My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 651: Surgery

The vast sea reflected a little bit of light, the sky was full of bright stars, a little meteor suddenly appeared, and then flew to the distance with a sudden sound, disappearing silently.

"Turn on radar monitoring."

"Radar is on."

A few minutes later, a small spot appeared on the radar.

Anyang flew around immediately.

The speed of the armor was so fast that it reached the little spot in the blink of an eye, and it turned out to be the transport ship of the Smere Manor.

He controlled the armor to stop and stood in the air.

This sea area is close to an uninhabited desert island. The water is as clear as the air. It can be seen at a depth of tens of meters. Unknown small creatures emit light and gather in clusters, like a beautiful wheel in the completely transparent water. Glowing band. As the transport ship approached, it stirred up layers of water waves, and these creatures were suddenly disturbed and dispersed, and turned into a starlight.

Through the light emitted by these creatures, everything on the bottom of the sea can be seen clearly, and coral wrecks, fish, shrimp and crab rays are clearly visible.

Lights were also lit on the transport ship, but most of the place was still dark, and it looked a bit like a ghost ship.

Gradually, the ship was getting closer to him.

Finally someone found him-

"what is that?"

"Gosh, that seems to be a person!"

"He stepped on the fire and stood in the air, incredible, he immediately stopped the boat and went to tell Master Gree, hurry up!"

The speed of the wooden boat began to slow down.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! ...

The lights on the ship lit up one after another, and in a blink of an eye, the ghost ship became a quaint ship with little light.

Anyang silently read the spell of the river giant.

"Grump ... cry ..."

The surrounding seawater began to boil, and with some unknown power, it piled up, and in the blink of an eye, it became two giants more than ten meters high, able to compete with the big ship.

"Wow la la ..."

Excess water and sea creatures fell from the giant.

Then, the two giant rivers suddenly stretched out their hands and met the man-made huge object in the middle of the sea.


A loud bang!

The big ship collided with the giant.

Anyang had seen the power of this kind of ship, and the ordinary giant waves couldn't help it! Now he is not a little white who didn't understand anything before. This kind of boat uses a kind of wood unique to this world. Although it is very light, but its strength is not compared to steel, so this kind of boat looks decaying and worn. , But it is absolutely comparable to the real world warships!

Fortunately, the condensed river giant was not a huge wave with empty power but dissipated upon collision, and successfully stopped the big ship!

The slow boat stopped and there was confusion on the boat.

"What's going on? My goodness!"

"Standing in the air, what kind of warlock is this?"


Anyang frowned, and he was less than fifty meters from the ship at this time, and he could hear the voice below clearly.

The river giant raised a punch and hit the deck of the ship hard


The deck harder than steel actually broke!

Everyone on the ship was dumbfounded.

The river giant did not stop, hitting the boat one punch after another, another river giant struggled to push the boat to the left and right, making the trainees on the deck unstable.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! ..."

Everyone felt the disaster.

at last--

"Keep your way, Lord Grie is here!"

Anyang's fingerprints changed, and the river giant stopped.

Gree really appeared on the deck, walking towards him in a black robe: "Sir Manor, Master, say hello to you."

"Want to crush me with Smyr?"

Anyang's voice was low, and with his words, the river giant punched the ship again, causing the ship to shake continuously!

Gle almost didn't stand still, he quickly said: "I don't mean that. My name is Gle. I just said that paragraph just to convey the friendship of the manor, and I would like to ask your intention ..."

"My origin is you!"

"Cough ... Lord, you laughed!"

There is no nonsense in Anyang. Fingerprint consciousness changes. Manipulating the river giant slaps towards Gle.

Grie's expression changed suddenly, shaking his body, and hundreds of purple tassels suddenly appeared on the surface, like tiny plankton, flying towards the river giant.


Almost a series of explosions.

The purple-red tassel looks slow, but in fact it is very fast, swimming continuously into the palm of the river giant, the light continues to explode in the water, and the water flowers bloom one by one.

The palm of the river giant is still firm, but it is constantly weakened by the purple tassel and becomes smaller and smaller.

When the palm reached two meters in front of Gree, it was completely wiped out by the purple tassel, and the deck of the ship was full of water!

Anyang's expression was indifferent, and his fingerprints were pinching.

"Wow la la ..."

The water in the sea continued to spread upward along the body of the river giant, and a new palm was formed in the blink of an eye.

