My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 455: Rabbit spirit's cunning

After returning to Karazhan, Anyang stayed in this world longer than he thought.

Because when the civilians cooperated with the mechanical eye to scan and archive Karazhan's books, he found that Karazhan's large amount of knowledge is still a bit lacking compared to the entire arcane magic system during the sorting and sorting process. This is a trivial lack. Medivh doesn't care, and any magician of Azeroth can make up for it with his own knowledge, just as there will be no enlightenment books for children in large authoritative libraries.

But for his empire, it takes many detours to make up for these simplest common sense.

So after saying goodbye to Khadgar, Anyang went to Dalaran and sneaked into the legendary best magical school in Azeroth, spending a lot of time and stealing a lot of knowledge.

After he enjoyed the wisdom contained in this kingdom with Azeroth's most brilliant magical achievements, he left Shi Shiran and returned to the territory of Stormwind City, with Athaway and Fry who lived here. The elders and villagers of the Austrian village said goodbye. After all, they were the first people he came to see in this world. They were also a group of people who were pure and kind to him. They were the most beautiful and the first encounters.

Later, he went to the cursed land, walked calmly on the battlefields of the two sides, and said goodbye to Garona, Lothar, and King Lion, and farewell to Durotan, who had many intersections with him, and even Gurush He also said goodbye to Orgrim, and there were many people who nodded to him.

This is even an account of this trip to Azeroth.

After all, living here for so long is not ...

But when he left, he heard news that surprised him.

Orgrim led the orcs to ambush the human army, dispatched the most powerful shaman and warriors in the tribe, cut off the supply of humans in one fell swoop, and killed King Lane who was preparing to return to Stormwind with the army, and immediately made the entire Stormwind army The dragons have no head, and there is also a lament in the kingdom.

History seems to have returned to its original point.

Afterwards, Losa, who was recovering from the injury, was in a critical position, mastering the power of Stormwind and becoming the regent, and leading the army to continue confrontation with the orcs.

However, the supply of the Stormwind Army was cut off, the rescue of other kingdoms did not arrive, and may even be on the sidelines. The Stormwind Army, which was overwhelmed by the face of the orcs ’full expeditionary force, began to retreat, even if Losa was full. There is no solution to a strategy.

Later, Dalaran, Gilneas and Lordaeron, and the dwarven army, aided in solving the urgent needs of Stormwind City.

But I also heard that the orcs have contacted the elven enemy, the troll, and the two sides are likely to unite to fight against humanity.

Although Anyang was surprised and felt dramatic, he didn't manage many, and he also had his own measurement.

King Lane is still dead as in the original plot, but this is more like an inevitable, and cannot explain that history cannot be changed.

The opponents of Losa, King Lane, Stormwind City, and even humans have changed. Blackhand and Gul'dan are dead. The newly appointed Orcish Orgrim may not be as powerful as Blackhand, nor like Gul. Dan holds the wicked energy like Kil'jaeden with the Burning Legion behind him, but when this opponent rules the entire Orc Horde, he will be far more terrible than Blackhand and Gul'dan.

Orgrim is a rare orc who is good at using various tricks and does not care about the integrity of the means, insidious or not. He takes the interests of the orc as the supremacy. In order to win, he does not hesitate to bear the insidious stigmatization. He seems to have the uniqueness of beheading. Hobbies, deeply understand the reason why the thief captures the king first.

In the original book, he led the guard to raid the black hand, seized power in one fell swoop, and also played a raid when he killed Gul'dan, and he also greeted Sir Loza bravely in the frontal battle between the two sides, and in a one-on-one single The pick was the highest commander of the human alliance at that time.

It must be mentioned that, in the old settings, Orgrim did not kill Loza in a fair manner, but used tricks to trick Loza into the encirclement circle, and then despicably killed Loza. However, in the new version, Blizzard gave up this setting, thus giving a new definition to both great leaders. Lothar had a more glorious and powerful sacrifice, and Orgrim became a warrior who dared to fight head-to-head.

But Orgrim's unscrupulous, resourceful, and good at killing hostile leaders' character has not changed.

In the face of such tribal chiefs, Stormwind City fell down, and King Lane ’s death did not seem to have much suspense.

Even if Orgrim did not kill King Lane this time, he will have another one, perhaps another ambush and a sudden attack, it may be a special target on the frontal battlefield, or a leader battle, or it may be more secret. More insidious means.

Anyang did not think more, even if he heard the news, he did not stay.

He has spent enough time in this world, and he got what he got, and he should go back in time, and he will not care about the rest.

