My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 649: Foreign war

The silent tower was at odds with the Smirn Manor.

The Silent Tower is a firm academic organization that embodies knowledge as truth, at least for the scholars in the tower.

The Smere Manor is a pure power organization, and the academic atmosphere is not so strong, but you can do whatever you want for power. The laws and competition in the organization are also cruel.

It is said that the two sides were still fighting ten years ago, and small-scale frictions are commonplace, and confrontation between academics has happened occasionally. Trainees of both sides will die when they meet on mission. It is even more common to send people to attack each other ’s newly-entered students. Something. It was much better until the mutual non-aggression treaty was signed ten years ago, but now the Smer Manor has torn up the treaty!

The attack on the other party ’s student itself is not very serious, but it is different to include six first-class talents, and the formal scholars die in the process, the nature is very serious.

The formal academics are noble, and each one is very rare. The death of a silent tower is a great loss. Now that the tower is developing better and better, there is no need to swallow the Smer Manor. The two sides have had small-scale conflicts in recent days, attacking each other ’s trainees abroad, and today the scale of the conflict has finally expanded again!

The Tower of Silence has sent formal academics to participate in the war, rather than attack, which is equivalent to the beginning of the war.

Such an estimate was also unexpected at Smeler Manor. After all, they can see that the instructions they gave to Osoya are still very convergent.

But now they can only respond positively.

Anyang feels that the opportunity is coming because Silent Tower has begun to issue war missions, and encourages academics and trainees to take part in the battle with generous rewards. However, because the scale of the war has not yet expanded to a full-scale war, there are not many people recruited, and most of them are auxiliary tasks that do not directly participate in the war confrontation.

"There will always be a few days!"

Anyang said.


A week later, the ground floor of the Jakapu Tower.

These towers named after academics are all built for an academic, and will only be used for public use when the academic is dead. Before that, they were private property. No one can set foot on the second without permission. Floor. The general ground floor is prepared for other students, which is equivalent to a lecture hall or classroom, and academics usually give lectures here.

Gakap is a gentle old man who looks harmless to humans and animals, like academics who have completely abandoned their strength for learning, and treat people very kindly.

"... I have just said that some scholars at the source of the tower will use the blood of ancient creatures to transform themselves or other people's bodies. This technique is very valuable and can make our human weak body move to powerful ancient creatures. Close, and extend life, and even obtain some special abilities, these scholars are called bloodline scholars. "

"But it is a pity that this is a bit behind, and there is no similar technology. When our tower came here, it passed many twists and turns, and this technology was gradually lost."

Anyang, who sits underneath frowned, this technique seemed to be somewhat similar to his demon body, but there were pros and cons.

"The bloodline scholar, very interesting look."

Gakap's lectures are of a very high standard, and they are outstanding among most academics who only know the dumping knowledge. In addition, the gold content is also very high. Most of the people below are attentive.

Gacap continued:

"However, our scholars in the high tower have never given up on rediscovering this technology. In recent years, we have achieved great results through experiments on biology, and successfully gave it to humans two years ago. Escort you The knight who came is the result of this technology. Although the effect is not very good, we have seen hope. "

"I will briefly talk about this technology."

"Because the tower is spread from afar, many technologies are beyond this area. This is also our unique technology. We also ask you to keep it confidential. The leak is regarded as betrayal."

Anyang sat quietly, looking serious.

Everyone else beside me was holding a notebook and a quill pen and kept burying his head to take notes, and he was the only one who didn't move.

"... There are usually two kinds of pharmacy, one is purple orchid pharmacy, and the other is gargoyle pharmacy. This is why I study pharmacy and mysterious biology at the same time. Are there any students who would like to talk about these two pharmacies The effect of ...? I think you are all new students this year. I do n’t think there is much knowledge accumulation, let ’s talk about Ayn. "


Anyang stunned, then stood up helplessly.