Gree opened his eyes wide and quickly shouted, "Sir, would you not even give us a chance to speak?"

I do n’t know when I rushed out several warlocks later, and attacked the river giants one after another, and shouted: "Master Glebe, you will first take the giant bird to leave. We will fight for your time."

"Yes, you are more important!

"You are our hope for the rise!"

Anyang silently started the propeller, flew around the ship at high speed, and then opened the missile launch module.

"Suddenly ..."

Several missiles dragged scarlet tails and white smoke on the big ship, causing a sudden explosion. The hard wooden board was directly blasted off, leaving a terrible hole.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! ..."

Several trainees on the ship were dumbfounded.

They are still preparing for the giant river.

Anyang is undoubtedly telling them that if he wants to chase, no one can run away, he will fight and no one can beat.

Still Gree calmed down: "Adult, are you missing any resources here? If it is not expensive, our manor will be happy to make you a friend."

Anyang's face sank: "Do I look like blackmail? But I do lack one thing."

"Sir, please!"

"Still you go with me!"

The river giant grabbed Gree again, and this time he did not resist, and even took the initiative to remove the existing life-defense technique. Other warlocks stood on the ship and dared not move.


The river giant held Glein in his palm.

Grie looked somber and helpless.

Anyang turned away and flew to the distance, disappeared in the night in a blink of an eye, and the river giant also began to move at sea, although he couldn't keep up with his speed, but in the same direction.

After about half an hour-

Anyang was waiting on the beach of a deserted island. He lit a bonfire, and the shaking fire reflected his face suddenly and suddenly.

A wave of motion began to spread in the distant sea, and the giant giant of the river quickly rushed, put Gleet on the beach, and then scattered into the sky of sea water, and wowed back to the sea.

Glein pinched the soaked clothes and looked at Anyang by the fire: "Can you say your purpose now?"

"Show me your natal method."

"What the **** do you want to do?"

"You have no choice!"

"Alright alright……"

He was not afraid now, and he showed his natal skills.

After reading Anyang, it was still expected.

Gleet is also three natal methods, but the configuration used is different from the general academics. It is a combination of a defensive method and two attack methods. This type of configuration is generally more common in power-seeking organizations, but unfortunately, except for the defensive style of purple-red tassel, which is amazing, the other two attack styles can only be called excellent.

However, the technique of purple-red tassels is so amazing that it is almost equivalent to giving him an aggressive natal technique, and it does not affect the stability and performance of the array control.

"Adult, you ..."

"I want your defensive technique."

Anyang came straight to the point.


"I don't want to repeat my words."

"Adult, this is my most important knowledge. It was obtained at a great price. You just want to open your mouth. I'm afraid it doesn't meet our rules ..."

"I know the rules of exchange, so I trade your life for it, and you have no choice!"

"Sir, it is not very useful for you to take my defensive technique. You have already established your own technique control array. The price you want to replace is unaffordable for anyone! So you should be for your own students. Well, I do n’t know what price your student has paid for you to do this for him, but if you are willing to let me go ... "

"Less nonsense!"

Gree saw his persuasion hopeless, and his face gradually sank: "If you insist on this, then I would rather die!"

Anyang was silent, and looked at him carefully: "I can optimize the two surgical methods for you for free. No matter what level of surgical method, the optimized result is far beyond your imagination."

"Whatever technique?"


"That's a deal!"

Gleard borrowed the donkey quickly.

It took about three hours for him to write down the model of the purple-red tassel. Anyang checked it, and found no traps, and no matter how deep the grid was, he did not have that level.

The two agreed to meet here half a month later, when Gleet took the technique and Anyang was in charge of optimization.

When a contract is made, no one dares to repent.

In the early morning, the sunrise at the sea level is very beautiful ~ ~ Griegling respectfully said behind Anyang: "Adult, do you need an aggressive technique? I know one person has a very powerful Ancient attack style! "

"Add another spell!"

"Okay, that man was an academic at the Doya Lodge. When I was a scattered trainee, I entered an ancient ruin. I brought out a purple tassel, and he was assigned to another very powerful attack. He seems to have stayed in the dark recently, but you have paid such a big price, I can make an excuse to contract him out for you! "

"Then it's done!"

"Okay, shall we still make a contract?"

"no problem!"

The two soon concluded a contract.

Anyang was satisfied with the rising sun, flying against the sea, and disappeared between the clouds in the blink of an eye.

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