My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 456: Rabbit essence who loves to go to the supermarket and drink coffee

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The rabbit sturdyly hit Anyang, hugged him, and hung his hands and feet on his body.

Anyang stood upright, stabilizing his body without receding, enjoying the feeling of tenderness and elasticity, the nose lingering around the rabbit essence, which seemed to have magical faint fragrance to make men crazy, and the body felt the exquisite and undulating figure, The chest full of soft bullets was on his chest.

And ... this fairy is only wearing three-point white fur, full of bunny girl temptation!

His soft, long hair scratched his neck and made him feel itchy. He opened his hand and hesitated, still holding the goblin gently.

Because the rabbit wears too little, and a large piece of white skin is exposed to the air, clinging to his body, not much different from not wearing it, when he hugs the rabbit, his palms and arms are inevitable He touched her bare back skin, making him feel like a horse.

The touch is smooth and elastic, soft and warm, it is not too good!

Anyang took a breath, still resisting the temptation of this disaster, put her down gently.

The pure and beautiful face was exposed in front of him, slightly tilting his head, and ruby ​​eyes staring at him without blinking, still a little puzzled.

As if questioning, she held her well, why did she put her down.

Anyang reached out and rubbed her hair and said, "Okay, such a big man, he's acting like a child!"

The rabbit pursed his lips finely, then flicked his lips again, obviously dissatisfied.

Anyang glanced down slightly, suddenly glimpsing the snow-white tall tower and a tempting gully that squeezed out, and quickly withdrew his eyes, constantly lamenting that this fairy was really a dead man, and if ordinary people faced such temptation, they were afraid It was long ago that he could not help but walk into the abyss.

Isn't it a joke that the natural power used to disturb the world's misfortune, and the charm power given by heaven?

Anyang swallowed, patted the rabbit's shoulders, and took her to the sofa where she was originally sitting.

But with a casual glance, he saw that Xiao Chan lowered his eyelids unconsciously and moved his eyes back from him. At the same time, an inexplicable feeling unrelated to the five senses rose from the bottom of his heart, making him Quickly turned around, and the next second, he smiled relaxedly.

Comrade Xiaoqian is still the same, I don't know when it will appear quietly, and it always appears behind him, looking at him with a smile.

Although she looks dignified at this time, she is also a female ghost with a quirk, and always loves to appear behind people.

This should be a kind of secondary disease?

Anyang loosened the rabbit's shoulders and turned to open his arms to Comrade Xiaoqian, and embraced the soft body trotting into his arms.

Huang Lan tapped her mouth and drew her gaze boringly.

Xiao Chan's eyes flickered, and he flinched back, continuing to stare at the TV screen.

Only the rabbit spirit stood still, staring at them with blinking eyes.

Anyang quickly released Xiaoqian, instead of showing her blatant show of affection on the spot, she took her hand and walked to the sofa to find a place to sit down, but found that Xiao Chan ’s eyes staring at the TV flickered, obviously absent-minded. Lan also peeked at him with Yu Guang from time to time, making him feel a little hurt.

The waves of the movie made him familiar, but he couldn't remember for a while, so he asked, "What are you looking at?"

Immediately following the rabbit who was inseparable behind him, "Carrefour Pirates!"

Comrade Xiaoqian burst out laughing, and quickly covered his mouth with his fingers to maintain his image.

The rabbit was a little puzzled and looked at Xiao Qian with her head tilted. Her eyes were serious, and she didn't know what she was laughing at.

Anyang twitched his eyes, and said seriously to the rabbit essence: "Well, it's a classic movie, I used to like it!"

The rabbit spirit seems to have become a little smarter, her eyes are turning around the two, and she finds something is wrong, frowning to express deep suspicion, but she leans her head and can't figure out the reason, so she is very wise Turned his head to look at Xiao Chan, with an interrogative meaning.

Facing her gaze, Xiao Chan hesitated and said weakly: "It's a Caribbean pirate, Carrefour is a supermarket ..."

The rabbit's eyes were puzzled again, so cute.

is it?

She reacted quickly, without any embarrassment and embarrassment.

Well, these are details, you shouldn't care!

Rabbit Jing continued to watch her movie, Yu Guang could not help glancing at Anyang.

With Xiaoqian present, she also knows how to restrain her heart, or she may be hanging on Anyang again.

Anyang smiled and said, "It seems that you have recently fallen in love with shopping in supermarkets."

The rabbit was ignorantly looking at him.

Next to Huang Lan glanced at him, said lightly: "She also likes to drink coffee!"

Anyang immediately wondered: "What allusion does this come from?"

