My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 444: Dark Keeper

Lothar stayed in the icy prison, there were no extra prisoners, no officers, no men under him, and there was only one loyal and stubborn guard to King Lane. It would be great to guard him!

Lothar had already figured out the priority of things, so at this time he was no longer decadent, and he was no longer disappointed with the king, but only deeply worried about his king and his country, and even very anxious.

From this point of view, he deserves to be a great human hero, and he deserves the title of Azeroth Lion.

However, he was imprisoned in a large prison, and there was no way of conspiracy.

So, in desperation, he could not wait for Anyang to arrive for a long time, and could only look at the guard who was covered in blue heavy armor and could not see his face.

He groaned angrily over there and made boos.


The guard glanced over here, and turned his head quickly again.

But Lothar would not let this opportunity pass, he knew the guard had heard it.

"Listen, guard, I know you are just doing your own work and doing well, but your majesty shut me here just to calm me down, you see, I am a commander, you should recognize me, king Won't imprison me. "

The guard hesitated a little, moved his body, and continued to take care of it with due diligence.

"Look, look, I have calmed down now, I understand the urgency of the matter, and I hope you can understand that now Stormwind and the King both need a commander, so if you let me go, I can go Protect the king! "

"Moreover, I will lead Stormwind City to a victory, just like I did before."

"Another point, even if you don't let me go, the Prophet will come to save me, but it's too late. I must go to the battlefield to protect the king and lead the soldiers to fight now. Do you understand my mood? "

The guard remained unmoved.

Lothar was agitated. He didn't know how to persuade the dead brain script. Obviously, this was a guard specially prepared by the king for certain prisoners. He would hardly listen to anyone, but only knew to perform the tasks given by the king.


Lothar grabbed the iron fence of the prison and shook it violently, making a loud noise.

"Open the door!"

"My mother told you to open the door!"

The guard seemed to hear nothing, and even more desperate Lothar.

He stretched out his hands, stretched out the fence weakly, and pointed at the guard. He just wanted to put down his majestic pleading and saw that the guard of you fell down weakly. The heavy armor collided with the ground and made a dull sound. Scroll out.

Lothar froze, staring blankly at his hand like Khadgar, seeming to be surprised and thinking when he unlocked a new special feature, or to say ... this guard was convinced by himself, but He was embarrassed to let himself go away blatantly, so he chose to pretend to be unconscious?

But ... how should I go out?

"Guard, you haven't given the key yet ..." Halfway through, Lothar reacted violently, looking up at the entrance to the jail and outside, listening to the faint footsteps, "Prophet, are you here?"

The next second, the figures of Anyang and Khadgar appeared in the jail.

Anyang looked at him ridiculously: "How, did you feel that you learned magic at that moment?"

Lothar was a little embarrassed, silently silent.

Khadgar had taken the lead in picking up the key on the guard and opened the door for him: "Let's go!"

Lothar was startled: "Where are you going?"

Khadgar glanced back: "The guardian has fallen, he is now our enemy, you know, so if we want to win this war, we must destroy the guardian!"

Lothar also glanced at Anyang and pondered, saying, "You and the Prophet go against Medivh, and I will protect the King!"

Khadgar nodded immediately: "" also works, the power of the Prophet is much stronger than you.

But Anyang refused aloud: "No, I am afraid that I am not strong enough to fight the guardian. At most, I can provide you with some help and cover, or make a sneak attack at a critical moment, but if you want to fight him, you still need you, he remains. A little reason will not kill you, and this provides you with an opportunity. After all, the guardian is also a mage. If we pick him and cannot cast a spell, it is not too difficult for the warrior to kill a mage at close range! "

Lothar fell silent.

Khadgar said: "I admit that all you said is correct, but for the guardian, some spells that can be instantaneous are enough to destroy us. It is too difficult to prevent him from casting spells."

Anyang shook his head: "It's not difficult, you go, I'm not wrong."

He did n’t even explain the reason this time, nor did he try to persuade Lothar to let him give up protecting the king and go to Karazhan to kill Medivh, but Lothar and Khadgar looked at each other, but they did n’t have much reservation to trust. , And followed his arrangement, this is undoubtedly the prestige and trust he has built in the hearts of several people for so long.