At this time, he was still wearing a white mage robe, covering his face with a hood, walking in an endless mountain range, passing under a branch of yellowing needle-like leaves, and stepping on it The lush green grass, when I saw the rolling hills, I saw the undulating plain scenery in the distance, and the dark clouds and flashing electric lights floating across the sky. The villages and windmills scattered in the distance, I felt very peaceful. nice.

It seems that every time the world travels, the scenery you see and the people you meet are different.

Sincerely cherish and thank these met, beautiful, sincere and kind people, or unforgettable, friendship with him, people with distinct self characteristics and personality, regardless of the relationship between these people and him Whether it is strong or weak, it is always friendship and fate.

With repeated emotions, he eventually disappeared into a white light in this world and completely bid farewell to all the people and experiences in this world.

After all, the real world is his home and harbor, is his starting point, and has the people he loves most.

When he left, he seemed to see a huge bronze dragon staring at him, and disappeared in a flash, thinking it was an illusion.


Magnificent dubbing echoed in the villa hall, the LCD TV on half of the wall flickered with bright light, and a pirate ship with ancient colors was traveling on the sea, resisting the surging seawater and storm lightning, as if it could overturn the ship .

Sitting on the sofa are three female goblins, big and small, with different temperament, appearance, dress, age, and even sitting posture.

Huang Lan ’s height is not lower than that of Anyang, her slender and slender and powerful body is explosive, the proportions are exaggerated and perfect, like a model in the goddess of bodybuilding, she wears a close-fitting sportswear, the fabric is elastic, but it looks like It has a rough texture and perfectly outlines her exaggerated figure.

She was lying on the sofa at random at this time, stretching her body, so lazy as a cat, forehead, she is a feline, but this gesture gives a kind of her body can burst out at any time The feeling of tremendous power is no different from that of a tiger lying and resting in the forest.

The healthy-colored skin, the elastic fabric that clings to the body, the tall and straight chest, the flat and slender belly with the contour of the abdominal muscles vaguely seen, a pair of curvy and powerful legs curled up together, and the numb colors appear the legs More tight and slender, grouped together, unreasonably **** face ...

Xiao Chan is still so big, wearing a gorgeous and bright skirt, making her like a little princess, sitting on the sofa and watching movies.

It should be an education problem from a young age. Of course, it may also be the nature of this group of people from generation to generation. Although she is still small, she is very serious about dressing and is obsessed with gorgeous formal dress design and bright colors. I like to dress myself up like a family.

Coupled with her clean and white face, snow-like skin, red lips, and smart eyes, if she is too cautious, she really looks like a little girl.

The rabbit is learning Xiao Chan, sitting upright, her eyes blinking, but she can clearly see that her body is stiff and difficult to maintain.

Compared with Huang Lan, who is dressed completely and casually, dressed meticulously and seriously, she is undoubtedly a slacker, or she may not want to wear other clothes at home, or she is not used to wearing human clothes, or it may be In the hot weather, she still wrapped her three-point white rabbit fur, two long ears erected on her head, her eyes were still fascinating and charming red, crystal clear like natural rubies.

In the maiden womb, there is the beauty of the face, and she is born for the chaos of the world. She has a tempting and unstoppable attitude in every move. When wearing this extreme bunny dress, she shows white skin and exquisite perfection Figure, that strong visual impact is very charming.

But suddenly, the three female elves froze in unison, turned back suddenly, and looked at the back without blinking.

In the place where there was nothing at all, I do n’t know when a man in a white robe appeared. He reached out and took off the hood covering his face casually, revealing a face with a humble smile that had not changed, like a rich man. A wise mage, but this sense of sight is undoubtedly a bit weird here.

But in the hearts of the three female goblins, his image is somewhat changeable.

Scholars, monks, another rabbit, people with powerful power, people who do not blink, people in power ...

Rabbit Jing blinked his magical red eyes, slowly turned his head, staring blankly at him ~ ~ Xiao Chan's eyes were a little dreadful, but he didn't withdraw his gaze.

She passed a strand of hair across the forehead and spread it down on the sofa. It is conceivable that the little girl's long hair was not only over the waist, but also over the butt.

Huang Lan raised her eyebrows and asked casually, "I'm back?"

Anyang nodded and said lightly, "I'm back."

But he paused, his eyes swept, his eyebrows smiled, his emotions suddenly burst into bloom: "How do you miss me?"

The rabbit seemed to be reacting now. The red eyes widened at first, and then squinted like a crescent moon. The expression was full of surprises. He got up quickly and rolled over from the sofa chair, opened his arms and flicked at him without a word. come.

It wasn't until then that she showed a bit of rabbit cunning.

[Warcraft chapter is over, there is no reward? 】

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