My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 435: Seed of doubt

The king's hall, several people gathered together.

In the original plot, when Durotan proposed a meeting between the two parties, Lothar still had some doubts, but now even Lothar no longer doubts. King Lane faced a situation where he had almost no choice, and naturally he would not let this opportunity pass. What's more, Garona strongly persuaded Anyang's assurance that even his wife thought it was the right choice. Even the cautious Lothar didn't doubt it, and he would not refuse it.

King Lane said: "We must prevent the orcs from opening the door of darkness, but our strength is not enough, we have to get the help of the orcs, maybe we should try to believe this chief named Durotan, and I will bring the guardian, If something goes wrong, Medivh will protect us! "

"I have no opinion." Lothar nodded, but glanced at Anyang.

He remembered that Anyang had said that he could destroy the door of darkness, but he was unwilling. As for what he said, "the symptoms should not be cured," the words "the source must be cleared" are all excuses for Anyang. Only, he just didn't want to intervene in the war between humans and orcs!

The fact is exactly the same, that is just an excuse for Anyang.

King Lane fell silent, but looked at Anyang: "Prophet, I am sorry for my rudeness to you when I first met you, but now you have enough to earn our respect and trust, just like Lothar, I would like to ask you Give my trust, I want to ask your opinion on this matter. "

When he said this, he stood up and performed a salute.

Anyang bowed slightly and responded: "Your Majesty, in fact, in the history I foreseen, this meeting was a failure."

As soon as this remark came out, the few people present were suddenly upset.

King Lane is unknown so: "You mean, should we not attend this meeting?"

The queen began to think about the correctness of the judgment: "Prophet, do you mean that this orc is deceiving us?"

Garona couldn't believe it: "No, it's impossible. Durotan is a great chieftain. He will never easily betray his glory!"

Only Rosa was calm, he was wise and witnessed the conversation between Anyang and Durotan, and all the expressions in his eyes were revealed in the clear blue eyes. It wasn't until this expression became determined that he extended a finger and said, "Orgrim, the orc named Orgrim betrayed us."

Anyang turned his head to glance at him and nodded: "Yes, Durotan is upright and honest, his enemy is evil, and he wants to overthrow Gul'dan, but his partner doesn't believe his judgment so much, so he Betrayed Durotan, he chose to stick to his own ideas and stand firm on the orc side. "

King Lane frowned and asked, "Do you have a solution?"

Anyang was silent, pursed his lips and said, "I tried to change Orgrim's mind. Before I came to Stormwind City, I went to the Red Ridge Mountains. I stopped and just stepped into Azeroth to enter the west. The Frostwolf tribe in the wilderness, but it did not seem to be successful, so I warned Durotan. "

Lothar chuckled: "So, you don't even know if this line is right or wrong?"

King Lane stood up and said, "Okay, Lothar, we have no choice."

Anyang sorted out the corners of the underclothes and said, "If you want a chance to prevent Gul'dan from destroying Azeroth like the Draenor, you can only choose to cooperate with Durotan, but just in case, you can have more Bring some troops to the front, or respond in the rear. Of course, there are guardians, to ensure that you can get Medivh protection in time when you are in danger. "

The queen turned to look at him and asked, "What about you, Master Prophet, are you willing to help us?"

Anyang solemnly said: "I am helping you now, Your Majesty. If Orgrim betrayed Durotan after the meeting started, I will do my utmost to protect you, at least I will protect you, please rest assured . "

Lothar shrugged aside: "Well, there seems to be nothing more to say."

The queen bowed to him: "Thank you, prophet."

Anyang responded gracefully.

The queen stood on the spot and pondered again. She walked down the stairs and stopped in front of Garona. He said dignifiedly and dignifiedly: "Durotan won the trust of his people, so he is a powerful chieftain. You must win your trust. "

With that said, she drew a delicate and sharp dagger from her arms and handed it to Garona.

Garona took it, and gently pulled the dagger like a miniature sword from the scabbard, making a slight buzz in the air, crisp and constantly echoing in the ear, the bright dagger body was warm and beautiful , Showing its extraordinary sharpness.

The queen told her: "Protect yourself."

Garona stunned and inserted the dagger back, then asked: "Is this the only thing?"

The queen nodded solemnly.

There was a sneer from Lothar.


