My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 648: Great opportunity

Time walked firmly, and He never hurried to stay.

Anyang moved to Loulou's high tower and lives in the middle floor.

When he came to this world, it was still midsummer, but now it was already cold winter, and the snow was outside the window.

The new year is coming.

He also spent half a year in this unfamiliar world, as if it was just a blink of an eye, and it seemed to be a long one.

Anyang used the magic stones and resources he obtained a month ago to find Lou Luo and exchanged several more authoritative books on the skill control array.

Lou Luo still didn't ask him why, he just gave it to him.

In fact, this month Lou Luo did not give Anyang some basic knowledge that scattered trainees lacked, and he basically did not give him any lectures or teach him anything. There is contact again. However, probably because there is only one student, Lou Luo is more generous than other third-tier academics.

It took Anyang more than half a month to thoroughly read the books borrowed one after the other, and confirmed it in many ways, in order to avoid omissions.

The top private residence of Lou Luo-

"Boom boom."

Anyang knocked on the door.

There was no response in the room.

However, the energy fluctuation is very messy.

Anyang was not in a hurry, and waited a few minutes before ringing again.


This time I finally got a reply. Lou Luo's cold voice came from the room: "Wait for half an hour!"

Anyang turned and left.

After half an hour, he came again.

Lou Luo had opened the door to wait for him. He was washing his hands while looking at him. He saw a stack of thick books in his hand and said, "Have you finished reading these books?"

His tone was not surprising.

Anyang said lightly: "Yes."

Lou Luo nodded: "You are a genius, and you have your own ideas. When I was young, this is not as good as you. Otherwise, it is impossible to fall to this point now."

Anyang froze, sounding like a story.

"You are a third-level academic, mentor."

Lou Luo sneered and waved his hand and said, "What about the third-order academics, no one is a ghost or a ghost!"

Anyang looked at him and said nothing.

Lou Luo was still wearing a thick black cloak, most of his body was covered, only showing the withered face like chicken feet and corpse, it really looked a bit infiltrating.

"I have an experiment to do these days, and there is an important auxiliary technique to portray. I do n’t have the energy and time to guide your study for the time being. Just when you came to the tower, you were already a good student. Now mainly to prepare to hit the threshold of academics, I do n’t have to guide you deliberately, you just lack some systematic knowledge ... "

Lou Luo took out a red flower and put it in a test tube while talking. He seemed to be preparing some experimental materials, and the things he used were very strange and rare products.

"Fortunately, I gave you some related knowledge a few days ago, and there is a book here, which was compiled by a former student of mine. You can learn a lot from it."

"Thank you tutor."

"If you're okay, you can go back first. If you don't know anything about the selection of surgical control arrays in the past few days, you can come and ask me, but it is best at night, when I am more leisure. Your main energy should be It's not difficult for you to hit the threshold of academics. The sooner the better, I can activate the surgical array for free. "

"Thank you, tutor, then I will go back first."

"Ok ... yeah, wait!"

Both Anyang turned and suddenly turned back, frowning and asking, "Do you have anything else to teach?"

Lou Luo also looked at him, with a ray of light in his eyes, and a hint of anger rising from his body: "I have already seen the technique you contributed to the tower. Although it is only a zero-order technique, it contains the simplified technical value. It ’s far more than a zero-order technique. They pay you too little, and I will get justice for you when I have time! "

Anyang was stunned again, which was a surprise.

"Thank you tutor!"


Lou Luo Lima turned to ignore him again.

Anyang then walked away, and immediately before turning around, he saw him put an eyeball into the test tube, and he was shocked.

That eyeball is definitely an authentic human eyeball!

Others will not recognize it, but he will never admit it. Others may be dazzled, but the biochip recording function is turned on as soon as he enters this laboratory.

Lou Luo's experiment actually used human organs ...

I don't know if it is a living person or a dead person ...


Anyang returned to his residence, spent a whole week sorting out the relevant knowledge of surgical array control, and spent another three days to fill in the data for the biological auxiliary chip. The most time-consuming is the design, calculation and analysis of individual modules It took more than half a month to establish the analysis model of surgical control array, and tailored the surgical control array for him.

"The surgical control array analysis model was successfully established, the task was successfully established, and is being executed. The estimated remaining time: 29 days. The project is too large. Please be patient."