"The main effect of the Purple Orchid Elixir is to reduce the repulsion of the body. The purpose of using it here is to make the body of the creature perfectly blend with the ingredients applied by Mr. Gakap. The role of the Gargoyle Elixir itself is to detoxify and increase the resistance of the body ’s function. , Very precious, I think it should be used here to protect the body of the creature in order to make the experiment successful. "

"Perfect answer, thank you Ian."

"You're welcome!"

Immediately below, sparse applause sounded.

Dan You, who was sitting next to Anyang, said, "Adult, you are so knowledgeable. I think it's okay for you to be a tutor now. The tutor also values ​​you more than we do!"

Anyang shook his head without speaking.

Although Jia Kapu is good, he still doesn't want to betray Lou Luo, for nothing else, just for Lou Luo's abundant resource supply!

"Just now Ien not only talked about the efficacy of the two medicaments, but also the effects used here. You probably have some gains from them, but in addition to these two medicaments ..."

Gakap talked endlessly, fascinating.

Anyang looked at the time, he had been sitting here all morning, and Gakap's class was almost over.

at last--

"Boom! Boom! ..."

The bell on the top of the tower bathed from just above everyone's head, and the eardrums were sore that the eardrums were hurting, and Gakap didn't say much immediately, and began to pick up his things.

Scholars have a strong sense of time.

Anyang also stood up, because he came to the class with nothing to bring and nothing to clean up. After saying goodbye to Shelly and Danyou, he left and went to another tower.

This is a first-class academic course.

But there is nothing surprising. Learning this kind of things has always been impossible to accurately measure. Some first-level scholars can't compare with third-level scholars in their fields.

The first-order academic who Anyang wanted to see was no stranger. It was one of the four first-order academics who protected them from the Blackwater Pier all the way to the Silent Tower, Natalie.

The Silent Tower is the only academic organization in this area that has knowledge of space science. It is said that it was brought from the source, but it has not been practiced for many years.

Natalie is the only surviving space scholar in the tower.

Anyang itself is a time and space shuttle, and he is undoubtedly very interested in this subject, but there is no research on the system of Taoism and the structure of the arcane magic system is different. He can only find space in this natural world. Relatively knowledge, not a nonsense that is incomplete and difficult to find the basis of the arcane magic system.

Soon, he walked into the tower.

"Good teacher Natalie."

"Ian is here."

"Well, because there was a mysterious biology course by Mr. Gakap before, so I am late, please forgive me."

"It doesn't matter, you are not late."

The two greeted each other and began the lecture.

"Because many people felt that this course was too esoteric and boring a few days ago, I decided to talk about space stagnation today, which is very important for everyone's future development!"


When An Yang listened, Yu Guang glanced around. Natalie ’s tower was naturally not as big as Jakapu, so the auditorium on the ground floor was also small, but Rao was so, and the people were not full.

The few people in Lasila listened very seriously.

He knew that this was due to spatial stagnation. When it came to future development, everyone did not dare to carelessly. In the past few days, they were not like this. It would be nice to endure not sleeping.

So few people estimate that there are reasons for Natali ’s first-order scholars and lecture methods, but it has absolutely nothing to do with her knowledge. In fact, the biggest reason is the complexity of space science. The reason there was only one first-order space scholar in the tower This subject is too difficult to study, and there is not enough soil environment here, and some experiments cannot be done.

Many students do not value it too much.

But Anyang is most active in learning science like this.

He often asks Natalie for advice, and often asks Natalie for some books, presumably because people who are interested in this subject are rare, and Natalie usually does not charge.

Anyang once discovered a world time ratio calculation formula similar to the Nocer time-space formula used by a system in the corner of an ancient book. Although this formula has a certain error compared to the Nocer time-space formula, it still makes him very Shocked, from now on in awe of the civilization of the origin!

This is a formula for calculating the time difference between the world and the world before. Maybe Natalie didn't realize the use, or she knew the use, but she didn't care too much.

It was just an uproar in Anyang.