Anyang returned to his room and he had to start preparing for the meeting.

Although he has reminded Durotan and explained the pros and cons, he understands the ideas and cognitions he has built for decades for the brave and extremely strong orcs like Orgrim It's not that easy to change.

In fact, he is the same as Durotan. An honest and determined person who dares to think and dare to do things, but at a different angle, causes him to make mistakes. Before he realizes his mistakes, no one can make this powerful man. The orc turned back.

It is difficult to persuade him by words, only the **** facts, for example, in the original plot, it was not until the Frostwolf clan was slaughtered that he realized that Gul'dan was not the leader of the orc, but a thorough. Demon, he realized that Durotan was right and regretted it.

Now ... the owed fire may not be a little bit.

Intuition tells Anyang that the meeting will still change.

And his difficulty is that he must balance between humans and orcs. He cannot completely favor the other side. For him, the biggest enemy is actually Medivh lurking in the body of evil energy, which means both humans and orcs. The big meeting can only be a node to overthrow Medivh.

Therefore, he doesn't really care about this change, but the failure of the meeting will push Medivh into the abyss faster.

Thinking about it, Anyang took out a piece of yellow paper and laid it flat on the table, then took out cinnabar, pen and knife out of thin air and began to try to make soldier puppets.

When he failed twice, he learned his experience, and when he was about to succeed in making the first soldier puppet, even the spell module that absorbed the power of the soul wandering in the air would immediately start to run, and there was a rush of footsteps from far away As soon as he approached, the door of his room slammed.

Anyang didn't look up, portrayed intently, murmured in his mouth, but listening to this series of movements, it was obvious that someone came hurriedly and wanted to push open his door directly. There should be something urgent to tell him, but because The latch was inserted without pushing the door open.

At this time, the people outside were also quiet, as if listening to the movement inside.

Anyang unhurriedly ticked the soldier's puppet's mantra last, and chanted the last mantra in his mouth.


A gust of wind blows through, the temperature around drops sharply, and the atmosphere is suddenly numb.

The dense mantras on the paper people merged with the previously injected mana. Some mysterious mantras absorbed the souls scattered by the people in the sky and forcibly mixed into a simple conscious body seal paper. This thin yellow The paper seemed disgusting at once.

Puppet made successfully!

Anyang then put down the pen, waved the bolt and opened the door.

Khadgar stood in a panic outside the door.

Khadgar entered the house, but immediately frowned. He took a deep breath, and then began to be alert: "I felt an evil soul-related power, with a dark, cold breath, Prophet, may I ask this Does it matter to you? "

Anyang pointed to the dizzying paper man on the table: "Well, I'm making something, it's breath."

Khadgar was surprised: "Are you studying evil magic?"

An Yang smiled: "This is not evil magic, this is a puppet sealer in my world, similar to a magic device, um, as you say, it is indeed evil and cold, but the power is always simple, It is up to the people who use it to decide whether it is right or wrong, as long as it does not corrode us, then it is understandable. If there is no darkness in this world, light is meaningless. What do you say? "

Khadgar was preoccupied, he instinctively felt that this sentence made sense, but he did n’t have time to delve into it, and he did n’t have time to think. After a moment of hesitation, his expression returned to his hurry: “Prophet, I ’m here to find you There is a very important thing. "

"what's up?"

Card took a deep breath and swallowed. "The guardian came to me just now."

"And then? He was angry and burned your research notes on the Dark Portal? Also warned you not to continue?"

Khadgar was no longer surprised by Anyang's ability at this time ~ ~ He nodded immediately: "Yes, but I left one!"

"Are you sure the guardian has a problem?"

Khadgar condensed his head: "Yes, I believe you, and it is our guardian who invited them over."

Anyang was silent for a while and said, "Go tell Lothar this thing. He is very smart and suspicious. He will make a decision, but don't rush to tell him that you have asked me to confirm the truth of this matter. Afraid of causing adverse effects, persuading Lothar is not an easy task, take your time. "

After a pause, he added a sentence: "Moreover, the current guardian has not completely fallen, we cannot save him, nor can we identify him."

Khadgar nodded and walked out without thinking about anything else.

He will plant a suspicious seed in Lothar's heart. This seed owes only one opportunity, and it will immediately take root and sprout into a towering tree.

And this opportunity is very close.

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