My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 436: Talks failed

Two days later, the human forces, led by King Lane, set off for the Blackrock Trail.

The talks between the two parties are coming soon!

On both sides of the Black Stone Trail, there is a mountain wall standing straight at 90 degrees to the ground. It is as high as a hundred feet. There is a road in the middle of the mountain wall. There is no grass in the ground. The ground is full of natural coal. The white smoke makes this place extremely desolate and the atmosphere silent.

In the distance, a red volcano was burning, billowing thick smoke, and hot magma spewed from time to time.

That was the backbone of Azeroth, the main peak of the Red Ridge Mountains. It should have been as high as the peaks that Anyang had been to, covered with snow, but because the dwarves mistakenly called the ancient gods in the battle of the Three Hammers. Flame Demon Ragnaros, the rebirth of this powerful flaming element lord in Azeroth, makes a huge volcano here, and the often-mentioned Red Ridge Mountain refers to this!

The orcs of the Frostwolf clan are waiting here. They are not many in number, but everyone has a strong body and is fully armed. Although they stand alone like this, a thick, rough breath has come to the face. , Animal skin and thick muscles complement each other.

Durotan carried his blood guard axe and looked silently ahead.

The Orgrim next to him stood with his hands on his chest and stood in situ. With his fangs and bald head, it was a cold and fierce meaning. He placed the heavy hammer, which is also unique in the orc's weapon, on the ground. The heavy hammer was placed on the ground, and the hammer handle was pointed to the sky, ensuring that he could get it with his hand.

In the distance of the Blackrock Trail, an elite unit all covered with heavy armor came slowly. This unit is a standard cavalry unit combination. At the front is a blue gold patterned heavy armor and a white gold armor. King Lane wearing a lion helmet.

It is worth mentioning that because of Anyang ’s reminder, King Lane is more cautious, resulting in a larger number of troops than in the movie. I wonder if the system has fine-tuned the world settings and did not appear in the movie. The storm mage court mage also appeared in the team.

But I can understand that if the court mage appeared in the original movie, how much would it cost to shoot!

Orgrim watched their arrival and said to the orc warrior behind him, "Find a good place to ambush!"

Durotan glanced at him sideways: "Don't be too nervous, our sentries are in a good position!"

Orgrim fell silent, and said in a deep voice, "I will check again."

After he finished, he looked at the human army that was getting closer and closer, a flash of dignity flashed in his eyes, and he looked up at the top of the mountain wall up to a hundred feet. Lifting the hammer, he turned and walked back.

Gurush stood in a later position, seeming to be around the patrol, but Yu Guang stared closely at Orgrim.

Perhaps he hadn't realized that he had a firm trust in a human being before he knew it.

Although this man is not from Azeroth, he is not an orc.


The human army marched forward slowly, and the sound of the horse's hoof trampling and the collision of the armor continued.

This is undoubtedly the most beautiful and beautiful prelude to war.

Anyang, Khadgar and Garona, who also wore heavy armor, followed behind, one step behind King Lane and Lothar. Next to him is Karen, the son of Lothar, and some martial arts powerful generals who can fight against the orc elite, as well as two court mages with staff and magic advisers to King Lane.

Lothar took the lead in striking the warhorse. At the same time, the human army stopped and kept a distance of ten meters from the orcs, facing off.

King Lane, Lothar, Garona, and Anyang also followed down from the horse and walked forward together.

The Frostwolf tribe has only Durotan and Guruush going forward, and the rest of the orc warriors are standing by.

This is the reason why Anyang changed the plot. In the original plot, Durotan only went forward to talk with King Ryan, showing strong confidence in his own force and respectable heroism!

The two sides stopped face to face, less than three meters apart.

At the same time, on the far rear mountain wall, Medivh leaned on the top of the staff, and azure eyes gazed below for thousands of kilometers.

The guardian of Azeroth was a little tired, and he took a long breath, as if climbing the mountain was difficult.

But he gritted his teeth, put his hand firmly on his chest, and looked down firmly.

He must block the will of Sargeras in his heart, and he must do his utmost to protect King Lane!

King Lion took off the lion helmet and hugged it to his waist with his left hand to show respect and no hostility to the other party.

Garona stepped forward to act as a translator.

In fact, Anyang also knows two languages, but obviously, he with more powerful power has more important tasks.

Garona said to Durotan in the language of the orc: "You are asking for an interview with the human leader, the one next to me."

Durotan exhaled, a thick roar like a beast.

King Lane stared at the big man and said with dignity: "I am King Lane, I heard you want to negotiate."

Durotan remained silent, but it was clear that he had no objections.