Huang Lan shrugged and pointed to Xiaoqian: "In order to show us some movies with profound meanings, so as to have a good educational significance, let us better understand the spiritual culture and profound charm of this world. Tian put a foreign movie about a person who was wrongfully jailed and escaped to heaven after spending many years in prison. As for the name, ask yourself your rabbit ... "

Anyang vaguely speculated, but he still chose to ask rabbit essence.

The guy looked up, his red eyes were crystal-clear, and his pure face was tempting. He said seriously, "Starbucks' redemption."


Anyang glanced back silently and gave a compliment for his wit.

By the way, he glanced at Xiao Chan who was sitting upright, Huang Lan who changed his posture on the sofa, and Comrade Xiao Qian who was sitting beside her.

——They did n’t even mention the rabbit essence at all!

Huang Lan seemed to see his doubts and raised her eyebrows, saying: "There are many things she has fallen in love with recently, do you want to listen?"

That's what happened!

Anyang shook his head quickly: "No, no need to listen."

Huang Lan shrugged and continued to watch the movie.

Anyang was sitting side by side with Comrade Xiaoqian, and their bodies were close together. The feeling of long absence made him feel very comfortable and relaxed, a little relaxed and happy, like smelling the familiar fragrance, not necessarily better than luxury perfumes, but After being familiar with it, it represents a meaning other than its own taste.

There are three familiar female goblins sitting next to them. They are the best friends in a different world.

To sum up in one sentence-

It feels good to be back!

This time staying in Azeroth is not too long, at least longer than Marvel World, and longer than many native worlds. Even if the time flow rate of the native world and the real world is ten to one, he still walks ten. Come to the sky, so the rabbit looks at his eyes full of so many attachments.

For him, the time to leave is ten times more.

In such a long period of time, he has witnessed the invasion of the orcs, witnessed the fall of a generation of guardians, witnessed the war between humans and orcs, and the successive deaths of the orcists and the human king. I met the heroes of the two communities, strong, upright, brave and unyielding, respectable ...

He also met many people, experienced many things, and saw the scenery that many people could not see in his life.

Probably some people can be called friends, and some people will miss him after he left. He occasionally thinks of some people.

Continuous encounters and separations, constant wonderful experiences, constant insights and steps, can this be regarded as a kind of practice?

Probably the most time wasted is copying knowledge. Karazhan has too many books. Not to mention strenuously flipping and scanning archives. It is very difficult to convert images into text because of the powerful processing power of bio-assist chips. Also translated.

There are also many books in the Dalaran Magic Library, which are dazzling.

But overall, the harvest is very rich!

It was a strange civilization ...

I don't know if An You and Xiao Xue'er found summer vacation workers in these ten days.

Anyang suddenly remembered that before the last mission world left, Xie Yunqing had told him that Anyou planned to find a part-time job in Jinguan City with Xiao Xueer to make some pocket money for the summer vacation like last year. There is no suitable job, after all, the two of them were looking for their summer vacation last year.

But he was busy with Doomsday World and Pallans and arrangement plans, as well as the great reform of the Divine Empire, he did not remember.

Who knows that this mission world has gone so long!

Xiao Xue'er and An You should have finished the exam for a long time, don't know if Huiyancheng did.

Or do they have found a summer job?

After thinking about it, Anyang still touched his mobile phone and began to report the safety to the people he knew, telling them that he had returned.

Not only people in the family, Ji Weiwei, Xiao Xue'er, but also forces, such as Shen Chaowen, Liao Heng and others.

Because there are quite a lot of people to notify, he didn't call next to each other, he just sent a text message first, and it's not too late to call when there is something or when necessary. It seems that he did not leave this time too soon, just ten days. It is normal for people who usually go to work to travel for more than ten days. It is too hypocritical to call everyone next to each other to tell everyone that he is back. Well, the most is to talk to people who are very close.

Unsurprisingly, An You did not return to him, and he was not prepared to let the girl return. Sending a message to her only took a form, but Xiao Xueer's text message to him has always been in seconds, this time. Exception, as if the cold girl set him a special reminder ~ ~ Wow, Brother Anyang is back! "

Anyang looked at the text message and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

From little to big, I didn't find anything on Anyou, but I found it on her best girlfriends, even more.

"Yeah, I just came back. You guys, you should finish the exam. Have you returned to Yancheng, or are you in Jinguan City?"

"I have finished the exam long ago, I went back to Yancheng a few days ago, and now I am back to Jinguan City."

"I heard that you are looking for summer vacation jobs, how are you doing?"

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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