Anyang saw the progress bar in silence.

One month?

There is no problem in other aspects, it seems that the main task within this month is to find the appropriate surgery.

The Silent Tower can provide students with some common spells, which need to be exchanged with magic stones or other resources. It ’s just that it ’s expensive, not to mention, it ’s not very good. The really rare ones must be obtained by yourself or from the tutor. For example, the two first-order spells that Anyang once obtained from Scott are very good. thing.

But just when he was going to ask Lou Luo if he had a suitable first-order technique and what was the cost, a trainee who worked for the tower in return for payment found him.

"Hello, is it Ain?"

This is a very short boy, looks only 16 or 7 years old, but has a medium level of energy in the body.

"It's me, what's wrong?"

"This is the case. I am a trainee working for the Gaota Library. My name is Huita. You contributed a few precious techniques to the Gaota a few days ago, but we made a mistake and paid you much more than It's not up to you, so after the negotiation of the adults, the tower decided to compensate you. "

Huetta produced a proof of his employment.


Anyang suddenly understood that Lou Luo really went to get justice for him, and after more than half a month, he thought Lou Luo just said an empty talk, but did not expect him to actually go.

This is the benefit of having a strong mentor.

Hueta pulled out a small box from behind: "This is the compensation given to you by the library. Only you can open it, and it has been approved by your mentor. Please rest assured."

Anyang took the box and felt the ban above.

But when he touched the ban, the mark on his left hand was verified, and the ban disappeared immediately.

"Thank you."

"There are lists and items in it. Please check the name after comparison. We will not charge any fees during this period!"

"Okay, right away."

Anyang has a sense of immediate delivery.

He quickly opened the package. There was a piece of paper in it. The paper and ink were specially made. It was written in a few lines. It was actually three first-order spells. Three books were neatly coded in the box.

It's really hard work!

Anyang signed with emotion.

When I came to sleep, I sent pillows, and just three of the first-order spells were sent over. Obviously, it was expected that he was missing this critical moment when he hit the threshold of academics.

Back in his room, he took out three books.


Anyang gradually frowned.

The effects of these three first-order spells are not bad, but they are definitely not good. They are better than those in the library, but they are definitely worse than the high-temperature boom that Scott gave him.

Ordinary trainees use these three first-order spells to establish a skill control array, but it is undoubtedly that a first-class talent can use these few broken things to self-destruct talents. If Lou Luo take these three first-order spells The purpose given to him is to let him use this to establish a surgical array as soon as possible, which is too inexplicable. He is a third-order academic.

Anyang is not that kind of unscrupulous scattered trainee, and his heart is not so anxious. Obviously, it is impossible to use these three.

The more he wondered, the more he wondered, not knowing Lou Luo's purpose.

Or is there anything hidden in it?

Shaking his head, he didn't think about it any more, and instead put these first-order spells aside, he could later take it out for a magic stone or something, which could not be used by Shirley and others anyway.

These days Anyang has been paying attention to the news about the better first-order spells, but they have no clue. If you think about it, you will understand that if there are really good spells in the tower, even zero-order spells will be immediately People are robbed! Although he is a Lou Luo student, Lou Luo has very poor connections, and he has just arrived at the tower, which really does not have an advantage in this regard.

But he was not idle.

Anyang will attend the free possibility of other tutors almost every day, anyway, know a little bit about all aspects of knowledge ~ ~ will also record the screen every time, enrich his own database.

He will also take part in paid courses that he is interested in!

Recently, Anyang was very interested in the knowledge of pharmacology and mysterious biology established by the good-tempered third-order scholar Gacap, who was the opposite of Lou Luo. It is also possible to join Shiril and Danyou during the class. Soon he caught the attention of Gakap, and for no other reason, the student ’s speed of learning seemed a bit incredible.

Anyang also often goes to the library to see some basic knowledge of the mysterious world in the free area, and occasionally pays to borrow a more valuable book to go back and study in detail.

Anyway, the magic stone came very easy for him, he can use it for a long time with a first-order magic stone!

About half a month later-

Anyang finally found an excellent opportunity to get the powerful spell he dreamed of.

The conflict between Silent Tower and Smaller Manor has increased!

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