Because of the intervention of Anyang, human beings have a better understanding of the form of orcs, and understand that they cannot return to their world, so they avoid many irrelevant and meaningless words and talk straight to the point, but before this, some Lubricants, even if they are as straight as orcs.

"I understand that your world is destroyed and you are homeless, but we have no responsibility for the destruction of your world. The prophet said that it was because of the evil of your orc ruler, and you burned the war Our world does n’t make any sense. "

"In the orc's dictionary, war is justice and truth!"

"Then what are you doing here?"

"In order to save my people, evil energy not only takes away the lives of the victims, but also kills the land and the people who use them. Gul'dan will poison anything with his magic, if the Frostwolf clan will be on this land To survive, Gul'dan must be eliminated. "

"Do you really think so?"

"It's not just me who thinks so. The prophet beside you once said this to me."


Anyang listened to their conversation, but looked away.

The vertical mountain walls on both sides often drop some debris, resulting in a lot of debris and coal debris piled on the sides of the Black Stone Trail near the mountain wall. A gust of wind will cause dust and debris to fly around. Below, hidden strong and powerful life fluctuations!

Anyang doesn't even use armor, infrared detection, or thermal energy detection, and can rely on his powerful five senses and perception to feel the heavy breathing buried under the gravel, and the number is more than he thought.

There is no doubt that Orgrim chose his own firmness and chose the orc between Durotan and the orc!

This once again highlights his "orc supremacy" psychology in the movie.

This also made Anyang a little disappointed with Durotan. After all, Anyang had solemnly reminded Durotan, but he still failed to block Orgrim, making the talks fail.

Perhaps he still remembers the deep friendship between the two, and believes in the absolute honesty of the orcs. He believes that as long as Orgrim guarantees, he will not betray him.

This kind of thing has always been two-way. If his warning doesn't help, then it is likely to have the opposite effect!

If Durotan is a hero in the movie, Orgrim is actually more like a ruler. Durotan is kind and upright, but Orgrim will use all means at the necessary time for the benefit of the entire orc, even if it is A means despised by most orcs.

It is for this reason that in the original book, he was clearly sentimental and meaningful. When he overthrew the black hand and became the chieftain, he led the orcs step by step to prosperity, and even almost wiped out the entire humanity, but they were secretly called "dark arrows hurt people". , This is obviously a derogatory term.

Anyang's eyes were gloomy, staring at Durotan's Gurush, his lips lightly opened, and he said a few words to him with the technique of sound transmission.

Gurush's complexion changed immediately, and he looked back, and it turned out that Orgrim's figure was gone!

He looked at Durotan next to him, hesitated, and decided to follow the human prophet's words, not rushing to tell him so as not to frighten the snake, but quietly stretched his hands behind his back, facing the ten behind him A soldier from the Frostwolf clan made a gesture.

The orc behind him froze for a moment, and immediately began to look around. He was alert, and his hands were tightly held by the weapon, as if he was ready to fight.

Anyang was very pleased with this, at least this buried piece also played a role.

Although this effect is negligible.

The little movements of the orcs naturally concealed Losa's eyes, so he immediately became alert and glanced at the dozen orcs behind.

Although these orcs are strong, the number obviously represents Durotan ’s sincerity, and there is not much. They are determined to be no better than their elite troops. However, if they suddenly attack, they may cause some damage to their own side. Of course, it is likely that King Lane will bear the brunt. .

Anyang turned back silently again and called Losa's son Karen ready to deal with the conflict.

Karen was stunned, but thanks to the good image and resounding reputation that Anyang had established these days, and his father respected him very much, this young officer did just that, and he turned around and looked back. The soldier immediately became alert and quietly held his weapon.

Obviously, they have already made preparations to deal with emergencies.

So, in addition to the leaders of both sides, the soldiers of both sides discovered each other's small movements, and the atmosphere suddenly became a bit tense.

They all regard each other as their enemy.

Lothar found that the orcs in front of him began to gather quietly, and his eyes gloomed, holding the sword handle to look at Durotan.

Durotan covered his chest with his hands ~ ~: "I have a plan that within two days, the humans we capture will be used as sacrifices for the gate, if you attack our camp ... "

At this moment, Anyang strode out and walked between them, interrupting Durotan's words.

He wore a white robe and a hood like a mage, until he raised his head to reveal the face that was not very similar to the humanity of Azeroth.

"Okay, Durotan, I know what you want to say, and I will tell you the king, but obviously your plan failed."

With a swipe, the vigilant Lothar pulled out his sword and blocked him in front of King Lane.

And Duro stunned, and also stretched his hand to the back to pull out his blood guard axe!

The atmosphere between the two sides was extremely tense for a moment.

This made the black hands and the orcs hidden under the gravel silently peeping from the top of the mountain a bit.

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