My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 445: Durotan and Gul'dan

Cursed land.

A large number of human troops are marching, and the knights and infantry are distinguished, but without exception, they are all wearing heavy silver armor and stepping on the ground.

The knights crossed their swords at the waist, and they were magnificent, and the infantry were armed with halberds and heavy shields, but almost all arms had a musket rushed by a dwarf.

The silver armor and the brass musket have a different aesthetic.

This is almost the full strength of Stormwind City!

At the forefront was King Lion in platinum armour. He rode a tall horse and traversed the mountain pass all the way to see the orc camp in front before stopping and staring at the front.

To their right and right, a brown-skinned orc army also came. Without exception, they rode a frost wolf nearly two meters high and stopped in the forest far away, far away from the human army.

Durotan rushed forward with his sharp teeth, extremely fast. At the same time, King Lane also drove forward, and the two met in the middle of the hillside and nodded and greeted each other.

"The Prophet said you will come, so I am waiting here."

"Thanks the Prophet."

"Sorry, the previous plan may not work. The current Frostwolf clan is the enemy of the entire tribe. Even if humans lead the orc ’s army away, they will guard against the Frostwolf clan. We ca n’t sneak attack to kill Gul. Dan. "

"We are ready, we will forcibly attack the orc's camp until Gul'dan is killed and the Dark Portal is destroyed!"

Durotan suddenly fell silent, he knew that Gul'dan was evil, and he was eager to destroy Gul'dan, but he also knew that Draenor had been destroyed, and if there were no Dark Portal, the orcs who remained in Draenor would Starved to death!

He was hesitant for a while.

For a long time, Durotan said, "There is actually a way to kill Gul'dan!"

King Lane quickly asked, "What method?"

Durotan touched his waist, his fingers touched the pitiful little ancient clock, and his expression suddenly became firm: "There is a very sacred ritual in our orcs, called Makora, which is also used to solve the orc dispute ... … As the chief of the Frostwolf clan, he is qualified to challenge him! "

King Ryan took a long time to recover and asked in surprise: "Would you like to launch Makora to Gul'dan?"

Durotan nodded: "Gul'dan was originally the most powerful shaman in the tribe, and now he has fallen into a warlock, but he is not too powerful as a warrior. Divine Makora is not allowed to use magic, that will Seen as cheating, if Gul'dan doesn't use his magic, I might kill him. In case he uses his magic illegally, I also have something the prophet gave me, maybe I can block his magic And then I will kill him! "

King Lion said in silence, "Well, Chief, in case you fail, my army and the Frostwolf clan will avenge you!"

Durotan focused his head: "I have already said to the clan, if I challenge Gul'dan to fail, then my clan will be temporarily controlled by Gurush, and he will attack the tribe with you."

The two soon made an appointment, and Durotan walked forward on the Frostwolf.

The atmosphere in the orc camp quickly boiled.

This once tribal hero, the once famous Frostwolf clan chief, led the entire Frostwolf clan to betray the arrival of the traitor, and undoubtedly caused an uproar among the tribe.

Countless orcs surrounded him, making provocative and disdainful voices, mixed with coaxing and challenging words, and even orcs raised arms in their hands to demonstrate to the little chieftain, but did not directly come up to attack him.

On the contrary, Durotan's face moved forward calmly, and almost everyone gave way to him.

They respected him as a powerful warrior, and they still kept the impression of his integrity in their hearts. They still remember the once persevering and powerful Chief Frostwolf. They thought that even if Durotan had committed a crime, they were not qualified to try him.

Durotan was not wearing plate armor, only wrapped in a frost wolf skin symbolizing the chief of the Frostwolf clan. The thick fangs and calm face gave a strong sense of oppression, and the top of the head was the head of the frost wolf, and the fierce features were clear It can be seen that the frost wolf's sharp teeth and his facial features fangs have a brutal sense of majesty!

He went all the way and quickly reached the center of the camp.

The orcs around had already formed a circle, and there was an empty space in the middle.

Here, even if the onlookers are people with status in the major clans, powerful warriors or shamans, ordinary orcs are not eligible to witness this Makora.

Although Anyang had explained to him the danger of launching Makora, Durotan was still fearless. He strangled the reins of the Frostwolf in front of Gul'dan's tower, swept his head, and jumped from the Frostwolf.

"I, Durotan, the chief of the Frostwolf clan, the son of Galad, here initiates Makora to kill Gul'dan!"

The sound echoed around.

At present, the tribal chieftain Blackhand has died, and the legendary hero Grom has also been engulfed by bombshells, but it all came too suddenly, Orgrim is not ready to seize power, and other heroes have not yet action.

In other words, the tribe at this time has no nominal chieftain.