This means that the civilization in the place of origin has mastered the way to other worlds, and has matured, and even shuttled the world often, otherwise this formula will not exist.

At least the most authentic mysterious civilization is like this!

After coming out of Natalie, Anyang went to the mission release center of the tower. This time the results did not disappoint him!

The conflict between the tower and the Smer Manor has intensified, and it has begun to recruit trainees with good combat capabilities to participate in the war.

The rewards for information are rich and eye-catching, but the danger is also prohibitive for many people. After all, this is a formal confrontation with Simer Manor, and Simer Manor is a power organization. The trainees of Silent High Tower and the trainees of Simer Manor will definitely suffer from the match alone. Hesitated before the bulletin board and dared not make up his mind.

He immediately stepped forward and came to the mission window!

"Hello, I am going to participate in the mission."

It was a female trainee who was in charge of the reception. She glanced at Anyang lightly: "What task do you need?"

"Just released, war mission to Smer."

"Okay, please show your identification."

Anyang immediately passed the black antlers badge.

The female trainee glanced at it and outlined a series of auxiliary mysterious words, and the expression immediately surprised.

"You only joined the tower last month?"

"Yes, is there any problem?" Anyang frowned.

"No, I just said that this mission is very dangerous. If you are not strong ... Ah, you are the first-class author of the book of Conoport!"

Anyang pursed his lips and said nothing.

Apprentices identified by the book of Conoport are not strong, far worse than those who have embarked on the path of academics, but it is no problem to participate in this task.

"I will handle it for you immediately!"

The woman's expression was a little awkward and her face was a little red.

After three minutes-

"Okay, it ’s already done. You can gather at Kadiao Square in the morning four days later. The tower will deliver the people who have saved lives these days. After the task is completed, we will send the reward to your residence. If you unfortunately fail the mission, you can appoint a person, we will also give a reward, and the reward will be given to the person you specify. "

The Tower of Silence is quite human at this time.

"No need to specify, so be it."

Anyang took over the mission certificate and turned directly away.

The next day-

"What, are you going to battle against Smyr?"

Shirley expressed extreme shock.

But you and Martin are not much better.

"It can be very dangerous to the Smer war. I heard that even formal academics may be killed. The people of Smer manor are madmen. You should consider it carefully, lord!"

"But you are right, sir, this is too dangerous. In case you meet the academician of Smel Manor, warlock ..."

Anyang said lightly: "I have decided."

Lydia stood up immediately: "I will go with you!"

Several others responded one after another.

"I am your guardian knight, I should accompany!"

"I will swear to protect my lord!"


"... the same thing!" Anyang has a black line on his face. "You are still too weak. If you can't expose the talents and abilities I gave you, the strength of the Grand Knight is not enough. In such a war, It ’s easy for you to be injured or killed by mistake. You should study hard. I ’ve given you a great talent. You need to make good use of it. "

Several people suddenly fell silent.

Indeed, this is not the southern battlefield of the Federation. They cannot use the kind of power that even academics feel unfamiliar with without impunity, and if there is no such power ...

They may drag Anyang's hind legs when they go there.

Lydia was silent.

Unconsciously, she has no strength to protect Ain ~ ~ will even drag her legs, which makes her a little difficult to accept.

So things are decided.

Anyang went to Lou Luo again, and showed him that he was involved in the task of foreign war. Without any suspense, Lou Luo got furious, and he almost failed to lift the tower.

But he eventually let Anyang go.

Anyang was more puzzled when he left.

Lou Luo has been admonishing him that he should now focus on becoming an academician, which is not wrong, but the establishment of surgical control array itself is a matter of urgency, Lou Luo even showed that as long as he can become a first-class scholar The appearance of the strength and weakness of this life technique is a bit too panic. It's like filling out an academic in a duck-feeding style.

But there is nothing wrong with it.

[The four thousand words in this chapter, because the gold is now located in Dali, Yunnan, today, traffic jams, toss on the high speed for a whole day, so the delay of the code word, please forgive me. ]

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