls grow up healthy, your dad is useless! "

"Huh, even if we shouldn't shoot, you don't have the right to force us to delete, and you still want to turn my phone and search for the certificate, don't think I don't know you are all around, just say it, the man How much power? "

"Oh, your dad, the district director of the provincial capital, just enough to lift shoes!"

The girl blinked her eyes, a little stunned.

This stupid dared to tease her!

However, Lian Xin beside him quietly pulled the corner of her clothes, and handed over her mobile phone and camera very carefully.


As soon as Anyang returned home from the front foot, his back phone rang.

The selected person will enter the new mission world in 24 hours, please be prepared.

Anyang froze.

Well, this time the system gave him plenty of rest transition time, but it finally came to an end.

Anyang stopped the car with a helpless expression.

The three female goblins were unknown, but Comrade Xiaoqian knew it, and suddenly his face was helpless.

But she is also used to it, and it ’s not a big deal to think about it. Although her husband is going to another world, it is quite common for husbands and wives to work away from home in husband and wife in this society. I won't see you!

Anyang touched Xiaoqian's hair and stroked it all the way from top to bottom, comforting and saying, "This time it shouldn't be too long."

Xiaoqian nodded, it's been a year. With such a simple rule, her heart is still a bit vague.

But it is not necessarily, can only say hope.

Anyang sat on the sofa, took out his mobile phone, thought for a while, and said, "Call Anyou."

The screen suddenly became the dial interface.

Anyang put the phone to his ear, and the call was connected after a while. As expected, it was Xiao Xueer's voice.

"Brother Anyang ~"

"Well, I'm back, are you in the bedroom?"

Anyang went straight to the theme.

In less than a minute, the phone hung up, and he said to Xiao Qian that they took the key and went out.

He bought a lot of snacks for them in his personal space. He didn't dare to put them in his home or car. After all, Xiao Xueer's name Anyou wanted to eat was embarrassing if it was seen by the rabbit.

The BMW small convertible departed calmly, heading all the way to Jinguan University City, driving into Yizhou University of Science and Technology, and stopped under the girls' dormitory.

At this time, many people were already gathering downstairs, and they all cast strange sights, but not because of the car, but because of the girl standing at the door of the dormitory.

Although Xiao Xueer is not in the limelight and does not even talk to others, there are still many people who know her.

Everyone knows that there is a proud flower in the Department of Architecture, not only the most beautiful appearance in the Department of Architecture, which is rampant in the man, but also the qualification to ask for the school flower. The body is very tall and hot, and the face is very beautiful, but it is always light. Frost is in stark contrast with the figure, and the charm value rises.

It ’s just that not only the wolf-like men in the architecture department failed to win this cold little goddess, but the offensives launched by other suitors were also ignored. Among them, there are many who have excellent family backgrounds, perform well in the school, and take up important positions in the student unions of various departments. , Or very handsome ~ ~ They are all supernatural, but no one has ever asked Xiao Xueer to go downstairs.

Therefore, Xiao Xue'er waited here today to return this gesture, and the anticipation on his face could be seen by everyone, and no doubt shocked his chin.

(The old driver recommends that you pay attention to an anime public account with an interesting content and a dirty topic, "anime mansion", original articles under various secondary topics, driving trains, chatting books, and talking about the red-faced bad topics ...

If you are interested, please open WeChat → address book → add friends in the upper right corner → click on the public number → search [animation house said] or search [acgertalk], click to follow it.

Check the historical news to see the past updates, people who have watched will definitely pay attention, hehe! )

In addition: Does anyone pay attention to my Weibo, called "Jasmine Street"? It's so pitiful, I don't have any attention, it's so good.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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