Therefore, when Durotan shouted Makora, only Bladefist and Orgrim were waiting for him, and there was no one who was nominally enough to preside over the matter. This also means that the degree of irregularities in Makgola may be more than in the original plot, at least at this time, the traditional black hand is not present.

Gul'dan quickly walked out of the tower, staring at Durotan with green eyes. He looked at the dark door that had not moved behind him. Shen Sheng said: "Durotan, you are just a traitor among the orcs, Alone, all your people are hiding outside and daring not to come back, you are not eligible to launch Makora from me! "

The orc neutral horse sounded an uproar.

If Durotan is not qualified to initiate Makora, then, as his betrayal, he will surely be tried!

At this moment, Orgrim, holding the hammer of destruction, took a step forward: "Sir, we still have tribes present."

Gul'dan's pupil narrowed and nodded: "Very well, then, little chief, I accept your challenge."

The legendary hero of the other orc, Bladefist, was a bit worried: "Adult, the door to darkness is about to open. I do not recommend wasting time on this matter."

Gul'dan said quietly: "It won't take much time."

The orcs around them started shouting loudly, and the holy Makora was about to begin.

Durotan lowered his head slightly, put his hands in front of him and spit out two salivas, spread his arms to move the body, and removed the frost wolf skin from his body to reveal an extremely strong body and thick muscles, gazing upwards to the front.

Gul'dan handed the staff in his hand to Bladefist, and he walked forward slowly with his body. In that heavy step, his body gradually straightened up, no longer the appearance of the old mage. He untied the strap of the black robe, and stretched his arms backwards and slid down to the ground, revealing a green muscle, which was also unreasonably strong, especially the bone spurs growing out of the back, making him look like A humanoid tyrannosaurus, especially fierce and powerful!

The surrounding voices became more and more intense, and the battle between the two was triggered at once.

Durotan growled and rushed forward quickly.

As he approached Gul'dan, his figure jumped high, and he suddenly punched Gul'dan.


The fist collided with the face and made a muffled noise.

Durotan's power is so great that ordinary orcs can't stop the blow, but Gul'dan is not a mortal. Even without magic and evil energy, he is more powerful than ordinary orcs, and he turned to fight with Durotan.

I saw that Gul'dan grabbed Durotan's fist, punched Durotan's face with a hook, and punched him in the abdomen. That huge force bent Durotan's body and bent it down. Get the upper hand.

The orcs roared around again and shouted.

"kill him!"

"Kill him, Gul'dan!"

The battle between the two continued, the dull sounds in the field continued.

Orc battles usually do n’t have much fancy, that is, power to strength competition, fist to flesh, but it does not mean that their battles have no skills at all. On the contrary, the unclear speed and high acuity, And the extraordinary responsiveness and accuracy are far beyond human comparison.

Finally, Durotan seized an opportunity, lifted his feet high and stepped on Gul'dan's arm, punched him with a punch in his face, and hit another knee against his abdomen. He fought back and quit a few steps.


Durotan refused to give up. He rushed over in a few steps and punched Guldan again. Several smooth and beautiful heavy punches banged on Guldan and directly knocked him down. On the ground.

The scene suddenly became quiet, only to hear Duro's arrogant roar!


Durotan showed his strong fighting power as an orc hero, perhaps with a protagonist aura, he rushed over again to grab Gul'dan's arm, lifted him over the shoulder, and fell heavily to the ground .


Gul'dan's combat strength is extraordinary, especially because he also controls evil energy, and his physical quality is far superior to ordinary orcs.

I saw him stand up with a turn, grab Durotan's head, and slammed him against his head. Then he hugged him around his waist and lifted him up. The muscles on his arms bulged, like Cut him off.

Durotan's face flushed for a moment, and his hands were constantly scratching, as if extremely uncomfortable.

If it ’s an ordinary person ’s battle ~ ~ It ’s okay to hug someone ’s waist, but for the powerful orcs, they have enough power to squeeze people alive, that ’s natural power. Advantage.

Finally, Durotan grabbed the bone spurs growing behind Gul'dan, just like finding a borrowing point, the muscles with thick arms began to swell again, and the power burst out as if it could be seen with the naked eye!


Two bone spurs broke!

Gul'dan suddenly took a pain, roared, and hurled Durotan out.

At the moment he was going to continue to rush past, the edge of the dark door behind him suddenly glowed with a green light, and there seemed to be a sing of singless spells around him.

An invitation from another person has opened the door between Dark Portal and Azeroth!

[Out of home, code words are inconvenient, the manuscript is used up, the update time will be unstable, it will resume at most on Friday, and the period will be changed. Double compensation after Friday! ]

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