Khadgar quickly took out the magic tool and began to manually depict arcane energy circles on the ground. Although it was not as free and easy as Medivh ’s wave, the effect was not bad. He quickly pulled out a magic energy that emits blue light. .

He squeezed the energy "key" and looked at the two firmly.

"Come in!"

Anyang and Lothar looked at each other and stood in.

With Peng's soft sound, their figure disappeared into the jail instantly, leaving only a cluster of light blue law energy particles that soon disappeared in this dark space.


In the circular building of Karazhan Magic High Tower, three figures appeared out of thin air.

Anyang glanced down, and the body of Karazhan housekeeper Moros fell to his feet.

Moros, who was originally kind-faced, widened his eyes as if he had experienced a lot of pain. His body was dry, his skin was wrapped with bones, and the meridians and blood vessels were clearly visible, as if he had been drained of blood!

This method of death is clearly like the life sucked by evil energy!

Lothar was a little horrified when he looked up, and he finally realized that the childhood friend was already very strange, no, or it should be said that the childhood friend was no longer him, starting when he killed his butler.

This is the Moros who has always been responsible for his care of Karazhan. When Karazhan gradually lost, the former entertainers gradually left, and the civilians in the villages and towns below moved away one after another. Cook, the female chef of Medivh, only Moros, the old housekeeper, followed him.

But now, even Moros has been brutally killed by him, what else can he not do?

Probably ... will he really destroy the world?

Anyang pondered, and said, "Go and drag Medivh, I will provide you with assistance, but when he is thinking of the spell that opens the Dark Door, he cannot use other spells, and I will find a chance to kill him."

Lothar and Khadgar nodded and walked inside.

Anyang thought a little, but gave up his plan to go invisible.

Although the mage's spiritual consciousness, five senses, and sensitivity are not as good as those of monks, it is too simple to solve a mage by sneak attack or remote sniper. But the guardian's top class in the mage is a bit exceptional. It is not so simple to kill him, especially in Karazhan, he can hardly hide his eyes.

But in general, this is a relatively simple task.

So Anyang seemed extremely relaxed and moved forward slowly while preparing the spells and various weapons.

At this time, Medivh had lost the appearance of the old gentleman. Instead, he was replaced by a demon. He had a faint green shimmering skin, his face was covered with wrinkles, his eyes were covered with green light, and his chin There are also hard tentacles that grow from root to root, and the hands are as dry as chicken feet, not like a human.

He stared blankly at the front, as if looking at something, waiting for something across the void, as if simply looking at a place in a state of distraction.

Lothar approached him quietly, holding a large sword coming from outside the prison.

But at this moment, Medivh instantly recovered, his fingers spread out, and he didn't even read the spell. He immediately surrounded the mysterious arcane magic energy of the mysterious arcane, but the luster was golden.

At the same time, a huge golden palm appeared out of nowhere beside Lothar. He would hold him tightly and lift it up to the sky easily, as if carrying a chick, as if showing the so-called Ai The Lions of Zelas want to challenge the guardian how overwhelming it is.

Khadgar beside him saw that Lothar struggled to no avail, and could not help but panicked. He quickly opened his hands, chanting the spell aloud, flashing a beautiful arcane catapult between the blue flashes of his palms.


The arcane catapult suddenly reached Medivh.

But the guardian possessed by the most powerful warrior Sargeras just waved his hand at random ~ ~ At the same time, he instantly issued the classic magic counter-attack of the mage, which easily broke this arcane catapult.

Khadgar suddenly froze.

This is probably his first confrontation with his teacher, and the first time he has truly seen the power of the guardian!

Medivh turned to look at Khadgar, and then turned to look at Lothar. He did not kill him after all. Although it was only something he could do with a little effort, he just let Lothar go. Let him fall heavily.

With a distance of several meters, the natural agility of the Azeroth Lion is not harmed!

So he quickly stood up and stared at Medivh, seriously full of fear and vigilance.

The corrupted Medivh ignored them directly, the green light in his eyes began to mutter, and a strange energy spread around, and Karazhan's magic energy field began to become unstable!

Khadgar exclaimed: "That's the spell of the Dark Portal, we must stop him!"

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